reminder that hinata was always the superior
waifu with
-timid housewife personality
-better genes
-noble heritage
imagine getting engaged with a fucking commoner like sakura
reminder that hinata was always the superior
waifu with
-timid housewife personality
-better genes
-noble heritage
imagine getting engaged with a fucking commoner like sakura
The Hyuuga were not nobility.
are there even Nobles in that fucking universe? ( fillers excluded )
Cattle genes you meant
is this some kind of peasant joke i don´t understand ?
>direct descendants of the Ōtsutsuki clan, who are literally moon gods.
>high test space eyes
>strongest clan in all of konoha
>direct descendants of the Ōtsutsuki clan, who are literally moon gods.
Has nothing to do with nobility
>high test space eyes
Has nothing to do with nobility
>strongest clan in all of konoha
Has nothing to do with nobility
You're going to need to get over this word obsession someday user
They are one of the Four Noble Clans of Konoha, along with the Uchiha; Akimichi and Aburame
Yes, fat fuck and bug man are nobility.
Source on them being called "Noble" clans?
First Fanbook, pages 28-29
>English TL'd of a fanbook
Guy also called himself the Noble Blue Beast.
Noble in nature doesn't necessarily mean nobility in the familial heritage sense.
Whatever dude. Believe what your autism will let you believe.
Imagine marrying a jobber like Hinata
All the women in Naruto are jobbers though
Please, regale us with your definition of nobility.
>Nobilityis asocial classnormally ranked immediately underroyaltyand found in some societies that have a formalaristocracy.
Konoha does not have royalty nor an aristocracy as far as I know.
Saying Hinata has a noble heritage implies this definition.
If OP said Hinata was noble (not "a noble") or had a noble character, then the definition
>having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals
Would be accurate.
>are there even Nobles in that fucking universe
Feudal lords
>reminder that hinata was always the superior waifu with -timid housewife personality -better genes -noble heritageimagine getting engaged with a fucking commoner like sakura
Hinata is cucking Naruto with A.
Are there any feudal lords in Konohagakure? Are they related by blood to the Hyuuga?
There are feudal lords, but the Hyuuga aren't related to them.
The Hyuuga are one of the "Noble Clans" of Konoha, with the other three being the Aburame, Akimichi, and Uchiha. It was mentioned in the first fanbook which covers the manga from the beginning to halfway through the Konoha Crush, but as far as I know nothing has been done with that information.
I just question the translation of "Noble."
No doubt they're the most renowned, and important clans, I just don't see them as being actual nobility, since Konoha's social system doesn't really lend itself to that.
Citations say it should be on these pages right here, but I can't read moon.