Could Saitama beat Goku in MUI?
Could Saitama beat Goku in MUI?
Nah goku crash earth -> saitama dead
Could OP beat his urge to suck dick?
Saitama literally fought someone who dodged all his attacks already (awakened gyaru)
Does this look like someone trying to attack a person?
It wasn't even a fight, just Saitama trying to slap some annoying faggot.
>MC can't even beat bejita-sama
LMAO he's parody character GUISE!!!111
Nah even lowballing saitama he's at most raditz level.
Uh ja?
Never read or watched OPM, how does the series still have a following when the main character faces literally zero conflict in every fight?
>inb4 summerfags come in "muh-muh parody character always meant to win" and other YouTube comment-tier arguments
Freeza Saga Goku destroys Betama, Godren moreso.
the series has spent more time following other characters alongside Saitama when all his gags were finished. Another character practically became the protag halfway through the series lmao
The conflict is his inability to feel anything being a problem and supported by secondary main characters being in the spotlight during the more action oriented aspect of it but it is ultimately a gag manga about mental conflicts.
The problem is that the manga has been veering into the action aspect of it so it's losing a bit of its charm.
Goku would win, because of the second and third law of thermodynamics. When you apply string theory on non-euclidean space and divided by the formulation of Schwarzfield radiation times squared you'll see that the beta-waves produced on 5D geodesic, which until this point are all self-explanatory show that Goku beats Saitama 9478589485 out of 9478589586 times.
The only way he can lose is when the author pulls something out of his ass or gets something in it.
It would be an interesting fight.
For sure Goku would fight fair initially. And saitama would probably be his usual boring self.
But then I think Goku would speed up and Saitama would have trouble keeping up.
I think Goku would slowly increase the power of his hits till he realised Saitama is strong enough to take a Kamehameha, at which point Saitama would suddenly be interested in that special move.
I'd be really interested in seeing if Saitama could replicate a kamehameha. He has the power but probably not the skill level.
I think the fight would then essentially become a test of Saitama's sturdiness as Goku tries to power up enough to knock out Saitama.
They sidelined the main character and focused on side characters with "battle of the week" chapters.
The question would be,
>could Goku ever defeat Saitama?
(Of course not)
Goku can literally fly. Air Superiority wins.
I have yet to see Saitama do a Universe-level feat.
String theory only exists in non Euclidean space, dumb nigger. Also, you do not divide a theory by a radiation.
>Ye, bro, I just watched this AWESOME Susskind lecture on YouTube, let me spout bullshit to appear smart and silly at the same time, I'm so funny
Fucking reddit
>awakened gyaru
Something like this?
One of these characters can destroy the universe with like 1/1000th of his max power. The other is Saitama. Only way retards can think he doesn't get finger flicked into a blood pool is if they meme he's "MAXIMUM" which was already done ironically with Broly like 20+ years back. Just because Saitama is a god in his universe doesn't mean shit when the pecking order is vastly higher in DB. The next strongest dudes are Boros and Garou, the former at best could blow up a planet. Welcome to Raditz.
I will never forgive this doujin. Whenever the whole UFB trope is mentioned that doujin immediately comes to mind.
whatever a klano faggot is the guy who made that pic is probably one too
God some bad news for you son.
Could Saitama beat Yamcha?
not in a million years
one punch has unlimited power
saitama punches fabric in time travelling to gokus mother and one punches her pregnant belly
goku dead
saitama wins
Reminds me of that fit greentext where he inpregmates a woman at light speed
Don't know don't care but we know it's not unbeatable. Also saitama hadn't really shown his full power so ehh.(don't thinks well ever see it or even half) what's with the sudden MUi discussions anyway?
this. Saitama has never been challenged. Mathematically his fights outcome will always be him winning y=x + 1 with y being saitamas level and x being his challengers
he cannot be beaten
neither medaka nor accelerator can hold a finger to him
I wouldnt say that its just that we don't know where he is on a scale if there even is one anymore since he never goes all out and barley tries. He's only been injured by a cat as a joke, tanks too many stuff like heat attacks and being frozen, survived being in space and fought two potential god levels with minimal effort.
Hilariously no. Saitama's best match would be a Saibaman and even then, his win's not guaranteed l
How? he already beat a guy who could destroy a planet with minimal effort. What would a saibamen do?
Planet-busting is nothing. Mooks like Raditz can achieve it casually. Hell, Piccolo vaporized (not just destroyed or fragmented, flat out annihilated) the moon in one casual ki-blast, and he was several times weaker than Raditz or Saibamen back here. Boros needs his full power just to raze the surface of the Earth if you're going by the manga. He's way weaker than Saibamen in any canon.
a god level monster capable of destroying the universe punched him full force in the face and he didn't even feel it, I don't know if a saibaman could withstand the same attack
>a god level monster capable of destroying the universe
Did OPM get new chapters when I wasn't looking? If no, how far up your ass did you need to reach for this?
I doubt a saibaman could even bust a planet let alone yamcha. also saitama beat him with no real difficulty. Even Boros himself said he didn't use any full force or really tried.
Not he only ruled parts of a universe. He's only conquered and destroyed other planets.
>I doubt a saibaman
It doesn't matter what you doubt. We have the facts, as I just presented to you. And what do you mean Yamcha? Yamcha is as strong as Gero's last record of Goku prior to Namek. We had confirmed planet busters by then.
> Even Boros himself said he didn't use any full force or really tried.
No. Boros used full force for his canon. That was his strongest and final attack when everything else bounced off Saitama. You're comparing what one guy could do with maximum effort to casual blasts from others. Not saying Saitama can't beat Saibamen but they are his closest match.
you suck
I mean that for Boris saying saitama didn't try not himself. I'm saying if he beat a plenty buster with no real effort why would anything slightly higher be any real challenge or even his closest. Also for some reason one of the guides said Boris was star buster. Probably mistranslation due to Viz.
No, Yamcha is a joke by DBZ standars but even shitters at the start of DB were moon busters and Yamcha is a planet buster at worst.