How would you streamline/clean up the plot/lore of Evangelion?

How would you streamline/clean up the plot/lore of Evangelion?

Attached: 595.png (653x490, 276K)

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Absolute terror field= autism

this mess is beyond saving

I'd start off by removing your garbage wojak thread.

>le bald feels polish man xdd

Bump just to spite these guys

go away wojak nigger

user, they already did that --> Darling in the Franxx

>Shinji, pilot the robot.
>*sends out Rei*
>Shinji, save this hot girl from the ayys.
>*Shinji saves Rei and kills angels*
>Shinji, this is Asuka. She will be replacing you. She is better than you.
>*Shinji attends school and dates Rei*
>Shinji, Rei is actually a clone of your mother mixed with ayys but the good kind of ayy. Have sex with Asuka instead.
>*Asuka gets depressed*
>Shinji, pilot the robot to keep your incest lover Rei and your friends safe.
>*Shinji kills all the angels*
>Shinji, this is Kaworu. He will be replacing Asuka.
>*Shinji falls in love with Kaworu*
>*Rei gets depressed*
>Shinji, kill Kaworu he is the bad kind of ayy. He is the last ayy.
>Shinji if you dont do it he will kill Rei.
>I hate you.
>*Shinji kills Kaworu*
>*Shinji gets depressed*
>Everyone, this is Mari. She will be replacing everyone. Anyway I quit.
>*Gendo merges Rei with Lilith or Adam or whatever the fuck* and then Unit 01 and frees Shinjis mother from the core.
>What took you so long, Gendo?
>If it werent for those meddling kids..

and it was complete shit

a boy falls in love with a girl

Enjoy your ban, idiot.

Having fantasies about changing someone else's past work is meaningless, you should move on.

Have sex.

By deleting all of it. All of this pretentious trash needs to be erased.

Imagine, it's been 24 years and you faggots can't get over with

Why do people keep comparing Darling in the Franxx with Eva?

It’s perfect as it is

I wouldn't, fuck normies.

Will Pepe/Wojak faggots die if they make a thread that doesn't start with a question?

First of all, fuck off, there's nothing wrong with it.

Second of all, kill Mari.

Attached: decal.jpg (1280x720, 230K)

Think this'd be a good start.

>wojak thread up for 5 fucking hours
looks like Yea Forums got burned away with kyoani

fuck off