2019 Enjo Kousai Awards

Easy win for Ichinose this year

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do you have the charts for 2018 and other previous years?

Any site or wikia hosting the charts? There used to be sites that hosted SaiMoe after all.

>barely a third of first place
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Not surprisingly, she was ready to date the biggest douche in the LN to save her class.

>Yui in 32nd place
What the fuck, hasn't she consistently been in the top the past few years?

Ao-chan would never do that.

>yearly naobou bullying memelist
The joke is stale already. I do appreciate the non-naobou additions at least.

I have the one of 2015 and 2016

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no ako no enko

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Kushida is pure, tho.

Ako retired after a decade of having basically no competition. She's only on the list now due to inertia.

>Easy win for Ichinose this year


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She will make a comeback when Ritz gets to having her play again, in 2022 or something.



>Honoka because the VA scandal
>Umi because of her VA married the chad wrestler
The Japanese are so petty holy shit

I want to fuck Hotaru

Did 2018 ever came out? I remember it did but only on a lit, no picture was made.


What the hell, is Mahou Shoujo Raising Project really that popular to have two characters on the chart for that long? Also
>the autist ball girl from Cinderella Nine
Didn't saw that one coming.

>rikkek only 4th
hahahahaha, her popularity sure fizzled out

>Ako is losing to Ichinose after years becoming the slut queen
What the fuck happened?

Where is Komari?

Nooo Akoooo.

It's Ritz's fault.

The only thing I remember is Ako still won the award as well.

Because Ichinose wanted to fuck/date this guy for points and save her class

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He seems like a Chad. Ako dates old men regularly.

She's working hard on upgrading her for her final match.

How's her popularity now? Last time I follow the thread, she's 2nd ranked fav girl below Kei.

That skirt won't even cover anything if you look from a normal angle.

why did sxarp fall off

>Ako second
Also, Kira Yamato hasn't been in Newtype tops for years. Is this the end of the era?

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According to the OP pic, the 1st and the 2nd place are unchanged from last year.

Ehh a westerner like her would just #metoo everyone, play victim on twitter and then sue on her first evening. Wouldn't last long.

Now Hanako on the other hand would absolutely do it if she heard that popular girls are doing it or just for some nail polish and a trip to Shibuya really.

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They were both on that list way before any scandals or marriages.

>Yay the Naobou character was dethroned from first place
>Another Naobou character takes her place

What's the point

That's not even the problem. The problem is that why do they use an image of her displaying her pits? The other girls' pictures in comparison are polite and proper.

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>Mirai Akari
\Who would want to pay to have sex with that retard?

>no 1

Didnt this show aired in 2017 she still so popular in many ways

>no 2

of fucking course its her again

>no 8

Chitose is pure

>no 15

oh no dont lewd the poorfag

>no 19

Um, sure.

>no 21

No words honestly.

Oh, did volume 9 finally get translated? I'm so out of the loop.

Nao dominates more than ever it seems.

Rikka should definitely be higher. This is an outrage.

Then why not ignore the other offer and take the stuco president's?

It's a little amazing that Ichinose took first place again despite her extremely amazing purity. I mean, sure she was willing to get with Nagumo but that's only because she wanted to save her class, she largely wants the 50man dick instead

>7th. Mirai Akari

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>Amazing purity
>would date/fuck an asshole to score some points/acquire cash

Nice doublethink there, Ichinosefag

Damn, now I have to go archive diving to find 2018. Got everything from 2012 until now except for it.


Can't wait for the usual video.







I'm guessing an image was never made for it? That kind of sucks. Guess I'll just screencap the page and call it a day.

But her method of ripping off old men was way safer than enkou.

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I'm proud of my girl Akari!

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What the hell?

>out of all the shots of Olivia they used the armpit one

Akari has done official gravure

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The mighty have fallen.

Yeah, came here to say this. Oribia may be smelly, but she is NOT a slut.

Damn I had no idea. I need to go and find it. I guess she is kind of sexy when she isn't speaking/being retarded.


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whito piggu = slut

>ouch Keifags btfo hard muh Kei is the most popular is btfo
This is the ultimate proof that with much more screen time it is easy to be liked by Nips and to jump for the first place. Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e readers are so suggestible


>How's her popularity now? Last time I follow the thread, she's 2nd ranked fav girl below Kei.
The official poll Ichinose was number 1. She still the most popular.

>Keifags bfto
>In a pool about sluts
Dunno why Keifags would even want to have her there.

>Number 18
Could we take Nips seriously again?

Slut among lesbians.

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need another anime season to reclaim throne

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>implying you wouldn't try enkou if you ever turn into a strong magical girl

The irony of it all is tantalising. Besides, if they're creepy fucks (those who would try scat or something) you'd just pound them to pieces. Now number 19, that's where the Nips cross the line.

Why is a character who actually sexually prostitutes herself for money in 35th place?

2012: It's a Saki thing

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>implying you wouldn't try enkou
I only love my cock, buddy.

Ako was already dethroned last year

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>Too old to experience pure romance as a japanese teenager
>Not old and rich enough to be the sugar daddy of one of these sluts
It's not fucking fair.

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How did she get all the way to 15th place?

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Chitose is pure.

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She conquered her fear of balls (figurative), now she'll learn the love balls (literally)

Akari isn't even anime, how did she enter this list?

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Shitose is fucking trash

because she is anime

she earned it

>Ako second
This is unnatural, this is wrong.

No wonder. There was no Saki anime in years.

God she's so fucking hot.

But Akari being a slut was a meme created by Eilene, she's actually a genki and dorky girl

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I am glad my daughter cockona is still so popular!

>Ao-chan third
Absolutely based. I can't believe someone actually watched that.

What's third place's anime? I'm a bit surprised it beat out so many other popular shows yet I haven't even heard of it.

What do the ones with hearts represent?

First time they appear in the ranking

The title is written over the name.

It was just a short. You should have watched it with us lad.
Literally every week Yea Forums would bang their heads against the wall wishing for the main girl to get corrupted and turn into a hyperslut. Nice to see that even the nips agree.

How much for one (1) Oribia?


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Why was Ako the queen of sluts?

Cheap, quick handjobs.

>karen is still on this list
Why do people like this annoying, shitty, loud character? She's everything that nips would hate about tourists, she's a gaijin and half breed.
Not to mention, she's a fucking subhuman too.

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She is dumb, dumb enough to easily trick into having sex for money.

Who is 12?

New Saki when.
Ako needs her throne back.

I am.


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What show are you from?


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Not anyone's fault you have shit taste

Gay Batman: The Cryening

>gridslut only fourth place
Let's be real, Rikka is the very picture of the schoolgirl prostitute.

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Her compensated dating power can't outmatch a Nao voiced character

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No, that would be Ako.

I'm glad my waifu is no longer on these shit charts.

The name and title are right there.

I can't read

How is Umi on that list? She's the most no fun allowed character in that entire series, literally the last Love Live character who would prostitute herself.

Not even Hiragana? I don't believe you.

Im medically retarded

Please help

I'm American, I can barely read English.

my wife ao-chan

They're not all supposed to make sense

Hint: you may notice she is voiced by the same person as a lot of other characters on that chart.

I miss Shinka being there.


Then look up her roles and you will find it.

is a dick hungry, unfaithful slut

Delicious slutty gyaru, S2 WHEN.

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I want to push down and rape Alice so badly.


you mean our wife, Ao-chan, right?

No u.

>No lliya
>No Miyu
What the heck?

The important thing is that Ako is at the top part of the list. Everybody else is just filler

>Half of the top 12 is voiced by Naoyama.

Is her voice simply typecasted to voice THOTS?

Why is Ako so consistently voted for anyway, I feel like I missed the joke somewhere.

You're just supposed to ignore all of those entries to get the actual list.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.12_[2018.08.31_10.47.38].jpg (1856x2098, 1020K)

You've got your cause and effect mixed up.

Maybe the VA is a prostitute herself otherwise I don't get the joke.

When will you fuck off from this board?

this wife is mine

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If they just wanted her characters on the list there would be better choices. Coupy didn't even rank.

my wife ao-chan based

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Next year after new gochiusa air.

And what is this?

When you learn to scroll past things that bother you.

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>La pucelle
Dude, what.

I kinda agree with

I don't understand these rankings. How do you get placed? How do you even determine anything from shows like fucking Yuru Camp?

Why would nice hat rank? Could see a couple other girls besides kushida and itchy nose ahead of her thirsting for private point compensation.

Kushida has a sugar daddy though

I think it goes something like

1. Character who is feisty and a little bit too friendly with ALL people (Ako, Iroha)
2. Characters who have debts/have done something dubious/immoral for material gain (Aoi Tsubaki/Ichinose)
3. Looks like your typical enkou JK (Rin Shibuya )
4. Innocently lewd that might be taken advantage of (Aoi Horie)
5. Those who might be curious enough to try it (Tomoe)

Or just skip all the and have your character voiced by Naobou lmao

It's a public vote. They held it yesterday in conjunction with the House of Councillors.

OrcTaku faggots are nothing more than that hold fast to your girl and support her no matter what.

For the 2018 poll volume 9 was about her dark past so that's easy meme points even though it's probably the most pathetic dark past ever conceived
For the 2019 poll in volume 10 she was about to sell her body for points so that was obvious.

Rin is voiced by naobu

My girl was just looking for love.

>JKs like Satou and Kanna that literally does enkou are lower ranked than the meme choices

The only thing that bothers me from time to time

>like fucking yuru camp
Shimarin bought a bike and lots of expensive camping equipment throughout the anime. Highschool girls can't afford that unless they do: fill in the blank.

Who's #3

>Highschool girls can't afford that unless they do
have a rich biological daddy
most anime characters are at least middle class

>La boipucelle beating LLs

She seems too cold to do EK, there'd be no return customers

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>Mai is rank 39
>Tomoe is Rank 5

Ass wins again.

Most important is the popularity of the show. Look how Ami from Long Riders placed lasted in despite being a JD voiced by Toyama Nao who pays for her expensive bicycles by working in dubious restaurants.

Pretty sure she has a part time job.

Thanks to Touyama Nao

yeah no one is into that

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Looking at her phone while getting fucked is her charme point. Really easy to imagine her in this scenario: hitomi.la/galleries/838293.html

Fuck off Dan, you're not from this era anymore.

Satou is only for pure love, she never charged a single penny.

I want to love, marry, and have babies with sugar-chan but she is content with being an onahole only.

what? the ako queen of enkou has been dethroned?
rin's popularity continues to decline.
so many new faces, even that asoken spicy girl made it.

what is the appeal of classroom of the elite? it's fucking boring and the girls are shit.

The LN is popular in Japan and Japan opinion is all that matters.

the main character is literally me

lies Chitose is pure


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>Most important is the popularity of the show.
I don't know about that. Then how the hell is Ao third over Rikka and that Bunnygirl voiced by Nao?

Man whats the point of Matsuri being there.
She literally did sell pics to old men for money.
Isn't the whole thing that they LOOK like they would do Enjo Kosai not that they already have.

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Read the thread, nigger.

>5 girls from Youkoso Jitsuriyoku

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That's just because she's been used so thoroughly that noone wants her anymore.

chitose is shit

>noone wants her anymore
good thing because she's his
bad thing because she lost her source of income

Matsuri is pure and would never date an old man for money, that'd be dangerous.
Only sluts like Mei get involved with this.

that's why i'm asking you retarded piece of shit

Whats the thing about Nao Touyama?

She used to be one in real life.

Why the fucks Koga on here?

So without the memes, the winners are Ao and Rikka.

Iroha still best girl.

She's mine though

Kill yourself.

She works in a maid cafe. She doesn't need to do awful things to get by.

yui is out of the competition in 2019.
she ranked pretty high years ago

>She doesn't need to do awful things
he doesn't know

Fuck you, Japan.

>She works in a maid cafe. She doesn't need to do awful things to get by.

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Better than engaging in prostitution.

Both Iroha and Yui are fucking shit

Go back to your containment thread on jaypee

What the fuck, Ao-chan is pure, why is she in third?

your waifu isn't even in the list, yuckynofag

>wanting your favourite character to be on a slut list

girls that work in maid cafes usually engage in prostitution
and if you're talking about sharo, she's still there, number 30

yui is still there at rock bottom #32
used to be #3 in 2015
what happened to yui?

She already is already successful at her main occupation, woorking in a cafe just lets her earn some extra money.
She didn't even have money problems in her source material, her director decided to incude that for the anime because he thought it was funny.
Also, she is not Syaro.

She is used up. Better whores came along.

No one would pay this useless onahole for her services.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.48_[2019.04.14_13.51.24].jp (354x522, 36K)

>didn't even have money problems
She's doing for the D.
Your D is not enough.

Ama usa an is not a maid cafe user. Sharo a whore but all she does is serve gween tea at her job


Kira got banned, it's not because people stopped voting for him

Why is Shiburin so low?

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her time is over.
make way for the new enkou.

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Everyone's had a turn by now.

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try to get listed first, you cheap whore.

Kanade is the best luxury-class enkou tho

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What bullshit is this? Half of those characters look nothing like the enkous that are legally defined by the national enkou authority.

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She's not even on the list, what a loser!

I never watch Saki, so I don't understand why Ako is at the top of the list for years. She has been dethroned recently. She doesn't look like enkou.

unlicenced enkou are the new hotness.
fuck the bolice

Has this Rin been in the list?
She's famous for that pleasing old men for money meme.

Attached: Rin_pleases_old_men_for_money.jpg (640x360, 49K)

Sadly, the enkou association doesn't have much representation in anime.

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>Ako not first
This feels wrong. At least it was taken by another Nao character though.

If her anime comes out, she will be the undisputed Queen.

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Depends on the CV.

All I see in these pictures are top tier pure girls ready to become proper housewives.

How does ako remain so strong after all these years?
also I would fund kokona

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housewhores cheating with the landlords, neet neighbours, mailmen, delivery men, etc


this is why kei is better

What kind of qualities does a proper housewife need?

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she slept with the enkou election board members.
kokona was a slut.

no because it's a shittys reddit meme no one cares

Both Tohsakas are out of competition already. Fate is normalfag thing now.

she needs the money

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what for?

Can't believe my wife Ao-chan is in third place.

HAHAHA, nice

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Loyal and pure just like this girl looks like.

The national association for enkou josei does not support this list.

Watching it doesn't help understand it either.

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look at that tiny figure
there's no way she can serve more than two clients a day

Would you let your son dress like that?

>autistic ball girl
long live the otaku, great taste

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If he looked like this, yes.

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with two clients per day she can easily make more than 10000 dollars per month

her price is more expensive compared to those slutty gyaru

If h-manga are true then the price is typically 1,0000 to 2,0000 yen.

30k is the standard union rate as established by the national enkou association

Iroha ruined the series and brought out the worst arcs. This is an indisputably a FACT.

no Erufu from GS?

>national enkou association
will this be a real thing with the coming sports event?

It's because she always plays for cheap and fast hands or so I've heard.

How do you enko in fantasy lands? It isn't simply prostitution.

If you paid more for your enkou, you did it wrong and were scammed.

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I cant believe I paid 60k for a blowjob by a shark!

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>shark teeth blowjob
not every enkou can do it

In that case, I'd say better safe than sorry.

who's this? rin mk2?

>cheap, quick hands

Rin's shooter

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she's rin's lieutenant in her enkou gang

Oh my dick where do I hire her?

so what does it feels like?

What's with enkou sluts and big cardigans?

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dress code
you'll easily spot them

When was the last time a non-Touyama character took the top spot?

They need to be comfy and warm since they stand around in the seedy districts of the city at dusk and night trying to hunt for men.

My little onahole who's no longer afraid of balls made it into the list, nice.

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i thought it's men that flocks to them

2016 or 2017, emi nitta

It's a tough business. The supply of willing schoolgirl prostitutes has far outstripped demand.

brb visiting japan

I wonder will they ever accept whito piggu client?

only if you're a blue-eyed blonde gigachad

they only accept japanese clients.

You forgot the "let's".

What does the association say about this new line of work?

She's Rin's subordinate and right hand man.

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why the mask?

hide her shark teeth

Why are all of Rin's schoolmates so loose?

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How much do I have to pay Ritz for her to officially turn Ako into a prostitute. Like, between matches her teammates find her with some random man. Or they spot Ako walking out of the men's bathroom with an old bald guy. Ako is wiping her mouth while the guy is paying her money.

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I'd like to think she goes to an enkou school.

Someone on Yea Forums should translate all these charts

she has experience.

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What's the reference? I mean I've seen Leon but what does it have to do with Sharky?

She's a killer.

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Oh ok, I get it now.

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How did Honoka not take the top spot back then? She is clearly the type that would sell herself for her group and school plus she has opportunistic seiyuu who has no problems with voicing sluts in eroge and doing sex tapes for a quick yen.

I love her jacket

Literally me too

there's a rumour that her seiyuu was in JAV

Ritz doesn't need money, just harem members and time, which she's always short on.

>enkou school
How does this work?

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Why is Noa not on there?

which noa?

This one, probably.

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My gf.

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She doesn't need her own money yet.

Oh God, she's so lewd and cute. How the fuck does she get away with this? How can she even be this cute!?

Also, Akari has those clips of her hanging out at the VRChat bars, comforting lonely men.

>Ako dethroned

How did Ritz manage to torpedo her own franchise so badly?

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t. Noa

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what a comfy jacket! perfect for streetwalking at night.

Does Noa-chan know what kind of effect she has on men?

Of course.

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what is she trying to do with that body gesture?

5th place arc.

Hana needed sweets money more so she's in 27th.


Why doesn't she use it more? She could probably get her teachers and most other people to do whatever she wants.

A high school where girls make money.

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Holy hell that slut lost. It's 2hu at comiket all over again.

She deserved a spot. Just look at this face. They probably didn't allow JS in the poll.

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>irohafags are proud of they're waifu is on a slut list

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how can an idol be a slut? most of the time their career is over if they have boyfriends.

You've got it backwards - to even begin their careers, they must have influential boyfriends.

Hana is there, user, look harder. Maybe the japs who voted didn't think she was as much of a sex demon as we did.

To be fair, Hana sells her body for sweets.

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>She deserved a spot. Just look at this face. They probably didn't allow JS in the poll.
she's pure, you're thinking of this turbo slut who literally knows she's selling her virginity for sweets

Wow, you're right. Weird. I'm not surprised Hana would be a slut, but clearly Noa sells her body for favors and money. How did the Nips not notice that?

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Irohas is CUTE!

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but Irohasu isn't PURE.

>Iroha a SHIT

99% similarity?

I don't care. I stand with EMTN.

Why has Ako been on the list so long

Say one more word and I cut your tongue out.


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ore no ek gf

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>2019 Enjo Kousai Awards

This ranking is from futaba-chan?

She's too lazy to do something as time consuming as this list

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Or maybe more of a 2ch/5ch thing?

>rikka only 4th
>somehow below Ao-chan

I don't know how to take these ratings seriously anymore.

Fuck off and kill yourself cunt.

at the same time?

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the fuck is this list about

>and if you're talking about sharo, she's still there, number 30

You wouldn't take advantage of a girl's poverty, would you, user?

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of course not.
i'm supporting her.

just google the fucking term you dumbass

thank you, ojisan

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mad because i didn't post the code?

>tfw have no memory of the girl in first place despite watching the anime
Was she really that slutty?

The LN is really popular.
And thus

Is it about the #1 girl in 2019?


No Aquors on the list.


Why is Rin Shubiya so popular?

being on a slut list is nothing to be proud of.

Yes her part time job is pleasing old men for money.

What is the third one's show about or what did she do in it to merit beating even fucking Rikka in the ranking?

She doesn't even have meme power behind her like Ako does or being voiced by Nao so she must be really fucking slutty.

Why not get married? It's a win-win.

>ojisan gets to legally cum inside her every night
>girl gets financial support

Black haired JK idols with a cool personality is the hotness.

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Ritz should put Igarashi in charge.

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or Hakka-ya

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Isn't Shiburin hair brown though?

oh Ako....

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How much extra would those two cost?

yeah itchy nose

Those who insult EMTN and dare to use that against her are nothing more than scum. You will be impaled as scum deserve.

With enough money, anything is possible.

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Not according to her idol profile.
>With her sleek black hair and her imposing school uniform, Shibuya Rin is a cool and trendy schoolgirl. She lives in a flower shop, where she’ll occasionally help her parents over the counter.
>Though her aloof demeanor makes her seem like the type of person that’s hard to approach, Rin shows a more honest side once she’s more trusting of others.

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How do we stop the enkou epidemic?

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impregnate them

How would that help?
And what about ones that can't get pregnant yet?

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How much does she make?

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Does Shiburin have the strongest enkou character design, staying in the ranking just based on her looks year after year?

the youngest recorded mother was like 5 years old

That was a major exception. Most girls in Japan start menstruating with 11-13.

That's not enkou, it's legit prostitution.

Already have her own manga. Saya too.

Stay mad womanlet

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Do movies count too? Cause guess who's winning next time.

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All of these girls look like they fuck men (particularly old men) for cash.


No shit?


Holy shit I just realized that Aru didn't make it into the list either. Is that zannen or unzannen?

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aru is too busy having rough sex with nako

Very wholesome doujin.

Nakosuke pimps her out.

>barely any good Rikka doujins
I'm disappointed. I expected a whole lot more.

That's not even doujin.

Don't sweat such small distinctions.

>Holy shit I just realized that Aru didn't make it into the list either. Is that zannen or unzannen?
Aru's show was not popular enough among the nips. Though I could see her mistaking being a prostitute like a dunce she is.

Are we sure it's not the character called dark past that would have been into enkou?

Stop Naotoyama bullying!!