He would've won if not for his shit cocky master.
He would've won if not for his shit cocky master
Can't beat Gilgamesh
Not really the master is not the problem actually if where able to steal Archer she should have won, overcharged archer > overcharged berseker
Gil would beat him everytime. Also if we go HF route, he can't resist the shadow.
Read Strange Fake. Even in his best class with grail mud boosting him, two other servants assisting him and Gil having GoB locked away he still loses.
Herc is trash.
Gil wont use EA against him because he doesnt think Herc is worth it so if he didnt need to protect Illya from GOB, he might have been able to get close.
Gil wasn’t using Ea because he was a Berserker. Non Berserker Herc is a totally different matter.
Gil still Enkidus him and overkills him with tens of NPs. Herc is one of the few servants Gil doesn't underestimate.
>he doesnt think Herc is worth it
Only while he's in Berserker class.
Is there even a servant that works best as Berserker?
Never read the VN, but in the UBW anime it pissed me to no end how they didn't let him even touch Gil. When he revived for the 13th time I was expecting him to at least cripple Gilgamesh to some point.
Lancelot was pretty great as berserker. He was only able not to die against Gil's sword spam because of class stats boost and he has his sword skills because of eternal arms mastery.
>fgo shit
In VN Gil expected him to break the chains and immediately stabs him with proto Gae Bolg to finish him off. But Herc still defies the will of the world itself and forces his body to remain in this world so that Ilya can crawl and touch him dying peacefully.
Any of those FGO berserkers that can act normally. Lancelot might have been better off, though it's hard to tell
Lu Bu?
Because good luck controlling him in any other class.
Lu Bu?
Ain't that the powerful warrior in 3 kingdoms who was more reknowned for backstabbing all he worked with and met his end after swearing fealty to someone who did not trust him
By "good luck controlling him in any other class." do you mean he is going to betray any master if he had a sense of reason?
hahahaha, would have been great to see Lancelot wipe that smug off his ugly face with his own weapons
>Gilcucks getting uppity yet again
Lu Bu was infamous for betraying everyone, Cao Cao executed him after he captured him (and yes, he was willing to serve Cao Cao).
Yeah, we know a lot about him from Fate/Extra. Basically he has concept of betrayal ingrained in him and in any other class he will inevitably betray his master.
Nah, Illya was literally the most powerful master in the game and everyone knew it.
The issue was there was also Gilgamesh, Sakura, and Zouken to worry about.
Not to mention the soft spot she has for Shirou.
Any other war, and Heracles would have cleared no problem.
It's insinuated that he's easier to control as a Berserker than the other classes.
But that doesn't mean much because as a Berserker he still will probably murder his master anyway.
Berserker (True)
What? How would he defeat GIRUGAMESHU?
Who would win, berserker Herakles versus berserker Lancelot?
Seeing as saber could fight Herakles pretty well despite only having C agility/B luck while Lancelot had A+ agility/B luck (which I assume is what counts when it comes to evading his attacks). I mean Lancelots special would probably do jack shit but I think he might be able to do it regardless.
heracles has 12 fucking lives dude. he's legit one of the strongest servants in canon, not counting gachashit. Herc wins easily
>Seeing as saber could fight Herakles pretty well
She was completely rekt by Heracles with madness enchantment buff turned off every single time they fought 1 on 1 except for the time when it was Saber Alter. Lancelot doesn't have ways to kill Heracles 12 times either, NPs he makes are D rank.
Lancelot would be a great Berserker if he didn't have a shit master and Seibah wasn't in the same war.
Lancelot wouldn't beat Heracles is a straight fight, but if he killed Illya he could outlast Heracles as he despawned.
any hero with good stats that doesn't share your ideals.
Saber also had mana limitations thanks to Shirou. Rin Saber could have easily won
Would Gilgamesh work as Berserker? You can still use NPs, so would he have access to Gates of Babylon?
>VN secondary
Go with the times grandpa lmao
Doubt it. Narration only stated that she would not lose to him in this state. Heracles' physical stats are still slightly better than hers.
Takes one life and then?
Arondight is on par with excalibur in terms of rank. Heightened by his madness enhancement, it's could easily take more than one if hercs lurches per use.
Rank alone doesn't mean it will take shit ton of lives at once. Excalibur is the strongest holy sword and it still didn't finish Heracles off when Saber Alter used it against him so no way Arondight will do better. Also when Berserker Lancelot was shown to be able to invoke Arondight's true name?
but caliburn takes off seven lives at once
>gets beaten by a dog
He might not be able to use it since it does require some kind of rational thought to open the gates and pick items to chuck at people.
Depends. Look at Prisma Ilya Gil, his shadow world form, like the others, has some degree of madness enhancement and uses GoB just fine
Arjuna would rape Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh confirms he can be in any class but Lancer is the poorest choice.
Reminder that the random A-RANK wolves in the Einzbern forest managed to get past his God Hand and damaged basaka