Jojo Golden wind

>Shit protagonist
>less character development than fucking Dragon Ball Super
>Most boring stand fights
>The main cast is less likeable than any part 1-2 character
>Shitty villain and design
>Worst villain Stand design
>Literally at least 1 inconsistency each chapter
>Worst final fight of any shounen ever
>Literally doesn't affect somewhat the main history if you pretend yhis part never existed
Do people unironically think Stone Ocean is "worse" than this?.

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stone ocean is worse, the difference in quality isnt that big anyway

Stone Ocean has all the same problems but worse.

Cactus will grace you with fried chicken, but only if you respond with "Beetles are pretty cool" to this post

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>doesn't affect main story
>Wanting the story to suck off Dio and Jotaro even more
Imagine being this much of a faggot

It's a lot better paced than the other parts.

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Nah, Stone Ocean even with all its "flaws", it's nowhere as bad as GW.

The fact that it actually has some climax, a satisfactory end. (Only if you actually read it)
Beetles are pretty cool

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Not op, and Stone Ocean has its share od problems, but:
>Jolyne being worse than Giorno.
>Pucci being worse than Diavolo
>Whitesnake/C-Moon/MiH being worse than KC.
>C-Moon and MiH fights being worse than SCR and GER.
These are objectively wrong.

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If you said giorno was just some random character from the future rather than Dio's son, i could believe you.

Even the retarded dio saving giorno meme would be a better ending than the actual one.

holy fuck this reddit spacing

Seething because your shitty country doesn't have a jojo part dedicated to it. Lmao

If i was redditor i would be sucking Joseph's big cock and saying "leh speedwagon waife xdD"


1, 3, and 7 all had SOUL. 4 was Ok, but nothing much. 6 like you said was like Vento Aureo's case, but worse, but I think it redeemed itself with the ending when alternate Jolyne commisarates Emporio (who's seen hell at that point) and such. 5, 2, and 8 all feel like filler parts which added nothing to the table and 8 is the worst case because there's no main underlying plot because there's barely anything going on, if at all.

This but 5 after 3 and switch 8 and 4.

1 at least was the starting point of the series and even while it was a bit awkward at times, was a better place to start at rather than Jotaro taking Koichi on a trip to Italy to figure out "Oh, Dio has a son."

Plus, the cast were nothing special. While I would beg to differ regarding the character development being weaker than DBS, which the latter literally came out a few years ago compared to the manga predating the anime more than 20 years ahead of time with plenty of time and space to figure things out, it was an overall weak part.

The goals were very clear for the main characters, especially for Jonathan and Dio. It's not like they hate each other out of spite, but so that the circumstances that they've grown from would make them the men that would face against each other then and now. Giorno and Diavolo have literally no reason to fight other than "he's the bad guy, go kill him."

4 and 8 are a bit plausible, but really, I could care less now about 8, especially in the direction it's heading in. Nothing about 8 just says good and Morioh doesn't grow on you the same way it did in Part 4. Plus, compared to then and now, Araki was at the cusp of his business and craft when he started naming the stands after bands in 4 with BIG names referencing Pink Floyd and the like. Whereas in 8, it's a hodgepodge of arthouse style music and the novelty of learning about new stands really just falls down on you once you start to realize there's no reason to really care about a Stand named "Born this Way"...which is literally just a stand as a motorbike compared to "The Hand", which in of itself is a reference that ties into the main power of Okuyasu's stand.

Born this way is just a pop song made by Lady Gaga that nobody listens to apart from people who still listen to the radio and put it on their soundcloud thinking it'll be good music to listen to while in the car.

The Band, while seemingly simple of a name, at least has some taste and Vietnam-era ties.

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imagine actually thinking that born this way, or even lady gaga in general, isn't extremely popular and a huge name in music

all the stand names in part 4 were horrible and this shit opinion of yours actually shows how much of a retard you actually are.

8 is the definition of soul, and if you said nothing is going on on part 8 you are completley wrong user and a speedreader .
part 5 bring the requiem stands and has the best stand designs in the entire series on par with part 7, has an un-needed explanation of the arrow but its there. Shit opinion.

It was just an excuse for a bunch of fights and crazy moments. Part 5 is by far the most soulless part, and you can feel the pressure of weekly release getting to Araki. The final battle with Diavolo is among the worst climaxes I've ever read.

Anyone who think s Stone Ocean is worse is simply a brainlet. Yeah, that part can be slow, but it's s much more coherent and better developed. Alos, Jolyne >>>>>>>>>>> Giorno. Buccialati's good, but he's more held back by the part, rather than making it good.

>part 5 bad
Go back to redd*t you dumb fucking faggots

And Lady gaga is even more famous now with her acting career.

1 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349 353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409 419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461 463 467 479 487 491 499 503 509 521 523 541 547 557 563 569 571 577 587 593 599 601 607 613 617 619 631 641 643 647 653 659 661 673 677 683 691 701 709 719 727 733 739 743 751 757 761 769 773 787 797 809 811 821 823 827 829 839 853 857 859 863 877 881 883 887 907 911 919 929 937 941 947 953 967 971 977 983 991 997

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i just nutted

>Implying Vento Aureo isn't Reddit's favorite

It's the most relevant with the anime about to end, and normalfags are still in the honeymoon phase.

>Giorno and Diavolo have literally no reason to fight other than "he's the bad guy, go kill him."
They both want to control the drug trade, there is clearly a reason for conflict.

Part 4 fags' opinions are discarded immediately.

Vento Aureo fa cagare.

>They both want to control the drug trade, there is clearly a reason for conflict.

The drug shit was always a flimsy motivation, and you know it.

It makes complete sense.

Stone Ocean is the pleb (reddit) filter of jojo. I guarantee, when part 6 anime drops people will be saying that part 6 is the best part in every thread. Because none of you fucking hxh my hero academia anime only subhumans are capable of dusting off your cum stained keyboards and reading the fucking manga for yourselves.

No, tua madre

Yes, yes. You hate currently popular thing. Very interesting. So cool. So unique. Okay, feel better? Now fuck off.

It's not about whether it made sense, it's about how compelling and convincing it is, which it wasn't. Giorno is a dogshit MC, user. Accept it.

People have been shitting on Vento Aureo for years. This isn't some contrarian shit.

>when part 6 anime drops people will be saying that part 6 is the best part in every thread
Literally happens with every part, the partXFags get vocal whenever it starts. Part6fags are already starting to come out too.

Here in my garage, just bought this new golden Lamborghini...

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I've noticed it's been especially bad with Part 5.

Because its been shat on forever so part5fags felt emboldened. Itll be just as bad with part 6, especially looking at some posts theres been lately

Stone Ocean is great stuff besides Yo Yo Ma and Dragon's Dream.

Let's not forget

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More like
>Bucci: Bros, I want to kill the boss who has also killed me
>Fugo: Just because you're right, doesn't mean you're correct. We thugs homie, not the police.
>Bucci: Only way out is through a box, nigs
>Fugo: Y'all niggas wanna die for some thot go ahead, we don't even know if she likes tupac or BIG
>Bucci: We out here
>Fugo has left the chat

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I honestly dont get the hate towards stone ocean, I really liked jolyne and her whole backstory and she was as developed as most other jojos (which isnt a lot). Weather, F.F and annasui also were also great, although weather needed more exposure. Hermes and emporio were a little underwhelming, but they both had great moments (the suicide stand and emporio killing pucci). The enemy stands were also interesting, and for me they were better than most of part 5s. Maybe the jail thing got a little old after a while for some people, but it didnt really bother me.


The only people I've seen who shit on Stone Ocean have Part 5 as their favorite part. It's quite funny actually.


First 2/3rds of the part are some of the best Jojos. The rest just gets drawn out and turns to shit. The ambiguous ending doesn't help

Not me, but i shit on most parts (fairly)

Making sense and convincing are the same thing. And the conflict itself is compelling with how Diavolo clings to his position at the top which is enough.

SO has
>a cute Jojo female
>Adult Jotaro
I don't think it can be that bad with these in it. Mangafags are obnoxious and their opinions are always wrong when they collectively detest something.

And usually like Part 4. Really, the most abhorrent opinions are always from part 4 fags.

It’s fucking bullshit!

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>Making sense and convincing

No they aren't.

>the conflict itself is compelling with how Diavolo clings to his position at the top which is enough

Cool, but Giorno's side isn't. All he's done is just play the follower to Buccialati.