What studio is the best studio?

What studio is the best studio?

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Toei, its not up to discussion, like 80% of the genre defining anime are Toei.

moe literally killed kyoani

Kyoani doesn't do moe anymore.

Kyoani, they are really hot

They are no Moe...

J.C Staff!

literally all of them are shit now, anime is dead

Gainax easily

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Mad House or Gainax

Who the fuck made this shitty as fuck chart?


I'm not sure if they are objectively the best, but shaft is my favorite
I don't know any studio with a trio of shows as strong as this

Kyoani doesn't do anything now

Gainax, Gonzo and Manglobe.


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Madhouse, Gainax and Sunrise definitely are up there.

>Sunrise is just Gundam
>Gainax is just Eva
>A1 is just SAO
>All those missing studios
Those are just the obvious ones, fuck this chart.

Every studio has something good in them. I'd really like to give it to Gainax or Ghibli, but Kyoani is straight fire.

looks like from all the things that could burn kyoto animation was the least important

lets all hope if burning studios turns into a trend, they go for A1 Pictures before the others

KyoAni is pretty lit

Toei was good, but it has been trash for decades now.

shaft, all are great though.
the only objectively bad studio is studio deen

Ezola is the only studio with a catalog full of 10/10 shows, so Ezola wins by default.

Can I nominate David production?

The shading work they do on Jojo is impressive.

>What studio is the best studio?
You mean was?

Maybe Kyonani's next adaption should be the VN Kira Kira with the Kirari route.

Go back.

Mappa and Doga Kobo

Oh wait this is a best studio thread...well fuck I don't know

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A1, sure. Why not include Deen as well?

I'm gonna post it

>Doga Kobo
Hell, they're better at moeshit than kyoani anyway

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Low-key cringe desu

I like studios that aren't burnt

Judging by each studio's best/defining directors:
Imaishi (Gainax) > Yamada (KyoAni) > Tomino (Sunrise) > Oshii (IG) > Yuasa (Madhouse) > Miyazaki (Ghibli) > Shinbou (SHAFT). A1 is last by default but also is the worst by far. I can't think of a defining director for Toei. Maybe Ikuhara for working on Sailor Moon which would put them somewhere in the middle. Or the director who did all the old Go Nagai mecha anime, which would probably put them above only SHAFT and A1.

Actas and Doga Kobo

>I can't think of a defining director for Toei.
Junichi Sato.

unironically jc stuff. most of the favourite anime i enjoyed were made by them.

Madhouse and Shaft

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Kyoani is my favourite studio right now. But I also really love Toei Douga, Ghibli and Gainax during their peak eras. There are many good studios unrepresented in that image, too, like Studio 4C, Tokyo Movie, Group Tac and others.

Half of Gainax's biggest shows are just bad. 5 years ago I would've said Madhouse but they seem determined to ruin their good name. Shaft hasn't been half as good as they were either for even longer now too. Kyoani went downhill after they started adapting LN's.

I guess I'll just give it to Toei out of obligation.

Silver Link. They're doing great recently.