About to watch Tokyo Ghoul for the first time. What can I expect?

About to watch Tokyo Ghoul for the first time. What can I expect?

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Tokyo Ghoul is shit
watch Naruto!

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Garbage. Or maybe it's actually good, idk, I've never seen it.


Read the manga. It's a lot better.

I tried to read the manga but the edginess is unbearable.

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its sorta like firepunch


honestly do what I did by accident and watch the first episode of root A first. It paints a fucking kino picture of all the different characters and world building. And then just never watch another episode.

Don't watch :re

All the Annons are right. It's super edgy but it has a good amount of good moments. They fucked up hard on the anime, avoid it altogether and just read the manga.

You will be watching garbage. Should read the manga instead, it's better.
Avoid read the sequel manga Tokyo Ghoul:re because it's such a trainwreck of so many dropped characters and plot points that it isn't really satisfying to read, unless you don't care about these.

I dropped the anime after the first three episodes. maybe the worst mc I've every seen. very generic story and premise too. not worth my time

>all these animeretards

Am I the only one who thinks all ghouls should be hunted down and mercilessly killed?

Read it instead.

based madobro

yeah lets go watch the eleventh moe anime or rewatch evengelion again it sure is a way better option for my time

>watching anime, want to discuss it
>all Yea Forums can muster is "lmao don't watch it"

Why are you faggots even here?

read the damn manga

kaneki in the manga compared to the anime is like day and night

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