Damn, i knew i liked her, but now she just got really interesting

Damn, i knew i liked her, but now she just got really interesting.
Which of the lesbians do you think are gonna quit the sport of scissors when they get a man and which are the real deal?

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Come on, i never see this manga being discussed here, but i can't be the only one to enjoy it.

This board is too fast. I never had a chance.

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The chapters being translated are like a year old. Its only now that anyone bothered to typeset them.

Yeah, I love this manga. I unironically cringed when she destroyed Kaoru. Kaoru is a disgusting lesbo slut, but I don't know, it just felt really harsh what she said.

Fat cow.

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I think I like pretty much all girls, except few irrelevant ones like the pervert exhibitionist, dwarf and her slutty friend and photographer girl and her girlfriend. They just waste chapters.

It does make me angry that this manga isn't more popular. It's a perfect yuri SOL with actual progress, some drama, plenty of comedy, romance, lewdness. I remember we had rare threads in the past, but infrequent updates killed all the interest.

Fuck it, I won't let it die. More people should read this.

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nah fuck off to your containment board retarded s/u/b human faggot

Anyone too low IQ to understand Kaoru's appeal should be executed.

Is it getting translated again??? chie and ai are the endgame lesbians obviously

Here, have some cute girls.

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How is it being translated?
Does she say honoka sama? Because the translation used some stupid word like lord.

This is gay

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This one won't resist the cock.
These might

Apparently the fujoshis call themselves that.

Maybe not. Miyoshi is really dense, though.

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I had deja vu of this exact thread and I don't know if that's a good thing or not

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So does this ever get lewd again?

The SM pair is often lewd, but overall it switched to cuteness and romance.
Also the author often sexualizes Nononon. I think he likes them fat.

The SM pair is great but i want to see otaku and murrican pig, and now braces.

That's a slight shame it had such a perfect balance of all those elements at the start.

There wasn't a nipple in ages, though.

What, at the start the art was very different, the tone was different, this blond fatty was actually a bitch then her personality changed completely.

>at the start
It's mostly first volume. From what I remember Chie was angry at Ai for not socializing.

She sounded like a shallow cunt. But i like how things developed and how the art changed.

This manga has great covers.

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My favorite is the exhibitionist girl
I used to like the S/M couple but they haven't done anything lewd in a long while now.

This is pretty lewd.

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Don't you losers have an entire board dedicated to yuri? Why not go there?

The art is pretty good


The first volume is the worst one. Feels more like proto version rather than the actual manga. Kind of like the first three volumes of Berserk.

Exactly. But they just rolled with it and it became good.

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Wow, that's an amazing waste of repeating digits.

Who the fuck is this bitch? Go fuck yourself.

Damn thats fucking rare in anime and mango

>wasted on literally who scriptfag

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>1kb literally titled get
Fuck off, you waste of digits.

what a waste, scriptfag

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Okay but who was

Blessed Lucky Star.

Well, if this was Yea Forums i would be ok with it.
But it being my only non insta dead thread and this being Yea Forums i am offended.
But at least it's not a mod doctoring gets, i saw so much of that in my third world chan that gets have become worthless and are never celebrated.

Indeed, very fucking rare.
But japs don't really use them much, right?

>check braces tag on booru
>500 hits and most of it is western
Guess its just not a big thing over there

Best gays.

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I didn't pick this manga up for gay MEN. I want gay GIRLS

Crooked teeth have more "character".


I think Chie changed the most since the first volume.

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I'm here to bump your thread, OP.
Coincidentally, I too am of the opinion that Bou-chan is one of the best characters of the manga. I can see very, very clearly how Vampire-chan became fascinated with her in a matter of instants

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Why is she so fat?

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>straight black hair
The ultimate hairstyle

I identified with Onoda, but then she found a girlfriend and now I don't feel the connection anymore. It's like Watamote in a way.