ITT: Based mangakas

>ITT: Based mangakas

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Note

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>I won't milk my story for cash no matter how hard Jump forces me to
>by the way my favorite series are Jojo, Bobobo, and Kinnikuman

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Well he was an assistant to the Bobobo artist, and even if the manga he was influenced were long running series his own manga abide by his principle, he didn't artificially extend AssClass to make more money.

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I know, I'm just saying that his taste is equally based.
The Bobobo influences are so apparent in the gags that I assumed it was written by Sawai himself at first.

Makes me sad that we'll probably never get more anime seasons of Hidamari Sketch.

Don't if based or mentally disturbed.

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*Don't know if

>I was looking forward to getting payed.
Keeping it real, huh.

That's that ddd whatever series right is it kinda like Chio-chan?

Cool is fucking great. He has 4 or 5 ongoing series but still finds the time to draw doujins for comiket and make CG's for h-games. He's also not afraid to blatantly put his own fetishes into his series, and couldn't care less what other people think about that.

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any mangaka who believe in Our Lord and Savior?


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I kind of doubt he's referring to dddd, considering it's absolutely not a cgdct SOL.
Doesn't get much better than this.

I wonder how he survived at writing punpun without hanging himself in the process


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He was most likely having fun of his lifetime. Max Brod said that Kafka considered everyhting he wrote a lighhearted comedy and often couldn’t resist to laught when reading it out loud. Kafka was strongly influences by German and Czech culture despite being Jew himself and lets just say both Czechs and Germans have a word for "the pleasure you feel when bad things happen to other people".

online sizes are a lie

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Kumeta's paper blogs are great.

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i forgot to link the interview, anyway
he says that Punpun actually was intended to go balls to the wall and he tried to make that story as chaotic as possible just for shit and giggles

The definitive proof that Kyoani ruined the industry

I find it amusing that a middle aged japanese woman is a fan of a niche western RPG from the 90's that, as far as I am aware, was never even localized for Japan.

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>niche western RPG
I mean it was the most hyped RPG in the world when it launched and she seems to be old enough to be around at the time. So not THAT strange

Not a mangaka

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I can't tell if he's being facetious.

No wonder this absolute genius is behind Chainsaw Man.


This is what people learn as they age. They develop these feelings for cute girls doing cute things. Because they are men and their father instincts are kicking in.

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Yes that is a good theory but it does not explain why men with father instincts want to have sexual intercourse with those cute girls.

Not surprising to hear the SZS author is a schizo.

Without proper children, the father instincts merges with sexual instinct. Father instincts needs to be nourished properly by having children and a wife.

>he doesnt know

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This one is my favorite.

I only started reading Dededede recently but the girls are pretty cute so I think it checks out.

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unironically based

He sounds annoying for some reason. This is some shit Amelie would say in the Amelie motion picture. Trying too hard to be cute

Have you ever considered that other people don't need to try to be things? He's just a naturally cute man.

That's not it, I don't think so. It's just that when we're young we have those grand dreams and ideas about grand shit that we need to do. And we overcome and struggle, only to receive fuck all as a reward. Achieving those grand dreams doesn't make us any happier. And that's when we realize what we really need is to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, every day, little by little. Nothing grand, just good food, fresh air, cute girls, etc.

honestly there are way too many good ones to post them all here, here's the wiki page for those interested's_Note

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Well he is a homosexual so you might be right

Whats the name of this manga? Image Search has failed me


>Red Donut represents Kakyoin
>White Donut represents Abbacchio
>He eats red first

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Arigatou gozaimasu.

The shit his editor must put up with.

Kazuki Takahashi for owning /pol/

Araki is pretty based. I wish more of his essays would get translated, like his book on horror movies

>monogamy is a spook

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Is he really christian?

I wonder if he will start a new serialization soon.


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I hope so.
>it's already been 3 years
Time flies, man.

Have anyone posted Boichi yet?

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He has low self steem, just how i like my men

I do respect his desire to draw semen demons but the end of Sun Ken Rock was disappointing so I guess he balances out to neutral.

baldur's gate is one of the most well known CRPGs
not exactly niche

Boichi that's because all your girls look like ayy lmaos

Boichi is so fucking awful at female characters both design and personality wise he should be forbidden from making more than 10% of his cast female.
Not like he can draw more than two types of female face and body

But hey, at least we have 25 seasons of Gatarishit.

>Does anyone want to read a manga featuring smelly guys?

Even if we did get it it wouldn't be the same.

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saving this shit thread

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>forgot minor detail from earlier chapters
>dedicats an entire page to self-deprecation instead of ignoring it

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I like it when authors openly reveal their lust for something.

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But we've already experienced most of those things, which has made it stale. It's more satisfactory to watch cute girls reacting to those experiences. Generally, your kid is supposed to take this role, but cgdct works as well.

I guess you went on hiatus after that

Someone post that person tweeting to Sasuga Kei where Kei says if you don't like it don't read it

One of my favorite things about doujins is in the afterwards where the artist say "XXX-chan is so cute. I just really wanted to draw her getting fucked"

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mentally ill people are always the most creative

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>when your porn comic turns into a political rant

But why should i stop enjoying stuff like Fist of the North Star just because i am over 18?

not sure if he's fucking with me or not

>This piece of trash
>Drawing cute girls

No one's saying that. What's being said is once you start to mature, you learn to enjoy new things like K-ON. If you haven't naturally stopped enjoying your standard shonen fightan action anime, then by all means, enjoy it. Don't let spooks dictate how you should enjoy it. Buts its always good to examine whether you truly enjoy it or if its just nostalgia/stockholm syndrome.

Based Araki living a great life.

I wonder if Togashi was poisoning the whole Shuiesha workers and lawyers so that he could get a contract outragingly on his side.


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>Escapism is good. We should all go for it
Yeah. Sure is based up in here.

People using Wikia should be shot on sight.

He basically retells Foucault.

It's a very shitty site.
>people using wikia for software
Get the guns.

Kohaku is fine. Rethink your perspective.

what a man of integrity

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He's probably exaggerating somewhat.

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Someone post Pochi's editor.

Saki's author, Kobayashi Ritz, canonically confirmed that all female characters in Saki, including mothers, are virgins

Holy shit this.
When I want to find out some random specific fact I just go through whole bunch of material for hours until I find the answer because wikis are very reddit

Based best doujin artist.

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Go to bed, Anno


"Based" with this meaning isn't a word. Speak proper English, dumb teens.

Are these real?

Moeshit and cgdct is solely for "men" who have nothing in their adult lives. Nothing. These people are husks and claim that it's the result of a matured taste in anime when it's far from that. Any man with even an iota of shame in his heart wouldn't watch a show about little girls in school. The evidence for this is rampant in otaku culture, which consists of feminised men who have no desire for self improvement.
Just look at Asano, known for making Punpun, one of the most pretentious manga ever. It's essentially first world angst and /r9k/: the manga.

I want a manga with a bunch of bros doing bro shit

>calling others "dumb teens" for being ignorant
Stop living under a rock, loser.

>men should feel shame for liking cute girls doing cute things/moe
Found the dumb npc spook.

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Liking cute things is fine. But that's not the same as liking CGDCT. CGDCT are very dull and only fully enjoyable if you're very lonely IRL. If somebody is obsessed with them, it tells you a lot about their personality. I mean the Pun Pun author literally had his life changed by watching K-On. I watched it, and it's in no way a life-changing show.

>liking cute girls doing cute things is wrong because it means you're lonely IRL
Is this the dumb manime retard logic?

I can make dumb assumptions too. Liking manime means you're an 8 year old hyperactive retard with adhd attention span of 5 second.

>projecting this hard
Did you ever consider a job as projectionist in the Tokyo Dome?

So what exactly are the details of his back problems? Sounds like a disc problem but I don't know.

Except the latter is false, while the former has some truth to it. You can only like CGDCT (moeshit) if you have reached rock bottom in life.
Project what? Everyone knows the type of person who is obsessed with moeshit. Yet someone who likes "manime" can range from a child to an adult.

Manime = kids or adults with adhd and a brain of a manchild who seeks the comfort of short burst of action to satiate their short attention span. Life is filled with constant attention grabbing things because that's how the brain of a manchild with adhd operates on.

Moe = weary adults who have tasted the world and found it dull/lacking thus enjoys the comfort of cute girls doing cute things. Aka eye bleach.

>I watched it, and it's in no way a life-changing show.
You had a different experience with a show than someone else did? That's pretty surprising.

>Everyone knows the type of person who is obsessed with [thing I don't like]. Yet someone who likes [thing I like] can range from a child to an adult.

Except otaku who love moeshit are, ironically, people who haven't experienced the world at all. They have 0 life experience.
Manime is for people of all ages who like to see action.

Western-style fantasy games like Wizardry and D&D were huge in Japan during the 80s/90s.

Imagine if they had jumped on some western title like they did with Dragon Quest, and now all the Isekai would be Eldar Scrolls clones or something instead.

>Manime = kids or adults with adhd and a brain of a manchild who seeks the comfort of short burst of action to satiate their short attention span. Life is filled with constant attention grabbing things because that's how the brain of a manchild with adhd operates on.
>Moe = weary adults who have tasted the world and found it dull/lacking thus enjoys the comfort of cute girls doing cute things. Aka eye bleach.
Read that shit back to yourself, preferably at 3 am in a few years from now. It will sting worse than anything I can say.

Ok grandpa.