Happy birthday Nico!

okay Yea Forums, all together now. ready?

nico nico nii~

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>nico nico nii~

~iing is what I do before I cum and go to sleep. It lets me sleep at night. Save some of it for tomorrow's cereal. Crunchy cum and buttered toast.

Wise, astute, and knowledgeable in all areas pertaining to absolute strength and mental acuity, BRILLIANTco chooses to focus the majority of his training into the honing of the mind, which, as all true idols know, is followed by the body naturally strengthening as well. Her patience and limitless willpower serve only to increase her already staggering popularity to levels unseen even amongst the gods.

Yet if you threaten the lives of Maki or the concept of yuri, ANNIHILATIONco will show you no mercy. The last thing you ever see will be her soft and divine pose as you succumbs to the chad gayness she metes out after acting as the superior and sagacious judge, jury, and, most importantly, executioner.


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nico nico nii~

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i don't understand the appeal of Nico. convince me she's best girl

Nico Nico nii~

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Nico is not only the most POPULAR idol in the franchise--surpassing all other idol franchise--but she's also an astute and wise GENIUS. She's everything Honoka was supposed to be.

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honoka is a javwhore

that is a very detailed analysis, are you a Nicoscholar perhaps? Nicoscholars are known for giving highly detailed and astute analyses of any given event, composed in masterful prose.


Attached: NicoNiiBeach.png (1920x1080, 2.11M)


>already fuming
Yet another easy victory for the astute and undefeated Nicoscholars.

She's not only the best and classiest raibu, she also shows great taste by seducing the 2nd best raibu. Nico Nii is literally perfect.


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Spoken like a true IQ titan, very based my fellow Nicomaki intellectuals

Its 5 now where is she :(

where do i sign up to become a nicoscholar

>Not using the japanese clock like an intellectual
ah, not so sagacious are you, newbie Nicoscholar? But don't worry, you will improve later on

simply embrace yourself on pic related 25 times a day, more merch the better and your IQ will eventually increase dramatically

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Best(and i can't stress this enough) Idol

nico nico nii~

Nico nico nii~

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Cute and happy wives

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I love my wife.

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I like the red hair bitch a little more to be honest. There's something so attractive to me about her cuntiness.

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Look at this fuckin cunt

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Imma bust yo Nico Nico Kneecaps!