Is Yea Forums excited for Part 6 soon?

Is Yea Forums excited for Part 6 soon?

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7 > 6 > 2 > 1 > 3 > 5 > 4

100% yes

i like all jojo parts and i'm pretty alone with this opinion

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8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
It's true in maths, and it's true in Jojo aswell

>first scene is Jolyne talking about masturbating
It's gonna fucking explode

>my tier list: 2>3>4>1>7>6>5
Not ranking 8 until it is finished.

reminder that jolyne is a dirty girl who masturbates with people watching and does not hesitate to strip before strangers, she also does not wear panties

I wonder if they are going to censor names referencing fashion brands the same as they were doing with band names.

Sawashiro better be voicing Jolyne. Or else.

Don't lie to me.

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I am not, unless they skip or replace the shitty fights like green baby and yoyoma

Made in Heaven with a good budget would be kino

I’m at the part where Jolyne and WR fight the zero gravity guy and I don’t like it so far. I like the characters but the fights have been shit and i hate the prison setting.

>I no like unless they make filler.
People actually think like this?

green baby was the most interesting fight of the part excluding the final battle

Is Joline a virgin? There is no evidence that Romeo fucked her.

how is removing equal making filler?

What would this evidence look like?

It gets better once they escape from prison.

seething part5turd

Considering how willing she was with Romeo when they hadn’t been dating that long she’s probly gotten plowed a few times

Best part

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Adding non canon replacement fights might as well be filler content.

>posting that idiot as example

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Pucci is the strongest

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versace will be bestson untill we get rule 63 cowgrill

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I can't wait.

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Why does araki draw wounds that look as if their limbs were empty inside?

do you even understand what filler is

They're obviously going to skip part 6.

Because it isn't a wound.

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I dunno man, they look as if they had empty limbs, especially in pt 7. Can't wait for Versace too, faveourite jobber of the part.

It depends on your definition.

With Hermes that was a snail but not really coming out of her arm.

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With Jolyne that just adds to her appeal. She’s a bro.

She's the only girl jojo and the sluttiest next to Joseph.

If not for HW maybe not.
I forgot how he even died, I just remember him succumbing to the effects of HW and snailing out.

I don't remember either. I think Pucci killed him after weather, can't remember how

He died in the car crash/killed by anasui while snailed out and pucci used WS power to disguise him as himself so he could sneak away.

part 6 is going to stir up way more hype than part 5 for sure

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Absolutely, would be the best animated part

There are weaker ways to go out than being taken out by a vehicle. He deserved a warrior's death though.

>2 that high
Reddit Tendency is literally the worst part by a country mile because there is nothing but asspulls, LITERALLY nothing else to the point that there is no suspense or genuine excitement at any point because every fight is inevitable
>JoJo is screwed
>He's saved by a stupid asspull that would never work in real life
>He acts like it was planned
And that's the entire part.
You can't speculate about anything, there's no point logically trying to determine who would beat who in what circumstances, there is LITERALLY nothing but asspulls and dumb comedy. It's like an actual children's book, "children" meaning ages 6-8 or some shit.

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but joseph is literally a perfect character. he's smart, funny, and most importantly hot. i would like to think joseph and caesar would've been romantically involved if caesar hasn't died. as for the fights being asspulls, you probably missed when joseph used his supreme intellect to plan out battle strategies. but also you have to remember that sometimes the main character sometimes get lucky. i dont know why you are so upset that crazy lucky things happen. it's just a tv show it's not real who cares if unrealistic things happen?

>If I call things I dont like reddit, people who are afraid to have opinions of their own will agree with me.

He was doing pretty good and Underworld is a really useful Utility stand but betraying Pucci was a reallly dumb thing to do. Would have loved to see him attain Heaven though.

>you probably missed when joseph used his supreme intellect to plan out battle strategies
He's canonically dumb as shit but just street smart.
Apparently being "street smart" means you conveniently carry around hand grenades everywhere, can set up complex traps in a split second with nobody noticing, can pilot aircraft in extreme conditions with no training at all, and so many other blatant asspulls.
My problem isn't so much just that it's unrealistic but that it's stupid. It's brainless. In other JoJo parts characters spot a weakness in their enemy, make a plan around that weakness, and exploit it. This is something that actually gets much better over the course of the series as a whole, and one of the main reasons I'm glad hamon died - as Part 2 illustrated quite clearly, all Araki could do with it was continually make up more and more asspulls as to what hamon could do.
Meanwhile in Part 2 there are no clever strategies, no actual moments of genius, just asspulls that only work because Araki decides they should work and it would be funny. Nobody would ever look at the Pillar Men and logically conclude that they would be weak to the tactics Joseph goes for, but they work anyway... because they have to work for the plot to continue.
In essence Araki fucked up by making the Pillar Men so strong and Joseph so weak that only asspulls could overcome the distance between them.

Retards think rating means the ones on the bottom equals bad. A 7/10 jojo part is still a very fucking good manga/anime.

Why has part 6 never been properly scanlated in black and white? Reading this shit is painful.

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Because nobody wants to read your shitty black and white bullshit, colour has always been better (with the exception of retard-tier choices like Pink Giorno).

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Pink Giorno is superior to blue Giorno.

I don't mind that you guys want to read the color version, but some of us prefer to read the manga as as Araki draw it.

>Reddit Tendency
Jesus Christ I almost threw up, at least spoiler your cancer buzzwords.


White Bucci > Blue Bucci though

Part 6 looks absolutely terrible in black and white

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This part is going to really fuck people up.
I'll probably never forget this page.

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what happened?

I'm looking forward to how Yea Forums is going to react to the end of the Manhattan Transfer fight. That is going to be fun.

People are going to expect some asspull that never happens then a bunch of youtube videos are going to pop up.

Well Jotaro gets his head cleaved in half with a finger. Anasui gets donuted. Hermes gets her arms chopped off and somehow dies from it, and you just see them all rotting in accelerated time. It's a gruesome scene and will be even more fucked up in the anime seeing and hearing it in motion. As if you didn't already know they were dead, Araki just has to show them fucking rot too. Jotaro... stinking, bloated and rotting. What the hell.

nice, i gotta finish reading part 6 someday

Actually, I also dislike Battle Tendency in comparison to the other parts for reasons similar to those outlined in that user's post.

I don't frequent reddit or even understand how to post there and I've been reading JoJo since before the anime adaptation was released.

So, yeah.

Maybe part of the reason I didn't like it very much is because it wasn't as short as Phantom Blood and I really wanted to get to Part 3. But I do find it to be overly goofy and not necessarily in a fun way.

With that being said, there are still some great moments in Part 2.

The prison is easily the worst part.

You know they're going to break out and they just fuck around about it forever.

If you could move "normally" in accelerated time, could you really cut through bone with a single finger? Would you even be able to sit down in a chair without destroying it?

Some things about accelerated time don't make a lot of sense. People's mouths dry out if they leave them open, but they don't starve to death. Why is one of those things considered a "natural" process, and the other not? If you make the argument that the wind is what causes drying, then similarly, even a normal wind should feel like the most extreme tornadoes of Jupiter to a human who can't adjust. Finally, how does Pucci make it to the New World with his memories intact, when he experiences time normally and should therefore die of old age long before the Heat-Death of the Universe? How does MiH continue to accelerate time after Pucci's death by old age?
Basically it all boils down to rule of cool.

No because you fags are gonna start saying its the worst part once normies enjoy it. Same thing happened with 5.

Was she the most lewd Jojo?

>if I call something reddit tier then other 4chinners will like me
>shitty contrarian
>wont let other people enjoy certain parts more than your SBR bullshit
>Implying the series doesn't have tons of asspulls
>this much of a cuck
LMAOing at your life.

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Here I am to fix your shit taste:
7 > 4 > 6 > 2 > 3 > 1 >>> shit > 5

godly taste

lol everyone loves part 4 but the anime turned out shitty. Hates part 5 but unironically it's the best animated part.

Also part 2 is shit. Weakest villain, full of asspulls.

yes but lisa lisa makes my peepee hard

Can't wait for all these reddit fags, Yea Forumsnime exclusive tards, neckbeards, "e-clebs" like "based" TheQuatering to complain about this

part 4 anime >>> part 4 manga

>unironically it's the best animated part
So? The inner content is literal shit and Giorno is the worst Jojo by miles.

>part 5 looks much better than other parts
Literally rewatch those parts, the difference is unnoticable. It's just a meme made by pt5twinks

I don't care how soon it will be. Just keep Sawashiro alive to voice Jolyne.


So is there any explanation for that retardation?

She didn't want to be associated Jotaro and wanted her name to be spelled more westernized.

The anime tried to fixed Part 4 a little, but rearranging some arcs can't mend an overall poorly written/structured story.

pt 5 is the pinnacle of arakis writing at its worst

Jonathan is liked by gentlemen
Joseph is liked by real men
Joutarou is liked by underage kiddos
Jousuke is liked by weebs
Giorno is liked by fags
Jolyne is liked by people who have good taste
Johnny is liked by none.

>Giorno is the worst Jojo by miles.
He's in the same tier as Jotaro part 3, Josuke, Joseph. They are all 1-dimensional character who barely grows in their part. Only Jolyne, Jonathan and Johnny are well developed Jojo
>ib4 muh josuke, muh Joseph
No. Josuke is just a greedy lazy asshole of a highschooler and Joseph is a cunt, from the start to finish.

2 years more like.

Many names get slightly changed during immigration.

Theres so much shitty filler in 4

Since kira's plot is the only good thing about it that should have encompassed the whole story

Don't put Joseph on the same tier as trash like Giorno and Joutarou.

>Hermes gets her arms chopped off and somehow dies from it

I'm excited for the Jolyne porn. Goddamn

Part 5 has the best fights of anything that's been animated so far.

Massive shock causes loss of consciousness and eventual death from blood loss

Finally my nigga gets some love, he's so disrespected.

just because you say it doesn't make it true

What do our resident fujos think of part 6 anyhow?

I am excited

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Part 5 blessed us with Trish but Part 6 will finally give us more straight jojo r34

they hate it becasue it doesn't many dudes (twinks)

Original user who ranks 2 high here.
I love 2 as it was the first JoJo I read. Does it have issues? Of course. It still is one of my favorites regardless.

>Reddit Tendencies
God you are a cringe faggot user.

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Again: So? A good animation can only save something that otherwise has shitty content/characters/everything if somone (like yourself) is an animationfag.

Violet Evergarden is a masterpiece for you too, right?

last pic looks like cosplay

She looks like a jojo fan

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7 >= 8 > 4 >= 6 >= 5 > 3 >= 2 > 1

Don't let these plebs tell you otherwise, your taste is perfect friend

Someone tweet her to cosplay as Trish

I refuse to feel excited until an official announcement is made.


Some of them are into Weather x Anasui.

both weather and annasui are straight as fuck

Animation wise you are mostly correct,

but part 2 has the best OST and has the best stylised shots.

Remember when they were together on the piano?

What's with some retards telling that Girono isn't a Joestar and the son of Dio? It was Jonathans body, penis, testicles and semen. I acknowledge he have Dio's hair and some traits from his head (talking 'bout DNA)

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Kek, with luck she willnonly get the hair. Her style is to not show skin and meat haha

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Annasui had a wife and is lusting after jolyne and weather had a gf
the difference between the parts animation quality wise is barely noticable

I always hear on Reddit that Anasui got changed into a dude because the publisher had problems that the story and protagonist would go gay. I say Araki forgot and made hima guy after the debut.

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They can still be bi.

Part 5 anime also has pretty good pacing overall. Meanwhile the pacing is all over the place in 3 and 4

There isn't any proof they're bi, that's headcanon

>I say Araki forgot
You mean that he changed his mind?

>who tf is this new guy giorno, I hate him
>yeah sure you can become the new boss giorno, you deserve it more than any of us do

That’s how most fujo ships are.

>implying we don't get PHF/GHGR first

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So? I'm talking about the pacing not the plot

The only one who hated him died before he became the new boss.

the pacing is terribad for 4 in the manga too
>friend gets blown up? let's move onto yukako trying to fuck koichi!

not canon, didn't happen

That's just poor writing.

>if it isn't canon it should never be animated

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Yes that is correct, it absolutely shouldn't. Even Rohans haunted gucci bag deserves an adaptation more.

Cringe post but Part 2 is still the worst. The asspulls are actually one of the best things about it.

Sky high is an awful stand. All the dio offspring were shitty and boring and badly written just like their powers

How is part 2 the worst?

I'm reading heavy weather as we speak

I fucking hate it

if by all you mean ungalo, rykiel and giorno then sure

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7>3>6>4>1>2>5 is how I like them, please give me 6 and 7 David Prod

No indefinitely meant all of them.
Underworld and versacci are just as boring. Had to skim through his fight with jolyne I was bored as fuck.

I hope to see the 6th Sense spoiler in it. Should be a 10/10 reaction moment.


Everybody who likes billie eilish should fucking commit suicide. And so should she as well actually.

i've been wanting to watch the anime for the first time,i read the manga up to part 7.

which subs are the best for parts 3-5? there seems to be a lot of different torrents on nyaa.

respectable taste

Part 6 ED1:


That is the most fashionable neckbrace I have ever seen.


Look man when it's bad it's bad. I haven't been as bored with jojos since stardust. I know people say the prison part was shitty for stone ocean but the writing feels like it's gone downhill since the escape.
I can't believe I miss jailhouse rock

Ah, so you're a part 5 shitter

Maybe you’re just reading too fast to get enjoyment out of it.

Johnny was a manwhore before he got shot.

I can actually see Sweet Escape happening

And after.

I thought Jumpin' Jack Flash was one of the better fights within the prison, but that's not a high bar to clear. The next part after Lang Wrangler where Weather Report summons a storm of poison frogs while they fight for the disc is great though. It's pretty downhill from there until they leave the prison though. There are a couple okay spots, but it really picks up afterward.

>Is Yea Forums excited for Part 6

What's the average time between parts actually? 5 was my first anime part.

Part 7 in color was terrible for the first half of the story. The shading was awful and it ruined the mood of several scenes. B&W SBR > colored SBR.

1-2 years i think

on what chapter do they leave the prison? it's an okay setting but it feels pretty dragged on by this point. chapter 102 i guess? would it hurt if i just skipped it?


Chapter skippers are worse than part skippers.

Part 5 has been meh but I didn't feel bored. I think the worst part of 5 really shows itself when they get into Rome.

Araki fucked up with golden experience requiem.

You're correct about 102 being when they get out, but some really important shit happens not long before that. The whole reason Pucci leaves the prison is in like the last dozen or so chapters before that.

It's only ok if you skip Yo-Yo Ma, it's a shit tier fight. Max security is a very fun part though.

I honestly disagree about GER. The whole point of the race to the arrow was that it was clear that whoever got it first would win. GER is just the ends. No matter who got it, they would automatically get the perfect ability they needed to defeat the other. The race to the arrow is the journey, getting it is the goal, and GER is just the aftermath.

Depends on the part.
2012 was the original run, with 1&2 B2B cause they're short.
Part 3 was 2 years later being the last of the core sagas of the story, with Part 4 following the year after. Then we sat around for another 2 years cause Part 5 is the best part. I reckon we could see Part 6 in a year and a half. More likely 2 if they want to get it right.

If you just swapped 6 and 4 it would be perfect

The punishment ward was pretty good because Survivor made for a good setup and Planet Waves was an alright bare knuckle brawl fight, but Dragon's Dream kinda dragged and wasn't particularly interesting as far as the mechanics of the fight went.

Just started Jojo.

Do they drop the whole Hamon thing for Stands after the Joseph JoeStar generation?

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This. The entire excitement of the Rome arc is what everyone is willing to give up for that alium stone magic

Why do you mix opinion and fact? I prefer part 4 to the other 1-6, except perhaps that the final fight in 3 was the best, including part 7.

>oh why did we wait that amount of time for that part?
>uhh because its the best i guess
literal moneky brain kys


desu, the pt 3 finale is great but vanilla ice is 10/10

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If we're just talking manga, then
7 > 4 > 8 (tentative placement) > 5 > 3 > 6 > 2 > 1
But the anime adaptations switch a couple of these around. The adaptations for 2 and 1 are better than their manga countparts, whereas the anime adaptation of 3 is nothing special to me outside of a couple scenes that they did well. 5 had a pretty great adaptation outside of some color choices coughpinkGiornocough.

dumb blugiofag

Not him, but you're a literal gay retard if you're prefer pinkgio


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this, pt 3 is underrated

Good choices. But I think the real choices will be more obscured than those.

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The rods page was crazy.

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>The literal first thing that the first female Jojo does is masturbate
>Part 6 is dedicated to Araki's daughters
What did he mean by this?

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You mean to say overrated if anything. And i really disagree.
Are people posting troll ratings to get (you)'s? I can't explain people placing 1 above anything else otherwise.

Everyone says this yet has there been any particular excess of part 4 or 5 porn since they've been animated?

They didn't have female protagonists.

7 > 6 > 4 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 1
unfair to place 8?

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Is this your first day here? there's like one pt3fag here

Fucking this. She's perfect for the role.

meant to say

Rykiel had a great fight simply because of how much he wanted it and how blinded by Pucci he was. His determination to fight to the death no matter what for someone he just met just because they gave him hope and purpose for the first time in his life is kind of touching. You could see him become more resolved as the fight went on and he became more confident in himself.

based but put 4 between 1 and 1

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C. Moon is based

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Can't wait for people to flip their shit and then get over it like Josuke

That role belongs to Shoko Nakagawa.

she's doing the WR pose

Look at the comment chain and if you still can't uderstand why i corrected what he said then i feel sorry for you.

Josuke was meh in the games tough

I'm only excited to see the anime-onlys flip their shit over the ending. Feels like an ending like SO's should have been more controversial/spark more discussion but the internet was still young then.

the c stands for chad

Am I looking forward to the story which annihilates the entire cast from parts 2-6, then resets the entire universe and makes all their stories up to that point meaningless?

No, not really.

Should've been the only stand Pucci got, made for a much better fight before it evolved.

>Introduced talking about how a guard who looks like Tom Cruise caught her masturbating
>Later talks about how DEFINITELY NOT JEALOUS she is that snails can have sex with whoever they come across

why, i am the best stand in part 6, how could you tell?

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It's only meaningless if you feel that way user. I still think araki is going to somehow bring it all home someday in some kind of insane conclusion.

Also SBR is so based that it's worth it. Inb4 everyone starts saying how overrated part 7 is

That's not diver down

That's not how Made In Heaven worked
Parts 1-5 still happened. Nu-Jotaro still killed DIO and helped in part 4. Only people who died had their souls replaced. Part 6 was the only part that didn't happen because Pucci was erased from existence.

Why not? The bittersweet ending is thematically perfect. Theirs actions still mattered because they prevented DIO's vision of the world coming to reality and were finally released from the cycle of conflict that the Joestars had been locked into for more than a century.

>I hope they skip a plot-relevant fight that also ties into the final confrontation with Pucci
Are you being stupid on purpose?

cool but MAJORLY underutilized.
actually all main casters except for FF have more interesting stands than Jolyne.

Nah, Jolyne's stand was cool as fuck. Simple powers with broad applications if you get creative are the best.

alternative reality != it still happened. a new thing happened and the entire universe was destroyed, that's why I'm mad. not the user you replied to.

Her arm's transforming into a snail.

I fucking hate Yea Forums

Japan loves Part 5 so that might have factored into the lengthier wait.

Shoko should guest star as FemAnasui for the early eps.

Boy we're waiting like 2 years for that shit

You're actually retarded if you think stardust crusaders is liked here, it's almost always rated near the bottom, often at the lowest place

never had a source for this except a poll wivh happened after pt5 anime was announced

>female protagonist
>fail and dies
What did Araki mean by this

Wouldn't the first time he had a female protag that tanked.

>user hates women
what did he mean by this?
Araki gave Pucci the most broken power ever, other than The World, which would've won if Dio wasn't afraid to approach Jotaro or finished him earlier.

Diver down is visually one of my favorites but yeah horribly under used for how cool the power is.
Stone free ranks up there with how creative she had to get. Also her stand hlgets sunglasses and that shit always looked cool to me.
Never felt like bullshit like G.E.

Why do people keep saying this meme when all their deaths was Jotaro's fault? All he had to do was bite the bullet and sacrifice Jolyne. As a matter of fact Jolyne set up Emporio's later victory.

>part 1

Then you must be some EOP newshit.

Jonathan died against Dio
Joseph only on due to dumb luck against Kars
Josuke would've lost if Jotaro hadn't stopped Bites the dust
Giorno's win was more due to Bruno destroying his soul light than anything he personally did
Johnny got his ass beat by Diego2 and had to be bailed out by non-Stand users
Jolyne's at most only the second biggest failure due to her helping Emporio escape let him take Pucci down

So this is the 'power' of 'words'

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What did Emporio mean by that?

It's fucking hilarious seeing posts like these who out themselves as obvious newcomers without even realizing it. Before the anime part 2 was consistently rated as one of the best, if not the best part, but since you've only been around after cringy animeonlies became a thing you now think it has always been "reddit". Shut the fuck up and lurk more.

seething pt5 shitter

He's gonna do it.
You know what word he is going to say

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God I loved F. F
Imagine the sex.
Imagine the smell.
F. F. porn better blow up with the anime.

Yo Yo Ma is retarded but the stand itself is unique and its fun to see Annasui abuse it so much. It doesn't even last that long so even if you don't like it then just push through it.
>but Dragon's Dream kinda dragged and wasn't particularly interesting as far as the mechanics of the fight went
Why do people always say this? I reread Dragon Dreams a few days ago and it was over pretty quickly as opposed what everyone says. And Dragon Dream was kinda cool how it didn't really give a shit about the user and was actually sometimes helping Foo fighters out in the fight.

Already done. Donatello Versus?

The poll was July 6-27 2018 and the part 5 anime was announced in late August 2018.

>laughing at reddit
>and then immediately going for the single most reddit meme there is
Araki changes his mind and disregards things if he feels like it, but you goddamn morons have somehow convinced yourselves that he's a literal brain dead vegetable with alzheimers and absolutely nothing in JoJo makes any sense. There has to be some fucking youtuber or something who started this shit and who you retards are parroting, who is it, user?

Dragon's Dream as a Stand was a neat character, but his user (whose name escapes me) wasn't terribly interesting. The entire fight was just the old guy swaying around and running after F.F. to poke her so that she'd die. The mechanics of the fight meant that the old guy's aim was always painfully obvious and he never got creative with it. F.F. just spent the whole fight running around and failing to shoot him until they got down to the electric chair. It didn't feel like it needed to be 9 chapters long.

>Johnny got his ass beat by Diego2 and had to be bailed out by non-Stand users
By a woman, no less.
One of the best moments of SBR.

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I think it was shuck miester. Never watched him but i got a reccomendation on youtube where he made a vid about Araki's worst "i forgot" moments or some shit.

the true moments of araki actually forgetting shit can be counted on one hand's fingers

>Giorno's win was more due to Bruno destroying his soul light than anything he personally did
Giorno was a great team player/captain. Let's not take that away from him.


Why is Anasui so based?

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>Jolyne will never fall asleep, leaning on your shoulder while tugging your arm
>Close enough to smell the sweet soapy scent of her hair

It hurts bros...

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>soapy scent of her stand

Joinathan didn't fail, he protected his woman.

i hope they replace anasui's pink with blue, so he doesn't look like an even gayer diavolo knockoff

Nah, pink fits him. Though blond would be nice I would like it more if they made Jolyne blond instead of green. I also saw a pic of white hair Annasui and he looked pretty cool. Blue just looks weird.

lets hope brother

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Jolyne didn't fail, she protected Emporio
Your point?

By god
I want to fuck that plankton

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I'd be excited for Part 6 if it wasn't shit for most of the part.
It has a decent opening, but the first actual stand fight and every stand fight till the last 4 or so are shit, and half the cast is garbage.
I doubt most animeonlys will stick around for when the Part gets good at like Episode 30

This honestly. Each part is just a more developed version of the last, they all have the same format. only nostalgiafags and contrarians disagree.

Except none of the other parts bar 8 has done the same format as 4 since. You could argue that 6 sort of did in that the majority of the story took place in the prison, but the prison was much more confined and they eventually left it to have a final chase segment that spanned many chapters. Part 4 was the only part until 8 that focused on a small town setting where they were pursuing a mystery within the town. Fitting that 8, which is purposely drawing parallels to 4, is the first one since to do it.

I can forgive that, but I hate how Diavolo has one of the coolest stands of all time and we only get to see it in one real battle against Metallica. It was really anticlimactic, especially after all the setup with Polnareff.

Pleb, part 6 ending is thematically perfect

Really though why does Pucci talk like this?

>>when Pucci grabs the gun

Combination of hanging out with Dio and having grown up as a man of the church. The Bible is chuuni as fuck.

It was ‘autism’

Part 4 has the same format, just one setting.

That's a different format then. It takes the monster of the week format and mixes it with a SoL format. The story stays in a relatively familiar location throughout instead of being a journey to a destination like most of the other parts. It takes on more mystery aspects as well. Parts 1-3 are largely a journey with some pit stops along the way. Part 4 is a mystery in a small town. Part 5 takes on the journey aspect again but keeps some of the mystery elements in trying to find the Boss's identity. It's still largely a journey to find the arrow.

The true meaning of 'gravity'
Some would say he's on the 'spectrum'

I'm a dirty anime-only fag and I'm a few episodes behind on part 5 but so far I'd say
2 > 5 > 1 >= 4 >= 3

I know 3 is really special to a lot of people but I just don't enjoy villain of the week much, especially when the plot moves at such a glacial pace. The plot of part 3 is pretty much identical to part 1 - JoJo sets out on a journey to defeat Dio and must overcome challenges along the way (arguably seeing as part 1 spends time establishing Dio's connection with the Joestars it actually has more plot) - but part 1 manages to get through it in 9 episodes, while part 3 stretches it across 48. Also Jonathan is a qt, I have a big soft spot for the lovably pure and virtuous types like him, while in contrast while I'd agree Jotaro is the coolest JoJo, he's also the most boring and one-note.

Part 5 is the first post-stands part that isn't meandering villain-of-the-week culminating in a big showdown with the main villain, and the supporting cast is really fun, so I've enjoyed it a lot. And I like just about everything about part 2 - yes the asspulls are bullshit, but they're joyful charismatic bullshit and I feel someone watching/reading JoJo for the coherent and rigorous logic and attention to detail might be missing the point.

Everyone talks like that in the manga (English version at least), that's the way they're translated

They cut Josukes's line about Mickey in the rat fight, so I'm a tad concerned about this one.
Then again, that was one line, while Bohemian Rhapsody's entirety will be a copyright minefield.

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He's a priest. He's pretty good at taking random things and turning it into a motivational speech.

I am. I know Yea Forums hates it, but part 6 really lives up to the 'bizarre' aspect of JoJo imo. it also has best Plankton in it.

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What'd you think of part 4?

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I think the reason people hate on Stone Ocean more compared to Golden Wind is that the fights are weird and not as exciting. Not wrong at all to feel that way.

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>hating the space suit made from clouds fight

yikes, just yikes

Yeah, it's full of weird inconsistencies and bullshit.

I NEED better porn of jolyne
She's so fucking perfect

>Part 8 has the same format as 4.
Have you actually read it?

Are you retarded?
We had to wait almost two years between parts 4&5.

You guys get the joke?

Animeonly here, what makes 7 so great? I see it top so many tier lists and it makes me excited to see it adapted.

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Part 7 contains the best characters in Jojo and the best characters of all time. Gyro qualifies for the latter. He's hilarious, but he also has a tragic backstory that offers him plenty of motivation while keeping him a mystery. Diego is a unique spin on Dio from Part 1, and his Stand Scary Monsters is awesome. Lucy and Steven are a great duo. Steven is barely in the story, but he's a well written and unique supporting character. While Lucy doesn't come into play until the finale, she is still compelling. Wekapipo is one of the finest side protagonists and works well as a foil to Gyro. Part 7 also contains my favorite side villain, Ringo, and though his time spent in the story is brief it is arguably the pinnacle of of the entire series. As for the Jojo and main villain, they're unquestionably the best of the best. Johnny is a tragic lightning rod of Shakespearean proportions. It's not only impossible to not root for him; it is immoral. He possesses one of the greatest and most significant character arcs I've ever experienced, and his Stand Tusk is awesome to boot. He is my favorite Jojo bar none, despite being one of the most depraved ones. Johnny is immoral and sinful and honestly can be considered the villain of Part 7, but he is still a compelling force of nature. Valentine can be considered the hero to an extent and is one of the most sympathetic villains to grace manga. In fact, it's no secret Valentine is my favorite antagonist ever. He's like an improved version of Ozymandias from Watchmen who takes pride in his actions rather than cry in secret. A true patriot, Valentine will stop at nothing to make America great again. As said by the man himself, his "heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They represent those of JUSTICE.". D4C also has one of the most insane and unique powers of any Stand and makes for a more than satisfying final fight.

Shitty song though

Yes, I have been actively reading it. It has the same general format in that it's a mystery that takes place in a single location. The objective and nature of the mystery is different, but that doesn't mean the formats aren't the same. For a while, it was a small town mystery with SoL elements. It only recently became more focused on the chase for the Rokakaka just like how later DiU became focused on the hunt for Kira.

>Pucci is black
>a homo
>is the bad guy
Wow, I never knew Part 6 was so based!

why can't I get any
of my WIFE?

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>is black
He's just dark Italian
He's a Catholic priest who may not even truly believe in his religion, hence why he thinks Heaven can be obtained on Earth.
>a homo
Araki himself blew fujoshits the fuck out by saying him and Dio chilling and reading together was just bros being bros and that the fujo asking about the scene of them on the bed together was reading way too far into it.
>is the bad guy
Actually somewhat arguable because he has pure intentions and there's nothing saying his way of "saving" people wouldn't work. The only bad thing about him is that he steps on a lot of people to reach his goal.

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I would place 8 between 4 and 6, but it has the potential to be between 5 and 4.

Pucci is a world altering nutjob, he's probably more evil than Dio

>5 that high

He's undoubtedly evil, but his intentions are among the purest and his power was real. It's feasible that he could've actually accomplished his goal even if he seemed like a fucking nut in the process. How the fuck would DIO have been able to figure out that he would have to
>carve 14 random words into his Stand
>gather the souls of 36 or so sinners
>blow up his Stand briefly with said sinners nearby
>doing so will cause it to absorb them, birthing a new lifeform
>have a friend to speak the same 14 words to the new lifeform so that he can absorb it
>go to the Kennedy Space Center during a new moon
And all of this gives him a stand with an incredibly specific ability with a strange way of "resetting" time. Dio's an absolute mad man for having been able to come up with this.

Part 4 focuses on a simple mystery that progresses slowly in the background while the protagonists fight MOTWs who don’t move the plot forward. Part 8 focuses on multiple elaborate mysteries that form a constantly moving plot that every battle contributes to.

It's not really multiple elaborate mysteries. There are a couple, but the actual number of mysteries is pretty small when you realize how many of them are just symptoms of another.

To be fair Shigechi was kind of a cunt

He was just a middle school kid. They're almost all cunts at that age. Of course he would try to weasel his way out of having to pay Josuke and Okuyasu.

Part 4 has some serious tonal whiplash

I'm an anime only who hasn't gotten to reading the manga yet and want to wait for the anime but I can't lie, I hope the part 5 finale gives us a sneak peak of Jolyne after the credits like they did with the end of part 2 I'd be pretty happy if they did that

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It’s not a labyrinthine ultracomplex plot, but it has far more plot threads and plot points to keep track of compared to Part 4. Part 4 is closer to 3 than it is to 8 due to how linear and simple its plot is when compared to 8.

>"I'm gonna protect mama and papa"

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Nine of dios prophecy for heaven made any sense.
Also how the fuck does it fit in for stardust? It all feels shoehorned in. I'd rather Pucci was his own entity without a dio refference

He's B L A C K?
White man's running style. Sandman is based
If we can't fuck her we should fuck one another

Anime is for 6-14 year olds grow up boomer.

You have to read it for yourself. You won't know what the fuck you're reading but you know it's the greatest written Jojo part.

I've always wondered where in the hell DIO had the time to father all of these children and employ a bunch of Stand users to stop the Crusaders from reaching him. He was seemingly fished out of the ocean not long before the events of Stardust Crusaders, yet he has time to come up with a prophecy, fuck a bunch of women, meet Pucci in the southern US, meet Pucci again and become good friends with him about a year after their first meeting, meet a bunch of Stand users such as the original user of Survivor, and then go to Egypt where the events of SC begin. Not to mention that he already apparently had The World when he knew Pucci since they reference his time stop ability, but DIO didn't really develop time stop much until midway through SC. It all just feels like it was really crammed in without a whole lot of thought as to the timeline on Araki's part. You could argue that the reason DIO couldn't use his time stop very much yet was because he hadn't yet drank Joestar blood, so he wasn't fully in tune with Jonathan's body, but that doesn't explain why Holly and Jotaro didn't have issues with their stands sooner since DIO seemingly had The World years before the events of SC in 1989. For reference, he first met Pucci in 1987 and then Pucci went to meet him again about a year later in 88.

Dio was pulled out of the ocean like 4 years before SC began.

That's still an incredibly tight timeline. 4 years means DIO was constantly traveling the world and meeting a bunch of people. He apparently developed The World some time in '88 at the latest, '87 most likely since he already had a Stand arrow and gave it to Pucci when they first met. This means he had The World for two years prior to SC, yet Holly wasn't sick and dying until '89.

high IQ post

The only thing stopping me from ranking part 6 higher on my list is the fact that FF not only dies but gets completely forgotten in the end.
She didn't need to die fuck you Araki I've never been so mad at a death before

>Araki forgot
She doesn’t appear in the new timeline because she doesn’t exist.

Yes I know, that's exactly why I'm mad.

>the first minor villain, Angelo, eats a fucking dog's face off and kills Josuke's grandfather
>literally no other villain of the part, not even Kira, reaches these heights of pure villainy
>gets a Kars-tier "death"
Literally what the fuck was Araki thinking?
Had he just got off the back of the worst fucking day ever when he started writing Part 4/Angelo's character?

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I honestly am quite excited for SO adaptation. So much of the manga will be strength by it. The setting and fights are more trippy and atmospheric, and I find it disorienting in manga form, but it will be a joy in visuals. That is, if they don't fuck it up like they did Part 4.

Part 6 will be good if they put FF in the lineup of characters who died

Araki wasn't thinking when he wrote part 4.

I really liked part 4, but I cant imagine it being my favorite part, I mean its just so tame compared to a lot of the other parts. Josuke had an awesome power and Kira was awesome, but a lot of the stands and ensemble cast fell flat for me. 7 is by far the part I enjoyed the most, but I think every part has unique charm and is fun in its own way.

Part 4 seemed like Araki self reflecting on his life more than anything.

as a man with a catholic gf can confirm, they're just weebs for Jesus, its honestly really cute

Why was Giorno so much stronger than DIO's other sons?

>a homo
Stop that. That's as bullshit as "Araki had to write Fugo out of Part 5's plot because his stand was too OP!"

>Also how the fuck does it fit in for stardust?
The short answer is that it doesn't because Araki doesn't really plan ahead much.

>so his name is Giorno Giovanna he is a JoJo but he is different because it's spelled GioGio also he is 15yo and the youngest JoJo and he is the son of Dio and is the only son who isn't retarded and also is a Joestar and he was born japanese but he moved to italy and his hair changed color and everybody likes him and his stand is golden and he can punch and say muda and also create life and also you can't hit what he creates or else you will be hurt too and also he can punch you and make you feel pain super slowly and also he can heal anything even himself and also he is chosen by the stand arrow and can reset literally every power and he wants to become a gangstar and he will and he is the boss

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Everybody say thank you to DAVID for padding the fuck out of the series

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Leaky Luca's Gravedigger

> It all feels shoehorned in.
Because it literally was. I wish Dio just stayed as this crazy soap-opera tier villain rather than Araki trying to inject more and more pseudo-philosophical bullshit as it went on. Do japs have any self-awareness?

>the damage reflection was actually a part of his plan
>Luca not only gains a Stand but a Requiem to boot


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>I dont understand what youre talking about. Are you insane? Babbling, in this situation....
Based Chadtaro

7 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 6 > 1 > 5

Not reading 8 until it's done.

See you in 2025 when you can finally read part 8

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God, the more I think about it the more I can't WAIT for Jolyne. But then I think of what a clusterfuck Part 6 is and I'm more uneasy.

>"please stop shlicking girls these walls are paper thin".

>ignoring Dio's weird philosophical speeches during part 3

For an immortal vampire with infinite charisma and connections I don't think 4 years is that short.

>Part 6 is dedicated to Araki's daughters
Literally never heard this. He made a female protagonist to try something different.

Dio has been philosophical since Phantom Blood. You've read the manga and didn't watch the shitty butchered anime, right?

Early Part 4 is really awkward and you can see it in the artstyle. Araki hadn't found his footing for the part yet; it gets better when he lets himself be more self-indulgent.

>7/2 fag

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I liked it about the same as 3, maybe a little better. I'm torn on the mundane setting - on the one hand, I liked that it wasn't just endless waves of enemies trying to keep them from Dio, and the variety of people in the town was fun too - the feeling of gradually assembling a community of local stand users was nice. On the other hand, it was pretty aimless most of the way through, sometimes there were some bits that just felt like a waste of time, and I'd say Josuke is my least favourite JoJo so far (not that I have anything in particular against him - there's just more that I like about all the others, Josuke doesn't have much in particular going on for him).

I found myself surprised by how much I liked the kid towards the end, it's unusual to have a child protagonist who you actually admire and sympathise with rather than just finding them annoying. Also, as I think back, I remember Kira's dad being incredibly annoying - not in a "love to hate" sort of way, just a "god I wish this faggot would stop hogging screentime and causing contrived filler episodes". I'm pretty sure if you removed him and plot point he's responsible for, the story would make just as much sense and be more enjoyable too.

So overall, I liked part 4 but I think I'd only rank it above part 3.

Dio was philosophical in the PB anime.

>god I wish this faggot would stop hogging screentime and causing contrived filler episodes
fucking this

>compares Jolyne to virgin Mary
>proceeds to her talking about masturbating
Good riddance, pal

I fucking love part 6, is really underrated and my favorite one, c-moon is my favorite fight in the manga and Jolyne is my fav JoJo, and I cried like shit with the ending, now, there's only one question left on the field
What's the ending?

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You'll probably love part 7 because it takes what part 5 does and ties it wayy deeper to the main plot.


Nice, that sounds great. How about part 6?

Also, how much of the manga has an official translation? When I have the time and money I might look into reading it.

god damn there was an amazing mock up of one set to Rich Girl by Hall and Oates and it was perfect, mustve got copyright claimed though, but you can imagine.

part 6 is controversial
the official translation is up to part 4 vol 1,vol 2 comes out next month

5 > 7 > 6 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 1

>Luca's only visable goal in life is to collect payments and beat people with a shovel
What the fuck would his stand be

Ah, so the anime's ahead of the manga for western audiences? That's a shame. At the current rate of release, is the manga likely to catch up with the anime at some point?

They also retconned him into being a drug dealer in the final arc.

The manga will probably catch up in 3 or 4 years after the part 6 anime, because there will probably be a huuuuge break before the part 7 anime due to how huge its gonna be

don't know how many volumes part 4 will get, probably 2+ years until they get to part 5

can't wait for part 7
honestly can't believe that decided to skip part 6 and just jump straight to the good stuff

what? is that true?

I'm not a fan of SoL stuff but 4 deserves to be a bit higher, otherwise great taste

Realistically, when is it gonna happen?
Iirc part 3 finished airing around this time in 2015, and part 4 started in April of 2016, so hopefully we won't have to wait too long.

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Do you want Part 6 to be low quality?

I'm expecting it around fall.

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I doubt it, We will porbably not hear anything until fire force is over


based abbabro at davidpro

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Pucci literally created the SBR universe

Isn't the manga still going though?

yeah but they've only ordered 36 episodes last I heard. With how david pro does it its super likely theyd take a big break before doing a second season, no idea how thatd work if they end up doing sbr tho, theyd almost definitely have to expand

Remember, this could have been the squad.

With hot lesbo action

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Thank god Araki came to his senses and made Anasui into an actual character

Fire Force production has nothing to do with Jojo, it's an entirely different team

Booty blues...

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That's not how math works you retard


croc about to eat ass

>just a fag fag

I'm happy Anasui got prime Jojo puss, even if it took him being reimagined.

I still have no idea what araki meant by that

The World btfo'ing Johnny was one of the highlights of part 7.

I wish Araki had more moments where Jotaro was put out of his element more like in part 6, would've given him more personality maybe.

The answer in reality is that Araki is writing this shit as he goes along, but I agree that the DIO and Pucci relationship doesn't fit as well into the grand scheme of DIO post-fishing.

why are prisoners so fucking gay

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It's raw sewage.

why is it white and sticky then

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God no. The only part worse than 5. Such an incredible long boring slog. I only want it to be over so we can finally get to part 7.

i expect they'll announce it around this time next year, to start airing in fall 2020 or winter 2021

6 had an excellent jojo, a nice crew with each member having their own motivations, a good villain, and a god tier ending
5 can't say the same

I think sewage water is sticky

> Soon

Doubt it, it'll definitely get made but not for a fair ass while.

He said in an interview that at least part of his motivation for 6 was making a female MC that his daughters might like.

imagine being this wrong

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Jojo fandom is 90% fujos anyways

more like NEVER EVER
but yeah, I'm hyped for it

I'm looking forward to hearing the VA yell DIVA DOWNUU

Bohemian Rhapsody is my favorite fight in part 6, but honestly it's my favorite part of them all.

Had me until the last part. Pucci was accelerating time so fast that the heat death and restart of the universe happened so quickly he barely aged

Top tier:
Made in Heaven
Sky High
Planet Waves
Whitesnake: Pursuer

Goo Goo Dolls (seriously it's great)
Heavy Weather
Flash Flood Warning (part after jumping jack flash)

The Visitor
Foo Fighters
Marilyn Manson
Kiss of Love and Revenge
Highway to Hell
Jailhouse Lock

Bohemian Rhapsody
Dragon's Dream

Jumping Jack Flash

Yo Yo Ma
Green Baby

7 > 6 > 8 >>> 4 > 5 >> 3 > 2 > 1

jonathan's dialogue with her is the best

Is there a better stand ability - name relation than Sticky Fingers? I mean the rolling stones' LP had a literal zipper on its cover.

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dude, its just Indiana Jones, get out of yourself and just enjoy it.

i am a real man gentleman weeb fag kid with good taste but also no one.

had Giorno been there Pucci wouldn't even have gotten the baby

I'm looking forward to Part 6 for two reasons. The first being that Foo Fighters is in it, and the second being the Mobius Strip scene during the C-Moon fight.

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What was the purpose of the zipper?

Seeing the underwear of whoever was the photo from, I don't know if you could see the boner clearer though.

part 6 never

>It unzips dick

Foo fighters best amoeba.

why did jotaro come to green dolphin alone? why didn't he at least try smuggling few stand users into the prison in advance if he knew this was a trap set up for him? i mean a guy who spent his life fighting various stand users and has connections with speedwagon foundation surely has more connection than a gay priest with vampire fetish

Jolyne was a really unfriendly person. She wouldn't accept help from some random stranger claiming to be her father's friend. Jotaro had to personally show up, both to to legitimize the threat, and also to mend his relationship with his estranged daughter

Pucci is charismatic, can give other people Stands and has DIO's connections

ok then why didn't he just send a lawyer from speedwagon foundation and tell the mom to tell jolyne she hired him? a good lawyer can drag out things for very long, more than enough for jotaro to bail her. or even just kidnap her before she gets into prison


Because Jolyne was being manipulated by Romeo's lawyer to admit to being guilty. She just wanted to be free and be with Romeo. She doesn't trust anyone else. Some guys walks in an claims to be from quickcarriage foundation she'd tell them to fuck off

diver down is literally a punchghost. it has no special powers that a regular stand cannot do.

why were they so gay?

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they're just bros

>i like you
>i love you as i love god
>i was afraid of losing you
is that really what bros say to each other? dio literally acts like a girl in love giving a lock of hair to her lover. bet when he was about to die he thought of pucci, his first and last true love

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Star Platinum is the only other stand that phases (because its part 3 where stand powers are made up) and it still can't do 80% of what Diver Down does

Its like how Hierophant Green and Silver Chariot are the only stands with the ability to shrink (until part 8 SHA) so you can just retcon it to just these stands

Jotaro was killed by one of the falling knives. The time speeding up gave the knife enough force to slice him clean in half.

> yfw araki said in an interview that dio and pucci lying together on the same bed wasn't meant to have any sexual connotation and was 'just like a friends crashing at each others places when they need to, guys just do that sometimes"

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found this

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>quickcarriage foundation
I keked.


The reason why Araki made it so she isnt in the new timeline is due to the fact that shes really just plankton in a dead body.It would be really weird to have a human F.F who really isnt the F.F we know but instead it being the real person who had the body before F.F. Theirs no way to have her in the new timeline as a human without it being kinda fucked up.I was hoping when reading part 6 is that we some plankton near the group to hint that she'll come back in some way in the new timeline.I hope in the anime they do this since it was the only thing in part 6 that pist me and probably everyone here off

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holy shit, I'd call you a speedreader but it's like you haven't even read it

I honestly liked all of part 6.
I agree that the story hits some much better notes after the escape, but the story up till the escape was captivating and it never really seemed to "halt".
Yes, It was obvious that they will escape, but that didn't because they had to solve the mystery first.

I'm excited that part 7 will be sooner.


It won't be animated. And Part 5 is considered the best user.


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>And Part 5 is considered the best user.

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7>5 and 6>4>3>1>2

Not ranking 8 until its finished, parts 1 and 2 are pretty different compared to the other parts i feel its a bit unfair to compare them.

6 > 4 > 7 > 5 = 3 > 2 > 1

No Pucci no FF, it's just not possible. She accepted her death and was happy to have lived at all, so that's the best we can ask for.


When Part 5 was animated, Trish porn skyrockted


He was talking about the Japanese, it is well established that they have shit taste and like Part 5 the best out of all the parts.

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Fine taste

the whole of Yea Forums could buy part 5 BDs and it still wouldn't happen.

2 > 7 > 1 > 3 > 8 > 5 > 6 > 4

there is nothing good in 2 except joseph


>asspulling just because

Bad opinion I know

Part 6 was a drag but I hope the anime fixes some of the issues, parts 5 and 6 may be Araki's weakest parts but I personally believe they're still pretty good mangas on their own.
My main issues with part 6 is the awful prison setting leading to the awful fever dream that was everything after the prison break leading into the finale that was honestly not bad at all. Also the crew never really felt like a crew and we are expected to believe they had the Persona 2 ending where they met after the universe reset like they were best buddies fated to meet.

switch 6 and 7 and 4 and 2 and that's pretty gud


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>Lisa Lisa

Thanks for proving me right

This is jojo someone got his knees capper and still walked being a parepeligic

soon? Try 1 year minimum.

Josuke is just Rachel from Blade Runner but purple and a man.

Attached: Rachael-blade-runner.jpg (511x340, 33K)

1 and 3 are Araki's weakest parts.

delet this