Kyoto Animation Fire Update

Here's footage from of what appears to be the arsonist rolling a cart near KyoAni's Studio 5/Shop and Head Office the day before the arson incident.新着/video/6062452976001?autoStart=true

>The main Hibike VA cast is alright:

>NHK: The Kyoto Fire Dept says KyoAni Studio 1 had sufficient fire prevention measures.

>Tomoyo Kurosawa (Kumiko's VA) finally broke her silence on the matter
>Tomoya: "I'm worried, immensely worried. But I think KyoAni is the strongest. I want to say 'they're going to be alright' lovingly.
So somehow, let's all look forward."

>Aya Hirano gives a message after finishing finding her self in Las Vegas

>Yasuhiro Takemoto is still missing

Attached: fCce4GNYBuIxtGCz.webm (740x740, 1.96M)

Other urls found in this thread:'t-open-rooftop-door

I hope they livestream the hanging.

Based arsonist

I hope they set him on fire

>after finishing finding her self in Las Vegas

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It was a falseflag between korean government (guy was korean) and Abe government.
They want to sanitize Japan before the olympic games.


Attached: endro seira worry nervous scared.webm (960x540, 1.17M)

>guy was korean

I'll cuddle you and keep you safe, user.

the whole incident seems pretty suspicious.

Attached: Japan preparing for the Olympics.webm (930x530, 1.38M)

no, me, please, I need it more and I cuddle back

Both of you committ an arson on your homes and make the world a better place like the arsonist did.

>They blew up the porn pool

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i guess i gotta update that scrolling image if aya is fine

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did baja finally escape to heaven

Attached: baja.png (789x456, 349K)

This, they're trying to stigmatize otakus as the literal devil, they want to kill doujins.

If you know what I mean...

>guy was korean

netouyos will blame everything on koreans like /pol/ blames the jews

will the Olympics really mess up Japan?

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Cute. Would be nice to spoon together in bed

Pretty much every city that has held the Olympics in recent years has complained about it later because it usually involved bulldozing several blocks to make room for all the multi-billion dollar stadiums that will never be used again

Baja no park.
Make it happen Hatta.

Attached: ann cry.webm (1920x1080, 400K)

Except there's a reason to blame the jews.

There must be other people missing. Do we know of any character designers or key animators that are unaccounted for?

Is it true that most of the deceased were women?

why is it taking the Nips so long to identify the victims??

the FBI or any other burger Agency would already have a report by now.


Attached: 1464131840567.webm (960x540, 2.28M)

Yes. Men were smart to jump out. Apparently women died because they tries to take selfies with the fire and post on instagram.

Meanwhile on 2ch
>westerners will blame jews like we blame Koreans!
>except there's a reason to blame the koreans

>why is it taking the Nips so long to identify the victims??
It's not. The Japanese are very private about death. A person can be dead for months and we wouldn't get an official statement.

Koreans are subhumans influenced by american propaganda. They're irrelevant, retard.

Japan is autistic enough to find a use for a big, dumb stadium

Cute and lewd Kumiko statue!

Why are Olympics still a thing ffs? This shit is NOT needed, it only favors more corruption.

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What song could be running in his head during this time?

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>if aya is fine
Was the bassist that one staff member to be unscathed by the fire?

Why in the actual fuck is the police withholding infornation on the deceased? Not even the families know shit.

Countries need a big dick waving contest every few years or else things get nuclear.

Shit was an obvious falseflag. So many coincidences

They see me rolling they hating.

People probably think ping pong diplomacy is still a valid method.


Japanese are retarded.

The summer olympics can easily be canceled, just keep the winter games.


He didn't want to pollute the air by using a car.

What was villian's goal of visiting studio 5?

>Yasuhiro Takemoto is still missing

how the fuck can you be missing so many days and nobody has a vague idea of where you are?

wasn't there some sort of roll call in the KyoAni building to know who was working in the place that day?

jews have been kicked from great empires, and countries every dam time.

I understand people here are autistic but Jesus.

One shekel has been deposited into your bank account.

pretty sure he is that unidentified charred body

>guy is literally missing
>hurr why is guy still missing

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Why is a bunch of mentally ill people trying to make a tragedy in Japan about muh jews? Why do they always try to make literally anything at all about themselves and their obsession?

> some aspie loser cripples Japan's best animation studio with a trolley cart and 2 cannisters of petrol.

I don't know what to thing about all this, it's seems unreal.

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>Aya Hirano gives a message after finishing finding her self in Las Vegas
What the fuck is she doing with her life? Why not just go back to being a seiyuu? Nobody cares about the bassist shit anymore.

>mentally ill people
You answered your own question. Any question you have about the behavior of people on Yea Forums has the same answer.

but he didn't go after Madhouse

Nah, let him live and force him to watch kyoAni shows for the rest of his days 24/7.

Because there are powerful forces monitoring all potential psychos and protecting anime studios at all times, and only by lifting their protection on purpose would this crime be possible. No way some guy could just snoop around the premises beforehand and buy a few liters of gasoline.

Vegas was way weirder than this and we got no answers there. best just to accept the official narrative.

The more you learn about Koreans and the Japanese occupation, the more you find the hate some Japanese feel towards them understandable.

But the USA loves jews.

you think they'll swept this under the rug and we'll never find out the arsonist's motives?

Now why would a successful Japanese seiyu want to go live in Las Vegas anyway?

People had this image of KyoAni as some kind of corporate giant when in reality it was just a small, tight-knit group of people who happened to work well with each other.

it doesn't take much for someone to do a lot of damage.
Lone Wolfs are statistically the biggest threat when it comes to terrorism both domestic and foreign.
There's no way to prepare for some random guy to just talk up to things/people and start killing/setting things on fire.
The biggest thing that stops most terrorist attacks are snitches/moles in the organization

Why would she want to go back to pandering to the lowest filth when she got first hand experience what nip otakus are capable of?

Maybe she wants to become a stripper.

He ran away from the morgue.

Well, compared to Muslim.

Kyoanus mostly hired whores which is why they never made anything good.
It was inevitable if there was a massive attack that a bunch of women would die.

Based and redpilled

Man, why do asians love gambling so much?

Japanese are too poor to buy Boeing.

That's a fucking traumatizing idea. Wake up inside a morgue cooler, realizing you're still alive and in immense pain, 3rd degree burns all over your body.

This is basically Japanese 9/11, so many mysteries surrounding this case it's bizarre.
Especially the timing, right before the Olympic games.

Kyoani was the Nintendo of Anime. Sad a Korean had to do this.

>Aya Hirano
>Las Vegas
So she's hanging out with Emily Salazar or what?

I want to kill this fucking cunt.

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More like extremely unlikely. Even if porn would get outlawed, why would they cause fires and explosions in middle of one of the busiest city in the world? Just haul the stuff to a landfill and burn it there.

>The main Hibike VA cast is alright

>dogs of yakuza
Knew they were into some shady shit!

I assume it isn't stigmatized as much in their culture as it is here. And they're exposed to it from an early age. Gatcha is essentially a form of gambling, and gambling mini-games are found in basically every Japanese video game.

Let's hope it'll be Keijo.

>What Japanese net users looked at was a Chinese-language support message "加油 (Good luck)" sent to this document.
>It seems that Japanese felt that the word "加油 (Japanese kanji meaning 加油 = Add oil)" could be misunderstood because of the incident of burning and burning gasoline.

That was exactly his plan.

>after finding herself in Las Vegas
Why is this so funny?

There was a movie about that. Or maybe it was a x-files episode.

The Hangover 4: Nippon banzai

Individual /pol/tard rulers have kicked them out, only to have their sensible successors let them back in.

No, it's not spooky. It's literally just a guy strolling around with a cart.

Because she went full Ryoga and got lost on the way to Japan.

The more you know the ess sadder you get


This fat fuck looks even fatter in motion.

>Children card game duels.
>spinning tops duels.
>Cooking duels.
>Toy building duels.
>Friendship speech duels.
>and the team competitions versions of the above.

I remember a Stephen King short story where the guy was paralyzed on the autopsy table but he could save himself in the last moment by getting an erection.

Probably because there aren't a lot of bassists in Vegas.

I believe it.

Did he still have a pulse? Surely the first cut bleeding all over the place would clue them in that he's still alive.

No they kicked them out because they tried to take over their governments or control their economies.


>The police announced the results of 13 judicial autopsys newly on the 21st. The cause of death was 10 people were burned, 2 were suffocated and 1 was carbon monoxide (CO) poisoned.

Blood was paralyzed.

Tomoyo took her sweet fucking time
I was starting to accept Miria was dead


If I'll go to an anime con I'll cosplay a guy with red shirt, black hair, feet and hands burned and driving a trolley with a bucked full of coca cola.
I'll be the talk of the event.

Attached: noodles.gif (640x480, 461K)

You'll get BLACKED

>big open bucket of liquid
You aren't getting into any con.

Not to mention the message sent to women. "Stay at home to raise and bear children because you might get murdered in an office".

You can almost feel the government's hand in this. They probably made it so that trains were decorated with Hibike Euphonium characters to trigger that barisaku train autist, who in turn manipulated fatty into thnking kyoani plagiarized his novel.

Tokyo will be annoyed as fuck for a few months and they will have useless buildings made by construction companies with friends in government. In terms of anime the worst case scenario is Akibahara shops will have to follow a temporary ordinance to keep lewd ads out of the open during the event to keep western retards from screeching about cartoon kiddie porn while Ahmed, Tyrone, and Paco are raping their kids back home.
All this shit about some kind of cultural shift to bow before the magnificence of the west for a short term event is the dumbest meme to spread around here in ages. Japan isn't going to wipe out an entire domestic industry for fucking two weeks worth of tourism.

chinaman here
加油's literal translation to English would be " add oil" but it is almost always used to mean good luck or do your best.

Then how the fuck did he get an erection, or be alive for that matter? Brain doesn't work without blood flow.

Napoelon was a /pol/ user, good to know.

And you will get lynched as the #epic and #based edgelord you are.

We know, Pooh.
We know.

By moe fans?
Maybe I need to cosplay a knife too.

What are you talking about, you retard? Napoleon was the first to give full civil rights to the Jews.

Dunno, I wouldn't expect too much realism out of it, it's not like Stephen King is a doctor or an intellectual of any kind for that matter. The story just clicked with me because I regularly sufffer from sleep paralysis.

King is a fucking hack who can't write anything but porno that's how.


>Suspect, scheduled to attack Kyo Ani headquarters? Confirm with peripheral camera.


>The day before the incident, for security cameras around the head office in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture. The day before the incident,
>According to interviews with investigators, it appeared that a man resembling a suspect was seen pushing a dolly and walking.

>If I'll go to an anime con
You already shot yourself

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Maybe try reading a book for once?

Still better than a furfag suit desu

because that's codeword for a whore's slutting around

>checking whether people were suspicious of him or not
Death sentenced confirmed.

I don't get why open bucket would be all that much worse than a sixpack of 1.5L or 2L bottles. A bottle cut in half, filled with gasoline, will still spill it's contents all over the place. A sixpack of them will do so with bigger spray area, if thrown in a spinning motion.

Seiyuu is a shit tier career.

Like The Jewish Question?

You’ll always have someone watching over you, in the form of the FBI. Also you will get cornholed, whether it’s a gloved hand of a cop or Bubba trying to hide some sausage

Large bucket of liquid can easily spill. It isn't even a safety hazard issue. A large bucket of water still wouldn't be let in cause buckets spill easily and then they have to clean that shit up.
If you have a large bucket of anything, you aren't getting in.

>Maybe try reading a book for once
There it is, the most Reddit quote which book should I read retard? Maybe about how Napoelon absolutely hated Jews in his biography? Or maybe Charlemagne's laws or how about fucking Andrew Jackson and him battling the Jewish bankers?

>Large bucket of deodorizer
Oh I'll get in alright.

I was hoping more had died from the carbon monoxide instead of experiencing the pain of burning to death.


>The Kyoto Fire Dept says KyoAni Studio 1 had sufficient fire prevention measures.

Saving up those CO2 credits and then cashing it out with a blaze.

Well even if they did they would have died from the CO while on fire.

Are you people are underage?

It's just semantics. The smoke rendered them unconscious, but they didn't have time to fully suffocate until the fire killed them.

Easy, Japan has shitty fire regs

and they mean normal fires.

Where do you think you are? We are all little girls here.


The site is full of dumbfuck teens if you haven't realized. I'd say about 50% of Yea Forums and like 80+% of Yea Forumspol/.

>terrible fire escapes
Still shitty


> The Kyoto Fire Dept says KyoAni Studio 1 had sufficient fire prevention measures.

Attached: hmm.jpg (550x360, 24K)

Smoke funnelled up the stairs and quickly overwhelmed those trying to escape to the roof. They didn't stand a chance.
Fuck this.

>Captcha chimmey

I'm talking about in a literal way, you massive kid

Also don't use that joke ever again

Ban assault carts NOW japan

fire regulations arent made with terrorist attacks in mind, dumbass
they're made for accidental fires, not for someone spreading gasoline everywhere
i guess america has shitty fire regs because WTC

>Have insane regulations for insane things like earthquakes
>Have shitty regulations for fire even though a lot of houses are mainly made of wood

Again with this meme? I know Japan looks down on otaku, but it was an isolated incident. Even the copycat train incident had nothing to do with anime. What evidence is there aside from some looney writer who claimed KyoAni was stealing his idea?

This. If they really wanted to kill anime, it would have been done way before, Sailor Moon, Goku, Doraemon, and the other popular characters wouldn’t be ambassadors, and thousands of mangaka, artists, and studio employees would be out on the streets and royally pissed. Besides, Russia and Brazil haven’t changed even though the latter failed before their Olympics even started.

You can't even quote corectly, dumbass. Maybe you'll get used to Yea Forums when you've been here over a year. Maybe.

The event will be fire I'll bet.

Then they'd have to ban baby rollers and wheelchairs too.

But Napoelon took measures to stop discrimination against the jews, the fuck are you talking about?

It's the Fire Force fags. Just ignore them.

The blame is on the guy who locked the roof door . He killed them all

I was jokely redirecting you fucking dumbass
Here you go fucktard


>the chad stride

Lack of proper fire escapes is stupid even in a normal fire

No that was at first until 1808 he banned Jews from lending money and he wanted to kick them our of France. Napoleon had positive views of them until he seen for what they really are.

Are you stupid? If there were more carts this would not have happened, the only way to stop a bad guy with a cart is a good guy with a cart

most house fires are deadly during the night, when everyone is asleep, deadly to drugged up people, and deadly to people with mobility issues.

Can you mentally ill fuckers please stop making everything an excuse to ramble about the Jews?



Will the Japs not blame the Gooks for this? No? Then leave us alone.

Jesus Christ, man. Please read more than just the absolute surface level about a subject before commenting on it. Napoleon did not just "ban jews from lending money", he put regulations in place that were supposed to integrate jews into French society.
Fuck's sake, man. If you keep bending facts to support your narrative, in the end no one will take you seriously anymore. Is that your goal?

Last reply from me.

The ending song for Baja is haunting now

>Aya Hirano gives a message after finishing finding her self in Las Vegas

Wonder what she was doing there? Still waiting on a motive for this guy too besides a bunch of contradictory hearsay from other sources

>Thousands of dollars of sushi, COMPED

It's all coming together now

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Or how about Jews stop existing and fucking over other people empires becaude MUH HOLOCAUST or MUH JERSUALEM. How many shekels are they paying you to defend them on here?

>If Japan is racist then that justifies my racism!
Holy shit, you people really are mentally ill.

motive unlikely for now since the arsonist is still asleep
dumbfuck burned himself too afterall

Not the case here in Finland. The rest of the countries just can't organize their cities for shit.



I hope he dies in his sleep, content with the knowledge that he has punished those who have wronged him.

>wronged him
But how did they?

I agree, respect to the arsonist.

Attached: giga CUP.jpg (1080x1206, 129K)

spooks are in the viewer's head, it's subjective

It's not Kyoani's fault Japan's fire regulations are outdated

It helps no one to be reductive.

>Kyoani still uses Free twitter
Free is confirmed alive

Please kill yourself already

>>NHK: The Kyoto Fire Dept says KyoAni Studio 1 had sufficient fire prevention measures.
Let's be real here: They didn't.
They might have from Japan's perspective, but not from everyone else's.

ice cold

They stole his word

The flaw is 40L of gasoline

Im so blessed to live in America.


That's because Japan isn't a hellhole festered with maniacs.
The fire code was sufficient because of their peaceful society, this was an unexpected occurrence.

I've heard the new rumor for his motive has something to do with K-ON!

Probably the doing of one of their other studios that handles the marketing of free. We don't know if this means things are back in full swing for Kyoani

Why didn't KyoAni just use the white orbs to bring their staffs back to life?

Yeah getting shot is a lot quicker death.

So he wheeled that shit for hours and never once thought "fuck, I might kill a lot of people"

Why didn't kyoani just use the women as a shield to escape? What would we lose any way?

is that way.

He thought, "fuck yeah, I'm gonna kill a lot of people."

Yo satan, you have some room down there?

Having the two only escape routes being like 4~5m from each other and not on complete opposite sides of the building is utterly moronic, accidental fire or not, you have to realize that out of his 40L of gasoline he only had to use 10L to kill that amount of people, there still was 30L in the red jerrycans outside the building.

Not in full swing I'm sure, but over a hundred people still work there, user.

>Free is literally unkillable
Based Free

Imagine being this retarded.

When you do chad stride and look confident no one will question you.

Based CHAD

Once again a perfect example of how CCTV does NOT prevent crime.

I heard he hanged around a park for days, probably watching for a chance.

>Japan isn't a hellhole festered with maniacs.
After concrete girl, and that one about a child's severed head being placed on the school gate, I'm not too sure about that.

I hope Kyoani stops making kawaii uguu shit and becomes a full pledged Fujoi studio.

Absolutely devilish.

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Yea. I'm sure they are working hard to make sure the concert, the VEG movie and FREE movie will come out on time, but keep in mind that the physical stores are closed until further notice so they aren't making any money through that

>The Kyoto Fire Dept says KyoAni Studio 1 had sufficient fire prevention measures.
>no fire prevention measures at all

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Attached: Laughing-kon.jpg (850x478, 66K)


What fire prevention would you recommend against 40 litres of a highly volatile accelerant?

Not exactly when the 2nd floor was a death trap with no escape routes, and the 3rd floor was a killzone because of bad planning.

So living in America is still better than Japan?
America wins again

>Aya Hirano gives a message after finishing finding her self in Las Vegas
In other words, fucking gaijins?

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Burn it down again, finish the job

This, people need to keep in mind that he only doused the first floor, too, yet most people died on the upper floors.

This, if all employees had a cart, the entrance would be too blocked for him to get through.

They had what the Japanese consider adequate fire protection measures. Japan's idea of fire safety adequacy is bad. It's less Kyoani's fault and more Japan's fault.

No amount of fire protection could protect the first flaw from a gasoline arson, but with proper floorspace segregation, smokestop doors and at least one fire exit on the upper flaws the death toll could have potentially been 3 instead of 34.

Sell yourself to the mob and you'll find you end up in all kinds of strange places.

Japan doesnt have a shooting every week, and if they do have one they have affordable healthcare.
But congrats on your bloated military

Hatta is a hack

No money left for fire security after they blew everything on Violet Evergarden.

Sprinklers to at least slow the spread of the fire. a dozen more seconds or so would have saved a lot more lives.

Sprinklers would not do anything against an accelerant based blaze

Smart boy, aren't you? Sprinklers are going to do a lot of good against 40 liters of petrol.

They wouldn't have even reached the door retard. Why do you think nobody even reached the roof? The smoke filled the top floor in a matter of seconds. SECONDS. By the time you finish reading this post, if you were on the top floor, the smoke would already be too thick to see through and taking one breath would risk you losing your consciousness.

Why this shit is in Yea Forums?

Yes. Korean is filling media with badness making fat neet. Worst asian country, giving aids everywhere.

Of course they make surfaces wet and reduce their flammability and smoke and CO.

Well, it's because Animation Do is still alive, right? Fujo kino is not off the menu, boys!

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I'm interested as well, never been on /pol/. What do you mean?

>They wouldn't have even reached the door retard
They would. Maybe not everyone, but some for sure.

>haha I posted it again, I'm so smart

I dont think you realize how powerful 40L of gasoline truly is.

Nice argument.

There's no spread, you fucktard. The entire bottom floor was ablaze within SECONDS. Might as well try to piss on it.

That's how you get back at the arsonist. He claims you stole Free!, so you continue on with the project despite 34 deaths.

Go back to already, sperg

Some of them reached windows. They didn't reach the door because they had to run up the stairs. Escape doors at each level could have saved at least one person, provided the door wasn't bullshit hard to open like the one at the top apparently was.

>They wouldn't have even reached the door retard. Why do you think nobody even reached the roof?
Don't you see the problem here? That floor was a death trap.
They also didn't reach the door because it was the only one. One. So everyone ran there and clogged it.

Sprinklers won't put the fire out but it'll at least slow the spread of the fire a bit maybe by only a couple of seconds but that would have been enough considering how close those 19 people in the stairwell were to getting out.

>haha I meme replied a meme replier, do I fit in yet?

That's Yea Forums, not /pol/.

It wouldnt slow shit down, idiot

>go to reddit
You using our memes? aren't you supposed to go there?

>he only had to use 10L to kill that amount of people, there still was 30L in the red jerrycans outside the building

If you were one of those planning to evade to the roof would you prefer there be less smoke in the air?

it was the smoke that killed the majority, not the flames, and that shit rises up fast

No, they won't slow shit. The people upstairs were killed by smoke, not flames.

/pol/ and Yea Forums are the same shit, including Yea Forums

What they needed isn't sprinklers, but gallons of water stored in between the floors contained in a special type of carbon that melts in contact with flames so the water just falls down and extinguishes the fire.
I will now make a patent for this idea and sell it to Kyoani.

This. Exactly this.
Before this accident, I thought KyoAni was some big company.

Ironic choice for an image, considering that it is you who needs to go back.

Stop trying to fit in by using our memes you dumb cunt

The obvious shitposts about jews and whatever are always done by russian media trolls.
You replying to them just adds a +1 to their interaction metrics and make them more likely to spam future Yea Forums threads.
It wont go away untill russia is nuked so take that what you will.

There would not be any less smoke. Are you dumb or just baiting for (You)s like a pathetic fuck even after half a dozen anons told you off?

It's fuel based fire, it would've made it worse since gasoline is lighter than water which means you're just going to end up spreading the fire instead.

It was an otaku wanting to kill anno for rebuilds but got the wrong address.

I have never seen an firetruck so small. Is it some high-tech Japanese firetruck?

I'm pretty sure the original Yea Forums board was Anime/Random, but whatever makes you feel better.
Doesn't change the fact that you are an illegal immigrant on our board. In your own words: you have to go back

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Do it again arsonist-kun!

A very small cart.
Is that enough fuel to cause the fire we saw?

How do you stop an accelerant based blaze?

gonna be in kyoto in August,so going to go check out the studio and see how fucked up it is


Now I'm convinced. Thanks user.

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Why is he so based?

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by that time theres probably a memorial park already in place

>haven't been able to access on TOR since the attack
Very weird coincidence.

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good I'll visit that then

Yeah that would seal the deal wouldn't it.

>supporting arsonist
You know how I know that you are underage?

There's a movie in production that needs to be promoted, they can't stop now or it'd be really the end for them.


A shame it wasn't JC staff that got arsoned.

why use tor for that lmao

I like how fuel can burn down two fucking towers, but it couldn't even bring down kyoani's building.
Seriously. What's going on there?

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Attached: Don't add water to a fuel fire.webm (960x540, 2.44M)

All they just wanted is to make anime, how hard is it to ask?

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The bottom floor was fucked, no arguments there, but the people on the above floors wouldn't have been if the smoke hadn't been able to funnel straight into them with no protection at all.

Because fuck Australia.

So apparently that loser stopped writing his donut steel LN because he thought kyoani is literally probing his mind to steal his ideas. That, or hacking strong enough to steal his notes. What an exception individual

>how hard is it to ask?
Not very.

Just use a different DNS

Should we take the bait though?

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I hope the arsonist suffers immensely before he gets the rope.

Because Al Qaeda did not use a cart with a bucket.



lmao do they ban downloading anime porn or something

>Not very
Then a maniac comes to your house and shots your cat, that's hard
I took it already like couple times cause im mad

are you retarded, they make a huge amount, much much more then any animator. like $100k+

All I've taken away from these KyoAni threads is most kids on this site have absolutely no idea how fires work. You idiots would probably all accidentally kill yourselves should you ever start a grease fire while cooking.

To be fair most people would, not just posters here.

>water doesnt work because you cant pour it over oil
>entire building is oil
Sure is dunning kruger around here.

>A very important work for me, “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya” and “Lucky Star,” is the work of Kyoto Animation.

But why didn't she do any work for KyoAni after this?

Still, you'd think a fire would do more damage 2bh. Especially one that managed to kill 30 odd people and injure more.

they had run up a fucking staircase, of course the smoke was going to kill them. having that fire escape means they have to cover less distance to get out of the building.

Where's that lawyer flipfag from last thread?
When I find you I will kill you

I'm tired of taking it too.

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Back to 5chpol

Probably. Who the fuck knows because the law there changes every 50 seconds due to retarded legislation and judiciary treatment. It's like you're not meant to know.

Maybe they didn't ask.

big if true

Only very few top ones that constantly get roles in anime, games and foreign movie dubbing. Bonus points if they are also a popular singer or an idol. The majority of VAs are lucky if the get few roles per year and have to work a different job to earn their living.

Why not? Lucky Star and Haruhi were popular shows. Why not even get her back for a cameo? Hmm, very weird.

>muh edgy 2deep5me animu pic
palpable cringe
back to >>/g/

>NHK: The Kyoto Fire Dept says KyoAni Studio 1 had sufficient fire prevention measures
They don't even have emergency exit.

You realise you can just change your DNS? You don't need to use fucking TOR to bypass website blocks in Australia.

People who die in fires mostly don't burn to death, they suffocate. Plus, buildings are much more resilient than people, and we don't have any photos from its inside. For all we know, it might be torn down due to danger of collapse.

I thought they had a "rep" back then. Don't quote me on that.
Maybe that's why they readjusted their staff after that period. To get rid of that.

fuck that, wouldn't want to live in that shit hole then, when game companies have to make special game versions for you country, you know your country is fucked

Someone needs to invent fire repellent sprays in case for emergencies, like the shoe protector.


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yes, or even a VPN is better

Also the spiral staircase would have been perfect if it could transform into a spiral slide with a switch.

What are you implying?

>Japan's best animation studio

That legal industry is just making more law to make more legal industry user. I'm not exactly an outsider to it either. Shit is fucked.

When it comes to having consistently great animation, only Bones can compete.

Every fucking new outlets the first two days, some of them even showed the two abandoned jerrycans he left in a small street next to the building.

move to Japan

Why did I laugh.

something something jet fuel steel beams

>The Kyoto Fire Dept says
Covering their own asses I see.

It's probably not great there as well.
This is a global problem, my country is just the first to really struggle with it.

Yes, but nowhere did it state that he only used 10 liters. He poured all it into buckets and abandoned the empty cans.

How much pain would you feel from being burned alive if it's in a blaze like this? Would your nerves get wrecked before you can really feel a lot of pain?

I bet he didn't expect to kill that many himself, he prolly just wanted to put office and works on fire, but ended up commiting the biggest mast murder since ww2

Found this old image laying in my folder. I never realized Animation Do is just on a 5th floor on a building.

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He was reported to be shouting SHINE so I have doubts about that.

How many masts were present in the building?

Well now it's 20 dead by fire


>Smoke spread so quickly through a burning Japanese animation company studio that a majority of victims who had tried to flee through a rooftop door were unable to open it before perishing, Japanese media said on Monday.

>The attack at Kyoto Animation on Thursday, in which a man shouting "Die!" poured a bucket of gasoline at the entrance to the building and lit it, took 34 lives and ranks as one of the worst mass killings in Japan for decades.

>Of those who died, 19 were found piled on top of each other on a stairway between the third floor and a door to the roof, with some early reports suggesting it could not be opened from the inside.

>But police quoted by NHK national television on Monday said investigations had shown that while the door could be opened from the inside, smoke from the blaze had apparently spread so fast that the victims were overcome before being able to do so.

>Kyoto police said on Monday that of the 26 people whose autopsy results have been released, 20 were burned to death, three died of carbon monoxide poisoning and two suffocated. The cause of death of one remained undetermined.

>On Monday, scaffolding had been erected by the first floor of the building whose outside walls were charred black. Aluminium windows were burnt away on the second story.

>Experts said that a spiral staircase near where suspect Shinji Aoba, 41, allegedly lit the fire acted as a chimney to funnel the smoke upwards through all three floors of the building. Survivors have described a "dark mushroom cloud" of smoke pouring up the staircase.

>"I heard voices arguing on the first floor, then within 15 seconds black smoke welled up from the staircase," one survivor was quoted as telling NHK.

>some lawyer giving his opinions
>threatens to kill him
What did he say to piss you off?

Probably more baseball.

>20 were burned to death
But were they conscious when they burned? They may have been knocked out by the smoke but not actually died yet when the fire got them.

>three died of carbon monoxide poisoning and two suffocated
These also died by fire.

I'm surprised KyoAni isn't just one floor of a building to be honest.
I had no idea so many people worked for them.

I remember seeing a thread where an user was trying to organize a card for KyoAni. Was it successful or was Yea Forums just being a bunch of edgy faggots as usual? It had a ton of replies.

This, olympics are basically the perfect nationalism outlet.

>Animation Do is just on a 5th floor on a building
Good thing Free is protected.

He's a schizophrenic, not responsible for his actions. Executing a crazy person is like torturing a mouse for having chewed wire that coincidentally caused a fire. Anime watchers who don't care about ethics or complicated things and think everything can be solved like a shounen manga -- a genre which routinely which values passion over thinking (notice how the MCs never engage with the villain's ideas, they just yell at them like crybabies). People will disagree with me not out of moral conviction but because they like the taste of blood. That's fine, but don't pretend to be a moralfag.

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>15 seconds

>seriously lively never ending girls talk

That wall is on the side with the main staircase.
The fire would have blocked those exits.


>giving a fuck about 3DPD feminists
LMAO, hope they burn in hell for eternity as well

>Why are Olympics still a thing ffs?
>it only favors more corruption.
you answered your own question

>attack the studio that makes fanservice for girls instead of men
>don't even get the office that had the fujoshit stuff in it
How much JUST can a man get?

Yeah last time I checked, it didn't matter if it was burning or smoke caused death, both were fire caused.

We've got mousetraps for dealing with bothersome mice.
I say we make a big one for the arsonist.

The lawyer is Michlan. It's already enough reason to hate him.

They're all like that. Except maybe Sunrise thanks to toys and bamco money.

You can do the math, he had 2 5L buckets and I don't remember him ever going back and forth in the building to empty the buckets multiple times.

And only one emergency exit up a flight of stairs. There's a reason why there's so many doors that lead outside in modern US buildings

>Lawyer Okeda said he was not in a position to answer questions on the status of the company's projects but the impact on the firm was "enormous".
Kyoani may close down after their most immediate projects are out.

>5L buckets
Again you're pulling this out of your ass. 5 fucking liter buckets? It's extremely tiny for a bucket.

>The CHAD stride
>kills a bunch of feminazis and onion bois that made garbage dump anime for closet lesbians

Make it again once the edginess have died down.

i thought it was 30. also apparently they all pretty much died because they weren't fasdt enough at getting to the roof for obvious reasons.

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Seriously, it's fucking insane.

When I tell Japanese I enjoy playing Riichi Mahjong without betting anything, they look at me like a weirdo.

Fuck off, stupid eleven.

I don't think this automatically means he is not criminally liable. The important thing is whether he was able to control his actions and/or realize consequences thereof at the time of commiting the crime. Although it is often the case, schizophreny doesn't necessarily invalidate you to such a degree. This is a question for a medical or psychiatric expert who will give his opinion on thebstate of culprits mind within the upcoming trial.
t.a defense attorney, not from flipland

Not cool user. Grow up

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You'd better run, better run, out run my gun

You look fairly enjoying it

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you can't hide your deleted post everyone uses Yea Forums x now

He should be tortured before he hangs. If you're crazy then go get some fucking crazy pills or sit yourself in the looney bin. Being crazy isn't a defense.

It's not like fujos are any less mental. They've bullied mangaka into apologizing and literally rewriting their own work because it was gay the "wrong" way. Anime will always attract nutjobs regardless of the genre, and the suits have no problem throwing creators under the bus to keep "fans" happy and spending money.


Only in countries with large income disparity like Brazil. Japan will manage. Besides, most of the naysaying about the Olympics has to do with "controversial" aspects of anime/manga like the presence of lolis and shit like that and how Japan will try to clean themselves up for the sake of other countries.
Japan has hosted the Olympics three times before, they'll be fine.

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Do you make your defendants plead insanity to avoid penalty, if applicable?
I have been reading the psychiatric treatment can be worse than a prison term.

His motive may have been based on schizophrenic delusions, but he knew exactly what he was doing when he set fire to that building.

Too used to making Find a Flaw threads back before they banned catchphrase threads.

>On Monday, company president Hideaki Hatta sent a letter to police asking them not to release the names of the victims.

>"It's not hard to imagine how painful this would be to the victims' families in their present, deep suffering," Hatta said in the letter, which was released to media.

>"We understand that this incident is attracting a lot of interest, along with the number of victims, but given the feelings of their survivors, releasing their names does nothing to serve the public good."

Well, we know why no victim list has been released now

Is he still in comma?

Kill yourself you fucking fuckface


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No. The arsonist was an assassin sent by Trigger.

I guess their distinction as being the "progressive" animation company probably has something to do with their seemingly small size.

Fucking disgusting, fujoshite should burn in hell
Sunrise said something about supporting them. Is that significant?

Was it some fujoshi director that people were sad about?
For what reason

Russia should have been nuked in WWII in place of Japan. It would have literally saved the world.

>don't mind me just rolling my cart

Plot twist: he's merely pretending to be in this long, just to avoid getting arrested.

>after their most immediate projects are out
Except literally ALL of their shit was lost. Even the in progress works.

Denying justice to those that died is flat out bullshit. The only mercy he should get is the fact he wont be burned like those he killed. Hang the bastard.

I dont care if the voices told him to do it. I dont care if he thought what he was doing was right. He did something INTENTIONALLY. Fuck him and those who defend him.


Pretty much all anime studios are like that or smaller, though. KyoAni's prominence is shown through having multiple studios.

Still hard to believe they could be so retarded to have not backed up their shit.

I know.

if Japan wouldn't be cucked by us there would be no anime retard, or maybe some super nationalistic bs

>Denying justice to those that died is flat out bullshit
You mean revenge.

What if he was seeing a person who threatened to kill him unless he burns down KyoAni?

Guess I can wait a little bit longer.

This is Japan we're talking about. Where literally like 98% of the economy is SME (Small/Medium Enterprise) who are still reliant on landline telephones and faxes. That ain't a meme, either. Boomer entrepreneurs who won't adapt to new technologies, KyoAni included.

I mean punshiment. Half of justice is punishment and the only proper punishment for mass murder is death. Anything less is a joke.

It took 15 seconds for the fire to be noticed by anybody on the 2nd and 3rd floor. And by the time that they did, they probably had another 15 seconds to jump out the windows or head to the rooftop. Those with better physical capacities probably lasted 5-10 seconds longer than most. Nobody survived a minute after the fire was lit due to how poisonous the CO was.

Initial D - Gas Gas Gas
Same as the recent church shooter

They're still waiting on DNA from at least 10 victims to come back so they can be no longer considered missing.

I'm sure some gay ass faggot drawing will console the families of the 34 that died in the fire.

why didn't they just hold their breath?

Can't say I had an oportunity to use this kind of defence yet. But yes, while there obviously are some differences, criminal psychiatric treatment of the highest tier pretty much equals prison time. But there is this one little difference that common folk doesn't realize. While you serve prison time for a predefined period (so you know when you will get out with some additional options to shorten your term like being released on parole), if you are found insane and not criminally liable, you usually get sent to an institution and stay there until you are better. If you don't, you stay locked up with your other insane colegues. From the defence standpoint I would still prefer that to a prison time but it depends heavily on circumstances. If this fucker is ever found to be insane, I would bet that he would be locked up in this highest tier of psychiatric institution and never see the light of day ever again. Considering he burned 34 people to death. Even if he really was plagiarized.

He could have gone to the police, if he was going to die anyway he could have at least avoided becoming hated by the community.

Those that died aren't going to get out of him dying too. They're not being denied anything if he if he isn't killed. Only the people who are left alive are being denied the satisfaction of his death. But his execution or lack of execution will not affect the condition of those he killed. And I'm sure he thought he was serving justice in carrying out his attack.

Damm this is bad
They pretty are pretty much doing it to avoid the survivors commiting sudoku to join the deceased

Hasn't died down yet.

if they are so weak willed, let them kill themselves

I have merely pretended to be in a coma for 24 years.

*get anything out of him dying

What else?

>Takemoto does not pick up the calls from his wife
That's the closure I needed, I was hoping he would be in ICU or something and they're not going to comment since he could or could not make it but I think this has to be it.
Fucking hell man ;_; No Takemoto ever again I'm gonna fucking cry the man was one of the best fuck fuck FUCKKKKKKKKKKK.

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Seems kinda fishy to be honest.

It is better for society if he is put to work for society in some way.

your to soft on him

He has a name


Don't fucking quote me, you fucking faggot. Go draw your faggot stick figures with the text "rip in pieces kyoani u will be missed :((((" on it while actual adults will be donating their time and money to help the dead and the survivors.

or Disney.

> Even the in progress works
You're a retard, VEG movie has back ups by the CGI team in Tokyo.

Crashing two massive fucking planes directly into what were at the time some of the biggest buildings in the world is going to do a lot more damage than some jerry cans full of gasoline user.

>does not pick up the calls from his wife
His phone rings? So, he's alive?

Yes so we should keep a literal shit stain of a human alive because killing him doesnt solve anything? Fuck that. It solves the fact that hes alive when he shouldnt be. Besides those that died might not be able to know he hangs but anyone that cares about those that did will know and it will make them feel better.

The best use for trash is disposal.

Why did it have to be Takemoto and one of their shitty directors like Ishitdate or Ishithara?

Cease your investigation immediately.


keep crying, loser

>The best use for trash is disposal.

Actually it's recycling.

>VEG movie has back ups by the CGI team in Tokyo.


You can route an incoming call to a nonexistent/ruined phone, dude. It'll just go to voicemail, since call routing and voicemail storage is done from a central office. Call never makes it to the phone.

Maybe only CGI models have "backups" while everything else is lost.

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Remember, he already burned the shit out of his limbs. He gets to live with some of the same pain as his victims for the rest of his life.
Posters have pointed out that with a couple of cans of gasoline, this guy did more damage than most terrorists. There's a reason most terrorists are too afraid to play with fire. They don't want to end up like this guy, horribly burned and tormented in a cell for years until they hang him. Best case scenario for him is that he gets to die of old age in a psych hospital fifty years from now, receiving regular therapy designed to make him recognize the reality of what he's done. One of the basic functions of a psych ward is that they take away anything the patients could use to harm themselves.
So, ironically, he'll either hang, or live in such pain that he wishes he could hang himself and be unable to do so.

>Bones can compete.
Cope. As much as I despise kyoani they truly are the best in terms of animation.

Makes sense since VEG was plastered with CGI garbage.

Any sliver of a chance for him to have any joy or happiness is too much.

why are you so butthurt? he just burned a few roasties

Competition between countries is fun.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Unless its not ironic in which case I hope you don't kill yourself.

you are not needed

>the swimming pool
I loled. Does that swimming pool have an adress that you guys know of`?

What happens to the Olympics when the globalists win, there are no borders and distinctions between countries are meaningless?

I'm 100% serious, I can't fathom being so angry at some arsonist in Japan unless one of the victims is a relative

Any of these would save dozens of lives/property
>One relatively strong male in the building entrance checking people entering it
>a closed front door
>a ladder outside the building
>sprinkler system
>a HDD with project data located in another building
>fire doors
>not having all of the interior be extremely flammable material
>lower proportion of female employees

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>while the door could be opened from the inside, smoke from the blaze had apparently spread so fast that the victims were overcome before being able to do so.
Haha just hold your breath you stupid nips. No wonder so many are dead.

What kind of things do you get angry at?

At least appreciate the fact that he overcame social anxiety while talking to the gas station attendant.


>But police quoted by NHK national television on Monday said investigations had shown that while the door could be opened from the inside, smoke from the blaze had apparently spread so fast that the victims were overcome before being able to do so.
That and the opening mechanism was some complicated bullshit involving two rods that was said to be difficult enough to do in broad daylight without gaseous smoke burning your senses.

>>lower proportion of female employees
I seriously wonder how much of a difference a mostly male staff would have made on the death count


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>NHK: The Kyoto Fire Dept says KyoAni Studio 1 had sufficient fire prevention measures.
Are you being ignorant on purpose.

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The Kyoto Fire Department are either being PR sensitive trying to both stop a witchhunt and improve the spirits of the CEO or they have no fucking idea how fire and smoke works.

Literally every building in Japan looks like this or even worse.

Obviously not since they all fucking died.
>no sprinklers
>no fire doors on stairwell(s)
>no external fire escape

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>>"I heard voices arguing on the first floor, then within 15 seconds black smoke welled up from the staircase," one survivor was quoted as telling NHK.
So somebody tried to stop the guy but he didnt give a fuck

>studio hires a great number of women
>a great number of women die
I think he's onto something.

>Kumiko's VA is safe
There's still good in this world

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Hopefully they won't for long after this. Letting smoke flood the building and funnel into the stairwell that was also supposed to serve as your employees' only means of exit was an objectively shit design, gasoline arson or otherwise.

>On Monday, company president Hideaki Hatta sent a letter to police asking them not to release the names of the victims.

So will we ever learn who died?

It just means they were up to standards in Japan.

Jet fuel actually burns colder than gasoline, it just ignites easier.

1: 以下、5ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします [] 2019/07/22(月) 16:56:10.149 ID:SNl3xPGq0 (1/3)

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They have 2 more building right? I wonder what the people in those are doing right now.

This is not a fucking sports game. You have number of victims and general facts of the crime. You are not entitled to receive particular details, all the less names of the victims. Police were never gonna release the names, anyway, and neither will KyoAni, as it seems. You will learn the names through unofficial channels later.

The names are less critical to us anyway now we know the Hibike seiyuus weren't in there. Not that I was entitled to them before, I'm just less inclined to whine about not getting what I want if I know it doesn't have what I was worried it had.

Imagine if one of the firefighters was a kyoani fag, he got to visit the studio

All these incomplete information. Dropped.
Wake me up when they release a documentary edition of this. Thanks.

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Are you the idiot who kept making threads trying to speculate they were dead because they didn't post on twitter? God you're a dumb shit, even her blog post confirmed there was a media silence which was obvious to anyone with higher than 2 digit IQ.

that swagger though

I doubt they'll be doing much work, if any at all. Studio 2 is tiny, but the gift shop just below is cute and so are the staff.

Studio 5 is merch and sales, so whatever. I don't care.

It wouldn't. Couch superheroes think that they're alpha and would be able to Superman across the room and stop the perp from starting the fire when in most cases, the only person that was in any position to do anything was probably some 100lb receptionist OL against a 200lb fatman and it'd only have taken him about 10 seconds to start the fire, so by the time you heard any screaming and gotten up to look, you'd have fire in your face.

>all of Yea Forums is the same person

she finally caught em all the exotic african
std pokedex

What a faggot you are. “us”.

Takemoto got isekai'd, I take it.

>muh privacy
Yeah, they are totally not trying to sweep their incompetence, negligence or something else under a rug like it's customary in Japan or anything.

zero, maybe only those on near the entrace could fight him back like 1 did, but considering people on anime are not exactly the chad type...

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Studio 2 is only the top floor, the merch stoor is just below it.

The one project that should have died.

Theres the effect of women going catatonic in the face of an emergency.
They'll stumble around in their high heels being panicked, possibly trying to save some items from their desk instead of running for the exit because they dont understand they're responsible for their own life.

*record scratch*
So, you're probably wondering how I got here

just got this, a real jap company doing donations for kyoani

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They don't wear high heels indoors you fucking idiot. Same shit will happen to men also. I was a drill sergeant for 2 years and you have no idea how incompetent men are. You literally have to drill competence into them.

>russian trolls
Lmao go back to CNN

Maybe it's like those ditzy girls in anime
>kyaah I stumbled and blocked the exit, now everyone is going to suffocate!

>5% of every order
More like they are trying to sell shit.

Shameless fucks.

You need to remember the website you are on. Most of the guys here are deluded into thinking they're genuine alpha males these days. It isn't like the past when it was nerds and ironic nerds, it's ironic alphas now that think they're the peak of human development.

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They are just using KyoAni to advertise.

>They don't wear high heels indoors you fucking idiot.
What the fuck is this guy saying.

>15 seconds
do we know how the survivors managed to get out? the main entrance was on fire iirc, imagine 70 people running in havoc inside that death trap in such little time, is kinda impressive now that half managed to survive

then it will just be a big sports competition.


Japanese have indoor shoes because they don't believe in bringing dirt from outside inside. That's why you always find shoes at the entrance to any Japanese household and why school students have to change to indoor shoes when they arrive at school.

They take their shoes off retard

A few of them jumped out windows, 4 climbed down drain pipes, some came down some guy's ladder and the rest probably ran out when they saw the scuffle the guy was having with whoever tried to stop him.

>wearing high heels to casual work place
>casual work place
Next you're gonna tell me japanese teachers wear high heels to school and women take off their slippers and put on heels when entering the house.

Japs wear indoor shoes, so even if they wear high heels to work, they wear slippers inside.

The gasoline fireball would have created some force and could have blown out some windows. We know at least 3 women were rescued from the ground floor toilets too, when a builder smashed the window.

This took place in an office, not a school.

You can see that most of the people who got saved didn't wear any shoes.

>taking off your shoes inside
>indoor shoes
Imagine living in such a cucked country.

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The staff have to spend all day inside the studio, they wear comfy clothes and indoor shoes. Unless you are a female producer who needs to visit other places for reunions.

If somehow being able to lift and handle guns make someone not panic in a fire then there wouldn't be a need for fucking bootcamp. Fucking yelling at buffed retards for hours till I go hoarse every fucking day fucking cunts I fucking hated that job fucking army fuck.

Incorrect. It's known that most femoids wear high heels to attract mates. There's no way they'd be logical enough to take them off and sacrifice function for the sake of form. You betas don't understand the female brain is hard wired not to make sense.

Welcome to Yea Forums you fucking tourist. Now get the fuck out.

One of the dead employees was Korean. Ignore him.

That's modern Yea Forums, and wider redpill culture, for you. Deluded armchair 'alphas' that like to think they'd always act in the best way in any given scenario.

My female coworkers took their high heels off the moment they sit down at their desk. You wear those outside, not inside where no one is watching you.

>i was actually trolling guys
Nice damage control, kid. Bet you aren't even 25.

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>My female coworkers took their high heels off the moment they sit down at their desk.

So they walk around the office in bare feet?

Um bros...

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Its rude to post pictures of dead people where I come from.

The girl that argued with the fatass will never get over this incident if she survive.
>if only I noticed it earlier and kept him out
>if only I was bit stronger
>if only I was fast enough
For the sake of her mind, I hope she wasn't one of the 7 unscathed survivor. She will never live it down that she could have saved the other 34. If kyoani actually do manage to revive from the ashes, I bet they will have free mandatory aikido classes for self defense for all their staff.

Is that some culture wide thing or just depends on the workplace?
I dont see why most people wouldnt just prefer 1 set of shoes.

Damn I want to wear slippers at work now.
Looks comfy.

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They switch shoes. I can tell you've never been within talking distance with a woman. They usually if not always have work shoes under their desks which are more comfortable because heels fucking hurt apparently. It chafes their skin and is tiring for their muscles or something.

He needs to be put out of his misery, and justice needs to be brought to the families. Shedding the blood of evil men is a righteous thing to do.

Stop replying to idiots baiting for (You)s already

>anime studio of eclectic artists types burned to death
Why couldn't be some soulless salary-man ants instead?

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lol of course I'm not, I'm 27 and an actual alpha. Femoids can't help but pull that shit when they are around me, but I'm blackpilled enough to know that they're hard wired to be disloyal and dishonest, so when I see their heels, I know they are just trying to seduce men.

He was isekai'd to a world where he's now watching the aftermath play out as an anime so he can teach the importance of fire-smart building codes to their fire department.

>carpet is equivalent to wood
Are you a NEET? Do you not know basic etiquette?

>TV Tokyo showing now a piece of "Good Muslim Women Inimgrants taking care of Old Japanese People"

>The girl that argued with the fatass will never get over this incident if she survive.
>100lb soaking wet Japanese woman that is probably no taller than 150cm
>180cm Japanese fatman who probably weighs at least 200lbs
He'd be around a foot taller and twice her weight. There's no way a receptionist OL could have even tackled or stopped him.

Daddy can no longer bring his little girl to see the crocodiles.

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That's extremely unfortunate. I'm pretty sure there was 0 ill intent, they just didn't think the language barrier through. Jiayou is a super common word.

He acts fucken dense even when I spoon-fed him an image of the actual fire site. B8 for sure.

Either barefoot or they have spare indoors footwear. I do that, too. Fuck walking in leather shoes in summer when I'm inside.
Nothing cultural about this. Seems pretty logical to me.

>students have to change to indoor shoes when they arrive at school.
Had to do this when I visited the K-On school, it was actually slippery as fuck because the floors are so polished.

was konatas dad supposed to look like takemoto?

No coincidence that she voiced the main character is DYEL. That said I wonder how they survive in nipland considering they have 0 halal food. Hibiki was even eating pork ramen and katsudon, absolutely haram.

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The best compromise is to execute him quickly since there's no use crying over spilled milk. End it so everyone can move on. People suggesting torture are maniacs and people suggesting mercy are too scared to do anything that results in further consequences.

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It's a matter of momentum and knowing where to strike.

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Maybe, eyebrows.

>Is that some culture wide thing or just depends on the workplace?
Women do this all the time. Even when you go out to bars and night clubs, lots of women will either have a spare pair of shoes in their bag or just forgo their heels and go barefoot at the end of the night. It happens across the world.

Did you have to take shoes off when you were there? I'm trying to remember if I did or not, and it's completely lost to me. All I remember doing was taking a bunch of photos and also writing on the blackboard that my friend was a faggot.

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>it was actually slippery as fuck because the floors are so polished.
Do you not know how to walk? Its slippery because you drag your feet and what not. You rely too much on friction. Practice walking on tiles with socks on. I can imagine you slipping and falling whenever it rains and your rubber soles touch steel/tiles.

2 > 4 > 1 > 3
3 is damm arrogant

Yes you 100% had to have taken your shoes off, there were tons of slippers at the entrance.
How the fuck is this a fetish?

Imagine if she had the hindsight to kick the gas towards him. Would definitely make him reconsider lighting himself on fire.

>Be a Kyoani employee
>Wake up in hospital
>See arms, legs completely covered by white bandages, can't feel them, can't move them. I don't feel pain though.
>Afraid to see your face
>Start remembering
>"Oh, I ran in flames"
>"Uh, that guy in red shirt."
>"I hesitated it."
>"I saw him walking with that cart and that bucket through the entrance, for an instant I thought he was just part of the cleaning staff..."
>"I know he saw me, he was nervious."
>"But I was too focused in my work, hehe, I loved that cute expression I was drawing"
>"I had a bad hunch, then I realized but it was too late. I saw a light, then the extreme heat reached my whole body in an instant. A frightening "die". People in panic. "Fire, fire!". But I couldn't help, my instinct screamed me to leave the place. I was lucky to be close to the entrance"
>"I hope everyone's okay"
>Tears begin to appear
>"I had a chance"
>Why I didn't stop him?

I dreamt with this. This is haunting me guys.

the people and buildings are all small over there so it makes sense the fire engines would be too

For Japan, yes. The only place a building with only two doors (one which can only pass one person a time), small windows (that you can't open), no external stairs or fire extinguishers, and an interior made completely of woods is "fire safety".

It was so slippery that some retard 15 year olds in front of us were sliding the entire length of the halls and thinking it was funny.

could anybody tell me if the reason why he did it was because he was plagiarized or was it because of him being a train autist?

>Americans wear shoes indoors
>Americans even wear shoes into their homes, smearing dirt all over their carpet
>Americans even wear their shoes to the bath and to sleep
Burgers are truly a disgusting bunch.

>How the fuck is this a fetish?
It's an anime trope
You can ask a girl out in couple ways, 1 is a love letter another is physically blocking their movement to assert dominance.

You won't be able to talk, user...

>Humans can come up with cute shit like this but it doesn't work in practise
I'm convinced God is just messing with us by giving us the ability to dream of better things that are unattainable.

I doubt he was sexually harassing her and any momentum she would have gotten would have been lost as she'd also likely have been sitting behind a desk at the entrance. The best thing a girl could have done is something akin to a rugby tackle, but that requires strength and technique . And even then, it doesn't completely stop somebody unless you hit them hard.

Even when I've been headbutted in the past, it's never put me down on the floor.

None. He's schizophrenic.

Some people have this thing called an inner voice.

It is funny though. Me and my mates call it floor skating. Sometimes we would take off our shoes and slide all over the place with our socks. We had a game where we would run at a breakneck pace, jump and land on our feet and see how far we could slide. We usually fall before we manage to jump.

>because he was plagiarized
That one. At least that's what he thinks, whether or not what he thinks happened actually happened or not is unknown, dude could have/probably had schizophrenia.

It’s typical meaning is keep going/keep it up/add more effort and is literally add oil. The pun should be obvious so it’s quite possible that the message was made by some dicks who thought they were punny. People who hardly know Japanese should know ganbatte at least.

>It was so slippery that some retard 15 year olds in front of us were sliding the entire length of the halls and thinking it was funny.
>tfw this is still one of my adult pleasures that I like to relive whenever I'm on varnished floors wearing socks

>if you kill your enemy you will be just like him!
I hate this trope

Only 1 and 4 are effective. 3 maybe. 2? Depends on how hard you hit.


Nigger, since when do a full squad of VAs simply hang around animation studios like this?

3. Just rape her until she falls in love with you.

This shit is one of if not the biggest shareholder that responsible in this meaningless game of blaming for the little comfort to the angry people. They are the one that made Hatta turned off the security system, you know, one that would at least halt the culprit.

Wait for it (@0:30)

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Did those guys have to suffer? I'd assume that the smoke would've knocked their lights out before they got burned to death.

Take a guess
>Yea Forumsermin
>he said "die fucking thieves"
We will know soon enough which kyoani anime was similar to his imaginary LN. I am sure we will know soon enough once the police recovered his HDD and traceback his mac address.

There are better ways of punishing people anyway. Executing people is just the easy way out. For example, if you were to amputate people at critical points, you'd make their entire life nothing but suffering. Giving somebody stumps that they can't do their favourite things with would be like a living hell. Removing someone's tongue and teeth so that they can't even enjoy food any more would make the banality of every day life, suffering. Removing pleasure from soneone's life is far worse than ending them.

We just don't know. He's in coma and won't be talking any time soon.

He's an ikemen, how will she no love him? Why will she punch him? I don't get it

The smoke would have been really fucking hot.

See, this is how you do arson jokes at a time like this. Not be some faggot edgelord. You need some wit, humour and actual thought behind it.

When there is a news crew attending literally for interviews, 6 people who weren't Kyoani staff were confirmed in there at a time before the news crew had arrived, a new season of their show was announced recently, all four of them are silent when actresses from other shows have spoken up and there was a body in the sound recording room.

Just because your conscious mind knows you're reaching for something that's 95% not there doesn't mean you can't be paranoid if you think there's even the slightest chance someone you have a vested interest in could be in danger.


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That chinese human swine thing seems pretty good. The one where the woman lost her limbs and eyes and lived in a literal pig sty.


They'd have felt the heat. Have you ever stuck your head above a barbecue or opened an oven when it was still full of hot air? It's the smoke that cooks the meat, not the fire.

They'd have passed out from the toxic fumes of burning plastic and the CO pretty quickly, but they definitely felt the heat if they came anywhere near the smoke. People act as though the smoke is the mercy, but it can be just as terrible.

Make a live action movie about concrete girl that's a 100% recreation of what happened with no camera tricks or special effects, starring him as the girl.

Arr rook the same.

Literally nobody thought this apart from you and some other retards who kept spreading this fake news when there was an obvious media silence enforced.

If I'm reading it correctly, there were no crocodiles at the aquarium. His daughter just picked out a crocodile figure in the gift shop because lol kids. I think her mom convinced her to get an otter figure instead.



Neither the police nor nips government would do that. For mass murder it's either solitary jail for a lifetime or temporarily until they hang him, the former was slightly better but it's really still a waste of resource for keeping a stain of shit like him. I hope at least he would wake up just because dying in a coma was too good for him.

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They're blaming his dad?

In their defense, they are using a screen at least instead of a cardboard pannel with stickers

>did judo in school
I bet he would tackle any faggot here himself.

Too light a punishment. Guy murdered 34 people and you're giving him such a light punishment. I'd say cut off legs, make him deaf and dumb and keep him in solitary confinement in pitch blackness for the rest of his life while constantly blaring never ending girls talk into his cell 24/7.

Of course, I was just rambling. He's going to be insolitary until the day he gets the rope. If it were up to me, he'd have photos of the victims outside of his cell, so he'd have to look at those faces every day. I doubt he has any empathy, but if he had the slightest bbit of remorse, seeing those faces would be psychological torture, I think. I guess having him restrained too, just because he'd use the women as fap fuel when times got desperate.

They should also played keion 24/7 at this cell until his day of ropes

He might have planned to go for studio 2 afterwards after all since the shop, and the main office is nearby.

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Meanwhile in USA
>Monica Rial, Ronald Toye, Jamie Marchi Also File Motions to Dismiss Vic Mignogna's Lawsuit

Have a powerpoint presentation that cycles between there pre-fire faces (preferably smiling) and their burned up faces at random intervals.

I work in a Laboratory, they don't give a fuck here. It's comfy shoes all day.


Which is worse, this guy or a school shooter?
I mean, this guy kills way more than a single school shooter usually can, but on the other hand, all he really did was throw gasoline and burn it, while a shooter would have to aim and pull the trigger, so it's more personal for each kill done.

This guy made more people suffer far more than a school shooter does.

It's a lot less painful to get shot. Burning people is literally a form of torture.

I actually got banned on various websites for trying to share this with other people. Seems like only Yea Forums is able to appreciate this kind of humor.

Bro I just want to find a silver lining in this tragedy.

Its not funny. Not saying its offensive or anything its just pretty juvenile.

Not quite sure what you were expecting outside of here for edgy humor

>silver lining in this tragedy.
It could have been worse.

I understand that but the method is less personal.
It's more effective, but also more hands-off.

At this point it is a clownfest. To be fair, they hide evidences better than Houdini

Honestly keeping him alive would be psychological torture for the survivors and the victims' beloved ones instead. Personally, I would put him in the solitary room just for a month or two until the mess outside settled and burned him to death but kept him conscious as long as he could as his punishment.

It'd be pretty bad if he just stayed in his coma and never woke up. People want to know why he did it to get closure, before they can hang him.

Full body 2nd degree burn then start flaying him.

There's freedom of speech, but there's also a specific time for a joke. You're not doing better than that artist who made a satire comic featuring the drowned father and daughter

This guy.
>killed 35 people
>injured another 30+ people
>inflicted more pain on his victims than a gun ever could
>effected millions because people actually know of and enjoy these animators/artists/directors/writers

I'm not trying to underplay school shootings because that's just as evil, but I'd rather be shot to death than burnt alive. And at the risk of sounding like an edgelord; most people watching the News don't care or have zero connection to dead students. With the KyoAni incident, people across the globe are afraid that directors and people they know by name are dead or hurt.

>Yasuhiro Takemoto is still missing

He is going to plead insanity and spend a couple of decades in jail instead of being executed. Mark my words. Theres nothing anyone in the world can do.

It's okay, autism makes it pretty hard to know what's expected in social interaction.

You're very optimistic.

Insanity won't fly in a Japanese court. Dude's hanging. Besides, can you imagine what the outcry would be if the man responsible for one of Japan's worst peacetime human-inflicted disasters got away with it?

>death by fire, one of the worst way of dying
>entire studio gone
>thousand hours of work gone, people might lose their job
>victims are crippled for life
That guy is way worse than a school shooter.

>that deathtrap
>sufficient fire prevention
Sounds like the Kyoto Fire Dept are being ignorant.

cope. its over. he lives. he will burn down madhouse and bones in the future.

Bombers > arsonist >= shooters.

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Not really. If he is proven to be mentally fucked they will drop all charges and put him in a hotel like institute instead.

Planes > everything else

Thanks for your reply.
That's pretty much what I have been reading over here in Germany.

Guess it's not any better in the states, but over there (or in Japan) it at least could allow to avoid capital punishment.

Be careful of the bomber

Attached: bomber.jpg (210x240, 11K)

Then an otaku will break in because Japan don't do security guards and he will die. Hell, I would pretend to be insane to get put in there solely to kill him if that happened and I lived in Japan.

The results are worse but I wonder if as a person, if he had a gun, would he have been able to pull the trigger for every terrified face?
They're all terrible, of course, but it's a lot easier to the mind to bomb or set fire to something than seeing a human and personally taking their life.

This guy. Both are terrible crimes but it is kyoani.
I wouldn't give a damm about some random school in the west. I am going to be honest here, not all lifes are equal. You can just ask Yea Forums if they can pick 1person to save from the burning studio between takemoto or the 21years old qt , most would pick the big name.

Just wait for first terrorist nuke.

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I would pick the qt.

>gets best lawyer
>is found to be insane
>goes to some fancy mental hospital
>spends a few years there
>released because cured
>burns another studio to the ground
Cap this.

>first terrorist nuke
Hiroshima/Nagasaki, right?


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I don't think a NEET will be able to afford a good lawyer.

The fire protection measures we're fucking fine. They would've stopped a normal fire not a crazed arsonist with litres of flammable liquid.

Hard pick for me but I would pick Takemoto.

Firebombs > nukes

What if the qt is the next Satoshi Kon but female? You would never know. Also as a lesser prize you can always get her marry you and have sex with her every night.

>no fire exit

Fucking greedy jew store. Only retards buy there.

This only further confirms it.
Nippon-Yasan is one of the worst places to buy your goods.
Those 5% aren't even 10% of their profit margin.

War crimes aren’t terrorist acts.

>no fire stop doors
>even in a normal fire smoke is still going up the stairwell
>the stairwell that people above the fire have to use to escape all while smoke is coming up it because you didn't install goddamn firestop doors

>sex her every night
>haruhi season 3
Id pick the latter every time.

This. When a big fire break out and made hundreds of people homeless near my place I didn't bat an eye, despites some of them were my shop patrons and directly affected my livehood. Then Kyoani, a studio with the last anime they made that I watched till finished was Hyouka, made me a mess for a couple of days now. It's like my best friend died all over again.

>Happend 1 day after the KyoAni fire
>Still the most important news of the week
fuck you Japan, seriously.

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>It's like my best friend died all over again.
dude what happend

>muh anime
Dumb weebs

Just go to the roof!
Just jump out of the windows!
Hahaha, smart!

I felt more sad when I heard kyoani went up in flames and there were deaths than I was when my dog died. Not even ashamed.

It is time to let go.
Police will not be giving any update until they finished the dna test or when the fatass wake up for questioning. It is done, we don't need the TV station to replay the same incident with the same talking point 24/7. Move on with your live, go support the VEG concert on the 27th, go and visit their comiket both next month or something.

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Regular japs don't care about anime. They think it's just some childish trash unworthy of attention, and the people making anime are fucking retards.

Japan has retarded standards.

So the drone strikes in otherwise peaceful territory aren't terrorism?
To remind you: You are calling it "War on Terror".

Wish Miyazaki burned instead of kyoani. Talentless hack.

First off I'm not American and I'm definitely not a US general or their commander in chief so no, it's not what I'm calling it.

Second, no they're not terrorism. They're war crimes. State vs non-state actors, that's just how it is. When the US bombs a market place it's a war crime, when ISIS bombs a market place it's terrorism.

>Last execution were the guys from the sarin-gas Attack in 1995, they were sentence to death in 2004, and hanged in 2018
Damm, hope they get faster with this guy, they could do it the next day of the sentence, their laws permit it do it whenever they want without telling the killer (except national holidays)

This sets them back a decade at least.

I do too but they need the fucking money. Pray we get something amazing like Evergarden in 5 years.

Sad but true. I was hoping they'd do more intesting stuff and use the sucess of free to non fujoshit. I'm sur we would've seen some great things in coming 3 years. They need to make more fujoshit and padering stuff now. They need to do anything to survive. Maid Dragon season 2 wont happen for years now if ever. Maybe another crowdfunding could save that.

Laughed a little but feel guilty. 1000 times better than fuckng degenerate spam like "HURR DURR FUCK KYOANUS MOESHIT, THEY DESERVED IT"

There's a reason why arson carries such a high penalty, even when nobody is seriously harmed. As a crime, it is heinous.

I meant the impact is the same, like how I lost my appetite making me completely stopped eating for three days straight. I guess that's just how it is when you invested in anime for decades. Incidentally, my friend died young from brain tumor, it happened so suddenly when we were in early twenties and it's already too late when he noticed the cause.