Shingeki no Kyojin

Mikasa so cute!

Attached: MikasaSmile.jpg (900x1000, 213K)

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Eren wraps the scarf around her one last time (her fangirl brings it to him) cap me

I hate slaves. And cattle.

>thinks Japan's occupation of Korea was OK because "we civilized them"
>self-inserts as a mass murderer who wants to commit a global genocide
What the FUCK is his problem?

Attached: Naziyama.jpg (900x470, 42K)

Yeah, i'm thinking based

Your mom is a slave and cattle.

Attached: 1551364836597.jpg (449x376, 79K)

Will the absolute madhack have Eren kill every non-Eldian and make the New Eldian Empire flourish as a result of Eldian eugenics?

Attached: 1558855729407.png (586x755, 496K)

Attached: 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

Attached: 22.jpg (479x650, 37K)


I miss Yumiru

Attached: 1561305417888.jpg (1241x698, 77K)

We know, Historia.

Attached: YHCANON.jpg (1200x871, 205K)

Ugly whoar

Attached: MikasaConfused.png (1612x1080, 1.19M)

Attached: mikasa.jpg (1920x1080, 897K)

Fellow SNKBros, what should I do to get past the range ban on my 4G? Can't post when I am outside. Is there any way to contact a mod?

Sex with Rico

Attached: sexyrico.png (988x834, 544K)

Sex with Annie though

Attached: Best Girl makes my heart go doki-doki.jpg (533x600, 43K)

this is so fucking badass


Attached: 1554060857132.jpg (640x518, 202K)

Pretty based if you ask me.

I thought it was a joke voice-over, but it's just that bad

Attached: SataniaLaugh2.jpg (690x720, 77K)

plankasa could squeeze between those bars with ease

Ray did a good job as Kruger at least. Also what High School-tier monkey do they have doing the audio mixing?


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Can someone post the gif of Eren's head rolling

Just use fanart by japanese artists.

I'm glad he lost the dumb bun otherwise Historia would be the one decapitating him

Gas the Marl*yians, Eldia will rise again

I miss bullying shitren.

Attached: 1552513731743.jpg (894x642, 213K)

Nice dumblr art