KyoAni opening a bank account to accept donations
Looks like they're not going to turn down the donations after all.

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>the gofundme was a scam by sentai after all

Bunch of jews lmao

0.1 L of gasoline have been deposited to your account.

Can't put money into that bank account unless you live in Japan

So they can make more moe? Moero!

But they aren't accepting the gofundme one , meaning the money is now sentai's
Not kyoani

>shut up entitled fans, you don't get to know who survived, fuck off
>keep giving us money though, still won't tell you who you're grieving for though lmao

Sentai's gofundme isn't going to the company in the first place, but the victims.

No proof they are going to donate all of it though. One twitter statement in english mind you, doesn't mean the victim families know about it. They're a bunch of scammers at the end.

ever thought about how they want the family to grieve in piece without western "journalists" pesting the fuck out of them to vulture for their shitty clicks?

Dumb edgeposter.

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Shitposting about the same damn thing and getting tired of it is really something.

Ceo is on record saying 100 percent.

More than them actually being scammers, it sounds like you just want them to be. Why?

So that they'd be proven right after relentlessly posting about how the gofundme is a scam.

Any reason why it is nippon onry?
Nationalist pride?

Wow, don't they have any dignity, any nippon honor? Fucking beggar studio.

In 20 years, when the fire is long forgotten, we will still have the moe jokes.

Didn’t the go fund me hit a million?

Probably tax stuff.

>japs asking for public donations

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>grieve in piece
Grieve for the survivors? No I didn't think how announcing the survivors would hurt the families of people who are alive. Just imagine, they will receive words of support and "get well soon" messages. What a nightmare. Money though, that's fine, gib money.

>Wow all these people taking donations for Kyoani fucking scammers!
>Kyoani open a donation box.
Kyoani deserve all the money for making quality anime the past 15 years.

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People are literally giving it without being asked to. They need a recipient to get the money, retard.

Hopefully they're drafting a trust to distribute the money to victims. KyoAni doesn't need to handle the money directly.
Worst case scenario Sentai jumped the gun, doesn't have an MOU with a Japanese firm, and is going to have to negotiate with GoFundMe to avoid having to refund all the money.

>Quality anime

>Please give us money, because we didn't have an insurance.

Okay, this is epic.

Look, I would give old kyoani all my money just for k-on, haruhi, and lucky star and some perfectly directed Visual Novels like key adaptions

>literal e-begging

Gaijins pollute anything they touch so

Why don't I burn your house down now and see if you'll be begging the government to cover your broke ass

Retarded as always huh.

It's ok when trigger does it

>western "journalists"
What makes you weeb fuckers think that Japanese journalists would be less inclined to hype this? You reek of self hating wingtrash.

Because it’s A faggot from Yea Forums who is jealous that the anime community is far superior to his shitty lifeless husk of one. Imagine the video game community raising this much money? No they’re too busy pissing into bottles.

Bunch of triggered underages probably from /vpol/

Do you know how gofundme works? Because sentai doesn't have access to that money, only gofundme.

how much do I tip?

>bro they said they'd give 100% so they definately will
>you can't just lie like that lol that would be bad

It would be bad, yes.
Up to and including lawsuits bad.

Well, the GFM is for the victims and their families, this one goes to the company itself?

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This kind of thing gets really murky really quick
Is sentai going to bear all the costs of moving all this kind of money around and converting it to the correct currency?

Fucking retarded children. Nobody is going to commit fraud over a mere 2 million. You can't even buy as decent house in SF with that.

>People are stupid enough to just throw money at something with no plan or explanation

Well, if you're that certain that Sentai's gonna jew then you could get some big ass bucks over this, user.
Go and become the hero-man who took out the big evil corporation.
I'll be looking for the name "user" in the business headlines.

You can’t be serious. Have you never performed a bank transaction before? Underage maybe? Do you think your money gets driven around in a truck or something?

>commit fraud and whole company goes down the shitter over 2 million
>or open up a gofundme for a free publicity stunt
Anybody who believes they trying to scam Kyoani is retarded.

>Still don't know who died

Fuck you. We gave $7 million for Shenmue 3 only to have you Japs piss it away and take money from Epic


You brought up video games fag

Honestly one of these days I need to be the one to make that, just like the guy who made the fund the wall campaign.
Dumbasses just throw money at these guys

Don't need to know that to pay up, gaijin

You're not serious right?

Why are so many people in Yea Forums so triggered by video games? Do you not play games based on your favorite shows? I don't understand

I'm sure enough that Kigami is dead to know where to put my disposable income.

>Do you not play games based on your favorite shows?
Do you? When was the last one that wasn't wretched? The GITS tank game? The Madoka roguelike?

Thanks for the new yacht and paying for my lawsuits, gaijin!

I'm not a fucking forensic accountant user

I've transferred tens of thousands within my country and that required a fair bit of legalese, I imagine its more difficult working with hundreds of thousands internationally

It’s not the video games, it’s newfaggots like you cross-boarding and offering your opinions and thinking you should be entitled to one here.

They want Yea Forums to be as cucked as Yea Forums

This isn't an American company though

The Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm games are pretty fine
Also there's Fighterz

If Hatta gave his current house up for the production team and moved onto the yacht, or the other way around, renaming the company Yacht animation, then sure.
I'd fund it.

Maybe if you aren't so obvious with your posts by saying 'based' 'dilate' or whatever Yea Forums would be one of my favorite boards to be honest. Too bad your board is basically /vpol/ now.

>shonen shit
>fighting shit
This website isn't for apes.

>Imagine the video game community raising this much money
What? Videogamefags are constantly pissing their money away at scam tier kickstarters

>idiots thinking Sentai is going to ruin itself over 2 mere millions
it would be corporate suicide, scamming people using KyoAni is just plain retarded an anyone with basic business knowledge knows that this is a good publicity stunt, the good press alone is worth more than the 2M

>Violet OVA and Free Movie premiere are confirmed to be played in AnimagiC (Germany) in two weeks
>Ishidate and Hatta were supposed to attend but changed to Yui Ishikawa, Shigeru Saito and Katsuya Kato
So the Violet and Free movie are finished. Did we get confirmation on Ishidate?

>Madoka roguelike
Thanks for reminding me of that one, it was pretty great.

Stealing the idea for Munto from arson-kun keeps on getting more profitable

Case in point: star citizen. Raised over 240 million and barely has anything to show for it

Doomposters BTFO?

They think having the most cynical take on an image board for children's cartoons make them cool.

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This. It's unfathomable that people are really stupid enough to think they'd dare try anything.

>costs of moving all this kind of money around
Just push buttons lmao. It's fucking technology.

Being edgy is part of the secret sekrit club regular 4channers wouldn't understand

Violet is immortal

What happen with hiromoot donation?

>There are already many offers of help from domestic and foreign companies and we decided to accept them

Macross Triangle Frontier was kino.

Fuck you I donated.

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That's good.
Though i don't even know if my donation already accepted.

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Good, they deserve every cent

>KyoAni, of all studios, was burned down by a crazy asshole
>SRW is coming to Steam

Weird days are upon us

Banking in Japan is a fucking nightmare.

>thousands of few dollars transactions coming from overseas
>all have to be manually processed
>bank charges more than the donations itself
>bankruptcy here we come

Reminder that the arsonist was a gamer.

now we can sue them for tax evasion

An interview with NHK world and the president of sentai confirmed 100% will be used for the victims.

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>Quality Anime
Name one that they've recently done


>Oy vey shill out to us goy-senpai

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What, it's pretty recent.

That's like saying Lucky Star is recent

>donating to a company
Should have bought insurance retards. They deserve to fail.

Are you trying to tell me that Lucky Star wasn't like a few years ago?

But they animate kindergardeners doing soft-core porn they really need your gibs user

They're Redditors who came to Yea Forums through Yea Forums or /pol/ and use this place to make epic shitposts that they wouldn't be allowed to make on their home site.

>You're now reminded Lucky Star aired 12 years ago

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Lucky Star is closer to the present day than the year of your birth
...right, user...?