Cop Craft 3

Well what the fuck was THAT?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 03 [720p].mkv - 03;03;32.874.jpg (1280x720, 360K)

Other urls found in this thread:

this show has really good storyboarding but the animation itself sometimes looks like it's being done in 3's. ep 3 was the worst offender so far, hopefully they fix it up in the future or the plot gets more interesting cause if this continues im not gonna enjoy it enough to continue

You should have seen that coming.

I've never seen animation quality drop this badly. They're not even animating at all, just giving us some fucking stills. Why not just make a fucking Manga in that case?

Fuck off with your shit thread
Everyone, get in here

Attached: 200px-Grim_Patron(14435)_Gold.png (200x276, 97K)

Maybe you should've made that thread before I searched cop craft in the catalog and made this thread, huh genius?

This episode didn't make much sense. If they care so much about Fairies, why didn't they do shit when the other thousands were abducted and turned into juice?

And why the fuck is the animation and quality so fucking bad in this ep?

>directed by the same faggot who did berseker 2016

how could this happen?

That was ugly from the get-go. This went from looking decent to being a bunch of crappy QUALITY still images.

Its Wizard Barristers all over again

>plebs would rather remember CGerserk than Teekyuu

Thread has slowed down.
Guess I'll wait till next week's episode to post more stuff.

Attached: Tilarna 2.png (1005x1655, 468K)

Fuck I was wondering why your art looked familiar. Your /ss/ art of Yuzu was great.


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That girl from that anime with the shota?
Funny how many like those, those were rushed works.
You know, like when you have a super boner and must draw at all cost.

reminder this episode was outsourced to others, we could be getting normal quality next week.

Is this the Tilly cunny thread?


Google translate-kun is probably partly responsible.


Attached: Tilarna 1.png (1067x2020, 459K)

Wasn't he broken leg user-kun?


Add an anal plug, pls.
(the shape under her panties)

I don't do anal.


Now you do

Then why are you being so anal about it?

Carlos pls

I want to marry Tilly!

>marrying this dork

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Attached: [Erai-raws] Cop Craft - 03 [720p].webm (720x404, 339K)

I totally would and feed her burgers.

I hope Tilarna-chan can survive pregnancy.

It'd be more like a visual novel. Voice acting, music, stills and animations only when you are feeling feisty.

Very cute and funny Craft.


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broken leg user fnished delivering the broken transltions of Vol.1

>ruining this perfect body

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Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Cop Craft - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4:00:04:11.168.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

>you will never bump and grind against Tilly's far butt in the club
Kill me. Fucking kill me.

Attached: G R I N D.png (814x1078, 300K)

wew lad

You can't just not cum inside.

> what are morning after pills

Fuck you mate. I'm not a manlet.

>not going full anal

Attached: 1563845736399.jpg (457x460, 24K)

look man i would fuck all four of her holes


Don't do that, user clearly has some talent, give him some credit.

kek, fix that face user

Nah lad. I won't admit that I'm even a quarter as good as the average drawfag here.

I'm just a dude with a way too vivid imagination for his fetishes that needs an outlet for it. And my lord has Tilarna lit a fire inside my dick.

Attached: muh poledancing.png (1011x1665, 386K)

Slow motion when

based and tillypilled

Right before this line, she says that human weapons with "no soul" are useless against wizards. Then this stupid line happens.
If feelings for a weapon you've owned and used for a long time = magic armor penetration, then almost every cop/soldier ever can just shoot the fucking wizard.
I'm probably wrong, and the "faint latena" is relevant to some shit the detective got up to in The War.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Cop Craft - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.27_[2019.07.23_23.36.18].jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

It probably makes more sense for japanese, as they do believe in spirit/soul in objects important for an individual, such as weapons taken to war or a musical instrument you dedicate yourself to.

It very likely won't be as powerful as an actual magic gun, but it might be able to stun the wizard or something.

Amazing how you all became attracted to Tilly real quick when we haven't even gotten to know her.

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American soldiers a shit. They dropped their M16 and used kalashnikovs in Vietnam. They do not believe in their guns.
This is the reason we lost the war against fucking elves.

She's a very cute little girl (adult) so it was just a matter of time before people went crazy for her.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.49_[2019.07.08_16.26.46].jpg (1280x720, 144K)

Little girls (adults) love biru!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.58_[2017.11.12_08.10.36].jpg (1280x720, 522K)

Welp, I am about to visit unoly violence upon my dick. Thanks, drawfags.

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Just for the record, I'm on Chief's side.

the story boarding isn't good at all, but holy fuck this is up there with the most embarassingly badly animated shows i've ever seen

>Was worried about her, so he decided to call Kei Imatuba.
This man is beyond based.

Imoimo exists.

user, the only reason whatsoever that the elf is a shortstack is specifically for panty-banter. Her looking like a loli is a plot device for cute and obtuse lewding and nothing else.

Attached: Accept it.gif (386x280, 3.13M)

Locating the villain, abduction, rescue, betrayal and going for the master mind all in one episode. This anime really gets stuff done. Normally LNs and anime need ages for even a single one of those.

That's because they rushed it absurdly hard.

It doesn't get better by drawing it out, it only gets boring. If you really want to call it rushed, call it a good rush.

Nah. It was awful.

She needed to do more stuff at the club.

Happens quite a bit, unfortunately. Low budgets, bad management, lack of staff, shitty scheduling, etc. are commonplace in the anime industry. Off the top of my head I can think of several shows that went to shit in terms of animation; Imolo, Marchen Madchen, Beatless, Wizard Barristers, Sailor Moon Crystal, and I'm certain there's many more.
Honestly I think the anime industry needs to cut back on production, the market is ultra-saturated and these spectacular disasters are becoming a seasonal occurrence.
Studios also need to come clean and cancel shows instead of shitting out scribbles for the fuck of it. I doubt finishing an atrocity like Imolo saves face over just admitting they can't get it done.

What the hell are you talking about?
We have a loli in a trashy slut outfit infiltrating a degenerate club, where drug addled people fuck in the open, as a whore and you're telling me that it's good that they rushed past that? Are you fucking daft?

Those are some serious hips for such a small semanian.

Tilly clearly has some kind of personal connection to the fairy they're currently chasing

Yea Forums's priorities are always on point.

I'm weak to girls acting adult. And she's cute.

>If feelings for a weapon you've owned and used for a long time
few cops use the same gun for over a decade

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.50.560.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

It's obviously a memento from the war and has a huge sentimental value to him, not just some random standard issue piece from the armoury he just picked up.

Stupid sentimental buddy cop drama MC cops tend to, though.

As much as i agree with this and it's a problem but then again my favorite show came out in the middle of a bankruptcy, threat of cancelation and it was rushed to completion 30min before airing episode 1 and they barely made it
Because of that i always wonder how many beloved shows would not have been made like that

Should've been an oppai loli

>this 13-14 looking 20 year old should have had tits so she would look her age
Good idea, retard.

In her universe my onahole would have latena

you really shouldn't be using fairies that way. the bolice will come get you

repent, you sinner

Attached: loligod.jpg (255x197, 8K)

ew no
her delicious small budding chest is her best feature

i fucked up
it was for

Looks like Chino

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>tfw I'll never bury my nose in Tilly's asshole

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Accurate presentation of blooming girl

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>few cops use the same gun for over a decade
Not like that, kei is special human that have aptitude for magic and he use it subconsciously

At least the music is good

These budding breasts are giving me lewd thoughts.
Now I'm gonna think that every time I examine a teenage girl
Th-thanks japan.

Attached: __tilarna_exedilika_cop_craft_dragnet_mirage_reloaded_drawn_by_relaxjon__650f77f2004887b23699cf2847e (724x1053, 182K)

>comparing full length episode, to 3 minute short
The director is a fucking incompetent.

it's perfectly healthy

Are you shitposting or is it info from some later volume?

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giant loli

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What show?

Why do you think I used the spoiler tags?

Good stuff user

what is arifureta?

oh, this wasn't a jeopardy question?

>It's another /pol/-tier villain episode

Getting tired of these reruns

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.07_[2019.07.24_16.42.57].jpg (1280x720, 68K)

Watch more anime

>mfw I posted that webm on /pol/ and everyone agreed with Ross
guys... i think I fucked up
racewar fucking when?

FUCK immigrants

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>that rapid-fire exposition at the end
I get that this is from a novel that would have delved into the story more, but holy shit give the audience some context.

>police chief has 45 seconds of screentime
>supposed to be a big deal when he betrays them
>big bad killed off MC's unit in the war
>didn't even know there was a war, let alone that MC fought in it and got rekt by some dude in a red hat
It is the same shit I've seen a thousand times in stories like this, but the total lack of context for that scene was downright comical.

This anime just made me want to read the LN so i guess they did a good job

I didn't realize the chief was working with the smugglers. I geniunely thought there were two bearded characters.

some user made a shitty translation of the last part of the Vol.1 of the LN.

Attached: 75886859_p0.jpg (1714x2743, 2.78M)

IMAGINE roofie'ing her.

user, no!

Did he jump to the finale, or is everything before it translated as well?

You would be better off using google translate directly.


Attached: Spurdox.png (218x285, 8K)

Jesus Christ this episode was terrible

There are lot of mistakes in the final chapter (you can notice he used MT in most of the fight with Zerada)
The epilogue has less problems with the translation

still, it's better than nothing

My wife Chino is so cute

Oh no... those lasted like a whole second each.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.32_[2019.07.24_20.51.41].jpg (1280x720, 52K)


Do you think it might get as bad as this?

I honestly thought it was just my PC shitting itself until I saw people complaining on here.

I felt like I was was watching a VN play out this episode.
Too bad, this was looking to be a good cop mystery anime.

Such a shame, imagine an episode of prostitute Tilarna in actually high quality.
Doesn't fare well for the rest of the season quality either.

>all that QUALITY in this episode

Attached: noo.jpg (726x459, 101K)

I'd usually keep watching for her alone, but this time I'll put this on hold and keep an eye on threads to see how QUALITY goes.
But yeah, if it's this bad by episode 3 already, I can imagine that they'll end the season on doodles.

wew, did they at least fix it in the BD/DVDs?

Say what you want about CGI but it really helps low budget shows. CGI action would be far better than trash we got.

Attached: TnM Yume duel.webm (424x240, 2.69M)

>c word craft

You have good use of CGI and awful use of CGI.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Overlord III - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.44_[2019.02.28_21.30.04].jpg (1920x1080, 185K)

I'd ruin that body so hard.

Fuck the haters man, your art is good enough for me to fap.

Don't worry, user. All non-nip art is shit

Those actually fuck the girl up pretty bad physically and cost a lot. Might as well just have her on the pill.

Please no, not the CGobs

Have you people prayed to our Lord Murata, God of Lolis?

Attached: 1563344482107.jpg (1762x800, 1.03M)

fuck off

I heard the choreography for that anime was done with the help of professional swordsmans though. That's not cheap.

Idol shows never use CGI right. It always turns out looking like something ripped straight from MMD.

Every day I sacrifice millions in the name of loli.

>every time I examine a teenage girl

So my fellow Anons hinking of picking this up soi ask of you, is it worth my time?

It was, he was posting on twitter after every episode.

Attached: TnM Hiyoyon boss fight full.webm (426x240, 2.93M)

Yeah, but making a scene or two like that every episode
would kill even high budgets.

That's not even close to actual cheap CGI

I'm a doctor.

>that hint of tummy fat

Attached: das it mane.jpg (480x431, 37K)

Tojis had a crappy budget just like this show, few episodes looked horrible. CGI action saved it.

Attached: TnM Yukari fight1.webm (622x350, 2.32M)

Such little details are the real magic.


A doctor of what? Loliology?

Was this the dreaded puruten episode?

Attached: [NoobSubs] Shirobako 05 (720p Blu-ray 8bit AAC).mp4_snapshot_04.56_[2019.07.24_21.16.42].jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Pretty much.

I bet 99% of the time you're dealing with old fat smelly 3dpg, you have my condolences.

Attached: 1563564416864.gif (500x500, 971K)

You mean pediatric?
>I bet 99% of the time you're dealing with old fat smelly 3dpg
Make that 100% of the time.
Many people seems to lack the common sense for personal hygiene.

the only CGI i've seen that i would call good is in show by rock, those models were great

>I've never seen animation quality drop this badly.
There's like 3 others show this very same season that did. How new are you.

>morning after pills
the fuck, I didn't know this shit existed

your countries sex ed lessons must have been lacking

user I...

They've been widely available since the 1960's how the fuck did you not know???

Go buy a bottle now and tell your redneck cousin they're sweets.

>a bottle

They come in bottles?

I like the villain looks and voice for some reason

You the same guy who didn't get the O/V/A thing?

Attached: 1507999151694.gif (430x516, 1.07M)

Stock photos never lie.

Attached: csp36580030.jpg (450x306, 17K)


Might as well just push her down the stairs a few month into pregnancy

Don't make me rewatch it, I don't have that kind of time. Any idea if the BD:s improved anything?

this packaging seems excessive for literally 1 pill

Attached: y35BI6A.jpg (1920x900, 194K)

Her dress is so small damn the things i would do to her

It's to dupe people into thinking they're getting their moneys worth. Most won't check to see how many is in the pack instead they'll see it's size and assume it's full of pills.

>using contraception

i was just replying to that user concerned about knocking her up

i personally would love to impregnate her

>buddy cop series but with elf loli and brooding japanese guy
I was skeptical but I really like this. I don't even care about the QUALITY or how cheesy and cliche the MC is, it just makes it comfy. Tilarna is cute as heck

Cute and Funny

me too

>cumming inside

yes, many times

Fuck those faggots. Analniggers need to die

Doing God's work, don't listen to the sodomites.

Honestly I just masturbate with her underwear.

>tfw I've been jerking off while sniffing my little sister's panties and pretending they're Tilly's
just kill me already

>>directed by the same faggot who did berseker 2016
Imagine being this much a fucking moron, he did only the 2D parts, learn to research correctly before trying to look cool on a basket weaving forum.

Sounds great, not all of us have imoutos or access to ripe imouto panties. Is she ugly that you're pretending it's someone else?

>Is she ugly
I wish, that way I wouldn't have to hide my boner everytime I see her


Just ask her to marry you in secret, then you can have sex all you want.

What? It's just a high dose of progesterone to shed the uterine lining.

Yeah, and it takes a girl out of it for a day. Even regular birth control pills can have negative side effects.

He was the lingerie ghost of Panty & Stocking. Great voice.

>semaani in refugee camps were yelling "jeekan" when approaching asian soldiers to find nips as they were kind, unlike chinks or gooks

I knew things were going to get bad when episode 1 wasn't exactly well animated , but I didn't expect this much QUALITY by the beginning of the third episode.

not really, it's the "outsourced studio did a crappy job and we don't have time to fix it" episode

Are those the VAs? They're cute together.

Yeah. From this

Yes, based manlet Tsuda and the girl from Wake up, Girls!

>watching the stream
>DVD/BD commercial of Cop Craft before Ep 3
damn, they have balls of steel

What the fuck. This is some next level kikery.

I don't understand what they're doing in *that* part of the OP

I like the idea
I like the cute and funny lead
I like the gruff lead
The """"animation"""" makes me sick
fuck sake this was promising until this ep

rubbing her funny?

>fuck sake this was promising until this ep
>expecting something from the same guys who did Berserk 2016
you are the only one to blame

Doesn't really bother me that much, I'm mostly here for the plot and the character interaction.

And the loli elf.

same here
I've seen worst cases of QUALITY in my life

>same guys who did Berserk 2016
I didn't follow the production, just the first 2 eps, if I knew I wouldn't have been disappointed
even shows purely about character need animation better than fucking slideshow fight scenes

Honestly I'm more bothered by how they are cramming so many chapters into a single episode.

How many did they cram in?

Some of the quality shots are really cute unirinically.

Attached: qualicute.jpg (1280x720, 132K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.53_[2019.07.23_03.45.24].jpg (1920x1080, 860K)

It didn't bother me because everything was connected in a way that made sense, the only thing they could have done to prevent having this many chapters in the same episode would be drawing out any of the scenes. It sure would be nice to see more slutty Tilarna though.

Oh, thread still alive, neat.

Have some more cute and funny sketch.

Attached: Tilarna 3.1.png (1066x754, 373K)

>even shows purely about character need animation better than fucking slideshow fight scenes
Fucking this. Might as well be a manga adaptation

Just an LN for Cop Craft isn't it? Though i'd imagine a manga will show up eventually.


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>mating press meme
Absolutely Based

Keep up the good work, both of you.

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You forgot the x-ray shot with an ovum being fertilized. As such i can only give you a 7/10.


Was pumped about this series after the first two episodes but was worried about their ability to maintain that degree of quality.

Then the third episode proved my worst fears. The drop in animation was horrendous.

What did you expect? The people on /pol/ have been subsisting on divisive foreign psyop rhetoric for years now.

They'll destroy the fabric of the US from the inside out. While our countries worst enemies laugh with glee. Because hating and distrusting your fellow Americans is what makes a society 'great again'.


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Attached: 1563327776622.jpg (1364x973, 119K)

Literally me, i avoid 1080p because it kills my craptop

Did O V A meam what I think it meant?

Of course.

The ED is stuck in my head, that's the first one of the season for me

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.45_[2019.07.24_20.03.15].jpg (1920x1080, 883K)

Attached: 1563859866919.jpg (1600x1151, 1024K)

Good. I think.

Attached: 1550576752905.jpg (361x361, 34K)

My 10 year old craptop can play 1080p. Web players are shit, if you download and play in something half decent like MPC-HC it's way better.


boliceman benis in elf bagina

fucking nice


I think not. The priest sent her off to clog her holes like a broken toilet.

>ywn be a cool brooding japanese boliceman comforting your elf loli daughteru
why live bros

Too. Cute.

Why does Tilly look flustered in every single LN image I've seen? Is Murata into that?

You dont into good taste. Its a birth trait.

the only reason I am watching this is because the MC at least has some personalityand not your typical isekai MC also because Tilarna

I'm not complaining...

It's a R-18 OVA.

I dont care for anything but elfkunni

Those hips and thighs

Attached: 1543631307085.png (1220x700, 688K)

Tilarna had enough

Attached: IMAGINE.jpg (3422x1864, 2.16M)

I shall save this for future use, thanks for the edit.


Yours are sluttier so my dick likes them more. Just need to polish and fix the chest/nips in the second one.

Older guys+loli is a top tier combination.

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Your tears only makes my dick harder

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I want to be Connected with Tilarna

Imagine if this show was animated by Bones or any other competent studio. It could be so much better.

New sexy clothes when?
I need them for my drawings.
I wonder if the striped bikini is going to be animated.

How about naked apron?

Attached: 1563353495730.jpg (1280x720, 163K)


Micro bikini.


Not a bad idea.

She has a blue bikini with white stripes in the novel, so I hope to see that in the anime.


Attached: kawaii.png (1280x720, 838K)

Natural bo-lice right there.

Attached: mcnulty.jpg (500x366, 26K)

I fucking love those frilly tit curtain thingies.

The best part about those frilly tit curtain things is that if you're flat, you can wear them and not wear a bra underneath.

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You didn't need to say that, but I'm glad you did

Attached: excited.png (222x302, 60K)


This last episode was straight up trash. Story wise it was a jumbled mess of plot contrivances and half conclusions and the animation was so janky it made the whole thing look like it had the budget of 18 yen and a soda. I hope this is exception and not the norm for this show.

Is Kei's voice acting excellent or ridiculous? I can't tell. His intonations go all over the place but I'm not a native speaker so what do I know

Itll get worse

how can one drawfag continue to be so absolutely based

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>foreign psyop
just get along with everyone lmao, just hold hands and hug bro, if everyone in the world was as smart as ME we wouldnt have anymore fighting haha

So, should I wait for the BDs on this one?
It seems promising, but doesn't look like they'll be able to do it any justice whatsoever with a budget spread so thin.

I doubt it's getting much better than this given the studio's record of never having had much budget in first place. Might as well try to enjoy the show for the cool buddy cop setting and erotic loli.

honestly, it's not as bad as the people in this thread are saying. It's noticeable but it's still watchable. The story, setting, and characters are still holding it together enough to be worth a watch, although so far it hasn't been anything mind blowing and frankly you could wait and not miss much

Are the novels translated? I'm liking it but fuck this animation and I'm sure it wont sell shit.

>[DameDesuYo] Cop Craft - 01 (1280x720 10bit AAC) [89BB85AA].mkv

>[DameDesuYo] Cop Craft - 02 (1280x720 10bit AAC) [935E63CC].mkv

Attached: DEKINAI.jpg (229x173, 9K)

Not only that, this particular fairy seems to be an important person. Of course the police would try harder if the kidnapped person is a foreign leader than some rando.

QUALITY: the episode

Load Management

it's monaday yet?

It better not be localized subs.

Would she wear a micro bikini to go undercover if necessary?

God I can't stop jerking off to the first half of this episode.

Attached: Her butt might be too big.png (1080x1431, 488K)


>or the plot gets more interesting
After how retarded this episode was I don't have much hope for that.
>Kei standing around smoking while on lookout
>Tilly kills Dennis instead of disabling him and taking him into custody
>Tilly distracts the chief by getting up which for some reason she couldn't do until the mage already left
>Kei finds a random car to requisition in the middle of nowhere
>Kei is allowed to just drive off and continue going after the mage when the chief has just been killed and Kei knows something about it
In general I'm annoyed by how they're meant to be cops yet they're flagrantly disregarding any sort of protocol or operational procedures. It's fiction and all but this shit is pushing it. Tilly ignoring the rules is one thing but it's another when it's Kei doing it too or letting it slide without protest.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Cop Craft - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.32_[2019.07.25_15.18.49].jpg (1920x1080, 912K)

Your obsession with Tilarna as a trashy hyperslut is commendable if not incredible

I'm interested in this.

Extremely blessed drawfags.

Arifuta's problem is terrible directing, not terrible animation.


So, is Tilarna still growing or is this as big as she'll get?

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There was one idol show about a year ago that actually had really good CGI dancing, except the problem is that it was a male idol show.

does tilly like o, v, or a?

It's the moest trait

Attached: img003.jpg (969x1349, 694K)

Your art is mediocre but your ideas are good and your style is erotic. Post moar.

Godspeed user

Dude, we -know- it's foreign psyop propaganda. We've arrested and prosecuted several people in the US already in conjunction with Russian troll farms trying to sow division in the states.

And this isn't about 'getting along with everybody', it's about giving at least your fellow countrymen a fair shake and having enough good faith to work with them if they show a willingness to do the same. Instead of outright demonizing them and fostering homicidal fantasies about their demise.

The former is how a great society and country can function. The latter makes us divided and weak to foreign influences.

My desire to pump out mediocre drawings only extends to this episode. The whore outfit in the club was way too good to pass up. Too bad they zoomed past it. A real shame.

Attached: trashy whore lolis are gods gift to earth.png (469x1048, 200K)

That's some funny looking water.

Okay now this is based.

Just very foamy beer.


Attached: 1541273294464.png (1280x720, 668K)

>pole dancing
>intense gokkun
>club grinding

Are you my spirit animal?

>The whore outfit
You mean hussy.

Attached: 1538388318712.gif (366x360, 1.97M)

Mating press is the most retarded shit, what's the appeal in a sex position where the girl is 90% obscured by the guy?

After sex clean ups are some of the hottest shit.

I'd rather see her drinking from the tap.

Attached: 1412672418724.jpg (946x720, 285K)

Very nice

drawfag user i have a request after seeing that mating press image
please draw a pregnant tilly where she is lovingly rubbing her belly

why can't this be real

Attached: 1562691772423.jpg (547x809, 86K)

Imagine that, their society seems like a monarchy (LNfags might shed more light) with nobles and knights.
That means there are cute elf serfs waiting to be liberated out there!

If the drawing is shit enough surely the hot pockets won't crack down on it.

Attached: Even more garbo.png (635x699, 154K)

Absolute madman.

Attached: 1487803626489.gif (600x338, 687K)

God damn user, atleast upload it to other link so you won't get 3 day vacation.

The average age to stop growing completely(talking milimeters here) is 17 for women and 22 for men. An 18-year old girl is physically adult.

Don't worry it's like stickman porn. No one gets banned for posting stickman porn.

>user finds divine inspiration
turboslut tilly is now part of the western canon


Godspeed, user.


No, it's both

I'm so sorry for mentioning pole dancing and other lewd acts in an offhand comment. Now some poor sod's been horny and erect for three days drawing nothing but Tilarna lewds. While I'm honored to be his fap muse, I hope he can find some respite from these uncontrollable urges during the vacation he appears to have gotten for crossing the line of acceptable art on blue boards.

At least he'll come back right on time for the new episode.

God damnit user, I told you

It's anime, main girl is"loli", so it was obvious the budget is shit.

Attached: 1544509282623.jpg (350x197, 10K)

3D animation isn't precisely good

Bless you

>certain arrangement of pixels can get you b&

This isn't anything new, user.

Attached: funny TV image.png (631x696, 319K)

>worst episode by far
>spawned the most threads and spurred drawfags to make OC
Was it intentional?

If the episode was good, we wouldnt need to distract ourselves with mediocre drawfaggotry

The only good part of the episode was the outfit Tilly was wearing and all the doujinbait around club.

No wonder then the only thing that keeps these threads going is the dick.


No! Rape is wrong!

It's not rape if she gets wet.

Attached: 1550600008677.jpg (348x424, 62K)

That's correct
Most semanians in San Teresa city are peasants/warriors who wanted a better lifestyle and moved there.

its like you don't know how a human body reacts by stimulus...

Rush job because of a certain fire. Or possibly a covert protest under the guise thereof.

Did he deserve it?

Attached: 1563210060563.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

They want fire exists?
I live in 3rd world country, whatever fire breakout, I have to put it off, because damages would be cut from my salary.

Many are refugees that came to this side because of war in their territories and now refuse to leave.
I feel like I know this storyline from somewhere...

>telling her that her husband died over phone

>tell wife her husband is dead over the phone
He deserved worse.

in other words... filthy inmigrants?

surprisingly, the novel was written in 2006 (2008 was the reboot with some stuff changed, but its the same story)

is this Gatoh's personal project or some stuff like that? I feel it's better written than FMP and ABP

Yes. He was a faggot for not confront the wife.

Is the LN that much better? The anime is kind of a mess in terms of how fast things are happening and how little character interaction there has been.

No trigger discipline.

are there any lewds of the main guy

This is a cunny thread, user

How long until she calls him daddy?

How long until he spanks her for running away?

never. Next episode Tilarna is going back to her country


She has to report to her kingdom, user.

she has to report she failed to save the fairy and kill herself. She gave Kei her sword after all

You mean Ghost in the Shell?

Everyone in your own country, retard.
>hating my countrymen makes us strong!
That's how retarded you sound.

Cop Craft was written in 2006 and then released two volumes, but it didn't sell well, so in 2008, it relaunched with new character design from Murata.

>Cop Craft was written in 2006
was the whole stuffRoss said to Kei in the LN?

Wait do you actually think that stuff like that is new?
Holy shit

I was trying to make a point.
Immigration due to war is a pretty old trope and not even exclusive to western media.

Inmigration didn't start in 2016, user

Because Teekyuu is some fucking sports sol shit
Of course people would remember the show that could have actually had some worth

I think the boarders did a good job of working around the low budget during the sword fight

>killed interesting and entertaining antagonist
>introduced a gotchya villain with dumb and mostly unexplored motives
>on top of milepensee spilling all over only 3 episodes in
To the one i waited for the most to the one i want to drop the most, i don't want another wizards barrister.

Vol.1 is the weakest of the novels
It gets better later

I liked it.

me too

Attached: images.jpg (260x194, 13K)

>this episode
Hint: there's more to anime than animation quality. A slideshow can still be good depending on what it is about and how much you enjoy its characters.

I'm 101% sure you've never watched any season of the masterpiece known as Teekyuu.

It was terrible for many reasons.

Do you like being a lolicon?

Yes, it feels amazing.


No, but I am cursed for ever so there is nothing I can do.

>Do you like being a lolicon?
I don't know, I never had an encounter with 2D.

It's not my fault that lolis stay the same age while I grow older.


That's like asking if someone likes being straight. I neither enjoy nor hate it, it is merely what I am, I know no different, and never shall do.

I'm not a lolicon but sometimes I like cute and funny girls.

> flat as a board in almost every scene
> boobs


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.53_[2019.07.25_18.52.35].jpg (1920x1080, 714K)

Based newfag

Attached: 132445778854.png (268x237, 36K)


Attached: 1548957399219.jpg (541x621, 36K)

>sports sol

Attached: teekyuu.jpg (1280x720, 846K)

The bolice won't allow that

>Don’t touch me there

Attached: 324EF92D-8C8B-48DE-850E-E2151307C070.jpg (767x427, 39K)

And Milky Holmes is about detectives.

I tried watching this but honestly the story makes no sense at all and the snimation is below average.
Why were you excited about this again?


Attached: 1528568527915.jpg (466x466, 43K)

If you don't know why you clearly don't belong on this board.

>the story makes no sense at all and the snimation is below average.
The same has been said of my life, yet I'm still alive.

i like little girls they make me feel so good
only 2D ones though

Attached: 1541376929614.jpg (2125x3040, 700K)

Well there are three reasons, the author, the director and the artist. But really if you don't know who they are you need to fuck off.

I don't know, Amagi was pretty dull and FMP was just fine.
He's been pretty inconsistent lately. When he nails it, he's pretty good, but most of the time he shit the bed with the directing
so the audience is here just for the lolis... it makes sense now

>sherwood arc has gasoline arson
Oh fuck.

The wound is fresh but the incident at Kyoani happened one week ago, and it'll take a few more weeks to get to that point of he novel, right?

In last 3 episodes I believe. Hopefully it will be old enough to not be a problem by then.

oh shit

Only newfags pretend 3D is important, sadly we've been getting a constant stream of them from Yea Forums.

>sadly we've been getting a constant stream of them from Yea Forums.

starting to watch it, already giving me lewd vibes from this

Attached: dont touch the ugly fat bastard.png (960x540, 238K)

Attached: have fun with the alien.jpg (960x2161, 638K)

god that image quality is piss poor

Save the loli niggers


Attached: 1562902005658.gif (566x396, 197K)

> save the loli niggers
does that mean to save images of brown lolis because i can do that

Attached: IMG_20180814_083738.png (1200x1678, 2.64M)


Fuck you for reminding me, and fuck Umetsu for being a hack.

Attached: wizard baristas.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

It could have been a great cop show, but what's up with the director and his attorney fetish?

damn this looks good, any example of the QUALITY?

Speaking of Range Murata, can someone archive the one issue of his Robot magazine that's on sadpanda?

Stay in your containment thread.

This can't be real.
Was it fixed in the BDs?

kind of...

Who knows? Everybody stopped watching.

Fuck off.

It's giving me trouble.
If you care that much you might have to download each individually.

Managed to finish coloring before the thread died, neat.

Attached: Tilarna 1.1.png (1067x2019, 3M)

Actually really good.

God I'd jerk off to this if it weren't for the fact that the panda is burning down.

what happened to sadpanda? why it is going down? did the FBI/CIA do something?

Panda is going to die today

netherlands changed their laws and "child porn" is no longer be tolerated

user please i'm begging you i need a pic of her pregnant
hell i'll even paypal you some cash if thats what it takes

>4 hours left to leave the office
fuck jesus goddammit
Can't they pass all the data to somewhere else?

I dunno sounds like Tenboro is finding a new host, but yeah it seems like all the loli stuff will be wiped clean. I just hope my chink toon fun bux carry over to the new site.

cunny enthusiasts all over Yea Forums are archiving, scraping, mass downloading every thing they can get their hands on

That's some fetish you got there, user.

Very well then, I'll see what I can do.
But keep in mind that I'm more into vanilla stuff, so if is pregnancy, it will be just cute Tilly rubbing her belly.

I'll sketch something tomorrow, if there is no thread then I'll post it when the episode comes out.

pregnancy is the most cute and pure vanilla fetish there is
gentle belly rubs sounds heavenly
you lit this fire in me with that mating press image

in this dark hour of unjust tyranny and censorship you are a true hero

Attached: 1521096278890.jpg (1200x1657, 188K)

You dun good.

Attached: 1542954682158.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Based, I know I can count on my fellow anons. exhentai will revive like a phoenix.

Also fuck netherlands and fuck kyoani.

My brother from another mother

Attached: 1562957689630.jpg (280x282, 20K)


Attached: 68463421_p1.jpg (1290x1821, 954K)

Thanks for your hard work, it's a pity you're a vanillafag, Tilly's body was built for hardcore wombpatting

Is Tsudaken married? I know many VAs are secretive about their relationships to protect themselves from crazy fans+keep a "pure" image

I've run into multiple anons who already have complete archives, just waiting for the possibility this day might come. We'll be fine. In time.

Tilly isn't a loli. Neither are most of the girls Murata draws.

Attached: 013.jpg (1280x1818, 307K)