Vrains will finally come to an in Spring of 2020(Duh) and will probably be the shortest Yu-Gi-Oh! Series to date. We are finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now without getting too overly excited because we don't want to make the same mistake twice, expectations? For:
>Main Girl
>Spirit, Ai, Alien or whatever the new companion will be.
>Serious tone, silly tone or for it to gradually chance as the show goes on.
>Story of epic proportions like Arc-V or something more safe like Vrains or maybe similar to Zexal, DM, 5D's or GX.

Apparently they said in the trailer
"The history of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series will change."
But we already know by now to never trust the Japanese since they hype anything.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Never forget the fun times we had together

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>Now without getting too overly excited because we don't want to make the same mistake twice, expectations?
That posters will still have bad opinions like OP.

This is the one thing we can be sure of.
CAC type threads are worthless. I don't care about what you guys want, I care about what you think of what we are getting.

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A Judai would be nice. Somebody who is normally light hearted and maybe a bit "dumb" at times but still knows when the situation is dire and needs to take things seriously
>Main Girl
I never have high expectations for main girls, but a tomboy like Anna would be ideal for me
Somebody like Reiji to be a foil to the MC. A person who is always serious and is also the best duelist in the show.
Give me chuuni edgelords and sawatari tier comic reliefs
>Spirit, Ai, Alien or whatever the new companion will be.
I would like to see no mini-companion that does nothing.
>Serious tone, silly tone or for it to gradually chance as the show goes on.
I'd say a mix would be ideal. It shouldn't be constant life-or-death duels like vrains but it shouldn't have massive toneshifts like GX
>Story of epic proportions like Arc-V or something more safe like Vrains or maybe similar to Zexal, DM, 5D's or GX.
I'd like to see a story that hasn't been done in yugioh before.

Since it's highly unlikely that Yoshida will be the main writer on the next series I doubt will be getting anything resembling a "power trio" if only because there might not be much consistency.

>"The history of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series will change."
This doesn't mean anything, it's going to change by default by there simply being a new series and time passing

trio implies anyone other than Ai and Yusaku matter

Okay, how about trio that gets CGI monsters?

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We have nothing except some bright lights and a montage of the previous MCs to go on for the new series. Absolutely jackshit. No new summoning method, nothing. Not even a tagline for the series. All the announcer says is tanoshi duel

As such I will claim the MC will be Anna Kaboom because there's literally no evidence to prove otherwise

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Make an anime about the card archetypes already

Link Spells printed when

Yu gi oh isekai?

You'll take time traveling as a main gimmick in YGO7 and you will like it

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Pandor should beat Ai.

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I mean isn't her whole gimmick that Ai can keep on taking her out but she'll keep coming for him?

I can’t believe this shit is ending before Yusaku is shirtless once.

At least a draw between them should suffice. Bohman could do it.

Starring Konami-kun.

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How about Yusaku's son in a post vrains world?

Always bothered me as to why this card doesn't exist

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who's the mom?

Yuzu Hiragi


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Find a flaw on this monster

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That this managed to be a cover card but numeron dragon never did. Otherwise, as a light cyberse dragon it's pretty good.

Do we have ANYTHING official about the new series besides "It's happening and premiering in 2020?"

No, they're probably drafting the basic concept still.

Attached: 1563637524077.jpg (1200x900, 215K)

Nope. We won't get anything else until December.

I wish Soulburner summons his Link-5 Salamgreat Inferno Phenex in his duel with Roboppi

They really just flat fucking gave up with Soul Burner's alter ego and it really annoys me

Fuck I mean Playmaker's avatar, shit

Maybe. Though Link-5 could just be for a climax duel. When will he drop this one though?

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>never to trust
the history of the frachiae will change because we are getting a new series. They are just hyping it up.

against revolver

Considering the shit both Bohman and Playmaker had to do to get theirs, doubt it. Ai's the only other one likely to get a Link-5+.

Leave Roboppi to me

Attached: Blaze Dragon.jpg (407x593, 118K)

Really trying to force the letter X as an aesthetic.

Just coming to say im glad VRAINS is finally ending. Also, S4fags blown the fuck out

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Ai will forever be the best villain of the franchise. I can hardly see how they could come up with someone more charismatic than him.

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>im glad VRAINS is finally ending.
It's got more than 30 episodes left, idiot.

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I mean we had Vector and Standard Sora, they were pretty memorable for their time.

Dark Carly was cool too, same with that Infernity guy. Ai only seems amazing because everyone else in his show is bland

>not Go

Someone like Jaden or Yugi would be nice. I would even take another Yuma but please forget about Yusaku forever.
>Main Girl
Someone like Kotori who is only there to lust for the MC's cock. But in all honesty, i would love to have a tomboy for main girl like Anna.
Someone super crazy like Kaiba or tryhard like Jack. I don't know who the rival in GX was supposed to be but Chazz, Aster, and Zane were fun.
A group of few friends like in DM, 5D's and GX would be neat.
>Spirit, Ai, Alien or whatever the new companion will be.
A spirit but personally i just want the MC to deal with shit on his own like Yusei.
>Serious tone, silly tone or for it to gradually chance as the show goes on.
Tone like DM or GX would be nice but that's too edgy for today standards.
>Story of epic proportions like Arc-V or something more safe like Vrains or maybe similar to Zexal, DM, 5D's or GX.
Ideally something like ARC-V but there is no way they wouldn't fuck up so I wouldn't mind a story like DM, GX, Zexal or 5D's. I want the writers to go as crazy as they can.

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There was no power trio in ARC-V and in VRAINS i guess you could consider Revolver, Yusaku and Takeru the power trio but is already too late for that

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Its time for female protag,Yuuko

>Standard Sora
Isn't he a minor villain?
>Dark Carly was cool too
But she was just a villain for one character.
>same with that Infernity guy
Neat as he is, calling him the infernity guy isn't really a show of confidence in his performance. I would have gone with Godwin or even Jack for 5DS.

>All the announcer says is tanoshi duel
Someone said TANOSHII!?

Attached: TANOSHII.gif (640x360, 444K)

>Neat as he is, calling him the infernity guy isn't really a show of confidence in his performance

If Ai didn't have a two letter name I'd call him "That AI guy.", so no dice there fag.

I feel you, even Yuya went shirtless once

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>Revolver, Yusaku and Takeru the power trio
power trio is yusaku, ai and soulburner

Of course there's no power trio in arc-v. Yoshida and Kaz had nothing to do with it.

Oh man, remember when the side characters were allowed to use other summon methods besides Links?

Cucked Dark Templar from being Ignition Assault's cover.

No? Vrains was always a "Use Links or go home" season.

>can remember vector and carly
>can't remember kiryu or at least kalin

>emale protag

Attached: Women would only get in the way.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Still ending as expected hahaha

Turbo Synchron is cute!

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>Ai will forever be the best villain of the franchise
He is good but he is hardly a villain. Also is hard to take him seriously which stops him from being the best

ok speedwatcher

I -think- we're in the clear for no DM super, since it'd be pretty odd to promote the latest YGO series by showing ALL the protagonists and then just going back to Yugi.

So of course the main contention of funposting will be if the MC has a benis or bagina

>Still ending as expected hahaha
You should stop obsessing over posters instead of obsessing over anime.

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Ygo7's OP will be performed by TM Revolution

Cope user

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I don't do buzzwords. I also know well enough that the 3 year cycle is permanent until one of the major players in production falls out.

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Is that the Darker than Black guy? If so, sweet. Also, source?

>no source
why would they announce it this early

lmao lets all laugh at these niggers, completely and utterly BTFO

Not him, but the whole "S4, IRL Duels or other LI victims" posts got really tiring after a while.

>I also know well enough that the 3 year cycle is permanent
Will never not be funny

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So did the spectre posts, revolver posts, and blue shit posting but those never stopped.

those characters exist/are re;levant and it's fun to shitpost about them, this doesn't exist/aren't relevant so it's fun to see it get BTFO

I thought that the first 3 yugioh's were great but is that where yugioh's prime was, now it just seems to be dying. Will the franchise be saved or waved on bye bye.

>I thought that the first 3 yugioh's were great but is that where yugioh's prime was
Not with how bad the animation was for the first two of them.

I've just been monitoring Vrains threads from a distance after Arc-V crashed and burned.

From an uninformed view it seems like the series never reached the same lows, but also never the same highs

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>those characters exist/are re;levant and it's fun to shitpost about them
Not when it's just spam.

>watch yugioh for it’s openings
>Vrains only had 3 in it’s entire span

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That's what happens when they have negative animation manpower to spare. The EDs used to also involve higher production values but now it's just done mostly by 1-2 guys they have lying around who have some extra time to draw some stills in the time crunch they have to work with

Kimeru's voice sure changed a lot from his older songs (OG Overlap) to his newer ones like Go Forward and Calling.

not unusual after many years if a singer has been wearing out their voice with unhealthy techniques or they smoke

if arc-v is a steel cliff down, vrains is more like the oklahoma grasslands: boring, rolling hills with a few pits here and there dug by prairie dogs
those pits have bohman's name on them btw

I wasn’t even aware he rebooted Overlap, nice

Is there any database or list of YGO card artists profiles? I love some of the art in the cards and would love to follow the artists on some sort of platform but there is no credit like there are for pokemon cards.

only a few are known (like, less than 5 probably)
because if there's no legal requirement to credit, Konami isn't going to bother. Plus it seems like the vast majority of cards are made through a team effort/pipeline kind of process.

Shouma's sister is a cake.

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jinfag, miyufag, irlfag, s4fag spams were more obnoxious

Good Tier: Zexal 2, Dm, Gx, 5ds
Average: Zexal
Bad: Arc V, Vrains

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Post YGO silhouettes

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>it got bad when I was no longer the target demographic

I don't think it's controversial to think that there's been a slump for these past ~5 years of yugioh anime due to its own fuckups and the industry conditions

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Im not kidding when i say pic related was basically watching VRAINS

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>he liked everything from the inception of the franchise in 1996 to the fourt series that ended in 2014.
That is a very wide margin also do you honestly think Vrains and god forbid arc-V is good?

But there are clear commercial flaws with the earlier series as well. DM wastes half of its characters and has focus problems, GX is scatterbrained and its plot isn't really leading anywhere, 5DS is rewrites and has major character problems.

Kind of a shame that he couldn't keep that smoother androgynous voice going, he sounds much weaker these days

Just animate Duel Terminal. How fucking hard is this?

Btw why do people complain about animation with long running series. Most people grew up
With subpar animated shows. You have to accept this.

VRAINS has about as many problems as any of the other ones. Yeah it works out alright. I never watched Arc-V.

That looks like Kaiser Dragon.

but people can say they enjoyed those in spite of their flaws because they found the characters compelling enough and entertaining enough OVERALL on an episode to episode basis. no one in their right mind would call any single series flawless you dunce

>You have to accept this.
No you don't. Stop being a fuckwit.


>when there used to be a higher bar overall for yugioh production values that has slowly sunk downwards with time starting with arc-v
>can't even get 5 OPs for a series anymore because they're consistently more understaffed than ever, while the production has gone through its worst crises in arc-v through vrains
>lol let's retcon history and say it was always like that

Any yugioh series is a slog to wait for on an episode to episode basis I've waited through three of them. I'm sure the earlier series would have been called out for being major slogs if there were a group of people paying attention to them from an episode to episode or chapter to chapter basis. A lot of those duels were really long.

Duel Links anime, please.

Do you not mind me posting some of Kimeru's older songs in this thread?

DT might work as like small shorts that show important events, but that requires some executive getting off their ass for once and finding a free studio to hire to make it.

So Yugioh in a nutshell?

Actually was there any reason on why DM's animation quality went down in the later seasons?

Attached: quality kaiba.jpg (410x308, 43K)

Each past series was aired in a different context and era of anime. What worked in 2001 isn't guaranteed to work as well in 2019. Even methods/formats can start to become outdated and it's not exempt from criticism

As you like it.

But Yugioh anime usually lean on one ancient evil at a time, or 2 dual antagonistic ancient forces. user is obviously referring to how the cycle repeats to the degree that it becomes silly and joke-worthy

Season 1's action isn't something to praise either.

But this is literally the plot of YUGIOH GX. Oh no Sacred Beasts, oh ok we beat them, OH NO LIGHT OF DESTRUCTION, oh ok we beat them, OH NO YUBEL, oh ok we fucked them, OH NO DARKNESS, oh ok we beat them.

Gallop was moving towards gearing up eyeshield 21's production during the time millenium world was going on, so they left the bulk of MW's animation to nobodies who weren't paid enough to give a shit. And after that all of GX was done exclusively by gooks

YGO always had quality.

Also found an old video involving him and KENN (Judai's VA)

yeah, and gx is remembered as the wacky meme joke series that got edgy 1 time. you just reinforced the point

I'd like to see an MC with normal hair while their destined rival's the one with crazy hair.

>Even methods/formats can start to become outdated and it's not exempt from criticism
A very good story should be able to hold its own a very long time. I just think there were clear and noticeable problems that detract in significant ways from those series like there are today.

After the majority of arc-v's side/minor characters looking like they did, my standards have stayed so low since then I'll be glad if they simply don't look uggo

I forgot he did TeniPuri
What would you guys write to buck the trend? What other conflicts could you package up for young kids?

OP 2 & 3 were pretty great so I got no qualms. Most of the EDs were not bad too

I'm confused where our disagreement is. This is exactly what I want from a YGO duel terminal series.


Attached: IGAS-BoosterJP.png (310x645, 785K)

I'll think about it

Sure, but in the early part of the franchise it was more affordable due to the novelty it had as being in the early phase. Kinda like how people tend to be a little more lenient on the first 2 cours of a new Yugioh anime because there's still some novelty there and it's in the warming up phase. As a shounen Yugioh DM was the first to establish such a long-surviving card game originating from a manga.

The later series in theory have so many past examples to learn and grow from but that doesn't really seem to be a priority. At best Vrains feels like a holdover show that solely exists because they already signed contract with TV Tokyo and they need to make sure the production is stable by the time Ygo7 comes around.

Tbh this was predictable but it's still underwhelming and frustrating how VRAINS never used to it's full extent the characters and concepts it had.
I really wanted to like this show, it could have been a discount 5Ds at best but 5Ds was still pretty enjoyable most of the time.

If Vrains had budget issue then why did they hire high-profile VAs like Sakurai or Yuki Kaji as regular characters?

They did what they could with the circumstances they were dealt. Not really much more you can ask for. The next series is where the real test as to whether they can finally get their shit together after Arc-V's debacle. Vrains just happened to be the one that needed to take the fallout from Arc-V.

I dont really care about that, I just think duel terminal wouldn't work as an engaging full series. It could have a manga or a series of shorts instead.
The only main thing I would want is open acknowledgement of magic again to make the premise less awkward


>During the Battle Phase: Target 1 "@Ignister" monster you control in the Extra Monster Zone and 1 Link Monster in your Main Monster Zone; banish until the end of the Battle Phase, that Main Monster Zone monster and cards from your opponent's hand, up to that monster's Link Rating, and if you do, move that Extra Monster Zone monster to your Main Monster Zone. During your opponent's Battle Phase, if the first declared attack is an attack involving 2 Link Monsters: You can banish this card from your GY; end the Battle Phase. You can only activate 1 "TAimed Technique" per turn.
Buff Ai's spell and traps first and then we'll talk

Attached: TAimedTechnique-JP-Anime-VR.png (438x846, 363K)

>The only main thing I would want is open acknowledgement of magic again to make the premise less awkward
Never gonna happen for another 5 years at least. Sex cults don't wear off so easy.

Because seiyuus are a big deal for drawing in seiyuu-fags, and there's a lot of them. Heck half my enjoyment from Vrains comes down to how good of a job these three do in the VO department. In Japan some otaku will religiously follow shows based on whether or not their favourite seiyuu are voicing anyone.

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Budget is hardly the issue, because in the case where Konami/NAS are the ones who want Yugioh on air, the producers have the advantage in requesting the necessary funds to keep the show on air. Or else there will simply be no show and Konami/NAS don't get what they want. It's the finding people and making them stay part that's difficult when there's so much other anime being made now (several that are much more high profile than Yugioh) that needs competent animators. It's a manpower and time problem.

Do you see a respected freelancer going "hmm I'd like to work on this kid's show for a full 3 years and deal with those stressful weekly deadlines" if they get an opportunity on another show like that fate sequel case files show or vinland as an example?

Many other kids' show freely use magic. Depiction of magic doesn't have to have cultic or satanic pentagrams plastered all over the show

Ishige's birthday is coming up next month

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Tell that to Konami.

Aoi alone in the streets after losing her brother!

>Sure, but in the early part of the franchise it was more affordable due to the novelty it had as being in the early phase
Why? Any leniency to be had should be gone by the time Yu-Gi-Oh! decided to shift to a pure card game direction and shove most of the unique and interesting scenarios out of the way for more and more card games.
>As a shounen Yugioh DM was the first to establish such a long-surviving card game originating from a manga.
That's not a quality, that's just another commercial aspect. It was selling magazines and volumes before that ever happened.
>The later series in theory have so many past examples to learn and grow from but that doesn't really seem to be a priority
What? Almost every single goes out its way to be different and fresh from the others. Maybe it doesn't work out perfectly often but it's not blindly ignoring the past. It seems like your criticisms boil down to it's okay if old shit wasn't solid because it was old.

isn't that what Vrains basically is?

Having big name actors can secure more budget.

the reason it was so commercially successful was because that's what kids wanted and were so drawn to in the first place, because it was something novel. there wouldn't be spin offs if not for the card game.

also, the vrains characters and their relationships are a pretty far cry from the character relationships of earlier series. like, at least we knew a few humanizing 'daily life' details about Yugi that he's passionate about games in general, loves his friends, and that he has a loving grandpa.

You just know Yusaku will take her in and then take advantage of her to give her a baby. That or Aoi will have to resort to prostitution.
>Aoi Doujins will become canon

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>the reason it was so commercially successful was because that's what kids wanted and were so drawn to in the first place, because it was something novel.
Commercial success doesn't make a story better.
>also, the vrains characters and their relationships are a pretty far cry from the character relationships of earlier series. like, at least we knew a few humanizing 'daily life' details about Yugi
Why would their relationships be the same? It's not the same story or characters or context. As for humanization that's really one of Yugi's biggest problems in relation to the plot. He never really ascends to Atem's level. Even if you appreciate being able to relate it doesn't really work to the plot's advantage.

It's blatantly obvious it's a DM related anime at this point.

well if the context and goals of vrains is to prove the saying "no man is an island" wrong then I can't argue with that. if it wants to be cold and boring like a plain bagel sitting in the fridge, nothing's stopping it

Elaborate further

virus dont click

hell yeah, Joey's pro duelist journey is about to start!

Attached: YGO! DM - Episode 153 - Revive! The Third Dragon.mkv_snapshot_11.24_[2016.07.25_02.03.10].png (640x480, 497K)

i just hope they fix joey's character

Excited for more Anzu

So this is basically DM Super? Yawn.

Because it included a picture of Yugi and Kaiba? That seems to be a big fucking jump. They get on random V Jump from time to time.

good stuff

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Elaborate further.
Running through the Google Translate, the article is mostly talking about the card game, so either there's something missing that only Nips speakers can notice or you're just making assumptions because there's a picture of Yugi and Kaiba.

Hyped for some more Kaiba kino.

more like Kaiba badly drawn

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Does no SOL mean man is an island? The main character seems like he's capable of working with others and having friendship even if it seems like there's more friction.

Attached: 1562766146040.png (1280x2160, 1.78M)

It says fuck all about DM you monolingual fuck. It's literally just a recap of the announcements from yesterday.

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ugh if the next MC is just as flat and boring as stusaku there better be more than 1 other decent character to make up for it

Hopefully Rebecca will become canon with a new anime.

Friction would imply there's notable character dynamics going on there. Keeping at arm's length is the Vrains philosophy.

Seriously people why you do this? DM is my favorite YGO series but you are starting to sound like those faggots who want reboots or continuations of their favorite series with the original characters. DM already ended with Darkside Of Dimensions. DM won't come back without Kaz and he is DONE. Move on for god's sake. You were saying DM Super two years ago too

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Can you all suddenly read nipponese fluently or are we just ironically shitposting for the sake of it

Most ygo hetero spin-off ever baby

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I unironically liked Arc-V more than Vrains and Zexal.

several other shounen do fine with engaging character relationships without any filler (or having the best character conversations in important plot episodes) in half the time or less. vrains is not one of those

Looks like DM kino is back on the menu boys

the worst post so far in this thread

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People seriously want a DM continuation?
Nine times out of ten, a continuation of a series that has ended ages ago usually turned out to be horrible or mediocre at best since they either have to regress the old characters or making up bullshit to develop them further. Just look at Dragon Ball Super or Digimon Tri.
Heck, DSOD already regressed Jonouchi's character into another joke.

He was done in many years ago with DM before Darkside as well. He'll come back for more if there's $$$ that needs to be made.

i just fucking hope they don't shaft mai in this new anime. hated how she was treated in the original

>Heck, DSOD already regressed Jonouchi's character into another joke
Bullshit, Joey was always the funny guy people liked to make fun of

yes, I want to see the Legendary Duelists cards animated and Joey playing Red-Eyes. I don't mind if it's just a dumb tournament or slice of life with card games.

I don't get which relationship is really lacking.

Same. My hopes for this anime is that she and Joey become a thing.

understandable, because outside of Yusaku and Ai there really aren't any worth talking about when it comes to Yusaku's relationship web

>Haha what if we kill how the original DM ended and have the Pharaoh come back?!?!

Kusanagi is his long time friend and operator, Soulburner is a reliable ally, Revolver is his clear rival. Go is someone he really appreciates as a duelist.

So is no one going to bother translating what it actually says...? Google translate says the article is talking only about 10000 Dragon because the card game surpassed 10000 cards for the first few paragraphs, so it makes sense to use a DM image for that benchmark.

Then there's 1 line afterwards mentioning there's going to be a new anime series before talking about 10000 dragon again and a special voting poll for something.

Attached: 1406910668448.jpg (314x291, 16K)

same. along with yugi/anzu and kaiba/serenity as well

He's just baiting, yes

how is that demonstrating they're relationships that are worth discussion when you yourself can't be bothered to do more than name alliances born of convenience

Arc-V remake when

Seems like it. But why is everyone else acting so retarded, then

Link/Ritual World never ever

Nope. Better get used to this until December, user.

Because people are retarded, duh

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>do more than name alliances born of convenience
Well Playmaker saved them all a bunch of times. And most of them helped him analyze and fight his enemies. But you really don't want to go down the alliances born of convenience because that's how most MCs and rivals become friends at all. I still don't buy Kaiba as a friend to Yugi. Or Shark and Kaito as friends to Yuma.

>DM that high
ok retard

>Dragon Ball Super
i blame more on TOEI bullshit
the move work fine

Another fucking DM anime? Why can't these fucks do anything new?

>Each day a vote will be held to select one of the secret rares for the pack
Doesn't say whether you can choose any card in existence, but if you could, is it possible to game it so that they're all Joey cards? Say Swordsman of Landstar? Moonspeak anons please help.

still not getting any convincing arguments for why yusaku's shallow relationships are at all worth talking about
several other anons in the past have bothered to talk about the dynamic between yuma and shark/nasch at least and what their clash meant in the story

>Another fucking DM anime
we have another DM anime?

You're just mad vrains is dead last

dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum

Zexal>5DS>GX>DM>Season 0>Arc-V>Vrains

EOPs will always take the bait. Fuck proper sourcing. And if the false information produces "good" shitposting bait/material it will be circulated regardless

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Wouldn't mind this actually.

Attached: RedHat.jpg (480x155, 26K)

>still not getting any convincing arguments for why yusaku's shallow relationships
They're just simple like any other relationship.
>several other anons in the past have bothered to talk about the dynamic between yuma and shark/nasch at least and what their clash meant in the story
Shark's a whiny asshole like Ai who can't let go. You don't need an overwrought explanation. It's not that fucking deep. It's never been that deep outside of mythological allegories that most people don't give a fuck about.

thread theme:

The stills are still better constructed than Vrains

I hope Yoshida fucks off for the next series. This homolust bullshit has gone on for too long.

Because these guys are pretty lazy. The 2020 anime being DM sequel is just for 20th anniversary pandering.

Eh pretty close to how I would rate it. But
5DS>GX>Zexal S2>DM>Season 0>Arc-V>Zexal S1>Vrains

oh snap, nuh uh user strikes again to own those anons who dared to dream of something good for yugioh

You can pretend that it's some pretentious conflict where they have high values but it's not. Shark simply refuses to back down. And Yuma's response is more or less "but we're still friends right?"

get his ass

>Vrains that low
Fucking kek

if yugioh isn't worth the time or energy to discuss to you, why bother being on a yugioh thread at all....?

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Shark's memories were forced.
I'm just saying the character relationships are simple. It's a damn shonen.

5D's / Zexal > DM >> GX >> Vrains >>>> Arc-V
solely based on how many duels each series has that I would enjoy going back to and rewatching

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>Vrains over Arc-V duels
wtf, literally how???

Even Yoshida doesn't seem particularly interested in the homolust this time around, though. I'll be surprised if he actually wants to stick around.

So how are they going to make the game not about Link Summoning in Master Rule 5?

>holding posters' opinions in high regard
What a joke.

Because there's only 2 I would go back to in Arc-V (Shun vs Sora, Yuya vs Reiji II).
In Vrains there are maybe 4, which could potentially become 5 or 6 if Ai vs Yusaku is good.

Oh god what the fuck?

Link summoning in conjunction with how many mechanics are loaded into the game right now could mean they might be able to get away with just doing links again for 3 more years.
The next gimmick might solely be premise-based in the anime and not a game mechanic. Or the new mechanic is smaller scale.

What the flying fuck are these Vrain duels that you can go back to?

I just want to put my fucking synchro and xyz monsters in the main monster zone again damn it. I'm so tired of waiting for my favorite legacy decks to get link support so they can actually be playable again.

I thought Shun vs Dennis was pretty good.


Yusaku vs Revolver (s1 finale), Revolver vs Windy, Lighting vs Specter, Lightning vs Revolver

I enjoyed the duel enough watching it but not enough to want to rewatch it outside of the very last attack for the demolition

Oh get the fuck out of here, none of those compares to most of Arc-V's duels

Yuusaku vs Revolver (S1 end)
Yuusaku vs Akira
Yuusaku vs Specter
Yuusaku vs Bohman (57/58)
Yuusaku vs Bohman (just the final turn)

Revolver vs Windy/Lightning


Actually curious to see the average age of the anons that actually like Vrains. I wonder how DM would hold up if it was released today? I think it would pretty good albeit the censorship it would receive

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Action cards were a mistake

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I’ve only gone back to rewatch Shun vs Sora, looking back at it they did a really good job of baiting us with that duel. Everything went to shit after

>Any duels with Boreman
Literally all of Vrains duels are boring with bad animations and bad action, compare them to literally any duel from Arc-V and the quality between the two is as clear as night and day, Arc-V's just clearly superior with more soul put into them.

>it's another Bohman duel

As is, DM is even slower than Vrains because of the nature of early 00s shounen adaptations. And as janky as Vrains looks at times, some parts of Millennium World would flatly be unfit to air

Vrains duels are plenty enjoyable on the basis of the decks and strategies being used being the most true to life out of all the series so far. Whether or not you like the characters themselves is another question. Sure if all you're after is pretty lights and sounds Arc-V could win out, but then I'd ask why you're not just watching Zexal and pointing to that as your exemplar of top quality

Its better than Speed Duels and Deus Ex Skills, come on
And they're still better than literally every duel from Drains

Anyone have the webm of Aoi and Yusaku hand""""""shaking"""""""?

>it's another revulva duel
>it's another bohman duel
>aoi jobs
>go jobs
This is the writing structure of drains


Woooooow, so enjoyable I'm so amazed by these super deeep strats, wow

I don't care about the characters in either arc-v or vrains much. Although if I had to choose, the vrains cast is boring but I'm not offended to the same degree of Yuya's obnoxiousness after a certain point.

And I didn't like action cards either, so it just comes down to the combos in the duels for me. I enjoy good animation especially on first watch, but ultimately that's not enough to make me want to rewatch something by itself. Those vrains duels I listed also had character dialogue I liked more than the vast majority of arc-v duels after standard arc.

Do the previous series have the characters misplay as much as Vrains characters do?

>Its better than Speed Duels and Deus Ex Skills
says who


Ok, whatever you say, user with no taste

As in barrelling head-first into effects without reading cards first? I don't think so

Hikokubo would know. Or maybe he doesn't and that's why they happen

Sorry, Yuya was too much of an active detractor and he was in a a huge number of duels

Team Ragnarok

user is comparing 2 duels to 4, it's not exactly high marks for either series. It's like getting mad when you score a 45 and your friend scores a 49 on a test when you both fucking bombed

Because they're both shit so which one you prefer comes down to personal taste, and Arc-V is all style no substance on almost all fronts aside from colourful visuals. Vrains at least has characters using practical decks and combos.

Fucking hell that shit was a mess.

Pendulum Links/Rituals never ever

That was not a misplay, that was just Jean wanting to win "fair".

Based and Mangapilled
Cringe and Failurnimepilled

I thought Arc-V's 'colorful' color palettes were balanced okay enough in the first part of the show but it just starts to somehow look both sterile and garish at the same at some point in synchro, when the production seemed to get more unsteady.
Its not like Vrains doesn't look ugly or boring at many points either (it was especially bad in the first cour) but overall it doesn't get to that same level of garish as often

>no game
>no manga
>only 3 OPs
>shitload of unprinted cards
>probably shortest series ever
Is Vrains the most neglected/unloved Yu-Gi-Oh! season?


Vrains is the lifeboat the anime is sitting and waiting on until ygo7 sets sail. Or at least that's the hope.
Remember anons, despite all the shitting on vrains, it flopped and sunk so that ygo7 could have a chance to launch off its corpse

More like Vrains is the unsung hero buffer they needed to get their shit together after Arc-V

despite Vrains itself, the TCG/OCG are bigger than ever, and many of the Vrains archetypes are seeing consistent play. Regardless of source, cards were VERY successfully shilled in the last 3 years

I dont want VRAINS to end...

Attached: love.png (1846x2000, 2.72M)

me neither, not because I like but because it has so much stuff it could have shown or told us better

At least Konami actually finished printing the cards in the Vrains archetypes that are actually printed and not leave them halfway like this fuck

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That's because we only had like 10 decks printed from this show

I want a Yugioh season without a designated MC

It's just me or @Ignisters have a lot of potential?
What are the odds of them becoming Meta?

Is yusaku the MC who's dueled the least by proportion in his series (due to other characters dueling)? I honestly can't tell

He FEELS like he's dueled the most to me. If simply because he always wins and everyone else tends to lose

Fire Phoenix is a lot better than Ra but then again, "GOD" cards are so shit they better just not exist at all.

Why do people suddenly gave up on Season 3 of Vrains when I saw many people hyped for it when it first started?
We haven't even get to the main part yet.

World legacy anime when?

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Especially when the beginning of it has been consistently good. People are acting like depressed fucks for no reason. NO REASON.

VRAINS may possibly have the best final boss fight since 5D's, if they play their cards correctly.

>Yusaku cosplayer

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because Ai stomping everyone without plot in sight is boring as fuck

Why Z-ONE was not Future Yusei, again?

Because Jesus Fudo can do nothing wrong, even in alternate realities.

Plot is starting right after this week.

Fluffal Link Support when?
Also, tried to hunt down all the cards I think I'd need to make a Fluffal Deck and it came out to around $60.
is that a decent Price to make a deck?
Wanted to get super poly since it's apparently no longer banned, but that shit's like 25 bucks at cheapest and I'm not made of money.

Ask Yuri to lend you some.

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Are we getting more or will we only receive this one card?

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she's gonna masturbate so hard with that hand

Why are the TCG higher ups full of shitters?

>I wonder how DM would hold up if it was released today? I think it would pretty good albeit the censorship it would receive
From a current day thread like vrains threads?Hell no. People would be constantly shitposting about every character but Atem. Yugi, Anzu, and Honda would be roundly mocked as useless. The copious amount of filler would be paraded as an absolute failure. But most importantly, they would be comparing it to anime they were currently watching and have watched so they wouldn't think of it highly.

the tcg version is better unironically

What would you give for them to stop censoring the Cards and Anime, Yea Forums?
Would you watch a completely uncensored Dub?

How do they expect us to understand the lore?

>not understating the lore by the artworks
nobody reads in yugioh the card description is just a meme

Only if it was dubbed by better actors.

I and many of my friends do.

Why aren't nakamas and kizunas as prominent in vrains as it is in other shows?

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There are obviously more. Dark Knight will be in there too.

The characters are more similar to normal humans now. Fuck shonencrap.

Cute, as always.


Nah. Just social isolation from strong use of technology

I get the inkling that yugioh may not be the optimal franchise for your time, user

lain tried to warn us but we wouldn't listen, and now for some reason Yugioh on Yea Forums gets saddled with a variety of perplexing autistposters

Who would you personally say is the best written character in the YGO franchise? Who has the most satisfying character arc for you? If it's easier you can list who you think is the best character in each series instead.

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I think the bulk of the good character drama is within the original series. The whole thing was supposed to be Kaz's outlook on friendship anyway, and that gets stripped away for much of the sequels for the flashy cards. Yugi himself I enjoyed, but I think it needs DSoD in order to show him becoming completely his own person separate from Atem.
Don't remember particularly enjoying Judai, despite everything I found his arc a bit meh. Maybe season 4 was okay. Other GX characters aren't really notable. Would have Yusei but then I remember they dropped his survivor/inherited guilt from the Zero Reverse immediately after the Dark Signers arc. Aki was wasted potential, probably one of the bigger disappointments I've ever had with a Yugioh character. Sawatari is another one cause they forced him to be jobbing clown instead of a serious character that happened to use Yuya's style of entertainment duel. Actually they introduced a lot of characters I liked that just ended up disappearing from the story. Fucking Arc V. Of course Yuya's EGAO could have been a great theme in itself but it was handled so awfully. Zexal I couldn't get through because Yuma seemed like he'd just stay this static moron with no actual principles whatsoever, and after the Arc V crash I was never in the mood for Vrains. All in all Joey's the pick for me, if you count the part where he used to be a complete shitbag to Yugi. Seems an obvious choice, but a good arc is a good arc.

If there's one thing I'm fairly pleased seeing in Vrains, it's finally seeing characters play multiple copies of the same card in decks.

I want Yugioh IN SPACE next

>He wants a DSOD sequel
A miracle if they'll even bother exploring Yugi's future as a game developer without card games

Didn't arcV give us that in the anime?

they already did that even if technically it wasn't outer space

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No guys. Yugioh but the main setting is a space colony/series of space colonies where dueling is their way of war/resolving conflict

I unironically hope that a DM remake comes out and these threads become nothing but a Seto Kaiba circle jerk. I really do.

Especially after the banlist changes to prohibit them from doing so.

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And they even created Salamangreat, where you specifically need multiple for its gimmick.

>seto kaiba circle jerk
Until the realization that he loses a lot sets in.

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Whatever comes next in ygo 7 I hope it doesn't pander to the nostalfags at all. Fuck nostalfags.

Arc-V had characters not using their good cards after appearing once or twice (Gon could have won against BB had he used Shutendoji, Shun never used Force Strix again after his 1st Duel with Dennis, instead he went 1st Turn Rise Falcon because SYMBOLISM!!!!11!!!, Sora never used Tiger after Dueling the Jobelisk Force nor Sabre-Tooth despite ignoring Summoning procedures with Sanctuary, and Yuya only used Pendulum Sorcerer as Xyz Material once and Pendulum Summoned Monkeyboard).

The anime will probably stay away from that, but you better bet your ass that everything else will be loaded with nostalgia bait.

Attached: Yuya Pendulum Summoning Monkeyboard.png (1280x720, 992K)

Please next yugioh need actually good GOD card

Buy our nostalgia products in the TCG/OCG.

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Depends on them getting disruption during the opponent's turn/negation cards. AiLand's last effect also makes their formations very fragile.

I hope they don't, because otherwise KoA is going to be an asshole with their rarities like with Marincess.

now where is my Normal Bakura with Change of Heart retrain that's actually monster?

How about a new set of god cards that are just actually good? They always seem to mess it up whether they're egyptian, sacred beasts, or nordics.

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The Anime would be trashed. The Manga is a different story

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fossil fusion next year bros

It's over user

>Main Deck Masked HEROes next year bros

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What would darkfluid look like in 2d?

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Im still hype for season 3 but this latest episode has made me realize how fucking stupid Ai's motivation is. As some user said, it isn't fun when the OP tells you what's exactly gonna happen.
>VRAINS may possibly have the best final boss fight since 5D's, if they play their cards correctly.
How? Ai Vs Yusaku? if yes I get to differ because they lack the same development of Yami Yugi/Yugi and Yuma/Astral

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if its not tribute 3, it's not GOD card

Speaking of God cards isn't Obelisk the only functional one?

Nice. I love photobooths like this.

Attached: SPHERE.webm (224x400, 1.78M)

The TV Tokyo site has a 2D render of it.

Pretty much. It's ATK doesn't depend on anything else and has targeting protection.


Attached: TheWingedDragonofRaSphereMode-CIBR-EN-SR-LE.png (300x441, 283K)

Feels weird that Konami haven't retrained Osiris/Slifer or Obelisk yet.

After ARC-V gave us the most hetero love story ever told in ygo I said I wouldn't mind if nothing romantic happened in VRAINS. I guess Yoshida read my comment.

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>Retrain GOD card
Either errata to have anime effect, or Another form like RA

>Yami Yugi/Yugi
Too bad the result doesn't make much sense on that one.

You again? fuck off

Maybe it was the editor that gave yugi little to no focus.

>you will never own all Entermages
Feels badman.

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Ono and Yoshida are probably the only writers in YGO willing to put hetero stuff in Yugioh, Ono more than Yoshida so we'll have to wait

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BBT 2 with Yuma, Yuya and Yusaku when???

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>How? Ai Vs Yusaku?
He obviously meant Yusaku Vs Pandor. Ai isn't final boss material and Ai and Yusaku don't have anything interesting going on

Ono is an animator.

In another timeline, they got BBT with those three instead of Jaden, Yugi, and Yusei

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He is a director too

Where is marincess sea angel?

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More like Bonds Beyond Dimensions with all six of them when?

So what would YGO 7 have to do to win you jaded fucks back?

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>Kaiba is a bad character because he jobs

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Not waste good ideas

Kaiba never lost his passionate heart. He's also consistently absurd. When Yuzu Hiiragi stops a gun by throwing a card at its hammer, then we can make some sort of "Not all jobbers!" argument

Attached: Yuzu Arc-V.png (1280x720, 711K)

Literally be a copy of DM, GX, 5Ds, Zexal or the first half of ARC-V and I'll be happy. VRAINS is the one and only time i have genuinely disliked a season

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Judai 2.0
>Main Girl
Reiji 2.0
Based on real players
>Spirit, Ai, Alien or whatever the new companion will be.
No minions
>Serious tone, silly tone or for it to gradually chance as the show goes on.
Silly at the start, serious by the end.
>Story of epic proportions like Arc-V or something more safe like Vrains or maybe similar to Zexal, DM, 5D's or GX.

I also hope they create new cards that have something to do with spacing and positioning like VRAINS and that they use all types of cards and competitive decks.

this pleases abe

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Someone who can absolutely BTFO the MC.

Attached: KYOJIN! MUTEKI! SAIKYOU!.png (923x715, 1005K)

bruh they used a bad picture of CHADsaku in this one

Only about 10 months to get a Yugi/Yami 3.0 protagonist.

Just keep going, I wouldn't be here if I hated ygo. One thing I'm happy about is that Vrains has no tournament arcs, so I hope they keep it that way.

>Only about 10 months to get a Jaden 3.0 protagonist.

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I'm telling you, the only way we get a competent female is if she's the MC and even then it'll be a coin toss

Ygo 8 will be a TAMASHI MC like Jaden and Yuya were, bro.

>saying it wouldn't be a kaiba circlejerk because he loses a lot is saying kaiba is bad

10 months and 3 years more like


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Pls no, Yuya was a crybaby, obbsseibe guy with self-esteem issues and retarded looking cards. Not to mention, his motto was painful. Don't try to compared him with Judai

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This, but I want the story to do something related to Greek Mythology. They already did Egyptian, Norse and Maya(?), Greek is one of the major ones left.

>Greek-themed Series
>Duelists wear Greek constellation inspired armor and play themselves as monster cards

Attached: Bronze_Saints.png (720x544, 571K)

VRAINS does greek mythology.

>yuzu having a chest like that

>No 3 Greek Gods cards

Have they done Hindu mythology in a YGO anime yet?

Some cards here and there, no god cards as far as I know. Same as greek mythology

VRAINS has parts of buddhist mythology.

None at all I think. Greek is popular so there's already slight references here and there.

Just in general calling Kaiba a jobber isn't quite right. Like yes he technically is a jobber, but hes also the most popular character in the franchise because people love an underdog, but hes also not an underdog because hes a genius billionaire with every conceivable advantage. Its complicated.

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What's even worth watching after 5D's? I've very sparsely lurked these threads for years, and I thought people hated ZEXAL and loved Arc-V before it went to shit. Now it's the other way around?

A lot of anime fans and groups didn't like the tonal shift that zexal brought. Of course it's been 8 years now so a lot of people have let it go or more have arrived with different opinions.

People aren't a hivemind, try out the shows yourself and form your own opinion.

Zeus and Poseidon already have random incarnations in yugioh. Kinda.

Too many characters.

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>yuzu not flat

Arc V is closest to 5Ds in terms of the strong start and shit ending. Except the highs and lows are pretty amplified. At the very least Arc V's entire middle arc is basically 5Ds.

Try Zexal until episode 10 and see if it makes you a Sharkfag. Keep in mind that the early episodes introducing Yuma's lame friends are not indicative of the rest of the show.

Here's your magic character.

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Zexal's definitely worth a watch. The first arc of Arc-V is worth it I guess, but the steep drop in quality for the remainder of the series is VERY sharp. Vrains is the production team picking the pieces after the debacle that was Arc-V's latter parts, but it's certainly not terrible. Not great by any stretch either, but it has its moments

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You just nailed it alright, but Yea Forumsrc-v threads were more fun, desu

So Ute is the oldest, Fusion and Cabbage are twins and Tomato is the youngest... Just like in fan fictions.


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They were tanoshii.

There's no way the new series ace could top the amount of anger caused by this card.

Attached: 1563396760399.png (684x767, 985K)

So I just started playing yugioh again and I haven't watched VRAINS yet. Tell me more about this card please

But tournament arcs actually work in YGO because it's a game meant to be played in a tournament format

They could always dump of lot of them into a collectors pack?

Every time a monster that it points to is sent to the GY (not once per turn, or by a specific type of destruction), you can special summon a monster from your hand. It's just too broken, and it ends up letting you make insane boards from turn one, since Link Summoning sends the material to the GY to begin with.

This card enabled a ton of loops and made link climbing incredibly easy.

We had formats where you would be "u-locked" using both extra deck zones preventing you from using them with a negate on board. and you couldn't Target, Destroy by card effects or destroy by battle their board. ( I got my regional top with Firewall)

The next combo was the same thing but they ripped 4 cards from your hand so you start off with 2 cards.

so Topologic Gumblar and Firewall were both banned.

Zexal start weak finish strong, use guide to skip useless filler duels

>game meant to be played in a tournament format
I've never felt that way. In the anime it's just another form of shonen combat. Tournaments make matchups too linear and plain.

Future pack filler or interesting anime only monsters?

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What's the concensus on VRAINS? Where does it rank in terms of all the series? I'm enjoying the Speed Duels so far, about 10 eps in.

Shinji got his bees printed, so there's still hope for best entame.

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Here's your ceremonial duel opponent.

Attached: Revolver.png (1366x768, 1.23M)

Why is Yusei's deck so crap? Yugi and Judai's decks were a lot more interesting.

His deck was filled to the brim with max HIKOKUBO cards

Attached: ConvergingWishes-JP-Anime-5D.png (501x699, 392K)

Can vrains give us the next advancement of polymerization?

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It’s ok I guess. They their best with the cards they were dealt post-Arc V. Animation quality’s pretty poor for series standards but it has its moments. Same for the plot, characters and duels. The one cool thing I guess is that most to all characters play decks and strategies that would for the most part, actually work in the real life TCG/OCG. Vrains has the least amount of anime bullshit plays and situational cards across all YGO series so far (though not entirely free from it either).

>literally the summon chant made into a card

what the actual fuck??? how can they make the ace this fucking op? they had ban it, so... what the fuck again

Link Fusion.
Fusion summon 1 fusion monster using monsters on the field that a link monter you control points to.

His prison deck was probably more consistent, kek

When a "Shooting Star Dragon" you control is destroyed by battle, you can activate this card to negate the Battle Damage. Then, Special Summon 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Extra Deck by removing from play the appropriate Synchro Material Monsters from your Graveyard. (This Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon.) The "Stardust Dragon" Special Summoned by this effect gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of all Dragon-Type Synchro Monsters in your Graveyard. By returning 1 Synchro Monster from your Graveyard to the Extra Deck, select 1 monster your opponent controls and force it to attack. During the End Phase, remove from play this card and the "Stardust Dragon" Special Summoned by this effect.
Here's Converging Wishes' original anime effect.

Are you ready for his next explosive duel?

Attached: 1563388928112.png (1280x720, 846K)

You've seen the current meta, right?

They forgot to edit in the good ol’ OPT clause before sending to print

Funny thing is that the effect is barely used (just once, I think) in the anime. So either not enough playtesting or they never thought players would be this degenerate with it.

No, I just downloaded ygopro and saw blue cards, started to look around since I already expected new cards and a new anime, but didn't have a clue.

Lol, wtf are they doing

Now this is greek mythology.

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Soulburner is about to be cooked like a fine cutlet

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>foreshadowing the Appliancer "v" Extra Link against Soulburner

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Hotdogs are not sandwiches...

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Pretty sure it's either the former or they enjoy that kind of gameplay. There's an entire decade and a half of degenerate competition for them to draw on.
When was the last format you played?

She just wanted to feel the touch of her hero.

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I stopped playing when I got uninterest in arc-v, I think I was around episode 50 or something

>kaiba never lost his passionate heart.

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Ironically, Yusaku is top 3 in main character development as much as I hate Vrains

Top 2 would be Judai and Yugi

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>The tellarknight worlds
Ah I see. The game is faster now. Hella faster.

Goddamn it, it'll never be animated.

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Well at least he tries to fill the void with Blue Eyes White Dragon themed fighter jets and ill conceived notions of sending cards into space to give them SPACE POWERS

>ill conceived notions
But it worked

He really IS perfect, isn't he? *dreamy sigh*

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There is only one perfect duelist.

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Ehh i would put Yusaku in top 5 or top 4. His development happened from one episode to another. Rushed as hell just for season 3 to happen. Is a clear sign of bad writing not surprising at all

>Forbidden Memories gets Anime Adaptation

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Would it have been interesting if the backs of cards changed to match every duelist because of virtual reality customization? I understand why something like that can't happen of course.

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Why can't we have rarity whores like Sawatari?

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Quite a bit of the plot hinges on the characters playing naturally rare cards in vrains. All of the cyberse cards were created by ignis or ignis enabled skills. They can't be bought.

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When the fuck was this published?

The not yet scanned or translated jump victory carnival magazine for this year.

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They should use pictures of playmaker in these compilations instead.

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>the next yugioh series is AGAIN an anniversery series
NONONOONONO pls no more anniversery shit.
Arc-V, Zi-O, all of this can just go straight into the garbage bin.

>"The history of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series will change."
Probably just means it plays in DM world but they retconned the previous series.

Thats only because his initial character is literally a stone with a face scribbled on it.

Zexal starts weak but only climbs in quality with maybe a spotty episode here and there. I enjoyed the concept of a protag who starts off pretty bad at the game and gets really good by the end. There is one gimmick that takes "Heart of the Cards" to the next level of bullshit, but if you don't mind it, you should be good for one of the strongest finales across every series.

Attached: 4) Zexal I episode guide.jpg (1320x3552, 814K)

>DM anime turning 20 next year
>2021 will be when the original manga turns 25

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Those are some big assumptions to make from "The history of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series will change." They change continuities all the time. If they want to establish a new world or more expansive timeline they easily could. Maybe it can be more inclusive of side animations or side storylines.

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was yuya his own dad?

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No Yusho is still Yuyas dad, but Yuzu is now also his mom in the manga.

No, Yuya's dad is Yuya's dad but Yuya's mom is Yuzu.

Not a KR fan, what's wrong with Zi-O?


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tl;dr Yuyas dad cucked Yuya.

The Time Jackers, the main antagonists of Zi-O are a bigger joke than Hanoi and Bohman

I want something new from Kazuki himself but he is probably sick of yugioh at ths point

>literally drawing Yu-Gi-Oh to prove a point
>sick of it

You know nothing normie. Kazuki is absolutely based and LOVES his work.

Yuzu was hurled to the past, met young Yusho and realized the only way to have Yuya inside of her

Manga is completely different from the Anime retard. Yuzu is Yuya's mother in there

With how many duels girls get these days, I can't see "dm super".

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Why would based Kaz be sick of the work that made him a millionaire? He profits so much off of Yu-Gi-Oh he doesn't have to create another manga.

And she's nobody to him in the anime.
Yuya and Yuyafags absolutely BTFO

Is the GX manga worth reading? I've seen that it's basically something else entirely, with everyone using different decks from the anime, and Judai not even using Neos.

Kill it with fire.

>And she's nobody to him in the anime.
Ah i see you are still mad user. Aren't you glad Yuya and Yuzu are mother and son in the Manga tho? We all win in the end

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Me? Mad?
I''m happy this ship is finally fucking dead. Shitposting with your fanart won't solve anything.

Yuzu belongs to other characters, not to the worst protag ever.

? why are you so against pure love user?

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I can't wait for new marincess cards.

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>I''m happy this ship is finally fucking dead.
When? people still ship them, fanart is still being made and even Konami ships them. You should be happy instead of triggered

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Yuzu deserves the garbage bin just like anything else in Arc-V that isn't imoutoman and Neo New Sawatari-san.

We got one series without shipping. Now YGO 7 needs to mimic what arc-v did and make a second love story

Attached: Arc_V_Valentine's_Day_Rin_Yugo_and_Yuya.png (1280x788, 2.37M)

>incest ship
Even better

Attached: 5Dx152_She's_your_sister.jpg (1280x720, 135K)


Sawatari was a great character stuck in a shit show but then again that's all of Arc-V except for Quizboy

The next series will be about judgment arrows.

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>the history will change
Oh are we gonna meme this into reality?

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When was the last time a rider got a good looking final form?

Type Tridoron or Infinity Style, I guess.

>mfw YGO7 MC's ultimate boss monster is a clusterfuck combination of all the previous protagonists' ace cards

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>duels with girls in yugioh manga - 4
>duels with girls in vrains - 14
Kind of hard to go back now if they want to sell girly archetypes.

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>MC is like Paradox but a good guy

He'll also be the best, nicest king ever

but paradox was the good guy

I liked Dai Shogun.

They can't do it, firewall dragon is banned.

Thats what I mean,I want him to have more involvment in the production of anime or even write a story because every following degrading arc sucks my kuribohs.I know he technically still enjoys illustrating for the franchise,heck I'm hyped for the TCG Gold Sarcophagus Tin which will have the god cards with new art by kazuki.I just wish for the anime to be more than a shallow TCG promotion.

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>I just wish for the anime to be more than a shallow TCG promotion.
Yeah it should go back to being a magazine and volume promotion.

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Bonds Beyond Time was better than Darkside of the Dimensions

Well time travel does make everything better.

Huh, is not always that you see this level of shit taste

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