My robotic hand.
This suppository.
Your asshole.
My robotic hand.
This suppository.
Your asshole.
Symphogear is not Cross Ange. Let's not go there.
That's not even a symphogear character
Alchemist are people too, check your privilege relic using phonic-privileged scum.
Is Shirabe's second song translated?
How's that now?
>Checking Shirabe's song lyrics
>It's not "Cabbage" but "Garbage"
I have been lied to.
But she literally says "Cabbage"? Where did you get those lyrics from?
From these lyrics site that get updated only when a CD is released.
Does anyone have the MEGA link to the full Metannoia clip? Thanks.
Cabbage is cooler.
Can Elf9 make them human again?
Cabbage is badass
Look at how cute she is. Someone ease her pain and heal her heart.
go away underage
i want to lick yukines cheeks
At the end of AXZ, Hibiki said that she could hear Saint-Germain's song in her heart. Is that related to this season's "song in heart" or a coincidence?
why is she so fucking based?
go away newfag
why does this murder wants to lick pussy so damn much?
go away retarded meme posting retard
I think it's more about what Fine said to her at the end of S1. It will be probably play important part latter.
What did she mean by this?
Also can't somebody please tell me what Oban is all about?
post Miku licking her lips please
Shirabe passed the message along again in S2.
That would require her to be useful and timely. If she does at least one of them will die on account of Elf9 being to slow to find the cure.
Fuck Fine.
>implying anyone here can read taiwanese
Swordfags deserve all the suffering. Hopefully the thighs of the night survive and trigger you even further
We really need the actual face of a Custodian as an reaction image.
You where a Nui fag, weren't you.
Serena is in the intro multiple times, more than any other dead person. Chernobyl imagery is also prominent. I think Serena might get a new song.
>Custodians revive in the bodies of deceased gear users
Sounds like a job for Maria.
persian looks retarded
As Nana wills.
Well she better get to it.
The teasing is just too much fun. Tsubasa definitely wears the pants.
Nana wills it
Tsubasa knows how to make Maria feel like a lady.
She's just autistic.
Autistic like a fox!
jozai senjo
szk is getting pretty weird this season.
I guess, it's Fines conviction before she got fucked over by gods. Looking at how she portrayed herself as Royoko, which should be at least partly truth full to original her personalty. We can assume that she was much more cheerful and positive person before and by being high priestess of Custodians creators of relics, she herself should have been able to wielded power of song, because relics respond to Aufwachen Wave's aka. power of song.
I will speculate that it will work as some sort of power up against God and he/She definitely won't like ideology of dead ancient whore.
Tsubasa literally invited Maria for a bed talk the first time they fought.
Am I the only one who thought she meant hospital bed?
Blessed team oppai
Did she? I forget what she said then.
Translation for Shirabe's second song. Dess is a lucky girl.
To a world where you won't cry
I'll always be with you, I'll hold you tightly
I'll turn this world to one where you won't cry, so place your trust me
Whenever I stare at you intently
I discover that there is a lot of sides of you
That I still don't know about
Like how you smile when you are hurt
"I just want to disappear"
You looked up and said
Even though your face was all soggy with tears
It was a smile that I'd never seen before, it made my chest hurt
I won't let you be alone, I won't let go of you
If it's the two of us
We can definitely figure out the meaning of "Family"
I absolutely won't allow you to make such a face
In a place where no once can see you
I absolutely will be by your side
When you sing Happy Birthday
Everything that we think is fun
Everything that we feel is sad
Please remember
To always split them all with each other
Even if we don't like it, time passes by just like the wind
Bringing along with the "past" is a reminder
That this "present" won't last forever
Let's ponder over it and become stronger... If it's the two of us
I have imagined a future where we become adults together
For us to continue smiling
Let's live today with all of our strength
The importance of connecting and being connected
The fact that warmth is what will create the future
Let's become someone who can teach the others about them
We can surely do it if we are together
I won't let you be alone, I won't let go of you
If it's the two of us
We can definitely figure out the meaning of "Family"
Let's walk while piling up and spinning together
This love which we shine on each other
Please remember, to always embrace this glittering bonds close
And sing together in tune
Those two sure are close friends.
On G ep 2 when Tsubasa was about to strike a decisive attack, Commie translate it as 'I'll listen to your story some other time'
The literal translation should be 'I'll listen to your story on bed', most likely hospital bed.
Fine is Serena's and Maria's grandmother. Maria's arc this season will be about her Apple song.
Screencap this.
Pic related for Crunchyroll's translation.
Ah. Yeah that's super gay. I have the Reinforce release and they just say "some other time"
Maria's arc will be about protecting Tsubasa.
Wonderful. Thank you.
Is she? Imagine if Shirabe had become Fine. Maria, from being Shirabe's sister/mom to Shirabe being her grandma.
Depends entirely on if Maria already had dinner that night
I hope Bikki puts Elsa in a pillowcase and smacks her against the wall a few times.
Everyone but Tsubasa realized it was a double entendre
If she could do this on purpose she'd be very dangerous
The line is referenced in one of the OVA's. Translating the line without the bed part would make that joke fall just as flat as Tsubasa's bust.
.Basically i have a feeling that the Apple song is gonna become important later in the season. The OP kinda hints at it with the Serena visuals. Note that the opening shot also involve her birthplace and the Apple song is deeply connected to that part of her backstory.
Maria also mentions the song for zero reason during the concert scene in the second episode, which is probably just a refresher for the audience that the song exists.
I also went on to look at the G- keywords about the song and it has this line at the end: 不可思議な歌詞も含め、いまだ多くの謎を秘めた歌である Basically it says that their are still a lot of mysteries left in the song. Note that this part of the keyword is only added later on after the song plays an important role in the endgame so it's not referring to that part but referring to something that hasn't happened yet at the end of G.
The Fine part is pure meme speculation since i am pretty sure the song is magical and it has the power the connect people (mentioned in the keyword) which just screams Fine to me.
Since Maria learns the song from her grandmother and since we now that Fine lived as different identities during the years (pirate Fine was made to foreshadowed this twist). It's not that big of a stretch that she is secretly fine.
So are these girls homosexual or what?
No that'd be hecking gay m8.
Holy mother of gay
Thanks I'll have to ask my pastor before I watch this.
i always thought maria was a replacement for kanade and kanade seems exactly like a person who makes the call.
kawaii deathh
Tsubasa sure likes that "Kawaikunai tsurugi" phrase. She still mentions it even now in XV.
Next time she try to transform it’s gonna show as “CRITICAL FAILURE” in red instead of the regular green
I got your hat now, what you gonna do about that Carol?
Im really thinking Miillaarcs seal is more an outright seal rather than a mind control spell.
>She might lose the ability to sing completely for a time
Dess truly is a lucky girl
I hope they really do deal with her depression, she needs to realize that she has everything she needs
I wonder what kind of beast he would have become?
The same kind every other person became. A dead one.
Finished season 1 again
It's weird when you can recognize all the songs and music
Also the weird feeling when this "stupid" show about girls singing to use mecha magical girl armors and fist the fuck out of the moon makes me happy and more emotional than i thought i could get even to the point where I don't feel as bitter about life as i usually do
And it's ending
>everyone but Maria looks fierce on their album cover
It looks like some lucky one is flinging Maria back onto their bed.
I want you to stay.
Tsubasa is going to pierce her with her sword
Lucky sword.
Say something nice to this girl.
She's cute, has a great voice and has a cute sword
Retire already granny!
Maria is worried for her swordwife
She is valuable breeding stock.
Imagine Jill-sama´s iron fist in your ass.
She has an outrageous body, the most versatile gear, was the first one to beat an autoscorer, is supportive towards the others and wants to help them with their worries, is a top celeberity with an amazing voice, can make Tsubasa break character and has a drivers license.
Why can't Maria decide if she wants to wear one sock or two socks.
Because she is DORK.
The way this song interacts with Kirika's second song is great.
>Kirichan everyone stole our battle duet gimmick
>hen we just make a b-side duet gimmick; it's only common dessense!
Imagine if Milaarc grew a dick and just started raping Tsubasa in front of all her fans haha wouldnt that be funny
The autoscorers wanted to lose
Quick thought
Would the losing part be better if they didn't want to lose but that Carol planned it like that? What would happen if thr Autoscorers didn't know that part etc right?
The other points still stands true
Yes, because "You killed me so I win" isn't fun and ruins the tension when the first doll of four does it.
Funnier than raping her fans in front of Tsubasa.
That loli's hole was too small so she made a new one.
Yeah too bad
Just a simple change would make it much better, maybe Carol leaves one to die instead of helping her and she figures out she's fucked or something
>there are people who actually like Maria
Why is these retards resolved to fight eachother in the end of G? Both their motivations for clashing don't make sense from any angle.
>Why is these retards
>Is these
That's what exposure to dess does to you.
>there are people that actually like Granblem
Literally all they needed was Garie to shut the fuck up about being first
>not watching it just for Aoi
"This is the only way"
Jii had enough and wanted them to stop because losing Maria and Dess is too high of a price
Dess wanted the same but it was the only thing she knew and she was conditioned to obey mom and doctor hero
She didn't think, they got too emotional and she was kinda hoping that Jii would give up but playing chicken when nobody gives up ends badly
Shirabe is a good girl
Shirabe fucking tops.
They are both good girls
I need Jii to heal Dess finally because she can finally smile honestly now we need Dess to do it
Please save the dess, Shirabe.
I thought Kirika turned into the top.
They take turns based on who did the dumbest thing today
What wacky antics will DMJii get into this week?
They will save the sword and kill Fudou by pure accident while LARPing as giant robots
They used up all their screentime.
Failed double suicide attempt
Sword drama
Bikki and Miku
Kirika and her bday and depression
A lot of shit to finish up and i hope they don't leave someone out
Forget all that we need dog episodes asap
Carol and Elfnein.
Fine and Enki reunion.
elsa-chan should be transported to flognarde where she could live in peace with the other doggos
She has to die ASAP.
What if Fine's not the only one whose spirit is returning throughout the ages and this is some Aquarion bullshit?
But Fine getting her reunion can be done quickly, she's a good girl now
The villains are going to get theirs
I just need Tsubasa and Dess healing
Ok Tsubasa
Dolls smiled with joy when they recieved killing attacks.
Miku deserves some healing.
she has nice geah
I'm sure that her death will be beautiful
It would have been more thematic if Chris had flintlock pistols mimicking Germain's.
with a dick
no geahs will die permanently
>with a dikki*
Chris will die in the next episode
and jigglypuff
Chris will have la petite mort
after i have my way with her
Wait in line with the other hundred hispanics user
i will use my white privilege to skip the line
People really like her
Kusarigama when
Elsa a shit.
Is what she is wearing a reference to something? Also does she wear those headphones because she only has the dog ears and is hiding the empty space where her human ears would be?
wait just was watching the specials
maria and tsubasa gratuated from school??
Every time I see Symphogear threads I feel like I should watch it
But then I instantly get mad that it isn't called "Nymphogear" instead
thats a cat, retard
It's called Nymphoqueer
just ignore the retards on Yea Forums
they autistic lowlifes
I love Shirabe's cover.
Really wanting Revenant Kanade and Serena to make this true
>Swan Song dusted them
>dust goes to moon
>become Custodian soldiers as a result
nana mizuki a shit and a old hang
when will she retire?
Maria didn't go to school but Tsubasa finished it yep
Chris is going to college this year as well
>I have imagined a future where we become adults together
her nose looks retarded
your nose looks retarded
>jobbed to Tsubasa
>jobbed to Hibiki
>jobbed to Dr. Ver
>jobbed to the moon
>jobbed to Garie
>jobbed to herself
>jobbed to Quetzalcoatl
>jobbed to a tranny
>jobbed to a coffin
>couldn't protect sword
Is she forgiven if she heals sword?
i want to marry this college student
I know what that is and still click on it everytime.
I still say her ears should be sliced.
No but it would be a start
She's wearing headphones to foreshadow her becoming the 8th Symphogear.
You forgot the time she jobbed to Mamu and her wheelchair.
>jobbed to herself
This is the worst offender. Then again, how many anons have an hero'ed?
Maria has jobbed so many times, it gets pretty hard to keep track of them all by memory alone.
I miss him, bros
I miss Cagliostro.
fuck off
He was a shining beacon of hope among a sea of shit villains. RIP best hero.
Chris is fat.
In all the right places.
Truly the best.
Is this achievable natty?
That's achieved by swallowing massive amounts of semen
What a slut.
I hope she's a close-range fighter when she's fighting Hibiki.
Remnants are pretty week. Vanessa will be fisted down within 5 seconds.
I hope that Millaarc will do a big hole between those boobs.
Their strength is their underhandedness. Every time they've fought a gear, they quickly knew they were outmatched and gtfo of there. Every other time they've used ambushes, hit and run techniques or hostages (like turning off the power in the hospital)
Just let Chris play countersniper.
I want to see Elsa's leg get sniped off this time.
struggling and jobbing are two different things tho
Is that a fucking marriage proposal?
Is this a strange form of paizuri?
her geah looks great
>they told me we were going for a drive but the sign for the veterinary clinic is approaching
The best kind.
No, she just wants to be cute adult friends with Kirika, like Nanoha and Fate,
Guro paizuri
Who are they going to adopt then?
Am I the only one having problem opening images in the thread?
First Hibiki, and now Shirabe. Who will sing the next proposal song, Tsubasa or Maria?
I hate Shirabe.
I hate her.
Wolf-chan, please.
Maria's song is about Serena.
I can't believe Maria is marrying her sister's rotten corpse.
Expired certif.
This is normal.
Is Symphogear the only good currently airing anime?
That isn't normal at all.
Bikki should be on top.
Yes, by a long shot.
>What is Fruits Basket and Vinland Saga?
But isn't Aoi voicing another anime right now?
Granbelm is nice.
isn't vinland saga like 90% talking, why wouldn't you just read the manga instead?
Is it also normal to have flower prints in your hair?
Asking for a friend.
Things you've been able to read for a long time.
>Chris' helmet looks bad
>Fruits Basket
Etotama rip-off.
I hope this dumb loser wins the battle royale.
I hope she loses.
She finally sniped something this season.
But think of the possibilities if she wins, she would probably mess up a simple food cooking spell and blow up the entire world instead!
Shut up.
How gay it is
That's not very gay desu
>tfw no 4k symphogear
I thought she was loli?
She's naked under the sheets and the other girl just came out of the shower.
She's a midget.
>Shirabe has the cutest henshin
She finally gets something! All of her solo songs are pretty forgettable, aside from the cabbage meme.
That's like asking geahs to be interested in the opposite sex.
It's very subtle
Do the mages all work on yuri power? And Mangetsu is the most yuri of them all?
Leave Miku to us.
the custodians are furries?
>Shirabe says "yosh" during her henshin
>somebody points out she actually says "yoshi"
I thought only the "u" was silent (if it's at the end) in Japanese. I'm not hearing the "i"? I'm I retarded?
They're hot guys.
i is silent in that case too.
I will post this every thread until they dock.
With that waist thickness and hair styles/ornaments? Nah, dude.
I really need to learn moon one of these days.
Sorry I'm late.
>We just don't fist
>tfw they played synchrogazer aufwachen in the final episode
Every vowel except E can be silent in at least some cases. And besides every consonant except N must be accompanied by a vowel and "yoshu" doesn't exist.
Enki looked normal.
Since you're interested in learning, know that the u can be silent in the middle of words too. I don't know where you got the idea that it could only be silent at the end.
>"yoshu" doesn't exist
we aren't talking about him though
>silencing a long vowel
come on now
Yeah, it’s more reasonable to say that since it’s silent anyway, they could write it as よしゅ. But there’s no need because し can come with a silent /i/.
Fucking N5 niggers.
Must be the same people that gets assblasted whenever someone romanized the particle は as "wa".
>people that gets assblasted whenever someone romanized the particle は as "wa"
Maybe you did that at some point and now you're angry at yourself, but that never happens.
Not him but what's it supposed to be?
Can't moon runes
when does this show air?
What are you talking about? I don't think I've ever seen anyone romanize it as "ha". It's always a special case.
Where did you get his name from?
Episode 1 credits
I can't wait.
Wait just a fucking moment.
Enki -> Enkidu
Enkidu is civilized after two weeks of fucking a temple prostitute named Shamhat
Shamhat -> Shem-ha
We Epic of Gilgamesh now.
I've never seen someone romanized よし as "yoshi" too to be honest. There are more retarded weebs out there than you'd think.
This pretty much confirms that Miku is Gilgamesh.
>Enkidu spends six days and seven nights copulating with Shamhat, after which, sensing her scent upon him, the animals flee from him, and he finds he cannot return to his old ways.
>the story of Enkidu was originally a separate tale to illustrate "man's career and destiny, how through intercourse with a woman he awakens to the sense of human dignity, ..."
Pretty sure it's the only way I've ever seen it romanized.
I need Jam! Give me more Jam!
Bros I can't make it for the live watch
Is this how Maria feels every day?
I mean, not really, since Enki is a Sumerian god of water (and semen) in his own right, who is responsible for creating humanity alongside Ninhursag, goddess of the earth. But that leaves us without a direct connection to Shem-ha but for Shem HaMephorash also being a Creator God.
Useless jam
When was the last time Chris jammed? I think it was S1?
>Hibiki and Shirabe are the only geahs who haven't jammed
Are they going to fix this in XV?
Bikki was disarmed
Will Dess be able to take Jii getting jammed?
5 seconds
The only thing Shirabe jams is her tongue into Kirika's asshole.
Hibiki lost her arm and Shirabe was stabbed in the back
The next episode will be a gorefest
Yes, was the only time
Yeah, Vamp is going to get gibbed by Hibiki's scarf fist.
They said that EP4 will be the Tsubasa suffering episode.
Did Chris ever properly jam?
Yfw all the Geahs will be left in a pool of blood
Remember that time Shirabe fucking died? That was fun.
>They said that EP4 will be the Tsubasa suffering episode.
No Aoi said that episode 4 will be incredible and Hibiki will do somethin really cool
>They said that EP4 will be the Tsubasa suffering episode.
Who did? The Aoi Yuuki interview where she talks about the 4th episode says that it's hot-blooded for Hibiki, not Tsubasa.
Remember when Kirika was suicidal? That was fun.
Way her jacket is pierced? She was transformed when was stabbed.
I love suicidal Dess
hope she reappears when it's her turn to get sealed
I hope that there is another concert scene this season and that it again gets attacked and 70k people die.
>This blind hype in what VAs said offhandedly
Remember when Nana said GX episode 7 would have lots of screaming but she mistook it and episode 6?
She needs healing from Jii
I want to know how the misinformed translation manages to reach everyone yet the correction that is posted in every thread every time it comes up is ignored.
People only see and remember things they want to see
>And Maria
Fuck, that shit is getting meme'ed so hard. They should of done something like pic related.
That mummy could be Enki's brother Enlil. He wanted to destroy the humanity.
>In the later Legend of Atrahasis, Enlil, the King of the Gods, sets out to eliminate humanity, whose noise is disturbing his rest.
Don't worry, this is the last season, all the girls will jam
But and Maria was one of the best memes to come out of this season so far.
x Millaarc
What is the correction?
Which one is true?
The quoted posts.
But she was justified, r-right?
They should have at least written her full name. I get that her appearance was supposed to be a surprise to the audience but "and Maria" just sounds like she's an after-thought.
Fluffy and Brown > 70k wota
can someone sum up the last episode? I watched it live but I don't feel like watching the subs.
>but "and Maria" just sounds like she's an after-thought
She is.
All symphogear baddies die.
Fuck off
Truly we're under the curse of Babel.
Ok now we're talking. I watched episode 1 and then I haven't continued because my Symphogear rewatch marathon plus a fuckload of work ruined my schedule. Is it worth picking back up? I thought the robots looked stupid af but if it's good I'll give it a chance.
>"and Maria" just sounds like she's an after-thought
But that's the truth? They probably had everything set up already and then get a call 12 hours before the event
>Big T wants her girlfriend to join, do the required adjustments
Then they have to add another layer for the writing, add a second slide, prepare the costume etc. ALL IN A SINGLE DAY. FUCK ARTIST'S WHIMS.
What if the mummy is Fine's original body and the gauntlet is her geah?
Follow the money, people. Fudo Kazanari was the one who funded the concert hall. He's the reason it was so structurally unsound and basically designed as a deathtrap. Is it just a coincidence Fudo used his granddaughter to bait the trap? Isn't it weird how Tsubasa Kazanari survived while everyone else in the building perished?
Fine was a human.
dess is a smart
jii is a retard
I think it is. There are only three episodes so far, just watch them.
Do the Japanese have an Alex Jones equivalent?
>This played during DMJii's introduction scene
No wonder everybody loves them, it's the kind of music that plays when you get a new puppy. Maria was right, they sure became popular characters after being adopted by Chris.
Look into it
The change was made about 3 days before the concert. Still short notice but not unfeasible. They also set it up as a surprise since the Queens of Music was such a big deal.
>70k people were casulties
>vamp and dog try to buy drugs
>Chris and Hibiki try to stop drug deal
>Chris henshin
>Noise on segways
>Chris actually fires Red Hot Blaze
>furries still get away
>find out that furries feed on blood
>dess makes a retarded pun with monkeys that doesn't translate well
>DMJii stake out a hospital because they think that vamp's going to vamp
>breaking news: Vanessa stole some relics from an American base, including the Custodian bracer
>Fudo tells Tsubasa that she's a terrible sakimori and can't save the world with her songs
>Millarc actually shows up
>Shirabe henshin
>Millarc jobs
>Vanessa and Elsa bail Millarc and they all teleport away
I'm liking it so far. It hasn't been anything spectacular but I like pretty much all the characters they have introduced and the action is pretty decent even if I would have preferred full size mechs instead of the SD shit they went for.
It hasn't used any CG for the characters or mechs at all yet which isn't something I can say for XV
Nana willed it.
>Big T wants her girlfriend to join, do the required adjustments
"Hey guys my gf is coming along for tonight's raid, be nice"
Isn't she always like that though, her songs are pretty depressing if you look beyond the face value
Symphogear really is a show where you don't need to understand what they are saying to understand what is going on at all huh
Whoops, forgot to mention that top dad was on the phone and he didn't get his redemption arc.
What makes you think the mummy, whose body turned to ash upon study and who the scientists weren't interested in studying anyway, is actually an ayy?
Miku is so fucking hot.
They are more or less really depressing and you can see how Kirika fakes the happy attitude to protect Shirabe and her friends
She sees herself as worthless but as a good girl she has a duty to protect
According to keywords, Angelic Remnant was an older song they were supposed to sing during the Queens of Music before Maria spaghetti'd out and declared war on the entire world. So at least they already knew the song. Feel bad for the person who had to sew a two layer costume in like 3 days though
Only thing I didn't get or "feel" from the raw was:
>70k people died
>top dad returning
>how bad Fudo bullied Tsubasa. I thought it wasn't that bad, since I didn't understand it, but when I learned he pretty much said, "You can't save the world with your songs!" the scene ahs a lot more impact
Everything else, aside from the song lyrics, I got. Can I just watch the episode once, watching the live stream with you faggots, or do I have to watch it again subbed to get a full understanding of things?
He is working on it. Give him some time.
Miku's hot, smelly tights!
Oh boy, I really can't wait to see Tsubasa's odd season character arc (again)!
heiki hecchara dude
The whole scene was pretty cute.
Even the OST to Symphogear sounds like it came straight out of a JRPG.
>By the way Hibiki I'm a bit low on cash over here if you catch my drift
>Yeah heiki hechhara whatever bye.
You need to watch it with 3 different sub groups and read all the keywords to join the discussion.
Would Symphogear work as a JRPG? Like XDU without the gacha nonsense and properly designed combat instead? Maybe as an Action JRPG?
Maybe she'll actually get another Kanade flashback that will straighten her up a little.
What even is her salary? Does Miku do her taxes?
An unironic yes please from me.
Symphogeah would NOT work as a JRPG. Most JRPGs tend to run >30 hours. Imagine listening to the same 6 battle songs over that period, you're going to hate the character songs.
You wanna know why Genjuro doesn't fight anymore?
Now you know why.
There's plenty of RPG battle music I never got sick of in 50+hour games
I know how to fix this
the player has to sing the songs.
If you use all the songs that have shown up in all the seasons + a few new ones then that should be more than enough variety.
>Kanade in XV
user, I...
>same 6 battle songs
>implying getting new battle songs as you power up would not be a core part of gameplay and one of the main focus advertising
Plus, 6 battle songs is still more than most >30 hour JRPGs get.
>Awww Kirikas B-side is a birthday song how cute
>Read lyrics
The fuck? Most B-sides are supposed to be more emotional but so far we got: "Obvious Hibiki vs Miku" song which in itself is a pretty depressing scene considering how close these two are. "Depressed as fuck Kirika song" and "Shirabe trying her hardest to cheer dess up song"
Are they trying to amp the suffering up to 11? Let me guess Tsubasas second song will just be her reading a suicide note.
I can't handle that Tsubasas mom was raped by her grandad and that her dad was okay with it.
>Imagine listening to the same 6 battle songs over that period
Yeah because in normal JRPGS you don't have to listen to the typical "normal encounter music" and the occasional "boss music" over and over again.
>6 battle songs
Huh, there is a battle new battle song for each season.
5 each for the OG trio, 4 each for FIS trio.
And you can make game exclusive ones.
>implying he was okay with it
For the glory of nippon such a sacrifice is to be overlooked.
Based and commie-pilled
Tsubasa's okitegami in a few weeks.
You need to watch it after learning Nip* and read all the keywords
I just realized we're focusing more on Tsubasa's family but we ave not seen a single Kazanari woman other than Tsubasa. Does Fudo just use woman as baby factories and just tosses them out when they've aged too much.
Tsubasa already has Sora e. They can't make a song more depressing than that for her. Her second song should be positive and self-affirming.
>Obvious Hibiki vs Miku
Huh Hibki pretty much proposes in that song.
Second song is how she wants to slaughter the vampire and rip out her guts in front of her family.
This is just the kind of dumb I love in my Symphogear.
She's also objectively the sexiest geah and would make for a great mother.
He loved it that is why he is still in the family.
Wouldn't that be her battle song though?
Things are going to get worse before they get better and Maria is going to try and pull a Kanade and sacrifice herself. Tsubasa will say "never again" and save her. We will get a tiny flashback beforehand and that's all the Kanade you will get this season.
Not like the songs matter much anyway. The song will be over and nobody will care what she did sing about. Maybe in the shorts.
Asshole, get shot by a rogue gunman.
The fuck do you want? Kanade had most of S1 and still gets mentioned in every season. Also what could that drugged up jobber without a gear even do at this point. It's obvious that Hibiki is 10x more efficient with Gungnir than she ever was.
Its season 5. Kanade has been replaced by a cuter girl with a cooler gear and better voice. We dont need her anymore.
>and that's all the Kanade you will get this season.
More than enough desu
>Tsubasas mom
Is she even alive?
I want to feed this dog chocolate
Fudo disposed of her.
>Kirika supposedly has a problem with birthday songs
>the anime never shows it, even though she's attended to two birthday parties
I want to feed you your own poisonous words scarecrow.
I guess the vampire is up for suffering, but they won't do anything to the doggo, right? Please don't make the vampire suffer by torturing the doggo.
I hate the song uniforms. Why the fuck can't we just have casual clothes and school uniforms 24/7 back?
She did talk about how she doesn't have her own and you can tell shes broken on the inside
That was pretty obvious considering how Fine is Sumerian and is the person most associated with the Custodians (even more than Adam)
I love the fashion the girls have
Vanessa will betray them.
The better you sing the higher your phonic gain.
The more HP you have, the tougher your armor and the stronger your weapons.
Would you cut down the cast and let three geahs die in exchange for a sixth season?
Either this Or Fudo will dispose of them once they have outlived their usefullness or maybe even Miku after she obtains divine power and kills them in front of the gears for max shock value.
>OP shows Hibiki punching the moon
>Hibiki's golden armor's, in the OP, chest looks really similar to Ignite
They sure aren't hiding anything this season. I hope this is just a red herring.
No. Let it end.
I can only think of Maria and only because the bullying would be glorious. But honestly no I like them all to much to have even one of them die. They can kill Elf9 for all I care though.
Vanessa will dispose of Fudo once he's outlived his usefulness.
Because only one side has rocket fists.
And a dog.
Yes. Kill DMJii and Tsubasa. A season with just Bikki Dikki, used goods, and tomato would be absolute kino.
I listened to BABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABY for 80-odd hours and it was fine
Oooohh, you're approaching me?
Nothing wrong with commie. They subbed the show before crunchyshit. Pay your respects.
We pretty much have known since G.
>t. herkz
>not wiping it all out
Mikugear wasn't in G's OP until she was.
Brought to you by count Chocula! One dead hooker in my basement AH AH AH
TWO dead hookers in my basement AH AH AH
THREE dead hookers in my basement AH AH AH
>And now with my Vile Jewish magics / shall revive
Are we getting raided?
>maybe even Miku after she obtains divine power and kills them in front of the gears for max shock value.
Fund it.
ignore and report.
She's not even the sexiest in that image, much less among all geahs.
Grow up and face reality.
>look up the lyrics to ALL LOVES BLAZING
>I thought Hibiki was saying "Loving"
>she was saying "Burning the Entire Time"
Feels like Swan Song and Superb Song from G, when Tsubasa says it, all over again.
>t. Crunchyroll shill
>The rejects try to backstab Fudo literally then the ED happens
>Once the ED ends we see Fudo laughing as he gets up revealing that the alchemists couldn't pierce him
>He then tears off his robe and says something along the lines of,"the body of a true Sakimori is invincible."
This made Miku wet.
High Five!
Same with Chris in S1, she wasn't in Ichaival with Hibiki and Tsubasa until like ep9
I hope that's true it would be hype as hell. That or Fudo gets telefraged by the relic as Custodians appear on top of him.
>It's another naked man fights against the geahs season
Divine energy daughter it hardens in responds to threats to nippon.
>I hope that's true it would be hype as hell. That or Fudo gets telefraged by the relic as Custodians appear on top of him.
>CHADren overpowering MUI
based spambot
tsubasa vs fudo with this playing
No. I love them all
>getting shit talked by a little girl
Fine is such a fuck up.
You shouldn't win is why. I'm on your side, because YOU aren't on your side soldier.
I'm not a bot, you're socially retarded.
>Clarste being of lesser character than Shadman is a sign something is wrong
It will be a proposal with her fists
what the fuck who the fuck why the fuck
Maria is too good for Tsubasa.
Little girl got 10 to the face so who's the real winner
Kanade is better
> dude sacrifice the security of your country for your own personal problems lmao
Kazanari F. Fudo will protect Japan from illegal aliens.
I said I was a tool of justice. Not attacking in anger... not used for vengeance. But now I'm not so sure.... Besides I'm not a sword anymore.
Ok let's dance.
Fine is fucking dead and Miku's girlfriend killed her. Do the math.
Fuck no real outfits was one of the best things AXV introduced
Casual outfits maybe but the school outfits were 'tarded
Ready or not Tsubasa here I come.
are you a pedo?
Wait so why can't they just destroy the moon and lift the Curse of Balal again? I guess it would affect the tides or something but would that be really all that bad? Mutual understanding of the entire world seems like it would be pretty sweet.
>akko poster is a complete and utter retard
checks out
>I guess it would affect the tides or something but would that be really all that bad?
Burger education DESS
Come to think of it
If the moon was established AFTER earth to curse humanity how was humanity living without a moon
It was always there
Humanity just couldn't see it
> I guess it would affect the tides or something but would that be really all that bad?
You're american aren't you?
How, theres so little chemistry between Chris and Bikki since after S1, and like no chemistry between Maria/Chris and Maria/Bikki
After watching the intro to XV,I came to think that only the curse was implemented afterwards, but the moon has been there a while.
Maybe destroying only the curse is a lot harder than destroying the whole moon.
the moon being destroyed would destroy the vast majority of human life
Who said there wasn't a minor extinction event due to tides and shit when the moon was instated?
Why does /u/ always turn violent so quickly?
Did you forget what happened at the end of S1?
And one of the plot points of S2?
Fuck that's cool. Is that Yokai Watch or something?
DV is hot.
Did they actually say that they put the moon up? Maybe they just placed the curse on the moon.
this is based, so why aren't there more sexy loli geahs?
>not recognizing a custodian was within reach at the school all this time
>slapping said custodian
I don't know how Fine accomplished so little after so much time.
It's Cory in the House
So, the japanese grandpa wants to make Japan great again and did a false flag so the US wouldn't suspect him?
Why the fuck would he need to kill all these people?
You mean like some kind of flood?
Remember that this is Symphogear.
Don't think too hard about it
Alienate Tsubasa from singing
to spite his granddaughter
he's been trying to get tsubasa to quit her idol career forever, this is just the next step in his master plan
Nobody listen to this tard or you'll be back here asking stupid fucking questions every week.
Based Fine.
>Elf9, turn off my hype inhibitors
Wait, what was Fine's plan again?
>I was going to but I forgot...
I just want some dramatic TsubaMari moment
And also Chris going nuts
That's all
Because he needs her to be a dumb sword again that only follows orders. Also the vampire mindfuckery will have her turn against her allies.
Read the Protocols of the Elders of Babylon
If Maria doesn't save the sword I am personally nuking Symphogear HQ
He wants to stop his only heir from eloping to London with a busty Ukrainian
How does her hair work? Do the propellers spin?
>his only heir
he got two sons
Didn't he disown them
>I just want some TsubaMari moment
Sounds about right. Since it's the last season, I hope we get something that "confirms" the main ships, like Hibiki and Miku llviing together in the epilouge and such.
He can't impregnate his sons though. Can he?
No, but he thinks they bitch ass nibbas who can't protect Japan, while Tsubasa has the potential to be a perfect brainwashed sakimori.
They're failures
>Chris remains forever alone
>like Hibiki and Miku llviing together
But, that's literally just the status quo
>tags: bara, mpreg, incest
N-no thanks.
Thanks for all your hard working herkz. I unrionically developed stockholme for Heavenrend.
Isn't maria a mutt
She's from Chernobyl.
Chris will get Elsa
Of what?
Final scene is Tsubasa teasing Chris about her new college boyfriend and Hibiki and the other geahs pestering her because they hadn't heard about it.
>I hope we get something that "confirms" the main ships
I seriously hope you guys don't actually expect this. Yuribait will always just be yuribait.
>here's a picture of Maria and Tsubasa naked under the sheets
>haha no they aren't gay they just got wet in the rain and took of their clothes, MUUUUH plausible deniability
We've got at least two love songs this season user, anything is possible
>Symphogear's finally dark again!
>mangy mutt
No thanks.
What will Chris do in college? Study music?
Fine will revive and marry Chris
The songs are gay.
Enki will revive and marry Shirabe
Let Chris die then.
The entire football team, often at once, in every hole.
I hope not, variety is better.
He'd try if he thought he could.
Not the other way around?
Fine's boyfriend.
Fine's boyfriend
Maria in a suit was the best thing we got so far
Yes, they move her head to the side quickly while it's between Tsubasa's legs.
Fine accidentally revived twice
Chris is mine
>Miku's girlfriend is Kirika
what a slag
Hibiki is so yesterday, it's time for Miku to experience a new Dawn.
I meant the first time but sure, why not?
there's absolutely tons, look how perfectly they play off each other in combat. Hell, you can't get better than that bit in AXZ where Chris is fighting Cagliostro and Hibiki was waiting to spring a trap on her when she tried to flank Chris
I see Miku likes retards