Watch this cause it's highly praised

>watch this cause it's highly praised
>almost every episode just feels like a villain of the week filler with maybe 2 minutes per episode dedicated to character development
what a boring piece of shit.
also, nothing makes sense.
how the fuck was Hyakkimaru immediately able to understand japanese after regaining his ability to hear despite never having heard japanese in his life before?
is this really what the average MAL fag thinks is a 9/10?

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average MAL fag thinks FMA isn't shit, so yes. Their taste is pathetic.

I miss her bros

Attached: Dororo.png (2368x4046, 390K)

>can read hyakkis name in the sand in episode 2
>can't read the fucking sign in episode 7
dishonest show

>how the fuck was Hyakkimaru immediately able to understand japanese after regaining his ability to hear despite never having heard japanese in his life before?
>>can read hyakkis name in the sand in episode 2
>>can't read the fucking sign in episode 7
he just can due to its mental communication ability, which wasn't mentioned in the anime iirc. no big deal.
honestly the manga didn't bother too much to explain this stuff, it treated the fantasy element more nonchalantly, it was almost like reading a fairy tale.
the anime on the other side stepped up the game and gave a more realistic touch to the story, but kept the magic element as it was without including better explanations.
anyway, it's still a shit anime and a shittier adaptation.

I wish I could report people for having unbelievably shit taste.

report yourself for presumably thinking this is good then

>motw is bad
go back
though I agree it's not a good anime and it completely destroyed Hyakkimaru's character

what's motw?
meme of the week?
i guess it could be done well, but in this case it just isn't
at some point you just start hoping hyakkimaru would just fucking kill the demon already so we can move on to something more interesting.

This could have been good had it been 2 cour

The original anime is better despite being like fifty years old and with half the budget.

but it was 2 cour.
but if it had been 1 cour it probably still wouldn't have been better desu

I thought it was okay.

yea and some people like brussels sprouts

MAPPA is unable to make good anime. Nothing new.

well i haven't read the source material but it's probably not much better

1st cour was easily AOTS, get better taste

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damn the average anime watchers standards are really that low huh

Name a better anime this year

Go on

It was only if you compared it to the second cours.
Worst Tezuka adaptation since The Lion King.

I can't believe I have to share a board with people who are this stupid

I like this running theme of people shitting on OP without actually providing counter arguments.
So how was he able to understand Japanese the moment he regained his ears, huh?
Literally 5 minutes after it happens they get attacked and Dororo yells out 左!and Hyakki turns left.

This is a show where a baby gets all of its body parts taken and somehow lives, why are you nitpicking him understanding Japanese?

Oh it's the "sam" non-argument. So you're retarded, gotcha.

How can he breath without a nose?

Its just a fable, retard

Mob psycho 100

with his lungs?

Come back when you have criticism of the show that's actually valid

No you fucking retard.
When you make a fantasy show, in order for people to suspend their disbelief, as a good writer, you have to make the things that are suggested to work the same way in this fantasy world as they do in the real world (Eating, hunger, opening a door) accurate. Your argument is literally brainlet tier and why everyone laughs at anime idiots for liking literal shit.
It's the same argument that fat fuck made when people asked why the fat fuck in GoT isn't losing weight despite never eating more than others and traveling all the time, to which the actor responded "You're watching a show with fire breathing dragons and you ask why a fat person stays fat?"
Again, you're literally bottom of the barrel IQ retarded and probably have never learned to tie your shoes. Get out of my sight, scum.

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>dude, violence is bad mkay. Lets talk it out

Its not a fantasy, its a fable

Without feelings, he would starve to death since.he would never feel hunger

how do you know he never feels hungry?
he still has internal organs, you know?

Hunger is a feeling. He never would have felt before he got his nervous system back


he was missing his nervous system?
granted, i dropped the anime 7 episodes in, but i remember him screaming like a bitch when he got his leg snapped by the demon in episode 5

You couldn't suspend your disbelief for him understanding Japanese? You could've criticize the poor pacing, the central theme, or the drop in visual quality instead you choose to nitpick an insignificant detail. You shouldn't be watching anime in the first place if your immersion is broken that easily.

He got his nervous system.back in like episode 3, speedwatcherkun

Nice shitpost, satan

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Domestic na Kanojo - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.44_[2019.02.16_11.14.22].jpg (1920x1080, 115K)

nah, in episode 1 he gets back his face, in 2 a leg or some shit and 3 is just a flashback episode of the prosthetics dude. pretty sure he always had a nervous system

Watch it again. After he gets his feelings back, he burns himself on a fire because he doesnt know about heat

yea i remember him doing that but i just took it as him getting accustomed to the idea of having sensations in a limb which he previously never experienced. due to not having limbs

Thats cuz you are a speedwatcher

nah that's cause it doesn't make sense for him to regain both his leg and his nervous system from the exact same demon.
do you know how fucking new the sensation of feeling something under your souls for the first time in your life would be?

>you have to make the things that are suggested to work the same way in this fantasy world as they do in the real world (Eating, hunger, opening a door) accurate.
That is not even remotely true.

Yes, if they're suggested to work in the same way as they are in this show, then yes.
Anyways, your lack of reading comprehension apalls me.

>So how was he able to understand Japanese the moment he regained his ears, huh?

Oh so it has one unrealistic element, that means the whole show must be shit.

nah that's just one of the earliest signs of it being shit

>Adaptation of a Tezuka manga feels dated
Who could have guessed?

not him, but you're definitely a braindead speedwatcher. he didn't regain both his leg and nervous system from the same demon, and I don't know how you could even think that without either having your fucking eyes closed or being absolutely retarded.

nice reading comprehension. i said leg, not legs and i literally said he didn't regain a leg and his nervous system from the same demon. what the fuck are you even on about? learn to read, degenerate.

But that's the exact opposite of what you said. I think you might wanna learn to write, bud.

Post some Dororo fan comics

i have some, but I'd rather post them in a comfy dororo thread than bump this negative one

It's implied Dororo's been speaking to him for quite a while between episodes. Time is pretty flexible in the show.