Will Chifusa Manyuu ever be surpassed as Breast girl?

Will Chifusa Manyuu ever be surpassed as Breast girl?

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She never dethroned the one who came before her.

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No she is the pinnacle of ecchi anime girl, everyone else is beneath her, as I would like to be.

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I like her sister more.

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She's pretty underrated.

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Oh, yeah. Those titties make her perfect for rough and dirty handholding

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Chifusa because she leaks

Kagefusa is the one with milk, not Chifusa.

What I would give for an ova with these two sucking each other's monster tits.

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Yeah not sure why I got that wrong in my head. I knew who I was talking about, just wrong name

She's a communist, and therefore cannot be best girl.

>She's a communist


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SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, how does the manga ended?

did this even get a us release?

I get what you're saying. But I disagree.

Im still trying to find the manga raws in chinese

Fucking ninjas.

Why Chinese?

its how most raws are found, anyone has the raws please hook me up

Like this.
Raws are never in Chinese. Those are just Chinese scans.
I also find it hard to believe you still haven't found the volumes online, upgrade your google-fu.

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Does a guy ever suck her titties? i know plenty of girls do

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No. She is man-free.

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anything new coming out

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>Breast girl
>Not even Blonde
Can't be

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Is this series worth dedicating my time to watching?

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Yes it is, it's HotD with more violence and better girls.

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Chifusa leaks too.

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BE stands for breast envy

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What about the only case of confirmed silicone breasts in anime?

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Hestia is breastia.

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Add Kagefusa for a bitchy titty monster threeway catfight/milking match and I'd empty my bank account in a heartbeat.

She already was way before.

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I have volume 1-5 raw

Konchiki's flat girls are better

>kunoichi is powerless against kindergarteners.