Start reading interesting manga

>start reading interesting manga
>started in 2011
>only has 60 chapters
>assume it must've just ended and no one bothered to update the information
>get 1/4 way in
>look more into it
>been on and off publication for 6 years
>now indefinite hiatus for 3 years with absolutely no updates

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I stopped reading berserk in 2005 when they were about to get on the boat

somebody told me they’re still on the boat

>series runs regularly in Japan
>all scan groups have dropped it or are so slow to translate that it will take 5+ years for them to get it fully translated
This one is worse

you could always buy the books and put in the effort to read them in their original language
Manga level japanese isn’t really hard you know

They got off years ago
Nothing happened yet

The really sad part is that eventually they will need to get back on the boat


Literally all the manga I want to read don't have furigana. It's just such a hassle to translate every 2nd kanji character I come across which takes twice as long without the furigana. That fucking bitch was right. You can't learn Japanese

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>Start reading interesting manga
>author falls ill
>manga goes on and off hiatus for several years
>author miraculously makes a recovery
>chapters start being regularly released
>author falls ill again
>rather than go on hiatus again they just rush the ending

Forgot my reaction image

>start getting into a VN series were cute schoolgirls get their limbs cut off and their abdomen are replaced with weird shit
>studio stopped the series to concentrate on yuri garbage
>finally the last part get announced
>director starts twittering about /u/trash again
>new yuri title get's announced and is going to be published first

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>get off boat
> two chapters of actual progression then ending on a cliff hanger before switching to a filler Griffith chapter
>and another Griffith chapter
>and another Griffith chapter
>and another Griffith chapter

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Don't give up

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Thats why you autisticly learn kanji for 2 years. I casually learned 5 kanji a day while in Uni and now Its smooth sailing. Learning grammar when you can read almost every word and guess the meaning in 70% of the time feels good.

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>Start reading Gundam Thunderbolt
>Know for a fact that there are at least 13 volumes
>Only 7 volumes available online since the scanalator stopped

>Filler Griffith chapter
Griffith is the main character though.

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You enjoy CDA?

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Whats the series that sounds sweet

>get into a manga
>it instantly becomes one of your favourites if not all time favourite
>there's nothing quite like it
>every chapter leaves you feeling giddy and happy
>but the scanlation team take between 2-8 months a fucking piece for 20 pages of a goddamn FUCKING 4KOMA and still busy their time working one or two other series so it gets even fucking s l o w e r sometimes
>they haven't dropped it, won't drop it, do a good job when they DO release a chapter and if they were to drop it it's completely likely nobody else would pick it up or if anyone did they'd be worse whatever their schedule turned out to be

it's like slow torture with a morphine dose every 2-8 months

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I'm too lazy to learn kanji. Hiragana and katakana were fine, but kanji is annoying.

>Start reading a manga
>See that it is published weekly
>Translations are monthly occurrence when lucky
>It gets an anime
>No changes in TL speed

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I stopped reading this SOMEWHERE but theres been loads of chapters since then, problem is I cannot remember where I stopped and cannot be fucked to reread from the start

Started doing this a couple months ago, I'm glad it sounds like it's worth it. I'm only in the 700s right now but it's extremely gratifying not having to look up kanji every 2 sentences.

Have you genuinely tried? You'd be surprised what you can remember, and if you take it slow it's barely a time investment per day at all. Sure it'll take a few years, but progress is progress.

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>Stumble upon manga
>It's fucking great
>The translators are a bit behind but they genuinely love it as well so they translate it as much as they can until they catch up
>Though not as popular to get dozens of shitpost threads a day, the threads are generally comfy and well-recieved here by anons who actually read it
>The translators catch up and everyone's having a good time because the author consistently gives great chapters on a regular basis without jumping sharks or flanderizing characters for the sake of plot
>tfw there are at least 3 mangas like this and each one doesn't look like it'll stop any time soon
Feels fucking great

Please user tell me all three I'm fucking dying for something like this, everything I love is slow, dropped, dead, or threads infested with shittery because of yuri or anime adaption or scanlator drama and I just want to be free

Tch. I'm sorry man, I have to gatekeep to make sure you don't shit up my threads.

Based, are you using Kodansha Kanji learners course?

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P-please, man

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Nah, just some plain-ass Anki deck I got from /djt/'s resource links back before it was banned here.

Fine. I'll only tell you two, and it won't even be the real names. Dungeon Luncheon and Autistic Wolf. Figure the rest out on your own.

Kara no Shoujo is the edgy one, Flowers is the /u/ one.

Was askin' for the edgy one, cheers bud.

It's worst, they got a flat tire and had to head back.

Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have two alphabets and forcing people to use the absurdly complicated one?

To whom it may concern,


Thank you

There's an official release.

>>It gets an anime
>>No changes in TL speed

That is a godsend, because at that point usually Updates Never.

Hidan no Aria AA scanlations never.

>Enjoy source material and love the threads
>anime adaption happens
>Threads get shat the fuck up
I used to wonder what this "secondary" thing means and now i understand the agony

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I still remember when MHA threads were unironically good.

Tell me about it
>TL of monthly series is 6 months behind
>radio silence from the scanlation group working on it
I just wanted my monthly MIX fix

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They got off the boat in 2015 but we've been on Gilligan's island ever since.

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Fuck it i am gonna order that popular japanese learning book today. What are good stories to translate?
Also are there audio ways to learn while i walk around for work?

>10 years on a fucking boat
meanwhile in ten years of ONE PIECE they literally wore out two fucking boats and started on the third

Even worse is when after the adaption ends the people shitting up the threads just endlessly create a circlejerking general with their "ebin" memes and faggotry.

Yotsubato is the typical manga recommended for beginners, and for good reason. Just be aware that all of Yotsuba's dialogue is written in kana only, for better or for worse. Shirokuma Cafe is also an easy read IMO, but less so than Yotsubato.
As for audio, I remember JapanesePod101 being thrown out a lot around here, but I personally can't speak for it.
Remember to take things at your own pace, and don't burn yourself out. Don't you dare give up faggot

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RIP Houseki no Kuni. I didnt mind that it didnt have threads. It went from no threads to circlejerking general.

>They rush the ending because the author dies.

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what manga

>learn kanji
>can get the meaning but always fuck up the reading
Kanji are fine on their own but I want to strangle whoever decided each one should have two different readings.

Anyone would know those two from just browsing the catalog regularly.