Is it really dead?
Is it really dead?
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No, only kyoani is. FF is just delayed for the retarded ass "japanese consideration"
came in here to reply to this post with "based"
Most countries do this.
Bitch, American idol aired the week of 9/11
Dr.Stone was too strong of a competition. We got too cocky firebros
American Idol had a airplane crash skit?
The week after 9/11 there was almost no regular TV. I remember getting annoyed as fuck.
And American Idol is not about plane crashes. It's a completely different thing.
TV shows episodes and movies were delayed because of school shootings.
Disaster movies and shows got delayed
back after the 26th
>delaying something on celebration day
Don't you dare talk shit about American Idol
Really nigga
Americans hate to vote where it matters, but they will vote for them idols.
Americans are the real idolshitters.
I love how this post just absolutely exposes the average thinking power of american brains
>kyoani is now ruining anime they didn't even work on
Dark times
The KyoAni fire was an inside job to sabotage Fire Force's success
Stop trying to force this rivalry shit and fuck off back to Yea Forums.
WWE kept going. Based Vinny Mac using a tragedy to get himself over.
This specific post might be bait but fedorafaggot teenagers actually think this
It didn't have success even when kyoani wasn't burning so not much changed