With Kyoto animation burning down is there any chance that they will come back eventually? Can they replace the writers, artists and directors they lost?
With Kyoto animation burning down is there any chance that they will come back eventually? Can they replace the writers...
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Hopefully they hire writers who can write actually interesting stuff.
No. Its literally over. Those 3 animators wee quite literally more useful than BILLIONS of other human being. Now theyre gone.
It would take a very long time.
but there are only 7 million people in the world?
What do you think will happen to their IPs? I'm thinking sold or left to rot forever.
If there are only 7 million people in the world, why wasnt humanity eradicated during the Holocaust, which killed 8 million?
>Top 33 Saddest Anime Deaths
because fuck that one person in particular
Any news re: victim names?
nope. done.
Every senior animator, director and producer at kyoani either died or was maimed in the fire. They lost litterally all their material, so they'd have to start the whole thing from scratch. It would take half a decade and 5+ million USD for them to get a staff, equipment, building, all together and ready to start to produce anything
If I'm the owner, and most of my close life work plus all my friends and colleagues just went up in flames I would probably take the insurance payment, and the fund me's make peace with the victim's families, sell what's left of the studio/assets and retire.
>It would take half a decade and 5+ million USD
Why would they use USD and not Yen?
It’s official that all the material was lost or that all material in Studio 1 was lost?
also license or sell the IPs and content to a major publisher
Really makes you think, huh?
All material in Studio 1.
>Be a Kyoani employee
>Wake up in hospital
>See arms, legs completely covered by white bandages, can't feel them, can't move them. Don't feel pain though.
>Afraid to see your face
>Start remembering
>"Oh, I ran away in flames"
>"Uh, that guy in red shirt."
>"I hesitated it."
>"I saw him walking with that cart and that bucket through the entrance, for an instant I thought he was just part of the cleaning staff..."
>"I know he saw me, he was nervious."
>"But I was too focused in my work, hehe, I loved that cute expression I was drawing"
>"I had a bad hunch, then I realized but it was too late. I saw a light, then the extreme heat reached my whole body in an instant. Heard a frightening "die die!". People in panic. "Fire, run, run!". I wanted to help but I couldn't, my instinct screamed me to leave the place. I was lucky to be close to the entrance"
>"I hope everyone's okay"
>Tears begin to appear
>"I had a chance"
>Why I didn't stop him?
I dreamt with something like this tonight. If this is haunting me, I can't even imagine what are feeling the victims.
Remember to report the video and the shill faggot.
I'm fairly sure that Kyoani won't die but, they'll return to stone age. Their quality will be average just like any other studio. The ones which made this studio magical are all dead.
Anyway, if the new workers have the same convictions: quality above everything else. It'll be just a thing of wait (a lot), but eventually Kyoani might be the awesome studio we all care and love, even though the style will be completely different. They might use the old Kyoani works as school, but the teachers are dead, the transition won't go just as smoothly as before. They will have serious consistency issues until the new staff grow in skill and capabilities, to resemble their deceased masters.
Do we have any actual confirmed dead list anyway? Last time I checked there's still no such thing.
What are the real chances of a lawsuit? I mean, is worthless to do it against the fat crazy guy. Some anons are saying victims and relatives would go against KyoAni, but wouldn’t that be also pointless?
It´s not the end.
It´s the beginning of all.
Kyoani WILL find the way.
I only saw a headline in google three days ago saying Takemoto died in the fire. But reliable sources are mute.
good question, does that mean its all lost media now?
Some anons are saying all material in Studio 1.
Pretty sure it was stated already that KyoAni had ‘sufficient’ fire safet measures in place, so I doubt there’s anything concrete to hedge a lawsuit on if the families tried to target the studio.
t. donated and will again. Legends are born in fire.
It'll take awhile. I saw somewhere that this is just one of their several buildings but this was their most important and housed all of their art both digital and physical. They may come back but they wont be the same studio, maybe in name but not in spirit
Because before the Holocaust, there were 15 million people in the world. Do the math, dumpass.
I'd be skeptical of a lawsuit happening. The primary failing here is Japanese fire codes sucking ass. Properly isolated stairwells likely would have saved the second two floors, an a door easy to open while panicking and half conscious from smoke inhalation likely would have saved at least some of the people on the stairs. The Japanese government didn't require them, so Kyoani thought they were okay with what they had.
Lets make our own KyoAni Yea Forums
>8 million
but it was 6 gorrilions, dumb goy
Recent news and investigations, added to a real testimony verify that it took under 15 seconds for the smoke inside to rise up to the third floor. The 19 victims on third floor died from that, even before reaching the door to the roof.
Only Yamada and Ishihara were confirmed alive (Gatoh confirmed Ishihara, and Yamada was confirmed very soon, both probably weren't even there).
Having those both alive are really good news for Kyaoani's future. Ishihara literally built Kyoani out of nothing (he was one the first directors of the studio, even before Takemoto), Ishihara knows how to plant the seed again, and he'll feel with the obligation to die working for the studio now that everyone else passed away.
Yamada on the other hand, she will most likely be the new "Takemoto" of the studio, she has to be. Kyoani needs her more than ever (if she go, that's pretty bad news), but just as Ishihara, she'll live with the eternal guilt of being alive just by mere luck, and will carry with the responsability of Kyoani's sake in her shoulders, I bet she won't rest and will work to death just like Ishihara.
Hope we get some cute amputee animators and voice actors girls now
They have still 100 employees.
Madhouse produces anime with less than 40 employees.
I would imagine they have to have some material in the other building too, at least related to whatever the people there were working on. It would also be possible for them to have lost their entire archive or such, if old IP which was not being worked on was caught in the fire.
Welcome to survivor's guilt
>Yamada on the other hand, she will most likely be the new "Takemoto"
they're dead then
I'm hoping Hatta has a personal masters stash or something.
absolutely brilliant, user. It all makes sense now.
Hitler killed half of population and we still have global warming problems?!
Yamada won't leave for another studio, maybe she will take a hiatus from anime but she knows that they took a huge risk in giving her a chance, a chance that she would not have been given any where else, especially at that age.
Financially, the studio should be largely untouched. There's no evidence of legal negligence or culpability on KyoAni's part. And even if for some absurd reason that building was uninsured, goodwill from the industry will keep them afloat for years. This is an industry known for working for table scraps at shared desks.
It's purely a question of whether the Hattas want to stay in business. They still have dozens of talented animators who need jobs, so I don't see any reason they wouldn't want to continue their life's work.
Yeah, they outsource the production to freelancers and korean sweatshops. It won't be KyoAni if they have to move to that model.
It's a guessing game. Who honestly knows. That violet evergarden movie is only coming out because they were done with it. After that, could be awhile or never.
It's pretty safe to say that no-one who was in that building is able to work to their full capacity any time soon, if ever.
I had a dream about the person who had both legs amputated. They weren't told about it. They couldn't consent to or process it. The limbs were just here one day and gone the next.
Translation of the new message by Hatta.
It's time for all the animators who graduated from Kyoani and spread out through the industry to come back and help bring them out of the ashes.
Noriko Takao, Satoshi Kadowaki, Horiguchi, etc.
Time for Horigushi, Gatoh, Noriko and Yamakan to come back I guess.
They are not hosting another light novel contest ever again
Less than half of the company was in the building. The rest still need to work for a living,
O Captain. My Captain.
Gofundme is nearing the $2 million mark.
Some will commit suicide probably.
that's a shot from Gundam Thunderbolt
Can't believe they got away with this scam
>Can they replace the writers, artists and directors they lost?
No,but they will find new people, Kyoani won't look the same though.
>any chance that they will come back eventually?
They are totally coming back, the 2 movies they have ready will sell so fucking much they will beat Frozen "thanks" to this fire, you know how people are, and even if that's not enough a couple of donations from some youtubers would give them all they need.
You are aware the branch that burned down was one of three right?
>your thoughts are an invaluable guiding light to us right now as we face this darkness
It’s raining.
reminder that feminism and yuri degeneracy killed kyoani
Physical and mental injury+nonexistant mental healthcare+ drastic lifestyle change=astronomical suicide risk
>they will beat Frozen
Nah, they'll do like DBZ Brolly numbers at best
Which is still amazing.
Nah I think it was 40 liters worth of gasoline.
They just need to have screenings in China, chinks fucking love VEG.
Yamada's a Kyoto native who's been with KyoAni since they hired her as an animator. She's not going anywhere but I have no idea what her next movie could be.
Any new from the survivors in the hospital or the arsenist? Police interviews, shit like that. Are the victims and the arsenist in the same hospital so they can have a teary heart to heart moe bonding moment?
Sunrise said they would support them, that's worth something?
I jumped up and down when I read this.
That's very possible. Anecdotally, every publisher that allows open submissions from the public has received at least one manuscript about "The tale of the genius author who murdered the subhuman editor who rejected him". It's a fraught business.
So did PA.
I don't know if Kyoani will do as many movies as they did lately. If they need to educate animators again the best possible way to do it will be with sesional anime just like before. Movies require more expert staff and that's exactly what they lack in this moment.
>"The tale of the genius author who murdered the subhuman editor who rejected him"
I'd send something like "I rejected an entry of a genius author and now I am transported to an alien world where I must work as a maid for a fat demon lord"
Ganbare Hatta.
damn, i teared up.
Long Live Kyoani!
I can't even imagine how a room can fill up with smoke so fast that you cannot even react
reminder that it's his fault that the building was unsafe and he should commit seppuku
Directors are probably harder to replace as they are responsible in everything from pre to post-production. This requires years of experience and understanding of KyoAni's pipeline.
damn, i wish for Yamakan to go back to KyoAni so much. He`s an asshole, but he is damn talented asshole. There really is no better director to make KyoAni comeback anime.
This warms my heart. I imagine Kyoani staff struggling and feeling down with some animation process, then suddenly they receive a call from PA Works or Sunrise president: "Hey, need some animators? oh, and this director is free right now and really want to help, hey, also I heard you lack "X technology or hardware", feel fre to use ours."
And progressively, the positivism and willingness to help from the other studios will infect all the staff of Kyoani, showing them the light again.
it's not a scam, dipshit. obviously you know nothing about US investment laws.
are their upcoming anime cancelled?
Huh, it must be raining.
Already donated, but wll again in 3 days when get my wage. Hope it reaches 3 million and more.
I can't find what PA said do you have a link?
You should read PA president statement, it was really touching and genuine.
hopefully it hits 10 mil. then it'd be more than the recent reparations to korea for ww2.
that'd send a message to those whiney asshats.
Chinks donated a lot of money to GoFundMe. Shows who truly are anime fans.
Why are JP BDs so pricey?
Which upcoming projects were completely lost in the fire? Will they release anything this year, or is everything delayed to next year and beyond?
I will still feel like show knowing that 30+ people had to die for KyoAni to make a good anime again
This is a giraffe industry now.
>Which upcoming projects were completely lost in the fire?
all of them, according to the ceo
>Will they release anything this year, or is everything delayed to next year and beyond?
probably the latter. watch your backlog.
Movies on schedule.
Electric Boogaloo pre-production fucked except for one character sheet or something.
All KyoAni directors are their animators initially. They have plenty, and even if Takemoto and some others died, Ishihara, Yamada etc. are alive.
I just hope Fujita and Ishidate are alive, but even if not - KyoAni has plenty of stuff that recently did episode direction, and new names advancing to direct tv shows.
Spiral stairs basically made this possible. It's sad, really.
Base as fuck nips for having good taste, Liz is GOAT.
Anything they were working on unannounced are lost. Studio 1 is responsible for pre-production work.
Just checked and they're all already out of the top 5 so I assume it's not something that'll last.
Because VHS/Betamax were originally mainly sold only to rental shops, but some people wanted to buy them to themselves and were happy to pay same what rental shop would pay, and the prices stayed.
That beyond beautiful. PA works president is such a bro.
>They gave the fans who watched their works the power to live. The works that they produced wholeheartedly, and the proofs of their existence shall never be forgotten. Let's pray that it will resonate in people's heart around the world, and forever become their drive to live.
This part almost made me tear up.
I cant fucking believe it
We live in a society here weebs are willing to give 1 million dollars to pay for more moe shit entertainment trageting pedophiles, but arent willing to use this money to pay for something that is actually good like a death note manga/anime sequel, a monster sequel, really any of the best of the best anime could use this money to get a sequel
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking as well. This would be a good time to promote some staff they see that has potential to become directors.
people just have to donate to kyoani like how people donated to notre dame
What's the point of this image? Is it supposed to imply that there were only mass deaths in the 'death camps' and not in the concentration camps?
They have to. The murderer wanted KA to disappear, they can't let the psycho win.
Why the fuck would sane people donate money to a moe studio?
No. The survivors lied about the death camps.
Yeah you know "death camp" is something specifically designed to kill people, unlike concentration camp
New kyoani anime announced:
title: Despera
Director: Satoshi Kon
Opening: Origa
Script: Akira Miyazaki
Soundtrack: Yuushi Matsuyama
Animation supervision: Isao Takahata
Co-Production with studios: Manglobe, IMS and Artland
KyoAni is much more important cultural heritage than Notre Dame
Idiot. Don't you think incinerating half the population would contribute to global warming? Hitler caused global warming
>8 million
it was 12 million
Giraffe designer is fucking dead user
Not that user, but wait really? Holy fuck.
That's because all of them sold out.
Not kidding if I have to choose who to be alive between Takemoto and Nishiya. I'd go with Nishiya... if he really died (most likely), that's a fucking disgrace.
If you're jelous of animators getting money to pay for their expenses after being burned in an arson attack just go to go fund me and create a page "gibe money to me instead of kyoani" and see where that gets you.
Damn, you are right.
>Weebs literally brought out amazon stock in one day
Based as fuck.
Most likely. There has been no confirmation of his safety.
Modern Anime don't require drawing faces, only backgrounds. The people are either vectors or 3D; in both cases you just adjust the joints.
Yes, it will come back as Phoenix Animation
They just put a filter on a photo since most backgrounds are just real life locations
Only western shit animation companies use that approach widely. It looks lifeless and shit.
Based PA Works. I always liked them.
I heard rumors the meeting with NHK was to publicize that show, which means Takemoto and the lead staff all got incinerated. Which means the show will probably never happen. Which pisses me off even more because it was the first new KyoAni title I've looked forward to in ages.
You can't just coordinate a random fundraiser asking studio X to make anime Y.
Now if a studio made a kickstarter or some shit for something like that I'm sure they'd get funded in no time. We've already had successful OVA kickstarters.
Jesus, the only chance of survival was jump through the windows. Not exactly everyone's first option.
they are so weak
You can still draw keyframes with broken legs.
Fuck off
It depends on the surviving staff if they want to keep KyoAni alive.
You can't REPLACE creative talent. KyoAni will never be the same without those who died. They can only hire new creative talent, and finding staff that's as talented as those who died is extremely difficult.
KyoAni will come back eventually, but they will never be the same.
Did you see the new Star Trek cartoon?
It makes KyoAni's loss all the more tragic.
But they can't replace their execs and owner who will likely go to prison or neither can they keep themselves from bankruptcy after paying money for contract breach and law suits.
>15 seconds
Is not fair. How that motherfucker nailed it? Did someone provide Aoba with information?
It's hard to animate when your entire staff just got FIRED user
They are really hayai recreating this shit for science and viewership.
Okay, I'll bite.
What contract breach do you speak of?
What's the arson thinking there, guys?
why are we still here
They turned of the only security mechanism they had on that day at the request of NHK with whom had a scheduled meeting. The victims' family can sue both KyoAni and NHK.
Nips are incredible resilient, user. So the way they respond to something like this is work and honor the ones who died. I do wonder what would be the case if something like this happened to Pixar or CalArts because Americans are really obsessed with martyrdom.
>survivor's guilt
Final Destination when?
Exactly this and then I'd do fire safety campaigning/charity work.
He brought a 1 meter long hammer along, he was going to smash a window on the side of the building to get in regardless.
He probably has to poop really bad, but if he gets up it'll be all over, so he's clenching until it subsides.
What would it be like if KyoAni had gotten to make an animated Star Trek Series?
Black people would be cute.
at least put on hold if they were done by Anime-Do or the other studio (i.e., safe). If the WIP was in Studio 1, then it is smoke now, and they will need to reconsider if they will start from scratch.
If you're not prepared better skip this one.
Prepared for what? Faggy voice? This is not your middle school's facebook group.
Nigga I ain't clicking that.
>"No letter deserves to go undelivered"
Alright that one got me
It would be re-imagined with the Enterprise crew as high schools starting a space exploration club.
Then he'd have cut himself to death before spreading the fire.
But they did everything wrong that could go wrong on that day, and now KyoAni paid the price for it.
Thought it would be like the actual people affected giving a speech but it turns out to be non Japanese. Fucking skipped.
Kyoani will find a way...
>Did someone provide Aoba with information?
This whole case looks to suspicious. How did he know the security was turned off that day? How did nobody stop or question him? How could he spread gasoline to the whole floor without anyone noticed? How did he know the building's structure so well to make this plan while its own workers had a hard time opening the escape door?
Hopefully they can reprint most of them then.
Even if I don't care for most of their recent anime it's nice to see Nichijou soldout at least.
>inb4 Yamakan
They can't delivered their anime to their partners in time anymore.
It was Mossad, wasn't it.
Then they would have had time to react and call police.
Google force majeure.
Not everything has to be resolved by tort. This kind of unusual event is precisely why contracts are so long and detailed.
At least twenty people working there didn't find a way out.
I just want to know what's the point of those round bumps on the back of the bench. Dalek bench doesn't look very comfortable there.
>How did he know the security was turned off that day?
>How did he know the building's structure so well to make this plan while its own workers had a hard time opening the escape door?
He didn't, he got lucky
>How did nobody stop or question him?
>How could he spread gasoline to the whole floor without anyone noticed?
Whole thing happened in a matter of seconds. There was pretty much no time to react at all.
They actually can and the publisher already made statements that it's on time but they are willing to wait for any and all delays. Keep grasping at straws to make a fake narrative though.
Wouldn't happen to American studios, because they don't need to steal subpar trashy light novel ideas from otaku criminals. They have Hollywood's writer's guild for that instead.
>he got lucky
It's a lazy explanation. There is no luck factor in unusual incidents like this. Otherwise they should happen weekly. Do you also think those 11 terrorists were just lucky to capture airplanes while no one else can?
Some people still haven't forgiven Endless Eight.
10 people paying 200 is worth more than 1000 people.
Recent news also show the suspect was shown to be wandering around for a few days continuously for hours around the area. IIRC there was even another animation studio close to KyoAni and he was also seen near that.
>He didn't, he got lucky
He scouted all the buildings and was seen walking around the previous days. He probably only got lucky with security door but he brought a hammer along anyway.
Reports are coming in that he spent several days casing the area and scouting out KyoAni facilities including the headquarters in Uji.
It clearly was planned by NHK to have a guy burn down the studio, so that it would generate an interesting story.
Sunrise has like 12 different studios under their umbrella so that could be pretty significant
Maybe they could lend them the power of studio 9.
I'm so impressed with Hatta's strength in this whole situation - with his leadership I do honestly feel they can recover
no, we don't want him. send him to
Isn't he responsible for this thing in the first place?
That's what underlings are there for. They can take their own lives after admitting that they're the ones who let the arsonist in.
what a shitty building serves them right for being cheapos
Japan had already deemed Kyoani had more than adequate fire safety in the building. The real fault here is 40L of gasoline and outdated fire codes - but that doesnt fit your narrative of blaming Kyoani I suppose.
Nearly quadruple their original goal of 500,000
The amount of support they've been getting is the only healing thing to come from this.
Even with 40L gas, this wouldn't have happened in a US or European commercial building since they all have fire doors on the stairwell. The real problem is Japan's shitty fire codes and number of basket cases.
Have a good look at this. Not all the material was lost. Ain't that great?
He's not the arsonist, faggot.
No matter how many times you post he's to blame it's simply not true.
Unfortunately I have to agree with the others, but with softer words.
The world is so cynical and dark that I wouldn't put it past people to use a tragedy like this to boost their own viewership, subscriber base, and earn brownie points among the "anime community."
That being said, it was a terrible thing that happened.
May they all rest in peace, and may the families of the fallen and injured find solace in due time.
Well I guess you could their plans....
*puffs cigar*
really went up in smoke.
Not when the fire department signed off on the building. Maybe in a more litigious country like the USA, sure. Over here paranoid building owners even go over fire code because the additional cost of installing fire safety is minuscule compared to damages awarded.
Just fuck off back to Yea Forums already, sperg.
Of course there can be a luck factor. The setup for these kinds of disasters happen all the time, probably weekly at the very least. It's just that 99% of potential incidents are stopped by proper security measures. This happens to be the one time said measures were not in place.
9/11 was a far more intricate and detailed plot compared to 'barge in, dump a bucket of gasoline and set it on fire'. There's really no comparison between the two.
Based frog is as much a part of Yea Forums as Yotsuba.
Who let the underage out of his baby cell?
Yeah, concentration camps were definitively built to just put people in and just keep them there to do... nothing... ???
>Furry and Futa
So there are what people who make comments like this are like
To keep them concentrated in one place for better control.
KA Bunko was a mistake.
He's smoking, he's an "adult."
He may not light the fire, but many lives may have been saved if the building was a little less retarded and flammable.
>Not when the fire department signed off on the buildi
It means the officers they bribed are just as guilty as the man himself.
Dabbing on burn victims
He used gas user. You know why cars and trucks always blow that dark smoke out of their exhaust pipes? That's what happens when you lite it on fire. Now,add wood, carpit, plastic, rubber and tada.
>9/11 was a far more intricate and detailed plot
Which is basically just "use a knife to disable the staffs, take control of the plane and slam it to the building".
>I wouldn't put it past people to use a tragedy like this to boost their own viewership, subscriber base, and earn brownie points among the "anime community."
You mean exactly like Sentai did?
Yes, and once they are perfectly in your control you do what exactly? Keep them in your control forever?
Thank god
Too soon?
Keep them contained until you you now longer need to keep them contained. Not all concentration camps were meant to be death camps. A concentration camp is just a large prison, first and foremost. If the guards use them as cheap labor slaves, or as rape material, or as living shooting targets is up to the individuals guarding the camps.
I think he still has that composure because his wife is still alive. Still if she is the one who died in accident, not Kigami, then yeah he's really strong.
Yeah I have been searching too about it and can't find anything, japanese search only gives me pics of the same bench for the news piece, nothing about benches of that type. I still think is for relaxing the body or the feet but dunno
So we are all jews?
>Keep them contained until you you now longer need to keep them contained.
Why do you no longer need to keep them contained? Because they're dead?
>A concentration camp is just a large prison, first and foremost.
[citation needed]
>If the guards use them as cheap labor slaves, or as rape material, or as living shooting targets is up to the individuals guarding the camps.
Ah yes, killing them was the evil Nazi guards' idea all along, not the idea of the benevolent Nazi leaders
Kill yourself.
Only 8? arrest this anti-semitic man!
I was actually just thinking about whether or not she was alive - has there been any confirmation?
looks like they fired half their staff
what is that giraffe anime called? Looks pretty comfy.
The brits also used concentration camps on the boers, dude. They didn't kill them all.
Now imagine 40L of gasoline in a low-rise building.
Still better than Discovery!
I read that Discovery season 2 was surprisingly good, because it had captain Pike.
>They didn't kill them all.
Yeah, only a few thousands, mostly children and women.
Dumb frogposter.
Liz and the Blue Bird
>Yeah, sorry
Wait... Is that real?
Don't be lazy
Oh yeah I heard about that one, not sure why I never watched it. Thanks user.
It's not like anything of value was lost. We won't get maid dragon s2, but sacrifices have to made for the greater good.
Yes, all of it.
fucking retard
It was only marginally better then season 1 because of Pike. It was still a turd of a show.
>Kyoani is gone for good
Good riddance. Not trying to downplay the tragedy, but their talent was wasted on doing moe shit.
Yeah, to keep them removed from society, just like prisons. There was also the ghetto approach, most famously in Warsaw, but that proved very hard to control.
I can't wait.
>Arm Animators with guns
>Suicide rise 400% in Japan due lack of a proper salary for the animator work
New season of Shirobako gonna be good.
>Production was placed on hold due to Nakamura's health issues.[10] It was unknown whether development will continue following his death in July 2013, until ABe announced that production will continue.
>In January 2015, Yoshitoshi ABe announced that the project is continuing with a new director after Nakamura's death.
If it really was KyoAni's then it's not even funny.
>In 2018, Yoshitoshi ABe and Chiaki J. Konaka said the reason Despera is in development hell isn't due to the lack of funds, but because of the current state of the anime industry.[5]
Grudge: The Anime
No nigga, they're gonna get sued out the ass.
>There is no luck factor in unusual incidents like this. Otherwise they should happen weekly.
That doesn't make sense, that's exactly the reason it DOESN'T happen weekly, because all the other incidents you never hear about because they never had a near-perfect storm just didn't happen in such an extraordinary way.
This isnt America, land of the litigious.
Did babby just watch his first anime?
I can't decide if this is real or if you really are this much of a hare-brained asshat.
Go off yourself. Better that a thousand like you die than kyoani's animators.
I'll sue you for that
>Yamada on the other hand, she will most likely be the new "Takemoto" of the studio
Frankly, I'd like to see more FMP than Tamako Market.
eat shit frogposter
In Japan, insurance rates and payouts are regulated much more tightly by the government. American litigiousness is mostly a result of the insurance industry pressuring claimants into suing other parties so they'll have to pay for the damages instead.
Doesn't have to be forever, just for some time until they get back on their feet.
Shame that the Free! and VEG movies won't come out before next year, or is there something else planned for the fall season? If there'd be something in the cinemas by then, I'd imagine the turnout to be massive, and/or tickets being bought up as a show of support.
Try it fatty
They are supposed to screen a Violet OVA this september but that's probably going to be delayed.
Survivorship bias is a thing. Incidents like this do happen weekly, but most of them you never hear about because the people don't succeed.
We don't want him either, is definitely more appropriate.
Kyoani, are you okay, you okay, you okay, Kyoani?
You've been splashed by
You've been torched by
An autistic arsonist
I only support this because Invisible Victory ended with a non ending, fuck those hacks at Xebec.
Those bumps are there so it is uncomfortable for the homeless to sleep on it.
Fuck you for making me laugh.
50k $ more till two millions. Come on. Someone sell his liver.
nobody actually likes frogposter here
Livers aren't worth that much.
But he’s right
31 at the top
33 at the bottom
>then it'd be more than the recent reparations to korea for ww2.
Didn't they say he didn't submit anything?
>amazon stock
You say that as if it's some miracle.
For stuff that's not current mega hit they don't stock storehouses full of BDs.
Add the Teacher, The Female Teacher, The Mother and the Big Sister and we get the 34 deaths at first row.
Add Tubba-kun on the injuries at the bottoma nd all is set.
Well they better start stocking again so we'll see how much further KyoAni can go.
All we need is a bit of paint.
Wow, God bless those fans.
Evidently not, if you're pushing revisionism.
not giving your youtube channel a click faggot, get the fuck out of here with this shit
>that person who died alone and burned alive in the sound recording room
No, the fuckwit arsonist has been transferred to another hospital, for security reasons. I assume that includes his as much as his victims. Dunno if he has a 24/7 police guard (I'd assume so), but you surely don't want him sneaking out and trying to finish the job with some survivors. Or the other way round, some survivor taking matters into his own hands.
I know this feel all too well.
KyoAni will find a way.
Doesn't make sense then, you could just sleep in the other direction.
Based frogposter
Have the victims' names been released anywhere or are we still waiting on that? I know it takes Japan a long time to get that info out because of the way they handle their death confirmations.
What are limbless burned girls gonna do to him? Suck his dick off?
Hatta told the police to not release it, you're shit out of luck.
Sentai is going for that sweet charity tax relief.
It's because most people don't have an escape plan and also often no way to correctly assess the danger they're in. Imagine someone on the second or third floor, you hear some screams from below and someone yelling fire, I bet a lot had a first instinct to go down and help in some way, by assisting their colleagues or trying to put out the fire. Even when it becomes clear the building has to be evacuated, many might have hesitated or tried to save some of their work, knowing that much would be lost forever.
Combine this with the constant underestimation of smoke - they may already see smoke rising, but think they'll be okay, it's just some smoke, right? And suddenly this shit is everywhere and you can't see anything anymore, your lungs and eyes hurt like mad, and you're just one of seventy people running around in that pitch-black hell, heating up rapidly.
We only know 3 names
Megumu Ohno
Yukie Tsuda
All of them of course as "missing", and we know them because their family relatives went to the press.
The Free! and VEG movies are confirmed to be with post-production companies elsewhere, they are perfectly fine and can release on schedule.
>He may not light the fire, but many lives may have been saved if the building was a little less retarded and flammable.
He's not the building's Engineer or Architect who would know better about fire safety.
Inspiring. I hope that many animators, mangakas etc. realize that even the most unsuccessful of them have at least a handful of fans that will cheer them on and love them for their work, and they will have a lasting impact on their lives.
They will try and kinda fail, like how Ghibly tried without Miyazaki.
Then they'll have to do shitty isekai harem LN adaptations to stay afloat.
Then that tanks as well, and they can't even secure TV timeslots anymore, they'll have to cash out on all their old IPs by making hentai OVAs for their previous shows.
retard who never saw a kyoani show, you can tell when they say moe shit, because they never saw those shows at all.
>This kills the arsonist
Is this true?
I'm quite tocuhed. Kyoani wil definitely find a way.
>On Monday, company president Hideaki Hatta sent a letter to police asking them not to release the names of the victims.
Of course not. It's not his decision. He's just the boss of a company they happened to work at.
This is (((American))) keikaku dori?
Mate, it took 7 million dollars to make a woman a functional cyborg, and that was in the 1970s.
2 million dollars ain't enough to cyborgify the burned victims and making them useful for work again.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't P.A. Works inspired by some of the KyoAni model? Iirc they also pay salaries instead of using a Freelance model and chose to settle outside the main Tokyo anime industry hub. I think the president may really have looked up to them as a model.
I hate you for posting this.
anti-homeless measures
Better title; "I fucked a light-novel author's waifu as he cried in the corner"
See . Him asking them to not release it is true. Whether they ultimately will is not set in stone, but chances aren't good.
I think the words "ideal form of anime production" at least indicate just how important they were in showing a better way for anime production.
If nothing else, an event like this, ranking pretty high on the cataclysmic scale for this industry, would be a damn good motivator to pull such people back to home. If only to help rebuild before moving on again. Nothing quite unites the hearts as well as human tragedy does.
Cringe and blue pilled.
based frog broster
then why just at the end? the hobo can just sleep with the head on the other side.
Does this mean that getting into all anime studios will be like entering NERV HQ from now on?
Which sadly includes Haruhi S3, as I've heard.
That can't be an easy loss to swallow.
Both emotionally, as well as financially.
>saves your studio
Shut the fuck up, there is no Haruhi S3 in the works.
Do you have to buy from amazon japan for KyoAni to get paid? Or can I just buy DVD from regular burger amazon
Kino, what is the backstory?
>gets sent home because of interview
>a couple of donations from some youtubers
Exactly how much money are you under the impression that youtubers make?
Is this gay? It sounds a bit gay, as in way more than your usual yuribait.
It should, we must secure the anime industry and make a future for our anime waifus.
got me to reply
here's your (you)
It's almost like they could hire new people or something.
Imagine how must feel that guy, when the day he's asked out not being on duty, everything went to shit
No, it’s about adolescence.
In all honesty it’s an incredible film. Very different flavor from Koe no Katachi, however. Not for everyone.
So what are some companies that have donated or explicitly said they want to help?
- Adobe
- P.A. Works
- Sunrise
Who else?
They disabled the keycard system. This shit about a guard is Chinese whisper crap.
What use are new people, when it's the current staff that made KyoAni what is is?
That only means max one person deserved to die in that fire.
What? Visitors are exactly the reason he is needed there.
I’m wondering this as well. They are much more expensive on amazon.jp
One dollar is hundred yen right? Those prices are crazy.
Honestly, as Star Trek is 3/4's slice-of-life drama as is; with just some sci-fi action-adventure sauce on top; ... they'd probably have done quite a nice job at it.
Well, some of them make a shitton. Not the people who's actual product is the YouTube videos, but definitely the people whose actual product is something different and the videos are the advertisement.
Yes there was. Also K-on!!! and Tomoyo After anime adaptation.
Those visitors were NHK crew, and everybody trust the NHK.
>yfw he was right all along with N.H.K.
Nice fake news.
Alright, stay with me on this one, user. I know it's crazy, but, and you gotta trust me on this:
They could train them
Crazy how veterans in the workfield can pass on their skills to younger generations, right? It's almost like we've been doing it for millennia or something.
It would probably have been better than the actual original cartoon, which I fucking hate and I don't understand why people love it.
Why? It must be ready to go, and even though I can understand them trying to keep some period of mourning or whatever, they also have to consider the survival of the company. As cynical as it sounds, but people are forgetting quickly, and having something in the cinemas closer to this tragedy will boost their revenue much more. Again, I'm aware it sounds cynical and cold-hearted, but this isn't about greed, it's about survival and your employees.
Yeah, like everything in the studio was made of paper and styrofoam.
I wish they had run a stopwatch in the corner of the screen for context.
All the ones that could train them to become good are now limbless freaks rotting in hospital. Or dead.
There aren't many left to train anybody.
No delays unless KyoAni itself asks for it.
Interesting, maybe to keep people out.
In a sudden twist it turns out this guy is the author of Free! which he submitted under a pseudonym and felt ripped off.
and a qt
Are they going to make it great again?
actually it was 700 billion you racist
it's because they're already starting demolition
Hatta said he wants it to be removed ASAP
They're safeguarding the remaining character sheet for Electric Boogaloo.
Hard to feel bad for them after hearing what they did to the guy.
>submits a story with fake identity so they have no way of contacting him even if they wanted
>gets buttmad when it's used
So how many fanarts of crippled/torched/burned kyoani characters are there already?
lurk more newfag
Surely this would have been more effective before the arson
>Yea Forums praises killers in manga/anime for killing normies
>Actual killer does it IRL and then Yea Forums starts saying how wrong it is
Are all of you just attention seekers.
"Only" ten of the survivors were in critical condition. There are two dozen who might be much better off than this guy. Not even considering the seven or so who escaped completely unharmed. Also not considering the wrath of the otaku.
All the gofundme dweebs are paying for it.
>Yea Forums is one person
fuck off back to Yea Forums, retard
It's almost as if one is fiction and the other is reality, user.
Would Light kill the arsonist?
You're so silly. This reality of yours is just somebody else's fiction.
Oh yeah man, all of the normies I know worked at KyoAni, a popular normie workplace.
All you need is a few. KyoAni is in a position where it's in no condition to make new material anytime soon. They can focus most of their efforts on having a few veterans train a class of new employees.
As for the injured, you can bet at least a few of them will be in good enough mental condition to help with teaching as well.
>IRL vs fiction
Are you autistic
Maybe renovation but most likely in preparation for demolition.
Light was killing prisoners so he had a chance to kill him before the arson since he was in jail before.
>new KyoAni Studio 1 preview
They already confirmed the entire plot and building is being demolished for a park.
I always had an irrational hope they'd one day animate something like Maou no Hajimekata.
Do people praise Light here?
I'm pretty sure anyone over the age of 18 understands Death Note as a Greek-style myth about the worst sin in the world, hubris. Intellect cannot best the human determination to take control of one's own fate, and it very well shouldn't. That's how bad ideas become nightmare states.
I think the best part was "who" they had shoot him. It wasn't the alphabet orphans or a criminal he felt hatred for. It was the dumbest, most emotional, most naive member of the task force, someone he thought of as a perfect puppet.
You have proof this isn't fiction retard?
why are you acting like death note was deep
Would fiction have a plot this dumb
It's to keep looters and deranged souvenir hunters out of the building. They've already had to remove 4 people from doing so during the nights.
>park and monument in one month
>Hatta seppuku in one month and 20 minutes
Moreover, does anyone here have proof Death Note isn't real?
More likely to keep people in.
>new KyoAni animation studio
Wait, so the police, fire, and insurance investigations are all complete?
I'm not. It just had a message.
That's not "deep." It also wasn't bad, though. It's a cool story, and I think it was mismarketed. It belongs in the hands of well-meaning college activists, who can honestly look at how horribly Light treats other people, rather than a bunch of edgy highschoolers that identify with Light's selfishness.
I wanna marry a kinoani animator!
I suppose the only thing left is DNA identifications and the arson movies when (if) he wakes up from the come.
for the police pretty much. they have the arsonist and the bodies and the "motive."
Fire and insurance will take a week or more.
>Russian weebs doing 1 minute of silence during some anime convention/march
>it took 7 million dollars to make a woman a functional cyborg, and that was in the 1970s.
But technology has become much more widespread. Pretty much everybody nowadays can afford a cell phone that puts the most powerful computers back then to shame which were only available for multi-million dollar companies.
We can rebuild them. We have the technology.
That's not a cute girl. Dropped.
Fire him.
Who was it on the balcony when the Lucky Stars went to visit KyoAni?
The animation directors can be replaced while the story directors will be difficult to replace. Writers are definitely a pain to replace.
By the way, I am enjoying Violet Evergarden.
See image
Ryuk feeling a bit awkward mourning people's deaths.
Cheeky little shit.
You dumb racist goy! Your anti-Semitism is unbelievable!
We all know 100000 trillion Jews died in the Holocaust
Get your facts right
remember special episode between 4 and 5
You mean, like, now?
Thats a challenge in a half sempai, they are gonna make Hanako from Katawa Shoujo look like a supermodel, and/or have some serious PTSD.
>This wasn't in my notebook at all...
Whew... that's a big relief.
Thank you. I will now know when to see it!
Is Yasuhiro Takemoto dead? Amagi and Maid Dragon are the only kyoani shows I enjoyed in years.
>Arson used a net cafe for his plans
Negro, that's the first big name everybody is saying is missing, confirmed by his father and his wife.
So YES, negro, he's beyond gone.
I’m afraid he’s definitely dead. He has zero reason to be “missing” still, the only reason would be he is among the unidentified bodies.
Yes but his family wants to keep that info private.
>I heard the arson used gasoline, is that true?
Phew, now the fire won't spread any further
It's good. Watch it.
dumb frogposter. atleast make it a bit funny
Whose the white dude?
2 million incoming
>The arson wa s a fucking disgusting Otaku and NEET.
(((They))) trained him
is that John Bolton?
Stop being entitled user, you're not important enough to know this information. Please understand what a lowly creature you are and do not ask questions in the future.
Yes, just appeared in the channels stream. Same as this lonely bike.
John "World War 3's Okay By Me" Bolton
Don't give this guy any ideas
I meant more along the lines of "they made a contract but he saw the massive success but settled for a lump sum and now wanted more".
Just fill me in, what all the animators, writers, directors, colorists, and other employees (alegedly) did to this guy?
how the FUCK did he appear here
PA Works fucking charges their employees for using a desk
You know maybe it's better that way but at the same time it creeps me out the victims on floor 2 and surely those of floor 3 never even learned what has happend. They were concentrated on working, till they realized something was going on the fire explosion probably just happened or they only heard some quarrel down there and then it happened. And everything that happened afterwards was filled with fear and maybe they wondered too because it fucks with you not knowing what has happened because you need to react but those that had a moment to think and wonder probably thought it was a gas explosion or something a catastrophe, something coincidental or "natural". I don't know why but it's fucked to know they lived through that for a few horrible minutes and probably assumed something like that when in reality it was some crazy fucker. It would have never crossed their mind such a shithead exists in their country, let alone that he will come to kill them in some literal hell.
>submits a story with fake identity
Unless he just dropped it by the door, I don't see how they can have no way to contact him. Even your throwaway fake name e-mail can still be conacted.
how the fuck is he even alive
Attempting to convey something =/= having depth.
You can try to convey a message in an incredibly shallow and dumb way, for instance, or you can be conveying a stupid message in way that may seem deep at first but totally isn't.
proofs, tovarisch?
Disgusting. It deserves to burn x 10 worse.
They were shilling their own animation school in youtube 2 days prior the fire too.
The ladies rejected a date with his ugly fatass.
that's standard practice in the anime industry
Bad timing for this commercial.
Is the dumbass still in a coma?
What was it?
Wait, considering that, in the worst case scenario. Of the, almost 70 employees only 10 would be able to return to work. And if it's true that Kyoani had 160 employees before the arson. Wouldn't that be a solid 100? Yeah, yeah, I know, Kyoani is headless right now, but there are still 90 people which are completely fine. How would be possible that between those 90 isn't going to be more talent? There has to be potential animators, and directors between them. And Ishihara will literally live in Kyoani now, he is one of the few that can teach yet. He will cope teaching animation and direction until the last day of his life out of survivor guilt.
Mobile Phone game about Tower Defense with those white cat characters, which now it has NGE characters and imagery.
The song playing is NGE opening but with the lyrics just saying "nyan nyan", that was cute tho
All their best talent was in Studio 1, and not only the old animators but new animators too (Megumu Ohno was just 21, and there is another victim with just 20, the youngest one).
Their best was already there.
He is still pretending if that's what you're asking.
They better start breaking tibias to make sure he's not oversleeping.
Could be the case but we might never know because the anime affected would be series in their preproduction phase, so maybe not even announced. The things announced a longer time ago like the movies will air. The only series that might be kill is that historical love series with the tram.People were surely working on this when this shit has happened so not only is most of the related work gone it's too tied to this horror so the survivors will probably never touch it again unless we are lucky and Kyoani ESPECIALLY wants to finish this series as tribute to their dead comrades. In that case it would be done by other people, or at least not those of studio 1, and it might take a lot longer too, less workers and it's highly likely that even those not present in studio 1 are traumatised and depressive right now.
the burned building has literally all their animators/creatives
His status is actually still unknown.
So what are those remaining 80 employees? NPCs? Cleaning staff?
Sounds like sarcasm, but it's true. It has nothing to do with being "a lowly creature", but there is no right to have any information about some guy just because you like his work. If that's how he and/or his family wants this handled, it's their choice and we have to accept it. And I actually do think that the selfie generation has taken entitlement to a whole new level, though it has always been there in the past as well - fan derives from "fanatic" after all.
Studio 1 was for pre-production and schooling the new blood, but you're at least right about the directors.
The rank and file animators are elsewhere.
Gatoh said "I think Ishihara is alive". And he's not just a random guy. He wouldn't say that if he wasn't sure.
get your facts straight you fucking raging anti-semite.
Have Sex.
Usagi will save us. Just you wait and see.
Also Ishihara is 52 and there were no bodies in that age range
here are your underaged Yea Forums discordfags raiding Yea Forums daily to make anti kyoani posts
It will take them years to rebuild and it will never be the same. Even if they recultivate all the talent lost KyoAni will have a stigma associated with it. However given the strength of Hatta and all the employees there, I think they will be fine in the long run. I look forward to the new KyoAni once they've had time to grieve and recover.
>Yeah, concentration camps were definitively built to just put people in and just keep them there to do... nothing... ???
To control population and an easy source of forced labor.
trannie zoomers should fucking hang alongside the arson
There was a interview of a "unknown" KyoAni worker who jump from the fire, with 52yo. People saying he was Ishihara so he is fine, maybe some burns or intoxication only.
>trannie zoomers
or whatever shithole board you came from
It's what they are, fuck off.
and you're the mastermind behind this waiting for our reaction, faggot.
Are we realistically getting season 2 of Dragon Maid????
These are the people who should have died instead. What a bunch of autistic subhumans.
Free and Toilet Shitgarden are the last projects they'll give to society.
If you can realistically travel back in time and stop the arsonist, yeah, maybe we can get Maidragon S2
>Russian Usagi
Nobody cares. Just ignore them, the faggots are immediately identifiable unlike the bodies
the director is missing.
What bodies? If you're talking about the burned victims they are still unidentifiable. We'd know by now w/ or w/out their families consent. The nips are slow.
fuck you
Generally a punitive measure and/or used to control situations with strong partisan activity. The US used concentration camps in the Philippine-American war. Generally was an accepted part of military doctrine until muh shoah.
You aren't fooling me, carlos.
Moe Toyota (Sapphire in "Hibike!") updated her blog
Now a fast Google Translate version here:
I sincerely pray for the happiness of the deceased people and regret the bereaved.
And I sincerely pray for the quick recovery of all the victims.
I am apologetic that I can not keep up with my heart even when I understand the situation, because I am intermingled with various information every day.
I understand the possibility of spelling letters emotionally in this emergency situation.
But I'm sorry. I can not suppress my emotions anyway.
I thought it should be kept secret, but let me tell you my honest feelings.
When I just became a voice actor and I do not know the right or left, I received an audition for the first time in Kyoto Animation's work "Across the Boundary" and made it debut.
And I knew the professional world.
A few years later, "sound! Even in euphonium, we are indebted to Kyoto Animation at present.
You can also work with your favorite Kei Ani! And I was really happy.
Kyoto Animation is an inseparable entity even when it comes to talking about his voice acting life.
I am full of gratitude.
I have disturbed you once in the studio. I remember that I was very moved by the animation production site I saw for the first time.
The staff also spoke directly to you.
It was a wonderful, warm and cozy studio with lots of love for the work.
I had a nice smell of miso soup so I asked
Everybody makes it on a daily basis and eats it together. Oh, what a warm place to feel at home.
I still remember that I was strongly felt at the time that these people were able to create such wonderful works in the world.
Such a treasure-like place was instantly taken away on July 18th. can not forgive.
There is no reason to take away people's lives for whatever reason.
It takes quite some time to accept the situation. But regardless of such a thing, time goes on steadily.
Only the heart is left behind.
The time everyone was supposed to go along with.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. sad.
I think there are many people with the same feeling.
Let's go ahead one step at a time.
Please believe me and pray that the brightest future is waiting for the best and strongest Kyo Ani.
Without forgetting the love given to Mr. Kyo Ani, I would like to face each other's work seriously.
I can do what I can.
We wish you all the injured, all involved, and all over the world of Kyoto Anihu's body and mind to heal as quickly as possible.
Toyoda Makie
>If someone can do a proper translation is welcome, this is sad.
>A concentration camp is just a large prison, first and foremost
>[citation needed].
a guarded compound for the detention or imprisonment of aliens, members of ethnic minorities, political opponents, etc., especially any of the camps established by the Nazis prior to and during World War II for the confinement and persecution of prisoners.
sounds like a prison to me
>I thought it should be kept secret
I really hope she doesn't get into any trouble for this.
Maybe secret for the names, other seiyuus have been talking about it, Houchuu Ootsuka was in TV last night
It's either that or the Gooks.
>I had a nice smell of miso soup so I asked
>Everybody makes it on a daily basis and eats it together. Oh, what a warm place to feel at home.
Jesus Christ this sounds so fucking comfy. How could anyone destroy a place like this?
She'll be fine.
Once they rebuild we can just burn them down again, nothing to worry about desuu
No, I misread that part, I thought she got ordered to keep silent about the incident or something.
We just gotta convince some otaku that kyoani stole their ideas and refuse to pay them.
Suck my dick, you heartless cunt.
By the end of this month it will get to almost 6-7mil.
Not if I burn your room first.
Based. Gonna donate now
>Not if I burn your mum first.
Is there any other studio in the industry that could drum up this much support if they were burned down and had their staff murdered?
Ghibli when Takahata was still alive. Other than that, no
>wanting sequels to closed franchises with solid endings
Fuck off Disney, you've ruined Western animation forever.
Yes. Wit Studio would receive the most outpouring support.
> How could anyone destroy a place like this?
With some fuel and aided by shitty fire safety regulations, unfortunately.
That said, nip work culture like that is mainly "comfy" for people living for the company.
If it's the typical thing, you're still loosing out on muh western one-two hour lunch breaks that you might have spent with family and friends instead, or partly moved towards getting off work earlier to do the same.
>I pray for those who passed away and send my condolences to their families, from the bottom of my heart. I also pray that those who were injured in the incident will recover, even if just one day faster.
>I apologize for being unable to comment on the situation due being unable to keep up with the constant conflicting information being discussed day to day.
>I understand the danger of sharing delicate thoughts in such a state of emergency. I'm sorry, I just can't suppress my emotions. I considered if I should keep it all inside, but please let me express my honest feelings.
That's all I could (slowly) translate for now with the time I have. Not that much of an improvement over the google translate version but hopefully I can do the rest later or someone can continue.
How about I report you to the FBI on terrorist threats instead, you fucking crossboarding nigger?
Why? There could be surviving paper documents inside the building that are not burned yet.
Isn't it too soon to cover everything? Maybe someone's storyboard or manuscript is still intact.
People's wallets or ID cards could still be in the burned rubble.
It's been 5 days already, they probably found everything there was.
It might not even matter THAT much which studio exactly it was - as long as they had some known series it'd get some support.
Actually I can think of some that would have gotten more because specifically of their fan base, but it's not really worth a debate. It's a nice level of support either way, if the money is used well I'm sure it'll make a reasonable difference for some.
They didn't find Takemoto. Guy is literally in hiding.
user, metal drawer chests melted.
Jesus christ
I know you are being facetious, but come on. KyoAni hasn't even produced any high quality works in the past 10 years almost, unless we are to consider the homoerotic works of Free! which they definitely gave their all for.
Fuck KyoAni.
A very very low chance but some people in tragedies have a mental breakdown and develop temporary amnesia.
This has been seen in victims of natural disaster. They end up mindlessly wandering away somewhere and end up being declared missing in action.
That is why sometimes you hear stories of people finding out a missing person is still alive one year later.
>A Japanese wife has told police the body she thought was of her missing husband belonged to a stranger after her spouse turned up alive a year later. Tokyo police acknowledged Wednesday that the body found in a river in eastern Tokyo in June 2017 was of another man reported missing at around the same time.
>Police apologized for the mix-up and said the remains would be returned to the right family.
>Police initially believed the body was of a man in his early 40s reported missing by his family three days earlier, and handed it over to them after "positive" identification by the wife and two relatives. The body had been already cremated.
Again, less than 1 percent chance of happening but there have been cases of victims just mentally breaking down and running away and not bothering to contact anybody
>average donation $33.79
That's impressive
Probably not by the same team, for obvious reasons. Hell, if it ever happens, it'll be unlikely to be by KyoAni.
It really fucking hurts too, because I was really hoping for another season, but it's looking really dark now.
>Why? There could be surviving paper documents inside the building that are not burned yet.
In the better Euro or US fire regulations offices should generally have a lot of a chance that the fire didn't even get to most compartments yet before the firefighter's water started cooling it all down.
But this nip oven design probably had super hot smoke gas and fire everywhere.
>People's wallets or ID cards could still be in the burned rubble.
I'm going to guess the police doesn't even really need them at this point, they probably just want final confirmation that there aren't any extra bodies and identification just for the, you know, effort to bury the right person in the right grave or urn or whatever.
Maybe some of the animators survived, and weren't crippled for life, then there's still a chance, but it may take a while, and we'd need a new director probably.
Please understand, user is a fucking retard. Sometimes I wonder who the fuck I share this board with honestly, jesus fucking christ.
Speaking of which, nips incinerate their dead, right?
Virtually all cremate and most bury, yes.
Two hour lunch break? Bitch where. Most I've had was 1h and I always do 30m so I can go home earlier. Doesn't make sense to lose time going home over lunch.
Even my European country does this now, burrying people normally is just way too expensive and most people never visit graves anyway, it's much better and comfier to have a photo at home you can look at or talk to instead. I love what Japenese do with these small shrines for their dead ones and the little offerings they give them.