>decided to watch VEG for the first time
>thought it was pretty good, a solid 8.5/10 with the OVA, 7.5 without it
what was Yea Forums's problem with it?
Decided to watch VEG for the first time
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally contrarianism.
It seems to be a prime shitposting target due to people who tried to make it out to be the greatest anime ever, I suppose. It's also probably popular with normalfags so that automatically makes it bad.
Dumb plot, dumb characters, dumb setting, and to make it even more frustrating, it looked absolutely beautiful
Violet as a character was dull as shit and all the other supporting characters were even less interesting
Episodic storylines were hit and miss too
Overall it's just all style, no substance
How were the characters and plot any more dumb than your average anime?
Asking for a friend
It was just really dull for me, I know Violet being socially inept is part of the story but everything, the setting, the characters are all very sterile. I also watched the PV for the novels where Violet bursts in while riding a giant axe and was disappointed there was none of that in the anime.
Looks good though.
It was too flammable
True that, I liked isekai show number 342, and the 10th season of random shonen number 452, those had much better plots, settings, and characters, and with some fight scenes thrown in, man, was I definitely not bored!
Are you being sarcastic?
I honestly can't tell.
edgy kid can't appreciate beauty.
The more anime you've seen the more you recognize how soulless it is. It's a chinese mish mash of shit that's been done already and doesn't even bother to change designs from what it rips off.
>all style, no substance
Just like the spiral stairs, huh?
No, isekai number 342 and shonen number 451 were more than likely better, this user is just very passionate about his shonen and isekai
It was a nice wallpaper factory. Plot, direction, VAs, sound were average at best.
It has everything to make a compelling and emotional story. But it's writing of the characters utterly fails at achieving that potential. It tries too hard to make Violet a sympathetic figure. The drama doesn't feel natural at all. I tried to give this series a chance, even watched till episode 6 hoping it will improve but it's just not good. It's just a result of bad script writing and bland direction.
It was popular
although I personally dropped it half way through as it was boring and I thought Violet was a terrible MC just because of her autism
I'm compiling a list to bait VEGfags, tell me, what has been done before and what did it rip off?
Obviously the visuals are alright . . .
>he doesn’t like isekai
The next few years are gonna be rough for you
As someone who can enjoy the most slow paced of SoL shows if the atmosphere is great and the characters are at least likeable, this shit was one of the most boring, soulless SoL shows I've ever seen
There wasn't any problem. Yuru camp was just better than VeG and it came out at the same time. Sold exponentially more too even though is was from a literal who company compared to kyoani which sunk a lot of money into VeG
drinking Violet's pee
People don't like popular things, if it was made by another studio they'd be all over it.
I loved it
Mainly because I read the books
I thought it was an amazing adaptation.
Its really only Yea Forums that has a problem with it, everyone i have talked to absolutely loved it. It nailed the emotional moments and had the most beautiful animation and look to probably any anime, ever. I personally give it a 9/10.
Can anyone actually tell me a reason they didn't like it?
Or is this board filled with NEETS who don't understand why this show is absolutely amazing?
Be objective, how much of a factor will this fire be to VEG's legacy? No matter what the opinion of Yea Forums is?
I personally think it will be remembered as the last work of a decent studio, and thus be heralded for no other reason.
hyuck hyuck
I didn't just bore the men, but the women and children too
The problem is that both sides to VEG discussions in Yea Forums are always at the extreme ends.
The ones who hate it because it's kyoani and the ones who loves it because it's kyoani. So anything on Yea Forums just turns into shitflinging with each side trying to undermine the other.
It's either a masterpiece or it's a pile of shit, nothing in between.
Honestly, it feels too melodramatic and emotionally manipulative. When someone deliberately tries to make things as "sad" as possible, I recognize I'm being manipulated and it stops working on me. Most of the episodes are pretty much the same thing over and over again with some exceptions. Another thing is it tries to be true to life with not many anime clichés present, but the whole premise of a little girl being a deadly soldier feels a bit dumb. Also, I knew how it would end right from the beginning, it was really predictable. The redeeming qualities are the art and the ost.
I didn't hate it, but didn't feel like I watched anything outstanding either. A solid 7/10.
I usually like KyoAni shows, Nichijou, K-On, Maid Dragon, Hibike and Lucky Star are all great. VEG however is absolutely mediocre and if it's animation was less pretty it would rightfully get called out on being boring as fuck.
>It's also probably popular with normalfags so that automatically makes it bad.
many people like it so i must hate it because i'm not like many of the people i need to feel special
>expect healing anime
>get lifetime drama with Lego tier action
her fucking arms just pop off, how am I supposed to take this shit seriously?
>No matter what the opinion of Yea Forums is?
I feel Yea Forums will warm up to it in the next few years (mainly due to newfags). It happens a lot
When it aired Yea Forums fucking loathed the Endless 8, now people will always defend it
Yea Forums shit all over GTA 4 when it came out, and now it's considered to be superior to all other GTA games other than GTA
Those that like it tend to express it like you, and those that don't will call it all bland, all boring.
I don't know what the cause for the seemingly 50/50 divide here would be, nor do I particularly care.
I'll at least keep telling anons to watch the special episode after ep 4 when they express interest so that those that do appreciate it can appreciate it fully.
This, you'll be able to have reasonable discussion in a couple years when shitposters have something new for the two minutes hate.
I'll give it credit for making me cry once and looking gorgeous. But everything else just didn't click with me.
It was boring and full of cringe forced tearjerkers, literal garbage for trannies and soiboys.
>watch the special episode after ep 4 when they express interest so that those that do appreciate it can appreciate it fully.
I don't know why they cut it from the original broadcast.
The jump from ep 4 to ep 5 makes 0 sense without the OVA
>too melodramatic and emotionally manipulative.
You can say the same thing about every other past show that was a tearjerker e.g Clannad and Clannad AS, KimiUso, SoraYori, Plastic Memories, Maquia and so on
Even during the original broadcast I understood that there was a slight time skip and jobs in-between, it's all in the prep-talk from Boss man during the boat ride.
And as a one cour show I got that it's not going to be all show-don't-tell.
Not that I mind the elaboration in the OVA, now that it's there.
Didn't care about the setting nor the characters. There are some that hate it because they hate kyoani, but that was a vocal minority back when it was airing.
Most anons really hated ep 4 when it aired so I doubt you could convince many to continue on and see the special let alone the entire anime.
it suffers from kyoani syndrome. looks really good but it's the dullest shit imaginable.
Well, yes. And I generally do say it about them. It's like the author is constantly telling me "Dude, see this foreshadowing, this is going to be super sad, you'd better start crying now. Yes, I'm going to repeat this every goddamn episode in case you forget". After a millionth repetition, I pretty much become immune to it and the ending leaves me unsatisfied. I like it when a show tries to surprise me. It might just be my preferences in storytelling, but many people share those preferences with me, so you can't be surprised they don't like these shows as much as you do.
Why does she barely have any porn?
So you're isn't the tearjerker stuff in and of itself but rather that writer's foreshadow it too much.
Yeah didn't know that, would watch tonight.
You missed the best half
>what was Yea Forums's problem with it?
it was boooooooring
Perhaps. It simply gives me time to build barriers, I become immune to it and bored, because for me, the show loses one of its main points. For example, the closest I came to crying was probably during the end of Haibane Renmei, because nobody prepared me for it. There is forsehadowing, but nobody is able to tell what exactly is coming.
In the final episode, they manage to completely destroy the idea of the world itself and one of the main characters, but that's not everything, because they also manage to redeem her, everything done mastefully in the span of 20 minutes. This kind of emotional rollercoaster is enough to leave an impact on me. But again, it might simply be a personal preference.
grilled veggies
To be honest you're describing VEG. It is technically an isekai of sorts, Toiletto starting life in a new world so to speak, an european setting where they eat with chopsticks and say itatakimasu, reminds me of SAO, also shitty choreographed fight scenes.
how did the ova really make it 1 whole point better? I didn't really see it as anything other than episode 14. Though it has been a while since I watched it.
For some reason I believe this. Dropping it before even giving it a shot.
Episode 10 is best episode.
More like a 5.5 and being extremely generous, outside of visuals it was complete shit.
It was made for women clearly
Kyoani didn't burn down yet.
I only remember 3 episodic storylines and i watched it not too long ago. About the dying mother, about father finishing story for his dead daughter and the dying soldier. Other ones were average i guess since i dont remember them. Also the part about violet being 14 yo killing machine female that is able to dodge point blank bullets is retarded.
Still for the episodic stories i gave it a solid 7.
It's cheap, hollywood style drama. Extremely generic and uninspired. Authenticity is the most important quality and this one obviously misses it.
Dropped it because I got too busy. Is the major still alive? Does he appear in the anime?
Gotta watch to find out.
It was a really good character development episode for Violet
I don't know if it makes the whole show one star better but I felt it improved her arc
Wasn't this supposed to get a movie next year?Do you guys think it was already done before the fire?
Only praised because it was KyoAni (their fans praise everything) and it looked nice. VEG was Glasslip-tier boring, and the premise is laughable.
Amazing visuals but not a perfect story. Regardless, shitposting studiowar fags parade it around on Yea Forums as the best thing in the world and make discussions unbearable and extreme just because it didn't "win" in sales threads
I don't remember much except the chickens but it was never boring. It was a trainwreck sure but not boring.
So basically.
A few people have been hyping it up quite a bit on Yea Forums. And this annoyed a few spics that just couldn't handle a few threads non-dedicated to shounenshit on Yea Forums. So they started shitposting ENDLESSLY in the threads, including Yori Moi 's threads. It was an endless garbage spill, and the threads were absolutely unusable for MONTHS. Even very recently, it was impossible to create a Yori Moi thread without the shitters throw their copypaste and shitposting the thread to oblivion.
It was actually a dark time to be on Yea Forums. Even the Yuru Camp threads more or less suffered from it, and threads about VEG started invading the board early on.
>Deflecting this hard
It's well known fact that kyoanus lickers are thin skinned that cannot take any criticism of any sort. They and triggerfaggots needs to be rounded up and shot like the sheep they are.
This man here speaks of the truth.
It has FEELS so that makes it DEEP and MATURE and an amazing anime.
a doesn’t like anything popular cause they are edgy
VEG on a whole is average but it is carried by the production values and a couple of 10/10 masterpiece episodes.
>emotionally focused story exposed to an emotionally immature person who can't handle it
Pick whichever you like
Unfortunately I don't even think anyone hates Violet Evergarden. Its a pretty mediocre anime apart from the visuals which are technically impressive. It feels like its trying to be this emotionally driven story but feels heavy handed and didn't work for me.
The endless eight was a tough watch but I respect Koyani for doing it. It was an interesting exercise in direction and meta storytelling.
I have no problem with the show itself. The autists who would shit on SoraYori in the name of it however got on my nerves.
I'm planning to watch it some time soon.
Which episodes are the good ones? I think I've watched the first 4 or 5 episodes a few times now. Might give it another shot if I'm coming up to a good episode.
What about TTGL?
In my opinion the 10/10 eps are 10,11, and 13
Also a lot of people love episode 7.
I'll give it another shot then when I'm finished with lucky star.
It's overdone melodrama that tries too hard in jerking your tears. Good production value, but not much else.
remember special episode after episode 4
Will do. Thanks.
It's okay, but some people are rather obnoxious about their belief that it's the greatest thing ever.
OVA had the cutest scene
Eh I think a lot of that was part of the whole darlifra shitposting at the time. Now that a substantial amount of time has passed since then I don't really hear that anymore.
What was her problem?
legitimate autism
customer kept telling her that what she wrote was shit basically and Violet doesnt know how to handle it so she put herself in timeout
What is the best way to make Violet cry?
Tell her she failed major Gilbert
This series has such an incredible art style and usage of that art style. I can honestly say I have never seen anything like this series before anywhere. without a doubt a TOP runner for best series I have ever watched. And make no mistake, I have wasted SO much of my time on all kind of series, all from Vikings and Mr. Robot, to Naruto and A Place Further Than The Universe, heck even GOBLIN SLAYER and Zombie Land Saga. If I don't have some idea of what is ''good'', what is "bad", and what is a once in the millennium spot on hit, (maybe I'm a little wild with that statement, but I think you'll know what I mean by it) I don't know who does. such a journey and if I could, I would watch this for the first time, again and again
My personal favorites were seven, ten, eleven and fourteen.
I think episode 10 was the peak of the season. It's an episode you could show to a person who's completely unfamiliar with anime
boring trash with kawaii uguu MC
When does the movie come out?
>why would you ever want to do something like that
This is literally a cesspool of people that think Symphogear is a masterpiece and kirika is top tier fleshlight.
>think VEG is bad
>Love symphogear
Ok faggots
everything was good about this except the circumstances around the battle of intense. particularly how child soldier aim bot and the handsome green eyed major stand still to admire the night sky in the middle of a fucking battle (when all their squad mates were wiped out). and how the enemy snipershooters somehow manage to shoot BOTH of aim bot's arms off (not to mention her not bleeding out when it happened). if the author really had a hard on for violet having adamantium arms couldn't he have come up with a more believable backstory for that or better yet just left out the details of the battle out completely?
It's too melodramatic and oversimplified for such a serious topic(PTSD). I'm fine with a light tone in school dramas but here it just doesn't do the plot justice.
Having an emotionless iceblock stock character as your MC is lazy writing on so many levels. Violet's character development is limited in scope, predictable, self-fulfilling. It's also plain wrong, PTSD victims aren't just emotionally crippled. Again, it's just a ridiculously oversimplified portrayal of the human psyche.
Aim-bot's arms got visited by uncle Dum-Dum bullet and potato masher shrapnel respectively.
you realize that shes also has mental issues beyond just ptsd right?
Alexithymia, user.
Look user, this whole KyoAni tragedy thing proved this site is filled with underage edgelords that cannot stand quality anime simply because they don't like anime.
I'm willing to bet a considerable chunk of the unreasonable hate VEG gets comes from these 'people'.
Based Kagami poster.
I think it’s okay, but I always felt the storyboarding and camerawork were average for this series. It feels kind of generic and doesn’t have that personal touch of the staff working on it.
Like people praise Episode 10 but it’s the most predictable ep for me and there’s no exceptional camerawork that make the episode great. Compare it to A Silent Voice that was made by KyoAni too, you can feel the director Naoko Yamada, the composer, animator and the voice cast in every aspect of the film. VEG felt so soulless compared to that film.
So I tried searching for videos that might help explaining why it's disliked by a certain demographics and ended up finding this instead. Pretty good perspective from somebody that doesn't like anime in general desu.
>inb4 stop shilling your channel
I don't have social media accounts and that includes youtube, just watch the dang video.
looks painful
She looks cute when she cries
pout is cuter
That's not a pout, that's a "I hate myself and I'm sorry for screwing it up" face.
>popular with normalfags
Pretty sure you need to have a certain power level to get to know VEG in the first place. Far from being popular, I don't think normalfags even know what VEG is
it's on Netflix. That's why
how did anyone watch the ending to this and not get pissed off?
how did anyone watch any of the fighting and not instantly drop it?
how did anyone not immediately recognize how did nobody notice how badly the mechanics used to build her up as being a cliche super soldier who was emotionally stunted?
the show fucking sucked. appealing to a western demographic and superficially looked good, was animated well, but had absolutely no substance to it.
>watches anime
>on netflix
Is this what westerners really do? No one watches anime on netflix in the eastern hemisphere
netflix is why death note had a resurgence of popularity in the west.
Well if they didn't know it before they certainly know it now. I've seen Violet show up on the news multiple times after the arson.
>Is this what westerners really do?
Not in general, just normies.
Netflix has more than 150 million subscribers. That's huge exposure to a huge non-anime fan crowd. It pops up in "currently popular" for me all the time.
The average VEGtard brain appears to be unable to comprehend the actual criticisms people list every time this is asked, and can only counter with the simplest thoughts like MUH SHITPOSTERS and MUH CONTRARIANS.
Imagine having to paint people as symphogear loving neckbeards in order to understand why they don't praise a perfectly mediocre show like VEG.
I just disagree with the criticism since it's along the lines of
The plot is not dumb in my opinion.
The characters are not dumb except for Iris, in my opinion.
She setting is not dumb, in my opinion. In part because it opens avenues for things like What else do you want me to say?
And you people keep saying the same things over and over.
It gets tiring as fuck.
The average VEG hater brain appears to be unable to comprehend the actual responses to criticisms people list every time this is asked, and can only counter with the simplest thoughts like MUH CHOCCY and MUH TRANNIES.
no no, iris is just a stuck-up rebellious bitch
it's a vapid melodrama that looks like an orgy of filters. it's kinda like someone converted some oscarbait movie into an anime.
You point out the dumbest post itt, there is plenty of valid criticism to be found. Of course it's repetitive, the show has clear flaws and people point them out. Criticizing a show isn't a creative process.
VE is just good, but not great. It's in the bottom half of KyoAni's shows for me.
And It's very likely I'll disagree with that criticism.
The filters for example. I don't give a shit.
K-ON! was better
Of course you can disagree. As long as you recognize a valid criticism, but have your own opinion, you aren't one of the people user was talking about. He was talking about people who can't comprehend why anyone would dislike VEG and paint them as shitposters and contrarians.
vegniggers spamming the board
your average anime doesn't pretend to be deep and art
I don't give a shit about that guy either.
And you know exactly who I'm talking about.
His filenames are fucking weird.
The webms are nice and all, but why do you get mixed up with him all the time as if he's gonna disappear if you argue with him once more.
Then it's time for
>hurr durr, they're all like that
again. Goddamn.
It was fine Yea Forums's problem is that there's been a small group of about 10-30 depending on the time that sit on irc (have since moved to discord) and they get their kicks out of influencing Yea Forums's opinions on various shows. It first started off with making Yea Forums perceive what were frankly ok but nothing special shows as worst thing of all time. Eventually they got bored and changed up their methods to get some more entertainment out of it.
One of their new methods they tried was on VEG and it was one of their most successful one yet. Simply it was to spam the shit out of of SoraYori, another show with similar atmosphere airing at the same time. This in turn led to the two fanbases endlessly shitposting in each others threads and ultimately those in VEG camp started to fall by the way side as some of VEG's middle episodes were weaker then Sora Yori's middle episodes. From there you get us to where we are today.
The edgelords and fangirls that watched Death Note back in 2007 rewatched it and recommend it to some friends because Light was right/Light is so dreamy
VEG doesn't pretend to be deep either. Unless you're emotionally impaired the messages of the show are simple to get.
And I don't think people take issue with the consensus regarding its ridiculous production quality.
>Sora Yori
>similar atmosphere
Not even close. The shitposting was 100% forced.
unironically, forced animation.
>muh discord boogeyman
fuck off nerd. VEG was tranny shit
It’s just too cry porny
IRC has been known about since 2009, fuck off Yea Forumseddit
VEG is pretty mediocre, but I'm curious what makes it "tranny shit".
I mean you're right and I stopped myself right there when typing it, trying to see if I could come up with a better descriptor for the parallel why IRC linked them together. But couldn't come up with one.
veg pretends to be well written drama, when it's garbage
Why are they called "dolls" when they're just typists. Had to stop watching after that, it was so retarded I burned down the studio.
But you like cute girl crying anime 64563
People thinking the anime is well written because they are blinded by their waifuism.
Dropped in episode 5. At the level of a bad adaptation of a bad mexican soap opera.
Why didnt they adopt Violet even after she ran away and tried to kill herself?
Or that boring = deep.
I am not a middle aged Chinese housewife.
You are naive to believe anything said in this hellish shithole, you did good in making your own opinion about it.
And I don't suppose you can come up with something better?
If it was bad drama it wouldn't be able to get an audience to care and get emotional.
Kyoani hate
I liked it - episode 10 is the only episode I feel I could call a masterpiece
I don't like cheap soap operas.
Why wasn't this in the anime? It was a necessary bridge between ep 4 and 5.
Pout is the stage before crying.
Why is Saber crying?
Too soon, man. Too soon.
Look I get you like PTSD Seibah (KyoAni ver Kai) but Violet Evergreen was fucking boring.
Looked fantastic, was kind of touching sometimes.
Never had a problem with the show.
It's just the subhuman salesfags that shitpost about the show.
It's too on the nose in what it's trying to do and what it is doing, there's not a Gundam show that hasn't done "poor super special children of war who are exceptional killing machines for no real reason" kind of story. And also throw love in there, because Love is the Pulse of the Stars. It's essentially a really bad Gundam show without the mechs really, Violet is a newtype, there no other way to look at it. None of the stories haven't been done before by Korean, Chinese or Japanese doramas, they shit them out literally daily. The CG in VEG gets really bad every time you look back on it, the CG in cities, the shitty anchor, really, only time CG worked in VEG are closeups of Violet's hand for 15 seconds (that's CG) and promotional shots like the typewriter one. It just doesn't hold up in any regard and it's a painfully mediocre story with fairly average animation except for couple cool CG moments that do work and painfully mediocre soundtrack that's just "let's throw in sad piano or sad violin and see if we can manipulate people into buying this shit". It's every sad war story ever done even in animation.
Except more pedophilia. Although Iron-Blooded Orphans had pederasty so Mari Okada has that over them.
Her hands are not CGI, stop posting about stuff you don't know and stay on your board.
Tell it to me, boys.
How hard has VEG been hit by the fire?
I know the director survived, but were the animators working on it located at Studio 1? What about originals and reference materials, were they also at Studio 1?
It was my favorite newer KyoAni show... ;_;
We don't know.
It's the least worst of all the utterly garbage light novels that KyoAni received, but it's still incredibly bad that you'd rather be dead than having to read and animate it.
And now the shitty light novels killed 34 of them and permanently crippled the rest. How really ironic.
Violet Evergarden, more like Violent Evergarden, amirite?
KyoAni's fanbase being pretentious and hailing it as a perfect masterpiece.
Violate her garden.
She is so cute!
What does Violets vagina smell like??
prob bad since she didnt even know how to do her hair and CAttleya had to do it for her
My wife smells really nice
>what was Yea Forums's problem with it?
Nothing. It was literally our anime of the year. Yorifags can kill themselves and take their shitty time flop with them.
Problem? This is the extent of her personality.
>pic related
Didn't sorayori win with over 1/3 of the vote though?
Didn't the poll purposely exclude shounen anime?
A guy editing his Google spreadsheets doesn't mean Yorimoi won.
Nice animation, stale content is my problem and I'm Yea Forums.
I don't remember exactly. Maybe long running stuff but I thought it included everything. I just remember being relieved that Franxx shitposters didn't win.
>A bunch of generic shows
Whoever made it was obviously biased towards Yorimoi and edited the results.
Did you watch the whole thing? She's only emotionless at the beginning.
Hey Leon fuck my daugfther, Violet!
Why would that user give a shit if his favorite show wins is the best of Yea Forums or not?
Because he's insecure like every other yorifag. They always post polls and lists to prove their show is "better." They can never name actual reasons on why it is AOTY.
I watched half of it. Perhaps I’ll finish it and be pleasantly surprised.
I also disliked her at first but she really grew on me. She gets a lot of development in last 5 episodes.
In any other year it wouldn't have stood a chance. 2018 was fucking awful. Don't think I even had a 9/10 that year.
Literally this. Fuck, I really wanted to enjoy it.
>How were the characters and plot any more dumb than your average anime?
It wasn't necessarily a lot worse than the "average anime" but honestly the average for anime is extremely fucking low.
>what was Yea Forums's problem with it?
nothing. It was Yea Forums's official AOTY. Yea Forums crossboarders that comes by to watch shitty shounen hated it though.
I'm an Yea Forums crossborder and I loved it
Anons like shoving it down the throats of others, not much else
Not even close. VEG came in a distant third after Sora Yori and Yuru Camp.
VEG was the first anime I've finished in about four years.
3rd place was being generous
Do your usual ad populum spam and be done with it.
>Yea Forums
I know reading english probably isn't your strong suit spic, but at least try.
The sentiment has been said several times before, but the contrast between Violet being a superhuman waifu—without much justification beyond the waxing of themes—and the serious tone, it shattered my suspension of disbelief. At least when it came to the overall plot, particularly in any scene where Violet kills an entire squad or militia. It came off as laughable for the tone it was trying to convey, and I was unable to take anything seriously for the remainder of the given episode.
However, when it came to any standalone episode, it was quite a treat. And it was frequently touching and beautiful, with phenomenal direction from some of Kyoani's best.
That's why I said Yea Forums's opinion was being generous. 5ch's poll also has >10x the sample size.
>Yea Forums's official AOTY
>ad populum spam
Yea Forums's AOTY is by definition a popularity contest, retard.
Yea Forums isn't 5ch. I'm not sure why you are bringing up japanese reddit. No matter how hard you cry, it won't change the fact that VEG is Yea Forums's official AOTY.
>anonymous sites
>official anything
I don't care mate. I dropped 9 out of the 10 top 2018 picks from 5ch, it's all irredeemable garbage kek.
Yea Forums's results:
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho 109
Yuru Camp△ 87
Violet Evergarden 49
This makes it seem like VEGfans never stirred shit up after the fact, Alot of the initial backlash came out AFTER the show started airing.
>google spreadsheets
>editable polls
wew. You should've stuck with bringing up an entirely different website.
>yorifags celebrate kyoani burning down
>VEG movie and OVA cancelled
>turns out OVA and movie are finished
>will air on schedule
>will break box office records thanks to public sympathy
>VEG becomes KyoAni's flagship series until they finish rebuilding
>Violet becomes an iconic character for fighting through tragedy and disaster
Violet please stop shitposting your own threads.
Yea Forums's problem is you have faggots who can't even save image without watermarks or god forbid take a screenshot themselves from their media player thinking their opinion is valid enough to warrant a thread.
She looked like a bootleg saber
>[Exclusive] World premiere of #VioletEvergarden Gaiden will proceed as planned at Germany's @AnimagiCtweet in August, "at the express request of [Kyoto Animation]." #ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン
Gasoline can't melt silver adamantine
>All these riajuu saying how fantastic kyoani is
>All that virtue signalling
Fucking hell
you mean upgraded saber
God, she is so sexy.
You posted the wrong one
It was fast food drama. It's not very hard to deliver drama when you only have to write a bunch of generic short sob stories and then package them with pretty visuals and music to get people to feel emotional. It was hard to form an emotional attachment to Violet herself and the pacing of her development was really clunky. There's a reason everyone remembers the sad story of a girl's dying mother even though Violet's role is rather unimportant and could be easily swapped for another character.
It was a competent enough series, but ultimately it gets hugely overrated by people who fell for melodramatic schlock thanks to its high production value. Also their insistence on constantly comparing Violet to a doll just got tiresome. You already gave her the job title of doll; it's not necessary to have people regularly remark on how her emotionless face and robot hands remind them of a doll.
I just finished watching it too. I thought it was very sweet and cute. Would watch it again/10.
>Fucking generic show
Arsonist rise Up!
>visual medium
>complain and hate on a well animated show with pretty visuals for it's subpar/average plot
Amazing visuals and well written story/plot are rare to get in the same product, I don't know why people's standards are so high. Go read a book if you want your fill.
+5 internet points for correct usage of an esoteric psych term..
Faggots on this board hyped this show for over a fucking year and we got a blurry, washed out melodrama. The threads while it was airing were a dumpster fire of trolling because there was no show to even discuss. Such a waste of animation talent.
>muh filters
Kiddo pls