Having Kaos sit on your lap while you read and compliment her cute manga!
Having Kaos sit on your lap while you read and compliment her cute manga!
Other urls found in this thread:
>lying to get pussy
As expected of phone posters.
Dream of dreams
You’re mean.
Imagine telling her her manga is good and cute and when she starts following you around beaming happily you smack her in the face and call her a faggot
beating kaos with a stick!
>not shoving your rock-hard dick into her mouth and piercing one of your dick veins with her fang, spraying blood inside her mouth
It's like you don't know how to claim dominance.
It looks like Madoka fuck my life.
I like the other anons version where she points out parts to you excitedly.
Fucked up the background, this might look better.
Can't hide that easily.
Is this the humiliation Kaos feels everytime she gets rejected, being brought face to face with her shitty art?
Punching Kaos in the gut and watching her squirm and gasp for air!
Complementing Kaos and her manga while secretly thinking it looks boring and that grade schoolers could have drawn something better!
Imagine telling her her manga is good and cute and when she starts following you around beaming happily you pet her on the head and call her a treasure
>Having Kaos sit on your face
That's better.
Without any clothes.
I´d prefer having Kaos sit on my lap while I show her page by page just how shit her manga is
I want kaos dead
she's so cute!
Me just before being born
My wife after I cum inside her
Kaos gets lots of tiddy unlike you.
I want to get Kaos notiddy
I'd rather have Kaos sit on my dick.
me taking the pic
There's no need to be rude. We all have different taste, user.
Would it be ok with you if I saved this picture on my laptop so I can jerk of to it later?
This is why I wish I were Kaos.
Anyone know who drew this?
Some say Kaosm.
Kaos is but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets her hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Some say Kaorgasm.
Imagine eating Kaos out
I bet she is completely odorless down there.
I bet it's completely hairless, smooth and pink.
The wall of kaos
Can this thing stop crying for a goddamn second?
You tell a kid to do that
imagine dying to THIS
I want Kaos to kill me.
Exactly like my penis.
Taping the box shut and shipping Kaos to a foreign country!
Stop bullying Kaos
eating ribs with Kaos
Being eaten by Kaos!
Kaos eating your ribs
kaos is not a kannibal
She kills for pleasure only
I feel a great urge to beat the shit out of this little cunt whenever I see this specific picture of her. Imagine holding her chin up then spitting on her eye right before breaking your fists with her face
Me on the right
Clearly photoshoped, I can tell from the pixels and from the fact Kaos isn't crying
How do you deal with knowing Kaos has more of a future than you ever will?
I ababababa
I punch her in the dick and put her back in the box.
Commit suicat and take her with me.
Ruin it by making her a mother.
Yellow spots are where I'll shank her with a rusty knife that I just pissed on
Imagine taking a container of gasoline and burning Kaos's house.
What a very Koyume thing to do.
I wish I was Kaos so I could nestle inside Koyume's bountiful bosom
Koyume is going to eat Kaos one of these days.
It's your fault Comic Girls is a forcedly remembered flop.
I want to eat a live, raw, quivering Kaos, starting at the small of her back
Who's that other girl?
She draws a daily online 4-koma or something to that effect. If I remember correctly, she's also a JC3
now she's going places
They need to stop introducing new manga artists, it makes me feel inept.
It's good to feel like what you are.
I don't like facing reality, user.
Yeah, facing off Kaos in a fight to death is better.
To be fair, that's not a difficult fight.
In addition to the 5 in the anime and that girl, there are also 3 shoujo mangaka who were there from the beginning in the manga, the girl Fuura-senpai lived with who leaves again in a single chapter, and Ruki's little sister
...for Kaos!
Shanking Kaos
Kissing Kaos
>Ruki's little sister
I'm interested
Kisses for Kaos
>uma delicia
Kissing Kaos' womb
Kaos please don't eat little girls
She needs the nutrition if she's gonna grow up into a real mangaka.
Keep her away from that degenerate loser in the manga dorm
I think Comic Girls anime made the right choice in limiting the main cast to 5 characters and not attempting to include everyone from the manga into a 12 episode series. It's a common mistake of introducing too many characters when it's obviously not enough screentime to develop everyone properly.
You sound like someone who just finished watching SZS.
SZS is a comedy and doesn't need character development though, specially since the girls are perfect already.
I had Revue Starlight in mind. I get they wanted to get people invested in as many characters as possible for their mobage but making everyone a part of the main cast was a mistake.
Why does Fuura's friend keep leaving her? Dies she at least have a good reason this time?
I'm sorry, I meant it sounded like something sensei would say, not that this is a problem with it. The girls in SZS are really perfect.
She's creepy and evil.
She's so fucking ugly
What happened to Kaos?
Please put her down already
>ywn go to Kirara's lesbian camp for girl that want to learn how to draw manga good and learn how to do other things good too®
>ywn learn how to draw manga good and meet Kaos at a signing
based suicat poster
Kaos has the ideal body even Hibiki is impressed
What could you do with Kaos' body
Burn it.
Should I watch the /fit/ show
Lift her like a bar bell
Cremate it.
look at the Danberu threads and try and tell me there's a god with a straight face afterwards.
Start a religion
I'm enjoying it, but also
It's suprisingly more fun than I thought.
They're fine enough and exactly what I expected when shitposters aren't running amok.
Note: at least the ones made on the show's airing day.
I love the soundtrack and i love Hibiki! Like seriously she's my waifu I love her too much
This fanart always bugs me because Vampu-gabu and Akari aren't kirara
Sohy's just visiting
define kirara
Vampires and serial killers don't care about the law.
The magazine publication tardo
kirara transcends such earthly concepts
kirara jump
They're spiritual sisters
Why is she wearing stockings? Is she trying to get molested?
They're normal socks, they just fit Kaos like stockings.
Kaosm! Give us eyes!
These are cake batter
Still needs more time on the oven
Encourage her that her dreams will come true.
Study Loomis together.
>trying to get Kaos to fall for the Loomis meme
I'm pretty sure that shitty /ic/ meme is one of the reasons I gave up on art and went back to being a talentless neet.
>I gave up on art
So your opinion is worthless then
Loomis is not meme. You either fucked up or have no talent.
Honestly loomis can be a meme and also not
I've improved my art skill to a point where loomis only gave me tips but is a good stepping stone for beginners
No single book or author is a reason a person fails at art but a lack of perseverance
If you gave up on art then Kaos is technically better than you
>f you gave up on art then Kaos is technically better than you
Jesus Christ mate, I wasn't even part of this conversation why did you attack me like this
Yeah probably because you want to draw shitty tumblr art and you don't know how to translate real proportions into it
didn't really mean to but too much time on /ic/ made me spiteful against anons blaming art books instead of their lazy selves
Listening to this cherub heals the soul
>If you gave up on art then Kaos is technically better than you
You chose the words you knew would hurt me the most, didn't you? I didn't do anything to deserve a reply like that.
She looks really qt in here i would ki-kissu kaos
>tfw born with that
Yeah we get it, quit reposting you fucking faggot
I replied to the wrong user and wanted to fix it, don't call me faggot or I'll drool on your cock.
Well now i feel bad for letting out my /ic/ rage unto this comfy Kaos thread. Don't be too sad about it user.
You should do it more often.
Forcing Kaos to browse /ic/!
you asked for it you jerk.
I'm sorry user I was just being a little bitch because I had a bad experience with /ic/ and I like blaming them for my giving up because I'm a cunt. It's my fault.
Koyume is fat
Koyume should work out at the Silverman gym then
Can you draw Kaos?
Probably, but I'm not very fast so it's not like I can show off here.
miiii nipppaaaaaa ababababa chinoo chaaannnn myaaneeeeabababababa
No, you don't understand!
Kaos' thread is a failure!
This post is a failure!
I must be Kaos!
Please be in London!
I want to pick you up.
Let me pick you up.
What does the K stand for?
Kill me.
>If you gave up on art then Kaos is technically better than you
Fucking TOLD
Kaos bought a shirt about me?
Romantic dates with Kaos-chan
Happy marriage with Kaos-chan
Living happily ever after and growing old with Kaos-chan
Going to her death bed and telling her you never loved her and just wanted to see her waste her life with someone who never loved her after all and constantly cheated on her with Kaos-chan.
Living happily forever with Kaos
Murdering this user with Kaos! And then spooking her with the skeleton!
Imagine putting Kaos in a box that has a sign reading only dumb assholes get it this box.
What does "suicat" mean?
Suika is watermelon
I would marry Fuura and take Kaos and raise her as our daughter.
>while you fondle and compliment her cute manko
Just the right amount of fat
I sit in a box and cry.
Watching small girls get smothered by titcows is pretty hot but imagine if it was their asses instead, haha
Akanesasu Shoujo got fugged harder, especially since all the girls were variations on the main five
You mean a dork
Buns are cute in theory but in real life make me think of that one slavic thot who twerks and has cornrows and probably fucks african tourists
How would you cheat on Kaos with Kaos?
A cute dork
Reminds me of elephants in captivity swaying back and forth as a way to distract themselves from their pointless, utterly horrible lives.
You remind me of the babe.
I want to snap Kaos' neck
Why do you hate Kaos? Why do hate freedom?
So was Fuura actually a ghost? She never interacted with the matron, she was never mentioned by the matron, she never went out with the main 4 girls anywhere
She was the girl that gave back Tsubasa's sketchbook.
>you try to bully her but it's heartwarming instead
If you don't love Kaos, you're a commie.
No one here is Kaos.
And that's a good thing, here's why...
Number 3 will shock you!
Satisfying my Kaos fantasies
How does kaos feel like?
Nice coin slot.
french kiss with kaos
Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu
Is there any Orda to this Kaos?
Ruki is the anti-Kaos
Except in the breasts department
Koyome is the anti-Kaos
What Kaos's manga should be about?
Honestly she should just draw moe berserk.
Forbidden love.
But does Kaos have the balls to go full yuri or just yurib8 for 59 volumes until her fans boycott her and burn her manga?
Kaos does not have balls.
Kaos-chan, give us eyes
I want to pull on her braids and make her cry.
i'd rather have ruki sit in my lap while we read her ero manga
Imagine teaching Ruki fetishes for her manga.
Making her read every panel aloud!
Even the moans
Reenacting every panel with Kaos in front of Ruki!
Having Ruki help you tape her mouth shut while you hold her down because she keeps struggling and calling for help!
>once you put your benis inside Kaos, she goes limp and roll he eyes back
Reenacting the fight scenes from Tsubasa's shounen with Kaos! But Kaos always plays the losing side!
Taking Kaos' phone and posting her private photos online!
Sex? With Kaos?
A pointless endeavor, her body is completely useless, infertile and devoid of life.
Eating Kaos ribs
So I can do it inside and not worry about spawning more Kaos?
If you can mantain your erection after looking at her shabby body and pitiful expression, sure.
>pitiful expression
That only makes my penis harder
And when she begins to cry?
Why are you so bad at video games user?
because I'm a fucking failure, please don't look at me
link toy
Kaos - Queen of the formless NEET - The Eleventh seal is now broken!
Sex with Kaos
Kaosh ish a ladder
Soft Kaos
For you.
Manhandle Kaos or being manhandled by Kaos?
Gentle love making.
How did such an elegant woman produce such a wretched creature?
All of these alternating
She was cursed by the dark gods.
It's like The Ascent Of Man but in reverse. Imagine if the trend continued with Kaos-chan's children. Shambling, simian forms that look like something from a Lovecraft story.
Fangs are cute.
>the joke is that Kaos is a failure because she’s terrible at drawing
>Kaos is still probably better at her hobby/artistic endeavor that most people here
>most anons here probably hasn’t put as much effort as Kaos in drawing or writing or learning Japanese
>everyone here is literally a bigger failure than Kaos
Kaos might draw a lot of sameface and have boring story ideas but at least her characters are cute
She can't take credit for the characters because she just copied their personalities from her friends
What babe?
That’s sad
Clean your room
Kaos don't hurt me
She's apparently pretty good at coming up with jokes for series she likes
I want to protect Kaos but I also want to destroy Kaos. Why does Kaos fill me with conflicting emotions?
Wait! That's my room! James?!
How smart is Kaos?
Smart as a brick.
A mentally disabled brick
kaos is a late bloomer
imagine befriending kaos and slowly helping her build her self confidence and eventually becoming more than friends
then she turns out like her mom
>late bloomer
She’s done blooming, user. She will never grow, physically or emotionally.
Or intellectually, or as an artist.
That's chaos
We are Kaos for we are failrues.
I am but a dreg of human life, I offer my flesh unto our Lord nameth Kaos
God, imagine marrying a girl who never grows past the age of 10. What kind of perfect genes allow for that miracle?
Does Kaos have any hair down there?
What would Kaos' reaction to this thread be?
She's completely bald and odorless
Of course not, it's Kaos.
Her body is eternally 10 years old and the only thing that grows is the hair on her head, so she's perfectly bald in the important place. Imagine being enveloped by the Kaos hair.
She wouldn't be able to read all the way through!
I'll read it out for her!
Erasing proof of Kaos' growth with some electric clippers!
She'll run away!
I'll tie her to a chair!
How is that not a plus?
She'll cry and squirm!
That's okay, she always does that!
Kaos will kick you to death.
Well, at least she has friends
Kaos is the perfect Gondola analog.
Gondola is cute, though.
Licking Kaos's inner thighs
>What kind of perfect genes allow for that miracle?
I remember watching an episode of Law & Order where a girl has some growth disorder that made her look like a 12 year old even though she was 20 something. This is a thing that actually exists in the real world.
I don't have the specific autism that allows me to learn fighting games, user.
I am cum
There's literally nothing wrong with giving up on your dreams and being a failure.
The babe with the power
Which power?
The power of Kaos
Which kaos?
Don't hurt me
No more
You do
I'm going to do it! I'm going to a Kaos!
Shut the fuck up Satania
As if Satania wouldn't miss horribly
Bullying Kaos!
So is Kaos
She's just pathetic.
Imagine Kaos sitting in your lap and you're reading and complimenting her manga while she makes commentaries and then she starts to feel your boner poking her and she starts to get more and more uncomfortable, she tries to move but you push her closer to you, she starts to stutter and you're really close now, breathing in her ear. She's trembling now but doesn't have the strength to pull herself away or the courage to tell you to stop. You start to move your hips with your boner planted firmly in her bottom, Kaos is trembling, her eyes closed. You hold her tighter, come closer and whisper to her ear mayonegg
Imagine Kaos mastering the deadly art of Brazilian jui jitsu and putting all her bullies in a triangle choke hold until they pass out
I want Kaos to choke me with her legs.
Why is there a crying cat?
Her legs are too weak to do any damage. Just wear a turtleneck and it’s basically the same thing.
>Her legs are too weak to do any damag
You'd have to lay on the floor for her to do that, there's no way she can pin you down herself.
>Kaos is so soft and weak all her CQC movements make you cum instead of hurting you
having kaos sit on your face!
Imagine Kaos.
dumb retard
That’s not nice. What would Kaos do if she saw you posting that?
I'll beat her the fuck up
Beating up a little special needs girl, how manly.
>special needs
She needs some beating, that's for sure.
Kaoruko is beautiful
And extremely cute
Kaos a shit
Nyaos a cute
This but replace Kaos with Tsubasa
I want to lick her nape when she leasts expects it.
i'll put you both down
goddamn mexicans
Fuck off Shadman
>Kaos will never lick you to death.
>Kaos will never lick your dirty taint
please clean
Imagine if Kaos was a 100 foot tall giant.