Tawawa monday

月曜日のたわわ その231 「ワ…ワタシトイウモノガアリナガラッ!」

Cute jelly sadako

Attached: EAC91ZLU0AE5AN8.png (715x1000, 263K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Did we decide on her name? Tawako? Sawawako?

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>Cucking Sawawako
What a loser. I hope she kills him.

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>having cute ghost waifu
>ability to watch porn

tough choice

Attached: C6M4d7_UoAEqtLI.png orig.png (715x1000, 528K)

Too big

thank you

This dude should just buy an 88 inch TV or something and let his ghost waifu out so he can make cute undead babies with her.

Attached: DvIggS_VAAAw2Xx.png (715x1000, 583K)

imagine if he puts a like on one of slut-chan's pics and sadako posts tons of 'DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE' in the comments

This one definitely needs own series.

Bless these mojo/Sadako girls

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She might be my favorite Tawawa girl, if only because the use of the screen for sight gags means her hanging tits are always prominently on display.

At this point if she got out I'm not sure if she'd purposely kill the dude or just accidentally fuck him to death.

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>Sadako is back
I hope we get more of her.

>accidentally fuck him to death
Would she emerge at the same size or as a Snu-Snu amazon if he bought a larger screen?

Goddammit she's so cute.

Attached: 1560322255765.png (347x295, 49K)

The fact that he restrains her with small screens means that she will pop out in a regular size

This is nice. Was worried Himura would try and work in something related to the Kyoani fire going by earlier tweets.

>more Sadawawa
My prayers have been answered.

Why the fuck would you look at other girls that aren't even nude when you have your very own ghost tiddies to fug, snug and motorboat?

Kill yourself

oh, so is she too disgusted to haunt/kill him?

She suddenly has less clothes on bottom right.

The face of cucking

let us dream

Has he's gotten paizuri through the screen?

Attached: izuripai.png (847x750, 432K)

Is that prequel of this?

I seriously hope that Sadako gets her own story in the next Comiket






Attached: all the tawawa you can hold.jpg (1280x1806, 388K)

Attached: 23.jpg (1280x1821, 439K)

I was hoping for Kuroko this week, but Sadawawa is a pleasant surprise.

Attached: Ghostly tawawas.png (715x1000, 523K)

How long till Ghost Blowjob! WOO-WOO?


This is sort of related tho. Lots of tawawas got sent to afterlife last week.

Boku no Filename

Attached: 66111986_p2.png (847x1200, 340K)

Don't spoonfeed the newfags.

would she be into that?

Tawawa on Monday, Ep 231: “tRaITor...! hOw coULd yOu Do thIs, wHeN yoU aLreAdy haVe ME!!"

Attached: 15837459300.png (715x1000, 540K)

Have you accepted Flower Shop Lady into your heart yet?

Attached: D0NYafjUwAA5ioY.jpg orig.jpg (715x1000, 143K)

i want to pump semen onto her heart

Do you think she would let me take a sip of her milkers?

Are you the guy she's mad at on that page?

Yes, I want more of her. She's so pretty.

Imagine the smell of her Tawawas

smells like honey, bees immediately came flying to her once she undress

probably embarrassed, violated and oddly aroused.

might refuse to look at him or haunt him directly for a while, but not all together leave either.

Skinfangs while trying to roar is so moe.


cute as fuck

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Will Tawawa Sadako finally pass on if she gets dicked?

>implying it won't bring her to life

>That face
Literally prime bullying material

You don't bully cute ghosts

Give her head and womb pats.

Reminder that Ai's dad fucked a middle-schooler.

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Official (Unofficial) Honorary Tawawas:
>Hana Uzaki
>Miyu Mifune (idol@master, Ai's seiyuu)

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i still don't get this stuff, i remember asking in a thread months ago and no one was of help

Just read through the source material. Twitter images like in OP are on Danbooru, and the doujins are on the panda (Non-H section).

what's there to read though? there's no text or anything

>and the doujins are on the panda (Non-H section)


oh it's what this guy posted cool thanks

Just cute tiddy monsters in blue every Monday for your enjoyment.

Anyone remember bump-chan?

Attached: bump girl.png (908x680, 160K)

Attached: 1551555217330.gif (600x600, 3.98M)


Donut forget.

Attached: Cl7wevjUYAEiix1.png (642x900, 164K)

Why not place the lower monitor in the crotch area, so you can fuck her tits?

Attached: thinking.jpg (321x322, 45K)


>Miyu Mifune (idol@master, Ai's seiyuu)
So it's just because of the voice? I think if any Idolmaster would get to be an Honorary Tawawa it would be Shizuku on account of her massive titties.

Attached: Shizuku_R4.jpg (640x800, 100K)

Where the fuck are my tomboy chapters? I'm still waiting for her to become an official Tawawa

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I'm not gonna say for sure she rejected it, but she probably rejected it.

Sure, why not.

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Hope you've been enjoying the Tapioca Challenge in fan art.

Attached: __ai_chan_getsuyoubi_no_tawawa_drawn_by_himura_kiseki__351255e59b8f196938aa0f378be7a6f1.png (715x1000, 259K)

Attached: 1504496542986.jpg (723x623, 339K)

>See? I can touch these without getting arrested.
Every time.

Attached: __ai_chan_and_volley_bu_chan_getsuyoubi_no_tawawa_drawn_by_himura_kiseki__eb1236b2040fc7767fd4201ff4 (714x1000, 560K)

How do I draw like this Yea Forumsnons?
>inb4 L O O M I S

First you need to draw a picture. If needed, repeat.

No reason not to. Jap memes don't tend to be obnoxious, unlike the western ones. Unless you're a joyless little bitch.

Attached: D2NOjcwUYAAahZJ.jpg (3618x4096, 617K)

What other tawawas need "character development"? Either longer or shorter.

Attached: D0xdARsUcAA8caT.png large.png (715x1000, 288K)

Sadawawa of course.

I'm still hoping the author is just stalling until the time is right to make her the cutest Tawawa. There must be at least dozens of nips who want that too. R-right?

I was not prepared for this level of cute

When they were doing those career choice survey in class, she put down model as one of her potential choices so she might given him a maybe or I'll think about it.

Oh then it's definitely coming.

Japan doesn't seem to appreciate the glory of tomboys. For reasons unknown

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Attached: D15YCX_UgAA-vuT.png (715x1000, 300K)

How nice

I wish he would draw the quints from 5toubun. I remember him saying Ichika was his favorite.


Ichika is very tawawa-like anyway.

Attached: Do9EDAmVAAA9IEe.jpg (1320x1334, 506K)

Do the 5plets have Tawawa tier chests?

Yes, all of them.

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How would Volleyball react when she found out that Ai is dating Onii-san and had sex with him numerous times


There are too many panels if I post them here it will become a stealth 5tb thread.

Attached: hanayome_92_15.png (1115x1600, 639K)

Damn those are fucking huge

It would lengthen the lifespan of the thread so I welcome it.

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It occurred to me that a potential follow up may be the guy buying her some outfits to model for him

It's so hot when girls have rocking bodies but it's not the main focus of attention.

Attached: Lovable cooking disaster.png (1070x1600, 997K)

Volleyball will soon have her own Onii-san so she wouldn't care that much I think

>be Ai-chan
>currently dating an older guy
>find out all of your friends are dating older men too

If it's not a blue screen of death, then it's a missed opportunity.


Thanks, user.

What's that on her phone?

Allergy season.

Imagine getting a ghost blowjob from her.

Is himura absent from comiket this year?

She probably lactates ectoplasm.

Venkman, get a sample of this.

Attached: Egon_400x400.jpg (240x240, 10K)

I do hope we get more of this girl.

Attached: 1540074724332.webm (1024x768, 1.58M)

He should draw more DFC


As if he ever draws any.

Well I guess he has drawn little girls and babies.

I wish he would return to Blueshio.

There's a few things
>Overall cute art style which comes with practice
>Great use of monochrome shading and tone
>Good understanding of where and how clothing folds and creases to really make the tawawas pop

You could say these things about any number of artists in Japan but I feel Himura really does excel in these fields in particular.


I want to live in Tawawa world.

Is this artist colorblind or just retarded?

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Attached: DxY8jQUU0AAXgei.png large.png (715x1000, 595K)

Always found it hilarious how nips are seemingly super sensitive to the cold.
I imagine if someone there saw me walking around in a t-shirt outside during a snowstorm they'd freak the fuck out and probably die from shock.

Ever heard of Canadians?


Attached: CkQNlpuUgAQNitP.jpg (888x933, 169K)

Because living in an island will fuck your immune system, the mortal japanese cold is just influenza.

Of course there is the technical side of things.

But the appeal of his series is slice of day setting - a world setting where everyone has super big tits.

I just found out a disturbing fact that i can't lewd the tawawa.

You find a sleeping Tawawa. What do?

Attached: fTomXF7.png (715x1000, 556K)


Attached: DfXi0uSU8AA5gbs.png (715x1000, 513K)

Consensual rape

Ai 2.0

Attached: DS-9kWEVAAAeI1N.png (715x1000, 467K)

Tomboys are amazing, don't get me wrong, but Volleychan is a lesbian. She always has been. Making her a tawawa is pointless unless she's marketed specifically to female readers.

Is it lack of livestock?


I am trying to guess what the gag is in this one. I think it is something like she thinks everyone watched her presentation because of her expertise, but then he said everyone was texting about her boobs.

Might help:

Attached: DQuNroxUMAAAS55.png orig.png (715x1000, 530K)

Tawawa on Tuesday?

those are some nice milkers

Looking at these translations, it seems like Volleyball-chan has been considering the modeling job.

I wish these threads lasted this long. They usually don't.

Late as fuck and haven't seen anyone mention this but what if he puts another tv at the bottom that isn't big enough for her hips to pass but is big enough to stick out her ass as he reaches through the top screen and grabs her breasts?

As in grab her butt and boobs at the same time?


Having big boobs:


Attached: CkOSo5GUYAADlGm.png (714x1000, 469K)


Attached: DVzHB54V4AAU_K4.png orig.png (715x1000, 476K)

Attached: Kouhai.png (715x1000, 547K)

Reminder: Sadako has a penis.

Reminder: this isn't Sadako, this is Sadawawa.


Attached: Ai's sister.png (715x1000, 535K)

The boob life can be a hard life.

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Jitome does things to my penis.

Attached: DTis0QKUMAEVVO_.png (715x1000, 480K)

Read his KanColle doujinshi. I wish he would return to KanColle once in a while.


Attached: 022.jpg (1554x2264, 2.89M)

Woo. Woo.

If I was in this situation my dick would gain sentience and seek paizuri on its own.
Just kidding, I would be the one giving the paizuri under the table.

>Cute jelly sadako

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Attached: Hokuro-chan.png (715x1000, 288K)

pretty hot

Only now do I realize what the garlic is supposed to look like. Now THAT'S foreshadowing.

She's quite the tease

Attached: Mole-chan.png (715x1000, 213K)

Is it implying she's gonna crush his balls?

super hot

Thankfully no, but she wanted and got what was in those balls.

Forgot page.

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Do we know what C96 volume is going to be about?

Cutest, most wholesome Tawawa pic to date.

Checked my volumes, probably Kouhai/Senpai

Something Ai related but otherwise no idea.

So we've forgiven her, then?

I don't really like her but is there something to forgive?

Her moles are obscene and make my dick stand in anger.

What's there to forgive?

Attached: shh.png (715x1000, 277K)

I haven't. A person that young shouldn't go around acting like that on social media.

Go away grandpa

Grandpa that I am I hope you realize she's a JC.


I don't know how I didn't realize earlier this was her too.

Attached: B2mSj_tCAAIFl_c.png (671x1024, 244K)

>tits like that


Take a look at her uniform. She's JC and as such should be punished for trying to land the men of Tawawaland in jail.

Ushio is a nice girl, she really deserves to be happy.

So is Tawawa just an alternate universe where everyone is a titty monster?


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Asuna (SAO)

The set of images he made of her feels strangely dark.

Attached: B5v_ACyCMAA1za_.png (727x1024, 657K)

well unless that baseball dude is younger then the cheer leader idol

btw this page is a uniqlo shill page pls buy heattotekku


Just look at Ai's sister.


You're stupid.

no, you're just delusional.

u dumb

cool, still delusional.

>these tiddy girl drawrings are the way I say and not the way the auther intended them to be!
nice autism

whatever you say, pedo

sorry you're wrong
either now you're just mad or baiting

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hey, hey i won't judge. if denying it helps you cope then more power to you my friend

Holy fuck I'm in love

That's an unrealistic amount of love for the tomboobs in that image. They don't normally get the love they deserve like that.

Tawawa threads are for happy only. Please be nice.

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If everybody's a titty monster, then nobody is.

Come to think of it, considering how you can see some people in awe at the tawawas, it must mean they're somewhat extraordinary.

Could just be a ward in Tokyo. Tawaward.

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Tawawas have been shown in other parts of the world.

There are plains among the mountains in Tawawaland.

Attached: [KamiTranslation] Monday - Episode 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.14.150.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

Fair point, but they could be exceptional.

Tawawas are big, but will the artist ever make a truly gigantic woman?

Attached: nun.jpg (919x892, 251K)

those aren't skinfangs, that's just a wavy mouthline emote

Maybe it's an alternate universe where a titty drug was secretly administered to the Japanese populous through something like special fertilizer used on crops, created years ago by some crazy titty loving scientist with the objective of eventually creating a wonderful world full of big ol' tawawas.


Wait which page was that? Can someone post it? Doesn't that basically confirm she's going to get that Producer dick down the road?


"Hahaha, just like his daddy"~

Hate to be that guy but that proves nothing. We can infer that it's her but there's also a reasonable chance that it's someone else from the class.

she's gonna fuck Ai's imouto

>/u/fags invading even Tawawa threads
The blue world is only for salarymen who are contributing to society


I am curious whether she worked on her housewife skills before they shacked up or learned as she went.

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>your senpai is now married to your sensei
I wonder if the cute kouhai is also big breasted.

Attached: 028.jpg (1280x1821, 505K)

>TFW there will never be any more SAO Progressive chapters which actually make that series fun.