Was Misato a sexual predator? She tried to take advantage of a deeply troubled young man...

Was Misato a sexual predator? She tried to take advantage of a deeply troubled young man. Imagine if Kaji had done the same thing to Asuka. He would be seen as an evil abuser. But because Misato is a hot older woman (though she's a gross slob alcoholic) targeting a younger man, it's seen as not being as bad, despite her job to be his guardian.

Attached: misato sexual predator.jpg (1772x656, 238K)

Men and women are held and should be held to different standards. The equalityfags have gotten to your head.

So young men can't be sexually abused by women?

Why didn't Misato force him to drink some beers? Just once under her supervision. Probably would have solved something.

You know they can. It doesn't matter what society thinks is worse. They're both bad.

They can be, but usually young men are down to sleep with a women like Misato.

Misato is held to account for being a slut in the last two episodes; Kaji is never admonished for being a manwhore

Your point?

Having sex was the only thing Misato knew how to do because she was just as emotionally underdeveloped as the other Eva kids.

Was Misato a slut? Who else did she fug besides Kaji? I know she gives Shinji and grown up kiss and tries to screw him but who else is she shown to sleep with?

>(though she's a gross slob alcoholic)
Misato is hot you queer

She was/become a pedo, but genuinely cared for him. I never was sure kaji cared much for Asuka tough he did respect her.

>She tried to take advantage of a deeply troubled young man.
No, her intention was to do it for shinji's benefit, because that is the only way she knows how to comfort people, though obviously that wouldn't work on someone like shinji who wanted to see misato as a mother-type authority figure. She had good intentions so her advances on a minor can be forgiven at least by my standards.

He would have resisted, or just drank the minimum possible amount and run and hide in his room and listen to the same two tracks of music for the whole night while trying not to cry. Or maybe he'd get drunk, enjoy the escapism of intoxication, and become an alcoholic like Misato and really spiral way out of control, dooming all mankind.

Usually they are, but Shinji clearly was not and she should have known from his disposition that coming onto him like that would just cause him more grief. She should have just bring him a snack or something to show him she cares but also give him space.

Misato is hot, but she's also gross, a slob, and an alcoholic. These are not mutually exclusive categories.

She's not really a pedo though, Shinji hit puberty already. I know what you mean though but you make it sound like she tried to molest a toddler.

I don't think it necessarily makes her a bad or evil person but it does go to show what a damaged person she is and how she has a lot of growing up to do. Or just turn into tang lol

only if the woman is ugly.

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What is Mistao's tang world like?

Every person in Evans jelly Beans is a scum bag to some extent.

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It's like everyone elses thats the whole point, loss of Self.

After reading about non-dualist philosophy like Platonic/Pythagorean monism and Advaita Vedanta, the Human Instrumentality Project takes on a whole new meaning for me. Like the evangelion project, it is a flawed and corrupted version, created by hubristic humans, of a real metaphysical idea. As men (or men's souls more specifically) are made in the divine image, but are inferior to the ultimate simplistic divinity, the evangelion project went wrong because they were made in man's image, which is not an immutable and perfect form, but an imperfect reflection. The Human Instrumentality project was an attempt to create an artificial version of the enlightenment of realizing that all things contain an ultimate unity and that separation is merely an illusion (dude we're all one lmao). I know the primary theme of NGE is that humans can't perfectly understand each other, and that suffering is a part of life and an unavoidable consequence of attachment, but I think my ideas can be consistent. Getting over the fear of vulnerability and becoming close to other people is the first step to enlightenment, specifically the fear part.

that makes sense tho

I'm glad you think so. I was worried my rambling was indecipherable. I am not sure how to express these ideas in the best way, I'm still a dabbler.

I'm the user you replied to, and I totally agree. The creators (master Anno) of the show even conceptualized this explicitly with pic related. The tree of life (kabbalah) with shinji in it's center has been inverted to represent this false transcendence you described. The show takes it a step further implying that this is not only a falsity, but is also a step in the wrong direction, which Shinji realizes after some time within it and decides to leave. Like the inverted tree, instrumentality itself is an inverted transcendence.
I also have a similar interest in ancient phil especially Plato and I can agree that such readings become extremely useful and informative interpretive tools for art pieces such as Eva.

Attached: EvaKabbalah.png (960x544, 681K)

Could Anno have reached so far? Big if true

No, because, in Shinji's case, he'd probably enjoy the fuck out of pounding Misato.

>listen to the same two tracks of music for the whole night while trying not to cry
Bullshit. I refuse to believe that Misato couldn't get him, a kid, drunk with all her skills. Pretty sure they could quit alcohol together or something sappy like that and then Rei would blow him. It would be great.

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With stuff like this I just chalk most of it up to divine inspiration. Whether or not he really intended it all to be there, it's there.

>divine inspiration.
Rather possible

>Misato was a fucked-up person
Wow user no shit

Then why did he reject her?

I don't think referencing the most famous and most important philosopher in history is "reaching", to be honest.

If you ever read Hegel look at how much EOTV or EoE reflect his master/slave theory on self-conscious. The two endings are basically a literal interpretation of this from my pea-sized understanding.

EoE especially with the duality and reciprocation of the master/slave roll between Shinji and Asuka that would symbolize two fully realized self-consciousness coming to mutual understanding/respect/love, or all 3 at once.

I'd throw in the use of crucifixion imagery, too, as restraint of Lilith and the Evas and finally a ritual inflicted upon Unit 01 and Shinji. That's not a martyr submitting for the grace of others and being revealed as holy in the act, there's a cargo cult-like reversal and it's turned into capture of a god and surgical alteration to make it theirs.

she wanted to help shinji the only way she knew how.
is literally says in the fucking image.
is this the power of netflix-newfags?

Yes (and that's a good thing)

That's why shinji rejected her. He wanted a mom, and she was just a spinster that doesnt know how to treat people well. She was trying to be good to him through the only means she knows how to - sexually, and he wanted someone that behaved more like a mother should, instead of some alcoholic slob

Females don't develop emotionally past the age of 14.

Misato, like everyone else in the show, is severely fucked in the head. What she did was wrong. It speaks to her character flaw that the only way she knows how to connect with people is through sex.

Don't you dare insult my waifu ever again.

Both Shinji and Asuka show interest in grown up acquaintance. However, the story shows it isn't “pure sexual” interest (if such thing is at all possible), and explains their feelings. Neither does Misato offer Shinji the only chance to put his penis into vagina in this scene. It can be just a hug, or sleeping together, and you are expected to also understand why she does that at that point.

Only criminals approach everything from a penal code perspective.

or what?? huh???

There's nothing wrong with a hot older woman having sex with a younger guy

Attached: ReiHead.png (475x456, 227K)

>Shinji, age 14
he's in adult in Japan

It's almost like 90% of Yea Forums is too stupid to get Eva and look at every relationship in it through an extremely surface level lens that completely disregards nuance. The relationships between Shinji and Misato/Asuka especially.

no he isn't

is Shikinami a pedo predator too?

There is no way Misato could possibly abuse a heterosexual man of any age.

>Imagine how X would be received if they were the opposite gender
Welcome to evangelion, OP.

She had no idea how to comfort him, but she only loves Kaji romantically.