>they spent more time fighting tanks and helicopters than they did fighting other Saints
Saint Seiya
Other urls found in this thread:
they espers now, no saint, no cosmos
>pegasus destiny
so bad
Also was there any reason the english version outright fails to mention Hades sometimes? I'm watching the JP version with the EN dub lines and they don't match at all.
>They changed Dohko old man's purple skin.
>Cassius didn't lose his ear
>Sanctuary believes on the bullshit Saga says.
>Shun is girl
Fuck me dude...
>Pegasus's Destiny
remake done right?
shiryu's attack is fucking pathetic. The attack is strong enough to reverse a waterfall but can't dent the helicopter.
they the right to the music, why even bother to change the most iconic line?
Changing Pegasus Fantasy is as bad as changing Cha-La Head Cha-La. It makes no sense, but it is a iconic line that should never be changed.
That entire fight sequence is genuinely retarded.
All hail murrica
Who is going to be LGBTQIA+ on the second half?
thanks Netflix, now we have another 4-5 years until the next reboot attempt, I wonder what will be the next catch, all girl squad?
Sad that a chink game cutscene unironically looks better than this.
Frankly I don't see why a kid would care for any of the characters. If Son wanted to make Saint Seiya as bland as any Marvel flick, he achieved it but KotZ doesn't count with the global publicity of the Marvel flicks or the corporative synergy
Shaka is finally going to marry Ikki.
I actually thought the movie was a fun alternate take on the series as a whole, it’s a pretty tough job to condense the sanctuary saga in one movie but it was ok, even if some changes were awkward. I liked how the armor felt “alive”, like engines
That video was made by people that love Saint Seiya and it's not farfetched to assume many got into animation inspired by Saint Seiya.. Also Tencent know there's a profitable market and they should try to be respectful to the source material (adding visual kei seems to be OK because the majority of the fandom are fujos though). It's a complete diferent situation from KoTZ.
P.S. Dat Gainaxing
I had to turn it off after the very uninspired Cassius fight, what the fuck were they thinking? That Cassius battle and the following Shina battle sets the tone for the whole series, it’s bloody, it’s violent, it shows the stakes, it shows permanent damage on the enemy... It was turned into a generic fight against a big dude.
Literally soulLESS
Seiya is very popular in asia
What did spics think of it?
Not sure if you consider brazilians spic, but the consensus here is that it’s pretty bad. Saint Seiya is fucking HUGE over here.
I know Saint Seiya is popular among latinos, that's why I'm curious.
Is it just me or is there half an episode missing between 1 and 2? Shit made no sense.
watching episode 1 right now
>voice: Selka nee-chaaaaaan
localization is fucking cancer. it has killed japanese games, will it kill japanese cartoon too in the future?
At this point I'm surprised people still care about this franchise at all considering that it has been raped by shitty projects for decades
Nobody even bothered to watch it, and the ones who did just did it to shit on it
Fuck netflix
Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.
I'm still waiting for the Heaven Saga/arc.
Describe this character.
el pecho de messi
In other news, Kurumada announced a new Fuma no Kojiro manga. Nothing about Saint Seiya so far except that he'll give us an Episode Zero chapter about Poseidon someday...
And to think the drunk bastard hasn't watched a single episode because he's too drunk to even stand up. I'd be easier if I hate ND like most fans do
It’s because they didn’t do a good job showing passage of time, makes it feel sudden
All I want is: a proper ending to Episode G and a collection of it; a proper ending for Lost Canvas; the second and third movies to follow Heaven chapter Prologue; better animated Hades Inferno and Hades Elysium.
Is it too much too ask?
stoic, prone to depression, prone to betraying everybody, weakest of the main five bronze saints
China is your only hope now.
What do the nips think?
Old Man Dohko never was purple on the manga.
Holy shit I actually had this toy or at least a chinese copy, was never able to put it together
Question: I'm seeing a lot of "fans" are already accepting this as reasonable, ok and even want to see a new season. is this battered wife syndrome? Do they really think they will have good things if they accept this? Are they so dumbass or stupid to believe on it? Sonic fanbase, DMC fanbase, etc had success getting what they want because they stood against their franchise's rapists. SS fanbase just accept every rape these conmen do to their franchise. You're so weak willed.
Is Netflix seiya better or worse than Omega?
Because people are just living their lives and not being turbo autists like those people from those fandoms and you.
At least it was cool to see Cassious using an armor and doing meteors.
Poor thing you are! Those turbo autists are the ones who give money to their franchise, not the "t better than thou" assholes like you.
yare yare
the fuck is this
What the fuck is
Pro tip: Omega wasn’t bad.
Soul of Gold was worse than Omega but better than Netflix tho
Mommy issues
Adoptive dad/master issues. Oedipus Complex played straight.
Adoptive dad is a lunatic and has betrayal fetish.
>They changed Dohko old man's purple skin
>Cassius didn't lose his ear
Irrelevant cosmetic changes.
>Sanctuary believes on the bullshit Saga says.
That's on point.
>Shun is a girl
Now this one is bullshit.
>it's another attack helicopter gets extremely close so they can get themselves killed rerun episode
>30mm chaingun with explosive rounds impact like a pistol round
To think that the Netflix adaptation is going to be the first and the last Saint Seiya experience for many people makes me wanna vomit.
Even my 7 year old self wouldn't become a fan of this back then. FUCK.
Way worse, Omega had a lot of cool moments with good animation and great music mixed with weird choices and bad episodes. Just like the original anime was.
This is for murricans, who by the don't give a fuck about this shit either. If this is popular in Netflix is because spics and brazilians are seeing this there.
>no cosmos
>Saint Seiya without "burn! My Cosmos"
I don't see the point.
So if I wanted to get into Saint Seiya, what should I start with?
I've had a crush on him since I was a kid and it still hasn't gone away #sorrynotsorry
Episode 1 of the 1986 anime.
Classic 80's anime, people also recommend to start with the manga but I've never seen it because I don't read comics. Maybe someday I will, though. Don't start with the Netflix parody lol.
Some are probably tired after constantly fighting when Omega, Saintia Shou, the CG movie etc happened
I just watched Seiya v Shiryu in NetflixSeiya. The duel which was so iconic in the manga and anime was reduced to a simple bout, and the plot point of hitting Shiryu in the heart to revive him was so rushed it had no impact.
Then they went outside the arena to fight helicopters.
What the fuck were they thinking
Soul of Gold was great if you were a fujo.
The uncensored original anime, at least until the Sanctuary Saga. If you haven’t been grabbed by the struggle against the gold saints to save Athena in 12 hours by that point, the series isn’t for you.
It's like they purposefully rushed it so they could get to the helicopters and that stupid talking manhole (seriously, what the fuck was that).
Wouldn't be surprised if they're compressing the first bit to get to the Sanctuary arc.
The manga is good, the lack of fillers, specially early in the story, make it a really fun read. Oh, and the Hades Saga is fantastic (the only good Hades OVAs were the first ones, Hades -Sanctuary-). The anime can get boring at times early on, cause they add some bullshit before the 12 gold saints battles start
You also get to experience the disappointment if your star sign doesn't get a good battle sequence.
I have no problem with the concept of compressing it, since the manga moves very quickly too, but then why add this stupid subplot about the evil businessman and his army? Who the fuck wants to see saints fighting machines and random human army soldiers? An entire episode was devoted to that, in a 13 ep season, and I bet there’s more to come (I only saw 4 eps so far).
They said this season ends with the silver saints.
they thought it was really funny
RIP sagittarius folks
At least us Libra folks got Dohko kicking ass in Hades.
Sagittarius has the coolest/most heroic dude
that would be cool
>Wouldn't be surprised if they're compressing the first bit to get to the Sanctuary arc.
>to get to the Sanctuary arc
OH NO GOD PLEASE NO I will not make it out alive if they do that
Passable Signs
> Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Leo
Shitty Signs
> Pisces, Cancer, Taurus
This is just pathetic. Fuck you, Kurumada. From the very moment you stepped into the animation studios, everything turned into shit.
>talking shit about based Taurus
This is splendid, but there are gold Saints I can remember they completely denatured, like Death mask, who became a real clown. Watched it one single time, cringed hard and sealed it in my memory.
I want to read again the original manga, are the Viz volumes on Nyaa the best version?
Will the talking canal become the final boss?
>You also get to experience the disappointment if your star sign doesn't get a good battle sequence.
Capricorn is my sign but Shura didn't impress me initially, I think it was mostly because of his look (I liked those good-looking much more and with nice hairstyles haha). His design was way better in the Hades arc. But I would definitely prefer Aquarius, because it's just a few days difference in my case. However the end of his fight with Shiryu was sad a fuck, I would place if after Camus-Hyoga in terms of sadness in the 12 temples
Soul of Gold redeemed Aphrodite and Deathmask.
What is this face trying to convey?
As much as Aldebaran was great bro, Harbinger was a better Taurus user. Poor Aldebaran, designated gold jobber
It’s the “I can’t believe I’m in this low budget mess” face
>"when i see myself in the Netflix remake"
Btw, why do they all have shorter hair now? Shaina, Sh(a)un, Hyoga or Esmeralda. Literally copy-pasted hair with different colour. Too hard to animate longer? lol
>Tfw today is my birthday
By a fucking day goddammit, why couldn't I wait 1 more day.
Not like you're missing out on much with Aiolia
Best wishes, user
It's not too hard, but it costs more money, so it's a big nono.
That's Why they fight helicopters, it's cheaper to animate than people
Kurumada is Sagittarius, what did he mean by this
Bro -Oniisan- issue
>Mission accomplished
And his ex was Cancer
Cool n chill fan favorite that want him be a girl in Netflix for no reason.
He probably bang his sis
Here in arg no one watch it
>not a drop of blood
No it wouldn't.
Stay in your lane, moeshitcuck.
>Sanctuary actually believes the bullshit Saga says.
This makes me so goddamn mad... As far as i remember, the only saint to actually believe Saga's non sense was Shura because "muh justice". Making Hyoga of all saints believe it and actually decide to kill Saori is a real kick in the dick.
Chin and Amerifatso love would it.
It follows the manga, if I’m not mistaken. Camus, his master, personally delivers the message to Hyoga, I think, and tells him Saori is a traitor
Oh. Never read the manga before. Makes more sense now. I just hope they don't change the original motivation of the 12 golds.
Add another thirteen Gold Saint in Netflix S3.
>Cool n chill fan favorite that want him be a girl in Netflix for no reason.
>want him be a girl
REEEEE!!! I would freak. And Frozen already exists.
Also Frozen rip off Saint Seiya subplot about two sisters.
Already a thing in ND
>what i'm doing in this cartoon?
Camus was always a dick
he's french so
Can't unsee...
alright shounenbabby
and in France look at the Tsume figurines
the fuck is this shit
who are these saint?
>why i'm cute in China and ugly in America
Rambo in Greexico
Saint Seiya is very popular in almost every other country that isn't the US
>saw the trailer
>pegasus destiny
Changing the first two removed a lot of nuance from the story. Athena's male harem are called "saints" because they are youth fighting without a weapon and only never used in offensive battles.
It is Cloth because Athena is goddess of weaving and she hand made all the armors.
Netflix made seiya into generic shit, not even generic shounen shit, just generic shit.
wtf is that?
Shaka by himself can probably send all of them into the literal afterlife.
Hey, I liked Soul of Gordo because we at least finally saw the gold saints actually acting like a team once in a whileCamus Notwithstanding
>Chinese love Netflix
armor and knight were used way before Netflix by the first dub of the anime
>You also get to experience the disappointment if your star sign doesn't get a good battle sequence.
>mfw Virgo
I liked how much of a bitch they made Camus. Finally let others get a chance to shine.
Esmeralda had the only blood I've seen so far.
It barely even looked like it should have killed her.
Ah, that's what fujos love. Camus a little bitch and Milo acting like a scorned lover who wants his mate back.
After that they left together to the afterlife.
Omega broke the international fandom and Los killed the last remains
They made Milo a cuck.
Yeah since it's an actual remake instead of americanized copy, insane that this netflix garbage is making this chink movie look good.
how did ikki go down with a fucking punch isn't he supposed to be immortal
They should just admit defeat and do a yaoi dating sim since that's their one audience now.
i want to fuck athena
Here in Brazil I talked with the only friend I know that still cares enough about this and our consensus is that the dub is the only good thing about it. Remake is too rushed, doesn't know about the first thing about what made it fun and has that shitty burger opening.
However we are going to watch the last 6 or 7 episodes when we release to see the trainwreck finish exploding.
I tap Seiya older sister pussy.
Way better.
I'm starting to worry about this reboot. If Netflix sees this as having high visualizations, they will keep this continuity and throw everything from original to the trash, but now it's too late, so I just can wait and see.
Manga or anime first?
> youtube.com
Anime. It's way more hair metal. Manga if you want to fill in stuff afterwards.
>no cosmos
an absolute fucking disaster.
there's nothing in that tripe that gives a single fuck about the manga.
>Pegasus first are literally hadokens
>shiryu literally summons a dragon
the manga art is ugly as shit though, even with nostalgia and "it was a different time" in mind
Milo is a cuck
this art.. do you work at netflix?
the steel saints but more modern. Probably Silicium Saints, or E-Saints.
all instances of "knights" comes from the French dub, that AB production sold for peanuts all over the world, since most countries had easier time translating from French than from Japanese.
The bullshit prophecy though, in the manga Saga was in power becouse he was pretending to be the patriach under direct order of athena who was totally in the sanctuary, not becouse the sanctuary belived that Atena was going to lose the war or some shit
Milo isn't a cuck, he's been emotionally abused by Camus for years
More like Miho
and Bernard Minet opening
There's the thing, the biggest hit it can take is for it to crash and burn than to not to happen. It's very unlikely the first 13 episodes aren't guaranteed.
Camus is insane, Milo loves his husbando. Love hurts.
Not really. Shoko was never interested in him, nor Milo was into her. He was never nice to her and killed her sister.
But we don't know what future brings.
This game from 2015 looks better than the Netflix """adaptation"""
Saintia Sho?
that's right! I forgot that!
The bullshit prophecy really bother me. Every Holy War is 50/50 and they almost lost the last one. Arguably the Sanctuary never fully recovered, taking in consideration ND and all its wonderful toys. Are they seriously losing their heads because they may lose this one? How killing Athena make things better? You know, killing the only deity that likes humans while the rest already lost interest or actively it's trying to erase them. Are they expecting to defeat Hades with tanks and Chinese knock-off saints? Saga lying to the saints would make him too sympathetic for burger audience?
Who's to say Saga isn't lying about the prophecy?
=kek, there are indeed similarities
instead of a remake they should have made a spin off with new mythology like they did with Asgard but this time with Egypt
Why didn't it never catch on in the US? It was the shit in my country around 20 years ago.
Moreover, what do the Americans ITT think about it?
Came too late, and the localized script was terrible
Hyoga talks like a totally radical surfer dude for example
But the DB/Z scripts was also butchered and burgers loved it.
In any case, the prophecy wasn't needed and it's just overcomplicating what was a simple story. I still wonder why, the 12 episodes format don't give much time for establishing that bullshit and the pacing was already all over the place. Maybe it was too Japanese? You know, Pope/Shogun and Athena/Tennou, or just because burgers love prophecies along with chosen ones crap
Ok, Aioria, calm down!
American here. It didn't catch on in the US because by the time they had an English translation on TV, it was the 00s and newer and more hyped anime/manga was easily available. Also the English dub was goofy. I only picked it up in 2006 because it's referenced a lot in BL history, then stuck around for the retro charm after seeing the sub.
Netflix misses the mark on a lot of stuff, but it could have been a lot worse. I'm just glad my husbando is still a man.
Were the changes as drastic though? I'm not american so the only thing I've heard is that they made Goku more heroic, doesn't feel as bad as having Hyoga calling himself the "Iceman" or some shit.
Maybe it would've caught on if they had gotten to the hypest parts, as far as I know they only dubbed the first few episodes, didn't even get to the Sanctuary
I don't know why people are specifically blaming Netflix, because they are famously incredibly hands off with their projects.
that's the dumbest shit I've ever seen. You really watch this shit?
but you get most of the anime in the 00s
only Pablo watch it
Netflix can go die in a hole.
It's the Omega situation. This SS entry was made for attracting new fans but it's so bland that completely fail at that and instead only the old fans care even if it's for bitching on the internet but at least it's a reaction
He loves his mother.
"Bland" is the LEAST of the problems here. It has worse animations than a low budget indie video game!
Oedipus complex can help him become gay. In fact it's quite common this to happen.
Anyway he is only gay in Okada's Ep G.
he has a big family
Everyone's gay in Ep G. As it should be.
Okada is gay too. He was praising Ikki's tight ass in twitter sometime ago.
who is not (yet)gay for Ikki?
A man who's comfortable with his masculinity is just fine appreciating another man's tight buns.
Women. But he is stylish as a f.
True, but Okada is really something
Who made this were japanese and koreans. Americans have no real guilt in this.
She's ovulating for Seiya
but fujos love gay (handsome)men
I can only hope that Milo managed to do a 3some with Camus and Lia before shit went bananas in Sanctuary.
>stil no shaun porn
The main writer is Korean only by race, he lives in America
Americans are real guilt here. Who green lit? Oh, US streaming service, Fatflix.
>Be modest
Milo would never share Camus. He has a terminal case of oneitis.
Lie. I've met a lot of non americans that didnt knew about saint seiya. Stop pretending it is great.
Not lying tho
Projection is a thing, but not my kind.
Nah, Milo is not that lucky.
Who greenlit this shit was Kurumada/ Toei. Netflix seduced them into it.
A true Scorpio never shares a thing, much less the love of his life. That's why he is Camus pet dog.
>spend 15 years almost completely isolated
>your only relationships are your older twin and some old fucko
>who also thinks you're cursed
>your only hope is that your older brother becomes the pope so you inherint the title of Geminis
>he doesn't because he's actually a piece of shit (Not really, but this is a secret shh!)
>out of desperation tell your bother to kill Athena and the pope
>throws you into a prison and calls you a demon
>spend a year almost drowning
>decide to manipulate motherfucking Poseidon and start a war because you are all alone and don't have a place in this rotten world so fuck them all
Being Kanon is suffering.
you wish ;)
relevant countries outside of Anglo speaking country
Aiolia is made for tentacles and bullying.
Aiolia is STRAIGHT
It's okay he survives the war and becomes the pope in GA.
It can become worse. According to some, he will become a lady in KoZ.
There are still sickos who think that have twins is a curse.
True, according to Toei's bible.
Like it matters if anything that makes it even better.
Is there anyone in this world that liked this? Unless is cherrypicking this is the fifth webm I see about the remake and it looks like diarrhea
Besides Italy and France, only latino countries knows it. Saint Seiya never was great world-wide. Not even made half the impact Yuyu Hakusho did.
Question to super manga fags, does she ever get the Seiya D? I have only seen the original series but I remember her being a big part of Seiya life and her episodes were really sweet, best girl right there.
Netflixslaves eats up whatever netflix defecate in their open O mouth.
No. Seiya spends all of his life being Daori's personal cuck. Even Shaina gave up and lived on sexual frustration Until Aiolia took the opportunity
No, she disappears mysteriously from the story.
Facebook and forums are full of people who find this to be fine.
China and Spain love it too
a lots of typical amerilards have their " omg this is so much BETTER than the CHINKSHIT, O SAYY CANN YOU SEEEE" but otherwise it's a PR disaster.
>7 years old Seiya could already punch so hard he could crater the ground like a meteor strike.
> Full fledged Knight Seiya hit lighter than a stiff breeze.
Did someone in the netflix team at least flip through the original manga?
Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan and Portugal too.
I don't understand why are people so mad about it. We could see that it would be shit since it was announced and the only decent thing from this franchise on this millennium was the Soldier Soul game. Saint Seiya is dead and died a long time ago. They even gave up the fandom to try to appeal for the new generation. Be glad the nostalgia isn't working otherwise it could have ended like Dragin Ball.
New Zealand and Australia missed out...come on. its near above Japanese market.
This looks worse than early seasons of RWBY.
Soul of Gold was entertaining.
and Philippines
>Sanctuary believes on the bullshit Saga says
How do you think he successfully ran the Sanctuary masquerading as the pope for nearly 20 years, retard? That was the same in the original story.
you get what the states burger want you to get
For second, I thought he was Vietnamese.
Shun's fucker
Why are americans so obsessed with war?
People in Poland know it too because it was on TV, but Dragon Ball was more popular and I wish it was the other way around
For the last time, Ikki would never allow it.
Would never be. Saint Seiya is too slow and dramatic compared to Dragon Ball. Yuyu Hakusho also made more success because of the action.
Based US. Dabbing on the spics childhood.
Why are you so obsessed with America?
Saint Seiya fans really have it tough, huh.
Okada's says so. Ep G is a sausage fest.
She makes cameos here and there on the anime
The last time I saw her it was during Hade's eclipse.
>posts the jew
Good things about it so far:
>Cassius using an armor and shooting meteors
>rule63 tomboy Shun
>Tatsumi being useful and fighting
>Shaina's facial emotions
Episode G is just the lunatic ravings of a fudanshi.
When will Okada explain how the fuck did he and Rhada survive in the Alternative Timeline, he didn't sudoku this time?
So chinks can make something that looks awesome, all the while amerimutts on netflix can only do OP webm related shit?
What an embarrassment.
Through the power of love.
Because war mongers are so obsessed with destroying America ;-D
Kuru collaborates with him, so he likes boy's love too.
He forgot about the Gladiators, how he would explain this? This story is a mess.
>so he likes boy's love too.
Was this ever in any doubt?
Tell that to the ones who don't believe most of female fans are fujoshi and even male fans are guilty of reading/writing yaoi stories.
Dragonball & Gundam were the tone of the early to mid 2000's
So who's the popular male fan pairing?
I suspect it is the same as the fujoshi Milo/Camus, Hyoga/Shun... More than shipping them, male fans seem to think they are canon in some way.
>English and Scottish
His mum's from Skye. They barely count as Scottish.
The residents of the sanctuary believed him, maybe the foot soldiers as well, but saints never did. Specially golds, they just didn't give a flying fuck. Except Shura,but he is retarded.
every one of the fights of this netflix crap has no soul
Male June/Shun-Kun
I actual dig in Shaina metal make over.
>I suspect it is the same as the fujoshi Milo/Camus, Hyoga/Shun
I'm a girl and I'm not into yaoi, I have to tell you I honestly felt kinda awkward when I found gay fanarts of them (and the others) on the internet years ago. Saint Seiya was my childhood anime and when I saw those fan pairings it felt like somebody was ruining my memories. I also had my innocent crushes on some of the Saints. Moreover, Camus and Milo were my favourite Gold Saints and I find it interesting that other girls like them too, is it because they're hot? I guess so.
Humans ship absolutely everything and see romance everywhere Anybody/anything can be shipped no matter how weird/ disgusting7 crminal it is. Of course fanservice doesn't help either. That's why people were defending male Shun as gay when he was never gay, It was Toei's fanservice all along. Camus is more mature( and lunatic), Milo is more childish and sentimental which is the reason for their dinamics.
When will Milo finally realize Camus can't give him the emotional intimacy he needs and get out of that toxic relationship?
for those playing the game, who is the girl between Kiki and Marin?
Where does that come from? I haven't seen any "modern" Saint Seiya besides Soul of Gold. Btw, young Saints look cute there.
And well yeah I see why people ship them, it's actually kinda funny and now I joke about it sometimes too, but it's not my piece of cake. To me Saint Seiya is not to be blasphemed by this kind of things lol
Sextans Luna
Netflix HQ will burn down like a certain studio putos cabrones
Stand up, you don't have to be afraid
Get down love is like a hurricane
Street boy, though I never could be tamed
Never. He seems to be very devoted to Camus for whatever reason: he offers his blood in honour of Camus while reviving Cygnus Cloth, adopted Hyoga as his own child and probably prepared Camus corpse for his funeral. Why he loves this guy so much, I don't know.
Was it ever explained in the manga?
It seems to be an old picture from anime or some official artbook.
Camus funeral is just my hypothesis. Everything else it's in the original manga.
The ED isn't bad desu. They should have just used an original song for the OP.
holy shit this is awful
Well, Camus was based on Ganymede, so
We don't have proof he did that. but knowing Milo is very possible.
That was the excuse Kuru gave when someone asked why Camus wears his nails red.
>Why he loves this guy so much, I don't know.
'cause he's the same voice as pic related and it's one of those voices you don't hear often but is super engaging
He did it by framing Aioros, saying the tried to murder the real Athena, that she was on greece protected from further attacks, and that japanese slut Saori Kido was a blasphemous impostor
the whole "The prophecy says this time Athema will doom the world" is bullshit, no way the whole saint order will believe that and raise their fists in blasphemy to their sworn goddes
its for America thats why
Reading some recent tweets, some find it kind of refreshing and totally separated from the original. One guy said it didn't feel like anime at all (he's right). They too found the copters and tanks odd?
I hate it
The parts that are copypasted from the old one aren't THAT disgusting, but every american adition to the plot is complete shit, and the animation and OST is dismal AF... the only kinda cool things are they referencing manga-only scenes, nothing else
If the author wanted more female presence he could have made Mitsumasa's evil partner a woman
Just saying
It's also easy to sell during that age where everyone thought anime was satanic, speaking about armored knights draws more normies than pagan god's saints
Netflix including some oath and the scene of Athena "ordering" them in brittish style was cringe worthy tho
An evil female?!
that's incel talk, user!
In the prequel one shot it gets reconected to Shura basically being delusional because he got too deep into that shit after killing Aioros and there was no turning back.
Greek gods aren't really considered pagans lol, in western imagery they're everywhere
>is it because they're hot?
Yes women watch SS because the characters are hot it's not fucking rocket science.
Aren't all the golds on some level of delusion or insanity though?
The guys in charge of KoZ doesn't seem to understand It.
Aphrodite and DM were 100% aware of it, Aphrodite went along with it because of his muh strong people are beautiful and DM is just and edgelord.
Pretty much almost all main characters now have a western name because they think burger kids cant relate to a character that has a foreign name
Seiya still Seiya, Seika is Patricia, Saori is Sienna, Mitsumasa kido is now Alman kido, Tatsumi is Mylock, Hyoga is Magnus, Shiryu is Long, Shun is Shaun, Jabu is Jab, Ikki is Nero, Deathmask is Mephisto
And yet Netflix made Shun a girl when he was popular among girls... Hmm
So before I search in vain, are there good Saint Seiya doujins that don't include tons of gay shit?
>Shiryu is Long
What did they mean by this
>Ikki is Nero
Burning ROM
Long literally means Dragon in Chinese.
I’m pretty sure they won’t cancel it before having the Sanctuary Arc in 13 episodes in a year or two.
Most of the best ones have gay shit.
That’s why we worship the overdesigned Episode G
well, time to replay it... I’m sad it doesn’t have the anime music like the Sanctuary something musou-like had on PS3
that’s insane, I need to see the american dub now
did they cut violence in DB/Z?
Pull the devil trigger
There was a mod for PC that replaced the music with the anime soundtrack, however I haven't tried it (yet?)
>is this battered wife syndrome?
Yes. This schlock is bad. Really bad. I don't know why anyone would want to see more of this, when you can watch the original anime again or read the manga.
Camus armpits!
Thank god they kept the original names for the brazilian dub, this shit wouldn’t fly here. Poor americans, once again fucked by bad dubs.
>only own it on PS4
life is suffering, but at least the brazilian dub of the game was amazing, I wish DB games had the brazilian dub as well, 8 hate Goku’s high pitch voice in the original
>did they cut violence in DB/Z?
Yes, it was just as sanitized, although later Toonami would air it uncut because it was so popular.
same thoughts
imagine having such a shit taste
That's the only voice that ever fits Goku's character. Everyone else is tryhard faggots who fail to understand him.
The brazilian dub keeps the personality intact, it just has a slightly less high pitched voice.
I've always wondered. When you become a Gold Saint, what do you do besides standing around your house doing nothing? Sure, you get to protect Athena when the circumstances call for it but that just doesn't happen too often does it?
What the fuck do they do?
Episode G shows that they go on secret errands like dealing with minor gods and saints from other religions, also they become masters and train bronze and silver saints
it's a funny face desu
Christ, what a boring existence.
They also take long baths with helpers in personal greek bath houses while drinking wine
And trees.
Gay. That's why its called Episode G. When a 13 years old drinks wine, he turns out in what Aioria is... stupid.
>almost get raped by trees not 1 but 2(two) times
>that "animation"
Did the other houses have baths? I think Saga is the only one who gets bath privileges.
They all had big ass greek baths
I read the other day that famous Japanese director Kon Ichikawa (pic related posing with Topo Gigio) realized that Japan would lose the war against America when he watched Fantasia because they didn't have a chance against a nation that could produce such wonder. I guess KotZ, along the MCU and all the bland shit they produce now it's a valid proof of American decadence
Nobody here has watched it because muh nostalgia and stuff alike.
Best filler ever.