What does Yea Forums think about Shinsekai Yori?

What does Yea Forums think about Shinsekai Yori?

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It's shit

Was pretty good.

Flawed masterpiece.

Really interesting story, but the adaptation had some flaws. Still, you can feel that the source material is an actual novel instead of the usual light novel fare we get. So much of it is left to interpretation, there's proper use of themes, a unique setting, moral ambiguity, a deliberately open ending, a protagonist that is fairly helpless throughout, it goes on. Most people dropped it because they couldn't follow what was happening and now the only discussion it gets is in the form of Squealer did nothing wrong threads.

Great show. Very thought-provoking without being edgy for no reason. Neither the humans nor Squealer were wrong. Even Saki, who's uselessly idealistic throughout the show, learns in part by the end that things exist for reason. Worth reading the book.

Yea Forums tricked me into seeing it. One of the worst anime I had ever seen. Made it up to episode 9. Seemed like every episode past 2 I was thinking how stupid a character's decision was or how awful the animation and art style is. I was watching the BD, mind you.

I thought the setting was cool.


Interesting world-building, decent music, compelling plot that keeps things interesting. Points docked because I felt like it was baiting and switching me a lot and it's ultimately not that interesting of a story; I didn't appreciate the very slow pace and it's fairly standard as far as post-apocalyptic plots go.

Underrated masterpiece.

Probably the only show that I love and hate at the same time. It's a weird feeling.

It was ok...

Really the initial premise didn't make sense. Their society would really do nothing to prevent apocalypse on a national, let alone global scale, maybe if the only people alive were in 1 city in Japan.

9/10 great show
Squealer was an overconfident moron though

The only thing Squealer did wrong was losing

8/10 really great show.
One of the best unnerving things I've seen. Characters were a bit flat for me, if they were more compelling and they didn't spend the last few episodes in Tokyo searching for the Psychobuster it would be a 9/10 easily. The setting was amazing, but they they took it away from us at the end, wasn't a fan of that.

It was not for me.

Anyone wanna explain Shun's character arc? How does he suddenly appear to Saki at the end?

This but unironically

Pretty damn good. Intriguing setting and I like how it vaguely tells the backstory instead of using a lot of exposition.

Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?

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Not Squealer. He people say he did wrong by losing but the deck was always stacked against him. Even so he managed to fuck up the PKs and instill fear and terror in their hearts. Success was always a long shot, but Squealer made himself a true hero.

Pretentious and shit overall but it had some good ideas.

overrated garbage

Wasted potential.