Ready for your weekly dose of cute girls doing cute survival things?
Sounan desu ka?/Are You Lost?
How is /u/ responding to it?
Wait until they find out about the male characters
I wish it was more popular here
It's pretty popular though?
This show makes me fucking sick. And the gross survival shit is pretty disgusting,too
Will Homare use local resources to make a quadruple dildo?
one of the girls is futa?
There's a second set of lost students, a duo consisting of a guy and a reverse trap.
Will Homare use local resources to make a sextuple dildo?
To be honest I'd rather re-watch Man vs Wild.
It's wabbit season
what happen
Homare stuck her tongue inside Shion's butthole
In what scenario could that possibly be necessary for survival?
anal hydration with dirty water
Dunno about that. The threads die off pretty quickly.
They can just pour it in there especially since they have a bottle.
They won't even appear at this rate though. And their chapters are boring anyways. They should adapt the boar hunt instead.
The last thread had a few hundred posts. That's not exactly "dying off pretty quickly".
The bottle head is huge and wouldn't fit. They need it to go inside
one breeding male? so long term if they can survive but aren't rescued they can establish a small island population...?
Homare's dad is with that group. The boy has no chance with an alpha like him around
Ch 62
anus goes water tight if they pour it on the outside which is why they have to stick their tongue deep inside to open the passageway and release the water in.
>bottom left
wth is going on here?
hummm... forget it. I can guess already.
maybe he occassioanlly gets one of the girls or at least his daughter?
>or at least his daughter?
Different islands
Different groups on different islands, they never meet with each other.
I'll try to get another chapter out before the next chapter of spec-ops asuka.
Thanks user
Can you post the mega with the previous chapters?
I see, depends how far the islands are separated then if they spot fire smoke.
The bow one looks pretty cool but unnecessarily complex.
they're more easily directed
thanks for both translations
>Happy Sugar Life had no fanservice and no pantyshots
>Sounan desu ka has fanservice and pantsu every episode
What did Ezola mean by this?
Sweet, the new chapter's out.
There seems to be a lot of genki tomboys in anime lately. First Uruka and now Asuka. And I'm okay with this.
Does /out/ read this?
It means using the source material faget.
I do and I saw some people talking about it but not to many
Best girls. The other 2 are just useless baggage.
i want to be crushed.
It means you're too dumb to recognise different genres
Lewd frog.
Thanks for scanlating this. Won't be long before you catch up with raws at this rate. Then the painful one month wait between chapters
>rabbit shit
>black tea smell
U wot m8.Guess I've been smelling their urine instead.
She is completely useless.
what a dork
>Not eating them alive
4 stitches
Homare's so cute when she gives her explanations
Fucking ninja.
Crazy shit, brain eating amoeba get.
Dumb fat eriri
Glasses is voiced by Megumi, strangely enough. Also I can't believe whiny fat tomboy has the same seiyuu as whiny childhood friend in Araburu Kisetsu. They sound way different.
Forget snare kill, they gonna catapult the innards out like those spinning rabbit video.
>only rabbit caught this episode
Nice episode, thought they gonna use deadfall as its seems like the simplest of them all.
He's going for it.
It's so dumb to not make this full-length, it's a story where the characters actually do things, they're going to have got fucking nowhere by the end of the season
I have never smelled rabbit shit before, does it actually smell like tea?
Well they ARE in the middle of nowhere
Why aren't they bothered that their classmates are most probably all dead?
what exactly are they going to do about it? mope around doing nothing until they starve and die?
I'd throw a party if my classmates dropped dead.
I like this 'short' format, but yeah, I agree. We are 4 episodes in, and in the story it's barely been a day since they arrived on the island.
They have real problems to contend with. Like survival
Very funny, you know that wasn't what I meant
They're also missing out important things, like how/why Homare and her father kept getting into survival situations
Sounan has an irregular schedule but usually biweekly so it won't be as bad.
I'm surprised of how good this anime is, EzÏŒla is keeping a good track so far with this and HSL. Loli Homare a cute.
Crossover with Dr. Stone when?
Homare vs Tsukasa when?
First time Homare ever gets angry?
They are herbivores and their shit is compact pallets and somewhat dry, guess the tea smell is due to how long it in their system. Never took a close sniff at their shit though I had a neighbour kept a cage of them, their piss smell was overpowering, not gonna try to reach a piece of shit that might got sprayed with the piss.
I have rabbits shitting coco puff looking turds all over my yard but I can't say I ever tried smelling it.
Fucking plebs, can't even appreciate the aroma of rabbit feces.
Her animation in this trap scenes were morbidly cute.
It has to be more serious to go full lenght. Stick two episodes together and nothing will change.
> a reverse trap.
you now have my full attention
I'd rather make coffee with civet's
what's up with the lack of Shion?
How to catch a loli.
I'll be using this one.
imagine this being the last thing you saw before dying
The loli will be using that and baiting it with rock cds.
someone please replace the B with a C
i will love you forever
>pristine white panties
they've barely been used because she takes them off so often to hydrate the others
Asuka's Asukas!
rock cds are a thing of the past
>you will never have a combined 10kg of tomboy tits wrapped around your dick
It hurts to live.
Where did Shion's chest go?
I think this animu is way too unrealistic. The girls cloths should all at the very least be damaged, degrade and start to rot by now, without having anything to fix them up again. Alas the cloths are perfectly fine. WHAT KIND OF EVIL SORCERY IS THIS?
Japanese cloth folded 1000 times. Impervious to wear.
It has been 2 days.
Am I kawaii? Uguu~
God I love her voice.
If they drink dirty sea water directly they will end up with an infection, but pouring that water directly into the anus, it will absorb all the water and salt’s nutrients they need to survive, this is why suppositories exist, the anus is the best at absorbing everything.
So your saying I should be taking water enemas instead of drinking it.
and this season we also /fit/
Apart from them getting further along with the story
i love Assuka
Mutsu should say "You were stuck" in the 3rd panel and Homare should say "Would be able to" in the 5th panel
the ED is a masterpiece
When did they find this?
I cant stop listening to both the op and ed.
they should be naked with full body tans
It's not sea water they're tonguing into each other's butts, but cave water with bat droppings. To avoid getting sick from it
most underrated show of the season
When they first looked for water, it's one of numerous things the anime missed
Episode 2?
Huge tomboy tits
Watch out user!
>Happy Sugar Life had no fanservice and no pantyshots
It had one
>that cute Homare
why this show make my peepee big?? O_o
Homare is the kind of girl who would be totally OK with being fucked hard and impregnated if it is for the sake of founding a new civilization on a abandoned island.
>this is a survivalist body
peak performance
that's a whole load of cope
Fuck, I never knew this
Bless you lad.
Get out, fag.
>she killed a fucking bear with a deadfall
It did?
CQCing it is obviously a much better choice.
>tfw she is going to lose all that fat due to the lack of food
oh shit, why didn't you tell me that Azumi Waki is on this?
I think she's voicing the Erina lookalike. M.A.O. voicing best girl Homare, Kiyono Nasuno (Megumi) is glasses Mutsu and the tomboy is a newcomer (who also voices Kasuza from AraOto this season). Oh, papa is literally Snake.
Someone pixelate the frog.
>Would definitely fuck you for food
Can anyone make a webm of that moment? I'm legitimately retarded and don't know how.
here is the scene or do you just want the Mutsu part?
I just wanted a webm of her expression going from happy to dead inside, preferably without any text.
What use does a tomboy have for that much titty?
1. download MPV
2. install this
3. open video in MPV
4. press shift+w to turn it on
5 press 1 to set start point, 2 to set end point, then press O to change options (esc to back out when done changing stuff) then finally press E to encode
note, webms will have sound and subs by default but they can be turned off by turning off the audio and sub tracks respectively
She's on the school basketball team, just imagine
Thanks user!
>On the basketball team
>Can't even keep up with Homare on a walk in the woods
She was probably a benchwarmer.
reserve energy tanks
thank you user
But that's not cunny at all
It's a rather big one but I'm fine with it too
i love her so much
Homare is such a cutie pie.
i hate her so much
I am ambivalent.
turns out she's less useful than Shion.
if i was a girl this is exactly how i would spend my time
>tomboy on the basketball team
>gets tired from a walk
yuri aside is it any enjoyable or comedy?
maybe is a really long walk
she's the basketball teams sexual relief, not an actual player
That's because she's carrying two 5kg basketballs with her.
It is and I learn a thing or two every week.
Only her boobs.
But she is cute dork
Her energy are depleted because hunger.
I wonder how many girls she converts into lesbianism merely by jiggling them wildly during a match.
Female basketballers get all the girls.
that is actually really well drawn for a single frame.. shame it is blurry
They're stranded on a remote island with barely any food and water. What did you expect?
If you like yuri ecchi you might like it.
even MADVR can't save me when it's that heavily intentionally blurred
maybe the BD's will be clearer
Can't they use their poop for fertilizer to grow crops?
but she should have energy with all those fat reserves
They're energy reserves for other people. You naturally feel energized by seeing such amazing big tits.
No, but they can use their poop to fight off sharks. See Chapter 54.
Mutsu was super cute this episode. I had to cap a lot of her faces.
The cutest pantsu.
Thanks for that, user.
Yes, surprisingly.
[Duck season!]
this is fucking false
Not necessarily infection, but forcing soiled water down past the gag reflex is just going to induce nausea and vomiting and do more way more harm than good.
Maybe if you exhausted all other options. If you live in a functioning society there's plenty of ways to treat dehydration without needing to resort to water enema.
now looks like she just took a shit
I'm surprised by how nice this looks, especially the characters. Who even is this studio? They just came out of nowhere and did Happy Sugar Life and now this.
Shouldn't their pantsu be stained and filthy by now? They only have one pantsu each and no laundry detergent.
that's bullshit, but I believe it
Well, if the anime adapts up to the recent ants chapters....
it does look nice, these scenes in particular stood out for me
They've only been there for a couple of days
They keep going into the sea which cleans them
They're cute anime girls
>tripfag thread
>that particular tripfag
oh boy
^You finish on your gf's butt and this happens wd?
Why did Ezo'la adapt this anyway? Such a strange change in material after HSL.
I doubt a new studio can be picky about what they get to adapt
But other new studios have been picky before.
How do these women deal with their mens?
Won't it be sync if they stay that close?
How do they deal with their sexuality?
Lord of the flies: The Animation
>inwards feet
That means she have some sort of femoral anteversion.
Seal of approval.
>cute girls doing cute survival things
Is that what this is? I was avoiding it on the chance it would turn out to be some Lord of the Flies situation.
Which one is going to be Piggy?
>Metal Gear Solid 6: Daughter Rising
Homare is making her own motherbase.
Japs think pigeon feet are cute
Survival is brutal and dirty, not this cute clean shit
The manga is actually amazing. I don't dislike the anime, but there's more tension and better art in the manga. And they're rushing through the content.
>not this cute clean shit
Pretty much, and after few days your underwear really shows skid marks no matter how clean you're.
You could use wood ash to wash it though.
The world called for water sports, and we answered.
Really no, it's far more Swiss Family Robinson
is volume 4 translated?
There are official translations out.
I can only find volume 1-3
Why tomboy have a most massive milkers in the team? this is counterintuitive
If it isn't on one site, it'll be on another
>that sneaky 2-frame nipple shadow
>Nipple showing through shirt and blouse
I understand that wearing bras in hot and humid island will give you a bad case of rash, so you would go braless.
But those are rockets not nipples.
Why do nips have a problem with eating hermit crabs? How is it any different from all the other shellfish shit they eat?
I'm pretty sure most people are adverse to eating things they normally don't eat.
Who the hell are you even talking about?
where did they get those sexy panties?
Just wait a few episodes and you will find out where they will get 'em.
Haven't you seen Sounan desu ka? It's pretty good
I already read and watch it.
What I asked is who are those people that guy was talking about.
Surely he's not talking about the Sounan girls and he's confusing reality with fiction, right?
They will most likely skip over the second group tho, at most they will show Hotaru's dad on his ship.
I guess we'll have to wait to see.
Proofs? I have evidence to the contrary right here