I still cannot believe that KyoAni is fucking dead

I still cannot believe that KyoAni is fucking dead

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This never would have happened if you'd just taken that invitation to the moon, spoiled brats.

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Good riddance to moeshit.

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Me too user, and even if 1/2 if Yea Forums was being edgy faggots. I miss the sticky threads it still was helping me cope.

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Yamakan got his revenge

You should moarn more for the innocent lives that were stolen with no reason from the people who worked for Kyoani, rather than the studio itself.
But I understand where you’re coming from

I can't believe it's not butter

For everything that's happened, KyoAni is probably liable for negligence, clearly. If that's to say if criminally liable, I can't say. But civilly liable, absolutely. The KyoAni employees are gonna sue KyoAni to bankruptcy

t. lawyer, but not in Japan though, in flipland

Netflix is gonna buy them out. Jesus. That would be a godsend for KyoAni, and it'll BTFO Yea Forumsnons, both the people who say KyoAni is dead, and those who love KyoAni

It's all so surreal. I'm still not sure if I have accepted what happened.

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>They could have jumped !!

Seriously armchair and frodo posters are the worst type of people.

>Netflix is gonna buy them out
For a lawyer, you sure say some stupid shit.

What's so stupid about that? KyoAni's still pretty valuable. In their moment of weakness someone could step in and save them
Anyways it was just a side remark

This, I can't even process the emotion yet. Words can't describe how I feel about this.
It's like a bad dream.

I want the motherfucker who did it to suffer greatly.

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It’s not dead, the relief money is flowing in and everyone will buy whatever they do on top of it

Kumiko doesn't have those big boobs.

Either a Japanese Company is willing to save it, of complanies like Netflix will.
I think it's just a matter of time at this point. I think many people find KyoAni to be valuable

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>getting bought up by some greedy fuck
Quite the opposite. KyoAni is KyoAni because they own themselves.

Fuck us all in the ass...

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I don't think they will die, but they might actually return to stone age. Like the times where they did in-betweens for other studios, and that kind of stuff for some years. They will reduce their workforce by a great amount.

Kyoani has only gone downhill since they went independent.

>the relief money is flowing in
You know that will dry up quick with the funerals and damages
And even if there was enough money, think of the psychological toll it took

>be Yamada
>treat workers like family
>hug them every day, do radio exercises with them every day
>you step out for a business trip and half of them die horribly in a fire

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Oh you're one of those "people". K thx bye.

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Oh yeah you mean those people who speak the truth.

Even if she doesn't work in Kyoani ever again. Her next movie might be oscar tier. She'll embrace the darkness, tragedy and sorrow of this incident, and will turn it into hope, catharsis and overcoming, she will create a timeless masterpiece surely.

I live under a rock. Some say its a 37 year old weeb with the red shirt who did it and others say its some 40 year old. Who did it?

If you wish anything horrific for him, you'll be just like him.

It's up to her really. Can she come back from the tragedy? Or will she pull a Tove Jansson and retire brokenhearted? That in itself is an anime premise

It was a 40-something crazy felon who claimed they stole his webnovel, or whatever he wrote. Who knows if that's true - he might be delusional
Meanwhile NYT is spinning it as a misogynist attack because KyoAni was known for hiring women etc etc.

True. They need to be acquired by another company.

Shinji "Burned the KyoAni Shitmound to the Fucking Ground" Aoba.

Go back to plebbit.

Hopefully Kadokawa.


What's Japan's law on revenge attack?

KyoAni will be renamed. Hoo-oh animation.


Twenty lashings or some shit.

Revenge attack would be too quick for the cunt
Death sentence and then solitary confinement while he stews in fear for a decade or two, it's what they did for the Aum terrorists

The building was up to fire codes. Sue to the Japanese government for having shitty ones. Only thing is the security, but it's been rightfully pointed out that security wouldn't have done shit. This kind of thing never happens in Japan. Also, you could call me naive but I don't think most of the surviving employees would want their company to die. Kyoani wasn't the heartless sweatshop most studios are, they probably have pride in their work and Kyoani dying would just be more of a loss to them. The real risk is coming from the families of the dead.

I can't predict anything and people will be people, but it seems in such poor taste to kill Kyoani for daring to be the victim of a madman's freak attack, the likes of which has never been seen in Japan before.

Netflix will save KyoAni!

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>it's been rightfully pointed out that security wouldn't have done shit. This kind of thing never happens in Japan
This, the last time something like this happened was in 2001 or some shit
And it killed less people

You say it as if they didn't do that all the time.

They should be renamed to Smokey Animations

They were already working on the diversity quota.

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Moe Toyota Kumiko's VA finally broke her silence on the matter

Who did Netflix buy?

but when do i get my dank fireforce kyoani memes?

The ice cream hasn't given up hope
Bless her heart

*Tomoyo Kurosawa

user Is it wrong I want to be hopeful reading this Kyoani will find a way back

>Moe Toyota
Actually sorry I got confused - it's Tomoyo Kurosawa. Moe Toyota is Sapphire's VA


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>"I'm worried, immensely worried. But I think KyoAni is the strongest. I want to say 'they're going to be alright' lovingly.
>So somehow, let's all look forward."
I think she put it very nicely

Please upload #s 1 through 691 somewhere

>The building was up to fire codes.
There are other ways to prove negligence, if anything, that's evidence to support their case, but is not conclusive of negligence.

>but it's been rightfully pointed out that security wouldn't have done shit
No, the fact that it wouldn't have done shit doesn't negate the fact he was negligent in getting one. We would never know if it would really do anything.

>but I don't think most of the surviving employees would want their company to die
It depends. Do you want compensation for what they did to you?

>This kind of thing never happens in Japan
Not a good reason. In fact, it proves negligence in their part to not be prepared at least lightly in the first place

Basically KyoAni is fucked in a lawsuit. There was already admission that they was a lack of due care. The building was housed by important people for KyoAni; and they were in the midst of an important meeting;still the security was relieved for that day.
That's already damning evidence if any.

In negligence cases, you only need to prove negligence, there are many ways to prove it.

If I were KyoAni, I'd settle for as little as possible. If I were the lawyer of the victims, I wouldn't settle for anything since this is clearly a sure win case for me.

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Let it go.

I'm not really saying they'd win a lawsuit, just why I think it's not certain that they'll be sued at all.

t. armchair lawyer with no idea of what constitutes liability or negligence

Depends on the employees.

I'm a lawyer, faggot. Didn't I just tell you? I'm a lawyer in Flipland though
Negligence cases are the easiest civil cases next to marriage related ones

>what they did to you?
Kyoani didn't do anything to them by any standard except legalese money weaseling.

>lawyer in flipland

there are no rules or regulations that require a company to have keycards on a building you dumbass.

So any updates or the trend is over? To be honest if no seiyuu died on the accident this will get forgotten pretty quickly.

Kyoani did have keycard access though

LNfags are the worst. Change my mind

It's Japan's largest mass murder since WWII
You'd have to be a complete moron to believe this is just going to blow over.

Negligence and tortious acts are universal. So most of what I say would probably apply.
I can't say the same for criminal negligence though, those widely vary by country.

That is true, but the opportunity is open for them. If you were the victim, and angry, and hurt, and scarred, would you sue your employer who did nothing wrong knowing it'll be a winning case?

That doesn't matter. There is no justifiable reason why he laxed security

>To be honest if no seiyuu died on the accident this will get forgotten pretty quickly
You talking about on Yea Forums? Because it won't be in Japan for a while. For one thing a lot of these animators don't just work at KyoAni, they work at other places too, and they were some of the best

Suing kyoani for not doing enough to prevent the arson would be like suing Charlie Hebdo for not doing more to prevent them from getting allahu akbar-ed

so, NOT a lawyer, then.

Are you retarded? Japanese legal system uses neither english commonlaw nor napoleonic code. You fucking mudslime, get your international law together.

he is a lawyer in the mexico of asia. of course he isn't a real lawyer.

Can you still draw while half of your skin has been burned off?

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And? What laws or regulations are they breaking by not having it enabled? It's a non mandatory safety measure they had that was unfortunately not active during the arson.
On top of this the arson also blocked and covered exits in gasoline - 40L of gasoline is a huge amount - no keycard could have saved the building from being demolished.

Kyoani isn't a normal employer and this incident is also abnormal and can only be tangentially blamed on them. It's possible bu seems unlikely. Like I said I think family of the deceased are more likely to sue if anyone does it.

No it didn’t. I read that article and all it was pointing out was that the anime industry is dominated by men and Kyoani was the exception to that. It didn’t say anything about the killers motivation.

Barisaku man. Fucking Barisaku

This guy is right. Yeah they're up to standard but suing is all about twisting some laws so let's see what the victim's lawyer will sue, that is if someone wants to sue kyoAni.

depends which half

just fuck off back to Yea Forums already, no one cares about your shitty edge posts/

No tears, just exhaustion with your tireless retardation.

It doesn't matter. Negligence is the same in the world.
And this isn't International Law, what hell are you on about? There is no Conflict of Law Question here, and no international agreement in question.

>Kyoani isn't a normal employer and this incident is also abnormal
It doesn't matter if it's normal, as long as it's their employer. Anyways, if you hurt a man, you can get sued for damages.

Negligence is that simple

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They edited the article slightly so there would be no misunderstanding
Before the edit it read as if the first line referred to the arsonist

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>It doesn't matter
And yet you don't tell how it doesn't matter
Just fuck off already with your armchair lawyer-isms


Don't you have a kaguya thread to make?

Except there are several precautions against fires that Kyoani didn't have while having sprinklers, fire extinguishers, and fire exits won't help against terrorist attacks. The fire did spread too fast probably for anyone to do anything but it's still something that should have been prepared for more than Kyoani was.

Maybe if you have the reading comprehension of a 6-year old.

Wait, who all died then? And what's the death toll?

It doesn't matter because all legal systems to some extent copied each other. Torts and Negligence is one of the things copied by almost all places in the world.
The standard of negligence is the same with almost all countries, a lack of due diligence required by law.

The only question is the where, if it involves more than two countries.

>he hates revenge

Doesn't change the fact that the Key card system was a non mandatory piece of security.

I said it was edited you numbnuts
Pre-edit the paragraph below the opening line was only about the arsonist, and the man who saw the women jumping was described about midway through the article

Talking about lawsuit, is suing in Japan as prevalent as in US?

I don't care

34 animators was the last I saw

Crop out the bottom three lines and it becomes a much more disturbing image

on top of this even if they HAD the key card system enabled, the arsonist was disguised in a handman uniform and entered the studio under the pretenses of filling up a generator.
Because these sorts of things don't happen in Japan, he could have knocked on the door and been let in regardless.

As I've mentioned, it doesn't matter, as long as there is proof that he turned it off (he laxed security) on a day where important directors were meeting on something. Even it it's just an animation studio, there is an admission on his part he did so, that could be evidence against him and it's pretty strong

If you don't care, then you'll be just like him.

if your dominant hand and eyes are still intact and hasn't melted into a flesh mit or stump, then yes you can after skin recovery

>expecting politeness on 4channel

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where is my amputee gf

Jesus that's terrible

>fire extinguishers,
They had that.

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>the last time something like this happened was in 2001 or some shit
>And it killed less people
Actually, more people (44) died in that fire, but it was never 100% proven to be arson. Everyone thought it was (there were reason to suspect the yakuza or the triads), but no one was ever actually charged. Two of the building owners, and four of the respective owners and the managers of a couple of the businesses in the building (a mahjong parlor where illegal gambling was going on, and a hostess bar) were charged with negligence (and all but one convicted) because of things like blocked stairways.

Make them yourself and post them on your reddit account

>fire extinguishers
These would do fuck all to a gasoline fire. Only thing valid is fire exits. Whether kyoani is sued or not hopefully japan will get better about fire safe structure. Let's be real though if there was an accidentally normal fire everyone would probably have been fine.

Everything about this post is retarded

Kyoani is proven arson on a target with no reason to suspect chances of an attack.

>of complanies like Netflix will.
You clearly don't know much about Japanese corporate law. It is next to impossible for a foreign company to acquire a Japanese one.

Besides which, in this case the Japanese government would bail them out before they would let that happen. It would be a terrible black eye if foreigners got control of them as a result of this incident.

Is this a quote from Hibike?

Just because you can't read Japanese and this is all you know doesn't mean she wrote cheesy shounen lines on her blog.

Quite, and from what we know, I don't see where there's any case for negligence here.

Gegege no Kitaro author /artist got his dominant hand blown off in the war you know

>It is next to impossible for a foreign company to acquire a Japanese on
Even more so after the Ghosn-Nissan debacle


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Heh, this reminds me of filming in Indonesia and there was this Japanese dude there who did that manga stuff and uh, he blew out his eye or something with ink. He was really talented too akira or something he was called this was the eighties so I wonder what ever happened to him.

fire extinguishers won't do shit against 40L of gasoline either.

Yeah yeah, thanks for your hot opinions, Yea Forumsnon

still laxed security when there was no reason to

>still laxed security when there was no reason to
It's fucking Japan. No one locks anything.

And they had people from NHK coming to visit.

It should not have been an issue.

Suck it faggot
Kyoani was deemed to have had "sufficient fire prevention measures"

Netflix is living on borrowed time until Disney streaming channel comes online
Can’t find anything I want to watch on Netflix

"He explained that there was no violation of laws and regulations in the last year's inspection on fire protection measures for the buildings on the site, and that disaster prevention drills were properly conducted, and sufficient measures were taken."
So take your purported "law degree" and fuck off already

Omaigawd didney is so based why don't they just take over and rule the country already

But it is an issue. Like most lawsuits something becomes an issue only is something goes wrong.
God, you people are ignorant of the law.

I just told you, it's evidence to support their claim but in negligence cases, you only need to prove that he was lax at something that could have possible prevented it.
Laxing security is strong evidence against him


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God, he's as good as a tripfag, honestly.

Key cards are only for employee identification and basic access control, anyway.

>God, you people are ignorant of the law.
No, I get that someone would find a pretext for a lawsuit in America. But Japan isn't hyper-litigious the way America is.

You gotta admit, if the anime industry wasn't filled with shameless copycats of the same ideas (harem, isekai, moe, etc), then the arsonist would never have run into the problem of KyoAni apparently copying his work.

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All creative industries copy each other. American live action TV shows are just copying different tropes than japanese anime.

>but not in Japan though, in flipland
Wow, not only you say stupid shit, you're also a lawyer.

Hey dipshit I’ve had a hateboner for Disney for probably longer than you’ve been alive but that doesn’t change the fact that Disney now owns nearly every IP franchise that my wife or kids like while Netflix has less content every year and I have to look for bootlegs on YouTube

I still can't believe K-ON's own ED predicted this

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>why don't they just take over and rule the country already
I thought they already do? The Disney lobby is the reason why US copyright law is so bullshit.

Given what the Japanese media has dug up about the arsonist, it doesn't sound like someone that can put any kind of "work" together. Just a delusional and violent schizo that was a walking time bomb.

I don't buy the argument that because the guy was mentally unstable, he couldn't have made some LN. There's tons of batshit insane artists out there.


Many legal concepts are universal.

This is legalese, user, not about how litigious clients are.

Good riddance

It's weird. On one hand I don't place much stock in ideas, but rather the execution of them, but on the other hand Japan does strike me as creatively bankrupt to rip off some schizo NEET with a barebones creative project
This is fucking scary

>Killing dozens of innocent people is the same as killing one guilty person
However it sounds in your head this is nonsense. Those who murder complete innocents forfeit their lives and should be punished.


Hiroyuki our admin got sued by an American guy in japan for libelous 2ch posts and the American won and Hiro said lol no I won’t pay and that was the end of it.

Jesus lawyers are all soulless parasites.

>wife or kids
Cringe breeder, don't you know overpopulation is a huge problem? And you think it's right to pump out fifty kids with your cousin-wife? Fuck you.

>If I were KyoAni, I'd settle for as little as possible. If I were the lawyer of the victims, I wouldn't settle for anything since this is clearly a sure win case for me.
Holy shit do you have no ethics or soul?

Butthurt moefag

>Kyoani was deemed to have had "sufficient fire prevention measures"
>a building that is one big fire trap qualifying for any fire prevention ability whatsoever
Sasuga Nippon

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It's not Kyoani's fault that Japan has outdated fire codes

America is the most powerful country.

Yea Forumstard

based Hiro

Welcome to law, that's precisely the most basic condition to thrive in the job.

W-Wait, they left out the emergency exits in that 3D model on purpose r-right?

I don't think you know much about Japan or their culture.
The last thing any of the employees doing would be to sue the studio.


Building in general is a horror show in Japan. Between Yakuza owned construction firms cutting corners, cardboard and spit built homes that resemble shanties, and now fire codes, it's just crazy.

Kyoani got hit because the arsonist is a confirmed Yea Forumsermin. That guy is probably on the moeshit and anti moebuta crusade.

>studio knows exlusively for moeshit
If you are actually upset about this you're a fag

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You are just like him.

Don't know the full details of this, so I can't comment on the matter.

Oh, so apparently it's my fault that clients want to sue people and I want to do a good job and the best for my client, huh?
How is it any different from any other service?

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Fuck off Yea Forumsermin

I'm not the dude saying they will be sued, nor do I think they are likely to do it. It's just a statement about how lawsuits generally work out and how lawyers handle them, after reading a bunch of cases throughout the years.

Only criminals stand up for other criminals.

>How is it any different from any other service?
Because you're a lawyer - scum of the earth.

They were very talented animators. Among the best attention to detail. It is a shame that it was wasted on works that I don't exactly think had a lot of merit to them when we're talkin dialog, and scripting.

So are you.

If anything at least this will bring about a change to Japan's archaic building fire codes. 19 people dying because they couldn't open the door to a roof better roll some fucking heads in government.

Not me.

He's a flip AND a lawyer user.

>Many legal concepts are universal

At least you tried.

spiral staircase

he should be burned alive in the most painful and excruciating way possible so he knows how the people he killed felt as they were dying

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Yes. As I know most people on Yea Forums are in STEM fields or in uni or college still, so you wouldn't know.
General concept of law and equity are common in almost all parts in the world.
What's surely different per country is procedure.

So you have no reason?

Aoba has also checked out Kyoani studio 2 before attacking studio 1.

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They couldn't get to the door. Opening it wasn't the obstacle.

Definitely was trying to figure out which would hurt them worse. Must have concluded it was 1

The man need to be set free. He's not done yet. He's just a man on a mission.

That means he's ready to go back to a normal life. That episode is already over. He conquered it. There's not a thing going on for him anymore.

>19 people dying because their only obvious escape route was a literal dead end better roll some fucking heads in government.

KyoAni doesn't own the entire building and could've gone down very differently.

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>Lawyer derails thread with his soulless faggotry

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It sucks but if it was a normal accidental fire then I doubt anybody would have died, even with this awful structure.

You're a soulless parasite because you make money from helping people ruin shit for horribly misguided or malicious reasons.

He got rid of his demons. Now he's just an average person like you and me. A perfect NPC. He should win a medal of glory to end the ceremony.

Just donate a lot and you're fine.

See, this is what makes me think he might have actually wrote an LN that was stolen, or "stolen"(nothing new under the sun, etc)

Schizo Sperg who blasted vidya and yelled at his neighbors aside, the guy clearly knew what he was doing.

Being delusional doesn't mean being incapable.

Well, jap is just too peaceful in general.

I think I'd be having some serious survivors guilt if I worked in studio 2

40 years being an autist must have done in an otherwise functioning person.

It really, truly is not a meme. Lawyers are the scum of the Earth. If only Shinji's schizo rage was directed at a law firm.

Or it'd be hilarious if this "stole/ripped of" thing is because some animator rejected his confession with the reason "I need to focus on my work."
Since he checked studio 2 after all to check whether the chick was there or not.

When will they question the dumbass?

He should've let a redpill on KyoAni.

>t. shounen supporting protagonist

>lawyer, but not in Japan though, in flipland
Stop ban evading Michlan

If only some time traveler had come back to shoot his gas cans before he could wheel them in.

The guy is mental ill. What can you do? He already has mental illness on record and served in prison before for it. So my assumption is he will be a lifer at a maximum security physiatric hospital.

>…His online fans may adore him, but 2channel is becoming increasingly controversial. There have been stalking incidents and suicide pacts supposedly planned through the site. (Nico Nico Douga is more supervised: Users must log in, there’s a six-page agreement, and Dwango responds to takedown notices.) Nishimura’s nonchalant response to complaints and libel suits probably doesn’t help. “I used to show up in court,” he says. “Then one day I overslept, and nothing happened. So I stopped going.”

>Nishimura has lost about 50 lawsuits and owes millions of dollars in penalties, which he has no intention of paying. “If the verdict mandates deleting things, I’ll do it,” he says. “I just haven’t complied with demands to pay money. Would a cell phone carrier feel responsible when somebody receives a threatening phone call?”

head to the page and scroll down for mister Plaintiff’s further remarks, addition info in Japanese and English is here:
later on it becomes funny

>By Plaintiff Arudou Debito
>September 14, 2006 Freely Forwardable

it says freely forwardable so hopefully i won’t get sued for posting it here

Don’t forget Mitsubishi.

Go fuck yourself

>mental ill
Of course the opposite side will try to make the person putting an action against them look bad.

The guy is mental ill. What can you do?
oh the things you can do

Victory for me

In Japan if someone reports something or someone suspicious the police could charge the reporter with false accusation or taking non-consensual photo.

man I forgot the arrow thingie fuck this

They'll be seeking the death penalty for this
Especially since it's anime related - nothing scares the Japanese populace more than a crazed Otaku

Roast him like a pig at a luau.

This. Not like they are incompetent its just their source material is extremely lacklustre since they rely on their shitty in house LN's so their talent is being completely wasted. KyoAni getting acquired by another company would probably be for the best and would allow them to gather some decent source material again.
In many of their anime they have to add entirely new characters since the base story is just so fucking awful(and the original characters tend to be the only good parts too)

they've executed the mentally ill before, with the excuse that there are plenty of mentally ill people who are very kind.
they're not wrong, though i wish there was less stigma about it...

tl;dr: Japan only needs to hang mean bastards, but this mean bastard needs to hang...

So this is Japan.

A relief, but when anons were looking into Kurosawa's info they discovered a rookie, fresh out of school VA was likely among the victims due to a deleted tweet by a teacher.

just skimmed it but that article doesn’t seem to mention the police charging the reporter with anything, they told the lady to fuck off and leave the old man alone

what is the relevance of this?

>killing an innocent that stood up against evil studio

There is no reason not to hang mentally ill people who commit heinous crimes, in fact there is more reason because they are obviously dangerous and have a high likelihood of harming more innocent people.
The idea of not punishing or executing insane criminals for their otherwise capital crimes is absolutely ludicrous.

It's a job. It's a duty to defend the client up to the end. I mean, come on, look at Phoenix Wright. I admit as a kid I idolized Phoenix and wanted to be a lawyer because of him.

Look at the cops, how different are we from cops? From lawfags? Cops execute the law like lawyers do. We just follow it like cops do. We just follow procedure, the text of the law, the spirit.

So I make money in the side, but I do my job, defend my client's interest to the full extent of the law.

Sounds like an execution of judgment problem. They can't execute because everything about him is anonymous or confidential.
Well, I can't say how to solve this since I'm not a Japanese lawyer.

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The focus should always be on rehabilitation - but in the cases where that's not possible, I believe death penalty is necessary.

There's a line you shouldn't cross: You shouldn't defend niggers.

if they're inherently dangerous, then they're not morally culpable...
that would mean that quarantine, not execution, is necessary.

I can't believe Chitose is fucking dead!

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>Arsonist was caught walking with the cart the day "before" the attack, close to Kyoani studio 5.

Gave me chills.

Chitose would be a good riddance.

Kyoani ALWAYS hires unknown talent for their shows - so I could very well believe this

Huh, he can't get in 5 so he go straight to 1?

A flip lawyer on Yea Forums is that rare, huh

Not that guy - it seems like it happened at a Shounen Jump event?

>I was not allowed to comment
Guess that's the same for the other 3.

t.Daru. Neck yourself idealistfag

Shut the fuck up, this isn’t a kids story the fucket burned 30+ people to death for nothing playing the idiotic moral card wont prove anything except you’re retarded he deserves as much pain as we can possibly give him that’s justice

>if we kill the bad guy we're just as bad! trope
Nope! Give him the Rope!

That's all in the city's fire standards, and if the city says it was good enough, the city is definitely more at fault.

I want to see an ant's nest into his belly, then tie him up like a pig on a spit and roast him slowly over 2 days.

just because he's wrong doesn't mean you're right. look, the guy has a 100 percent chance to hang. meanwhile, we should think bigger. what led him to this action? what influences people to commit these crimes?

He's not innocent, he's a mass murderer. His life is literally worth nothing and should be used to quench the thirst for revenge. He knowingly abandoned his humanity, so he shouldn't be treated as a human but as the filth he is.

It's like the sight of witnessing Jesus. Truly, that man is fulfilled after accomplishing his noble achievement against what's perceived as evil.

why don't we torture him, AND think about those things?
Win win

you two can spitroast me over 2 days if it makes you feel better :3c

I’d go with a mix of Lingchi and before you boil what’s left of the fucker slowly in a pot of burning water and oil and keep him alive until the very end while Belitung him for being the most miserable waste of existence on earth

careful on that edge.

Whatever support network he could've relied on was definitely lacking, but if he had the means to plan an attack, he also had the means to resolve his gripes without having to break the law.

problem with the death penalty is you turn someone innocent into a killer; it fucks with their mental health. obsessing about torture isn't healthy either. honestly someone should pay the yakuza to put a bullet in him, best outcome.

Wishing harm upon a killer =/= wishing harm upon someone innocent. This is not a crime which I can forgive, and there is no doubt he was the one who did it. Anyway, life sentence would be a worst fate.

I hate how inconspicuous he looks. Nobody notices him or anything. If someone came into a building like that they'd think he lost his way.

honestly if you just let him suffer through his burns with no induced coma/pain meds it would be more than enough

What would Kamijou Touma do with the arsonist?

This user has a point, absolutely none of his problems can even partially excuse the atrocity he’s committed what he’s done is an act of terroism for absolutely nothing no matter what his suffering does not give him any right to Destroy innocent fucking lives he needs to die, but only after he’s suffered for his crimes

calling that edgy is an insult to kill la kill.
that dude is a double nigger

Tell me you don't see Jesus Christ there as well. Don't lie to me.

oh absolutely. it's still his fault, but it doesn't mean it's his fault alone, or that fault has anything to do with it even. shits complicated.

I see a fat NEET that was too mentally unstable for society.

Bullets too easy, and most people aren’t gonna become broken messes from executions the people who do it aren’t gonna lose sleep over a mass murdering arsonist, he should to suffer for his crimes

All I see is an autistic fatass

I just saw a guy pushing a cart

>PA Works' President Horikawa Kenji’s speech at the company all-hands meeting on the second day after the Kyoani incident:

>As many of you might have already known, an arsonist set Kyoto Animation on fire yesterday. Before the whole picture of the incident is investigated and revealed, we already know that 33 precious lives are lost, with many injured. Let’s pray for them.

>This is absolutely the worst and the most terrible event in the history of anime industry. Sadness and fury took over the Internet and the news. I also tried to follow up with the updates, but the intense fluctuation of my emotions has made me mentally unstable. I thought I needed some time to calm down, yet knowing that my employees have also become swayed by the incident, I think I should (stand out now and) tell you all my thoughts at this moment. I cannot guarantee whether what I am going to say is calm, sane, or whether my thoughts are well tidied up or not.

>Regarding the crime, though we don’t know much beyond what has happened as a matter of fact, the tragedy that happened was so devastating, and can never be recovered. I shall refrain from commenting (on the cruelty of the incident)

>Regarding the precious lives that are lost, before these souls can fulfill their dreams, the fact that they died young was so regrettable, so upsetting, beyond anyone’s imagination. Nevertheless, they’ve left their proof of existence – look at the messages that fans from the world sent to them – “they were the hopes of my life”, “I became myself at the moment because of Kyoani”. They gave the fans who watched their works the power to live. The works that they produced wholeheartedly, and the proofs of their existence, shall never be forgotten. Let’s pray that it will resonate in people’s heart around the world, and forever become their drive to live.

this is why nero is best girl
the best use for christians is to light her garden

>Kyoto Animation spent 40 years only to eventually become the ideal form of anime production. With such long time effort, they possess the organizational power to unify the entire company towards one goal. I firmly believe that they will reconstruct and revive! I will pray for that. First, after the turmoil calms down a little bit, I think Mr. Hatta will demonstrate his strong leadership and plans. When that happens, we shall carefully consider how we can help them out.

>News happen on a daily basis, washing off the tragedies to treat them only as one-time events. However, for us, despite living in the world that we live in having such ruthless and unreasonable incident, we need to think about how we can live strong, with hopes – this is the top priority that we need to take our time to think about – it is to devote your passion in your works and express it to the world; it is to create pieces to be talked about widely, generations by generations. I believe devoting our technics, our time, and our passion is the best way to achieve this. Please do not forget this.

>Horikawa Kenji
>(Disaster Prevention, Fire Prevention, and Security Measures – we will reevaluate our policy and actions again. I will try my best to change people’s impression that the environment of an animation studio is ‘special’)


I hope you mean in terms of a man resolved to act. No hesitation, sure. But there's no holy aura emanating from him, don't be that ridiculous.

i don't think you understand. torturing and killing people is hard work, even serial killers need to vent from it. just ask ed kemper. i think there's a reason he turned himself in, it's probably exhausting.

>This is absolutely the worst and the most terrible event in the history of anime industry. Sadness and fury took over the Internet and the news. I also tried to follow up with the updates, but the intense fluctuation of my emotions has made me mentally unstable. I thought I needed some time to calm down, yet knowing that my employees have also become swayed by the incident, I think I should (stand out now and) tell you all my thoughts at this moment. I cannot guarantee whether what I am going to say is calm, sane, or whether my thoughts are well tidied up or not.
Ah fuck.

If they can't find someone to push the button to release the trapdoor just fly me to Japan and I'll do it.

jesus had darker skin and was a palestinian jew.
pic unrelated

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>what influences people to commit these crimes?
I propose a ban on anime. Starting with works made by Kyoto Animation. Oh wait.

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Fuck it I’d do it, and there’s millions who’d also do it across the globe it’s not a moral dilemma to kill a mass killer

Someone has to defend the niggers or they will turn into even bigger niggers.

It's good that the industry isn't letting this get them down. Everyone being eager to help Kyoani in how they can is a good sign for the state of anime in the future. I expect a lot more hard hitting and soulful works coming from this.

honestly, him being hung by an Yea Forumsnon from another country is probably the most fitting end for him if you think about it.

quick poll, who here would form a lynchmob to hang this guy?

Michlan is 5'2" that's why he's like this.

How do you put up with that 300 IQ, user?

Brazen bull.

Americunts are so heartless holy shit

this is probably one of the more touching messages I've read on the situation.
Props to Kenji

you know the tort laws of japan or are you just basing your analysis on american common law?


Oh, it was a lawsuit from Debito ? No wonder nobody cared. The guy was a weeb who got married in japan, applied for permanent citizenship and even changed his name, but later got divorced and became ultra bitter against japan, spending his time in lawsuits about everything.

I can bet PA Works will literally carry Kyoani in their resurrection, they always said Kyoani was their role model. The words of the president seems really passionate, caring and genuinely moved, wouldn't be suprised if PA Works offers to do free Key Animations, In-between and even lend directors and animators to Kyoani.

you are speaking to a lawyer.

t. Trudeau

At least if Netflix buys them out that might put something of actual worth on it.

He's a third-rate flip lawyer who can't even write a solid argument on what parts of Kyoani's policies contain negligence, you think he actually knows what he's talking about?

That's simply beautiful. PA Works is such a bro, and that president is a gem.

Have they ever made a show that is not moeshit?

Even Aya Hirano made a nice message.

flipland stands for?
But you know all that varies from place 2 place so yeah unless you know the doctrines in area eleven your analysis means shit. but could be they could be sued

Kyoani won't die, after all the donations and the help they'll have enough money and attention that the VEG movie will sell like hotcakes, they'll come back from this stronger than before.

i know shit about jap law so no, but there might be a possibility.

KyoAni is significantly weaker from losing Takemoto alone.

>Some of the autopsies of the victims have concluded. 15 were by fire, 2 were by suffocation, 1 was by carbon monoxide poisoning. Of the 74 in the building at the time, only 7 were able to escape relatively unharmed.

What a fucking awful way to go.

my dad works in KyoAni. You're right

This. He WAS KyoAni

I agree with this, this is the best option.

He made decent arguments but you kyoanifags are too biased to think clearly

The company itself won't die probably, but they will not be the same kyoani as they were before that's for sure, a ton of staff lost some of them irreplaceable, PTSD on the ones remaining. Even the ones not present at the building will have serious mental health issues.

Count me in, but I start by breaking his legs and have everyone work our way up from their, maybe go full law abiding citizen on him

It was a fucking massacre, no exaggeration at all.

>VEG will sell like hotcakes
Sigh, don't get me wrong, I love kyoani but seeing VEG get pity sale without any merit just rub me the wrong way. It would most likely be undeserved unless it was a posthumous masterpiece somehow.

>that pic

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so long as it's a big group with the individual responsibility diminished I'd be down

Likers gonna like.
After the tragedy, no one will dare say anything bad about VEG movie.

>They gave the fans who watched their works the power to live. The works that they produced wholeheartedly, and the proofs of their existence, shall never be forgotten. Let’s pray that it will resonate in people’s heart around the world, and forever become their drive to live.

"Let’s pray that it will resonate in people’s heart around the world, and forever become their drive to live."

This has to be the most wholesome and beautiful thing I have read so far these days. That last part it's everything, in some weeks, months, years, if the injured lose the will the live, they have to remember those words.

Source? 15 people getting roasted alive is no joke.

Generally tort concepts are universal

And it was for nothing, actually something so ridiculously petty and stupid that it’s worse than nothing

Because the movie will be the masterpiece of all anime, faggot.

I've seen a lot of comments on here saying basically "KyoAni only lost 34 people, less than half of employees at only one studio! They'll be fine!" They forgot that the vast majority of survivors are not going to be going back to work anytime soon, if at all. An animator's career ends if they can no longer use their hands effectively.

It's a warning for Japanese society and how they handle the mentally ill and socially recluse, as they continue to ignore them, events like this will continue to happen.

>man kills 30 people because of a literal brain fart
Yeah, fuckers like him need to be hung from a gibbet while the crows peck at them.

This years rewatch is going to be so depressing with Takemoto gone ;_;

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It was on Asahi ANN live stream earlier. We'll hear more numbers as the story continues to develop.

Yamada, Horiguchi and Noriko will get back together to revive kyoani. Yamakan can come back to be the despatch office boy.

>15 were by fire
Forget hanging the bastard, he needs to burn at the stake.

Whatever his reason is it's just going to be bullshit anyway, he obviously did it just because he wants to go out with a bang and make some headlines. World is really fucked up.

>> 190996395
> 7 out of 74 unharmed
> Only 7
Oh my freaking god ... Like someone said, if the injured have even a little damage in their arms, eyes or hands. That would affect their skill tremendously. Not even mentioning the obvious psychological trauma, depression, anxiety attacks and survivor guilty.

Let's hope, their love for animation and the company keeps their hearts strong. Also I hope their industry pals shows them constant love and support, that will help tremendously once they try to return to their normal lifes.

Well now it's 20 dead by fire


>Smoke spread so quickly through a burning Japanese animation company studio that a majority of victims who had tried to flee through a rooftop door were unable to open it before perishing, Japanese media said on Monday.

>The attack at Kyoto Animation on Thursday, in which a man shouting "Die!" poured a bucket of gasoline at the entrance to the building and lit it, took 34 lives and ranks as one of the worst mass killings in Japan for decades.

>Of those who died, 19 were found piled on top of each other on a stairway between the third floor and a door to the roof, with some early reports suggesting it could not be opened from the inside.

>But police quoted by NHK national television on Monday said investigations had shown that while the door could be opened from the inside, smoke from the blaze had apparently spread so fast that the victims were overcome before being able to do so.

>Kyoto police said on Monday that of the 26 people whose autopsy results have been released, 20 were burned to death, three died of carbon monoxide poisoning and two suffocated. The cause of death of one remained undetermined.

>On Monday, scaffolding had been erected by the first floor of the building whose outside walls were charred black. Aluminium windows were burnt away on the second story.

>Experts said that a spiral staircase near where suspect Shinji Aoba, 41, allegedly lit the fire acted as a chimney to funnel the smoke upwards through all three floors of the building. Survivors have described a "dark mushroom cloud" of smoke pouring up the staircase.

>"I heard voices arguing on the first floor, then within 15 seconds black smoke welled up from the staircase," one survivor was quoted as telling NHK.

All I ever said was there is reason to sue because there are hints to negligence. Negligence is a universal concept, adopted from English to American and German to wherever else.

Again, I've already said I am not a Jap lawyer so I wouldn't take my analysis as something 100% reliable

It doesn’t matter there is no excuse for this, nothing justifies killing innocents much less burning people to fucking death, Jesus fucking Christ they should do everything to make this guys life a living hell for decades

This is awful. At first it was only 5 by fire. I don't think I've seen an efficient casualty count from an attack in a long time.

Worst part is he couldn't aim his murderous autism towards a studio that had it coming like Trigger or Sunrise.

>Police quoted by NHK said a second set of stairs, on which many of the victims were found, also may have had a similar effect, meaning that the victims were rapidly overcome by smoke.

>The company late on Sunday issued a statement saying that the tragedy had left them at a loss.

>"All of these people were our talented, precious colleagues. Both for us here as well as the animation industry as a whole, this is a huge blow," the statement added.

>Late on Saturday, police issued an arrest warrant for Aoba, a loner from Omiya in Saitama Prefecture, who is in hospital with serious burns. Police plan to arrest him once he recovers.

Nobody ever categorizes "death by fire", you usually point out which state eventually caused death. In this case poisoned by carbon monoxide, which led them to fall uncouncious and then be exposed to the flames.

I did autopsies on calcined bodies a few times and even those who were "burned alive" were categorized as deceased by carcdiac arrest.

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Goddammit I hate lawyers so much

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And this gives the world an excuse to put bugs in every single hardware to monitor the people.
Also training people to be alert and to distrust the person next to them, including their own family.

They need to set up a nice WWII POW camp and treat him as if he were an allied soldier captured in it. Then burn him at the stage after about 20-30 years of POW simulator 2019.

Lawyers actually deserve death by fire much more than anyone in this incident

He should have aimed it at his landlord and burned down his house. With himself inside.

Hate the system bro.

We don’t need to go full fucking 1984 that isn’t the discussion the guy willingly caused over 30 people to die if there is any justice in this god forsaken world he’d get his due

I have a degree in law and I agree

>if you kill your enemies, they win

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Okay, Winnie.

Fuck that shit.

Not a bad idea user

Disney needs to buy animes

I've never agreed with eye for an eye doctrine but that's just mostly because masses use it to justify stupid acts. In this case, revenge won't bring back those dead but I wouldn't judge anyone affected who'd try and pump that son of a bitch full of lead.

It is true in this case
I want him to get lynch by kyoanifags in public. Angry otakus wont forgive him.

Is there an existence more bleak and awful than that of a leaf?

The movie Men Behind the Sun would have plenty ideas if you wanted to give him the Unit 731 treatment.

They need to fund those mentally ill to trigger the deal first.

We can't help it. For most of us it's only through that capacity that we knew any of them. Our loss is suffered through the loss of their talent to some loser with a grudge.
That isn't to say that most of don't also have massive sympathy for people behind the talent, but that is mostly the part of the people who knew them directly.

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But the arsonist killed his enemies.

>>Late on Saturday, police issued an arrest warrant for Aoba, a loner from Omiya in Saitama Prefecture, who is in hospital with serious burns. Police plan to arrest him once he recovers
sure would be a shame if somebody kept swabbing phenol on his burns before they could heal over.
intravenous antibiotics and a feeding tube might be needed to prevent the continually open wounds from developing fatal septic infections, and a stimulant IV would also be good to stimulate his cells to heal more quickly and also as a side effect lower the firing threshold for pain receptors.

fuck it you know what just give him the full Funkytown, he has certainly earned it.

Here's a free (You) that (You) crave so much.

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With 20 burned to death, the condition of the survivors is hard to contemplate.

Remember that most of the survivors got out by jumping off the balcony. It's not particularly dangerous, but you will end up with an ankle injury at least.

does the Japanese government accept petitions from overseas? Somebody make a change.org saying “Dear Mister Abe, please Funkytown Aoba.”
Include a video link to make sure nothing is lost in translation.

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Exactly. KyoAni didn't lose 34 employees, they effectively lost 60-70.

That pic is easily one of the best of the current year.


>NHK: The Kyoto Fire Dept says KyoAni Studio 1 had sufficient fire prevention measures.

What are they saying, is the government trying its hardest to not be held accountable?

I don't think any of the survivors can get near a bbq pit or eat charsiu again

They're saying their fire regulation is garbage. That isn't the first article that says the studio did no wrong and it won't be the last, on the very day the tragedy happened there were already articles pointing out how they had passed inspections last year.

>first it was 5
>then it was 15
>now it’s 20
Jesus fucking Christ. I only hope that hey at least got knocked out by the gas before being consumed by the fire, what an absolute horrible way to go.

On the bright side, at least 7 got out relatively unharmed. That’s probably a lot more than we could have hoped for.

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if they do that thing where they slice up the octopus and grill it bit by bit at the table while it is alive and they use Aoba instead of an octopus I would pay for a plateful

same fashion

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One chilling early sign of how bad it was was a witness who saw a survivor that appeared to be dressed in black from head to toe, but on closer inspection the person was charred from the fire.


Jesus Christ in Heaven! What is wrong with people?

Nobody is accountable. Fire codes are written to protect people from when the tea kettle short circuits. No business is expected to be ready for 40L gasoline bombs that get thrown once a century.

>On the bright side, at least 7 got out relatively unharmed. That’s probably a lot more than we could have hoped for.

>look on the bright side 7 out of 74 were not killed or horribly maimed
boy is anybody else tired of winning yet because I sure am

The people on the second floor have their trachea and lungs smoked and cooked before getting knocked out.

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French Government attempted hostile takeover of Nissan and Mitsubushi.

Being the largest shareholder of Renault, French government attempted to steal part of Japan's auto sector.

Macron got an egg on his face when Japan responded back.

>only hope that hey at least got knocked out by the gas before being consumed by the fire
Without a doubt, the smoke got to them long before the fire and only a couple of seconds after inhaling that are needed to kill someone.

Similar to drowning, where you can feel your lungs filling up with water and bursting inside your body before you pass out

Lack of even minimal measures like fire doors is a glaring oversight, regardless of fire type. Fire doors, and no spiral staircase (or at least a shutter), would have saved everyone on the upper floors.

This is the first time I've actually wanted to sacrifice my life for a cause. If I'd known this was going to happen at all, getting to Kyoto would be no problem for me. If I could just rush the faggot before he gets close to the door and get him to light the gas early, 34 more people would be alive who'd go on to do more significant things than I'll ever do.

>this will never get animated

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None of them would've taken your life instead of theirs user. You have to live, we're still here. Live and be the best user you can be now. Do it for them, and for yourself.

>19 people who each worked hard to bring you shows that you love are reduced to a pile of corpses in a few terrifying moments
This is going haunt me for a while. I know it.

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It looked like it was going to be romance so I probably wouldn't have watched it anyway, but damn she looks cute.

Based low self esteem runaway imagination suicidal martyr complex user.

Save it for something more meaningful.

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Yeah If there was any way to turn back the clock I would do it and do whatever it took to put the fucker down like the rapid animal he was, is just kill rush him on his way there

its more of a post-war Japan story iirc

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With every disaster you can always point to things that COULD have been done. The question is whether those things should reasonably have been in place. A lot of people in the Twin Towers would still be alive if everyone on the upper floors was equipped with a BASE jumping kit.
Are you going to design your entire country to avoid one incident in one building every 100 years?

Ladderbro saved 4 of them, imagine if he wasn't there to ask them to jump, it would have been 100% kill rate for the people on the second floor.

I'm going to be jaunted by the picture of the charred corpse slumped over beside the window. I'm pretty sure it's not actually a corpse and is just a collection of unrelated objects in the vague shape of a corpse, but the image is still burned into my mind. The survivor and witness stories as well, like the woman who saw someone burn alive in a window and the guy who saw the three women jump from the second floor covered in burns with their clothes burned off to their underwear.

Judges are a thousand times worst than Lawyers.

At least lawyers can be fired.

>hurr they copied k-on's movie from me
Is this nigger serious?

>equating minimal fire standards with fucking parachute packs for every desk jockey
The shittiest commercial hovel here in the USA will have fire doors. It's just common sense to compartmentalize that shit, and a pretty cheap measure compared to sprinkler systems and shit.

That's just because judges ARE lawyers. Senior lawyers who have been promoted.

KyoANI is shady. But I'd love to see your sacrifice, slave.

Retributive justice rules and comic book Howard Zehr moralizing is pretty shit bro.

Hey I just took the test online and now I'm a lawyer in Flipland. Don't have much to do since they're just shooting all the drug dealers.

>refuse to adapt to modern design and fire safety codes
>cling to wood door tatami tradition
>jerk off to how safe you country is
>poor hiring practices
>possibly rip off someones work
had it coming

We just need to invent the fucking machine Okabe created in Steins;Gate. Then sent "date/hour/direction/stop guy in red shirt", to the past.


It's going to be fukushima all over again

Old as shit building grandfathered through modern safety standards

For all of those wishing you could torture the perpetrator - don't worry. Death Row in Japan is already extemely cruel.
>complete isolation with no window
>not allowed to move around in cell, you have to sit
>not allowed to talk to fellow inmates
>only allowed 3 books
>the most you can do to keep your mind busy is menial jobs such as constructing department store
>only exercise is 3, 30 min sessions a week
>usually languish in jail for decades
>not told when you're going to be killed until a few hours before
>family notified of your execution after the fact
Also no lethal injection - it's a good old fashion hanging where "the body bounces like a 70 kilogram object on a nylon rope,"
On top of lasting nerve damage from his burn injuries, the fucker is going to have a hell of a time ahead of him

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Some judges are elected and not even necessarily lawyers.

Wait up, this "ripped off" thing is about k-on movie? What the fuck

Then go on to do something significant. That''s my only answer to this.
Go on to do something that will put even the faintest air of positivity to this tragedy. You have to do it.

*department store bags

Megumi Ohno still missing ? Let's hope she was on her way to the convenience store at that time and got kidnapped by Yakuza, and that she'll eventually come back safe.

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>he thinks the concept of negligence exists outside of some of Europe and the United States
Wow I haven't laughed that hard for a while. Go to China and sue for negligence. See what happens.

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>people ITT who unironically think that KyoAni would leave this trashfire of a situation scot-free

you are all retarded. KyoAni will surely get destroyed by multiple stacks of lawsuits. You faggots think that this company would ever survive for an another year? That's just too optimistic of you

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I'm pretty sure Japan doesn't like filthy outsiders having a serious stake in their businesses.

Do you need a sign telling you to stop posting on this website?

Bring a gun and shoot the motherfucker so he prematurely combusts.

>All these people replying seriously

I'm not a sadist so I just want him executed. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll just die from his injuries, and the people of Japan will be spared paying for the legal process.

Idk, but a man used to be allowed to kill his wife and the guy if he caught her cheating.

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Good news to hear to be honest

Why are americans so retarded that they can only think about lawsuits and who's getting sued in a situation like this?

Also here's a picture of the cell they stay in
They sleep on the tatami mats and are not allowed pillows or blankets

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At the end of the day, he's only one person. While torturing him is just and I'm not opposed to it, it won't go an inch in matching the suffering he caused. There's no an eye for an eye that can be delivered in a situation like this where there are 34 dead.

Spotted the ugly American.

Probably because they live in a culture of diverting blame elsewhere

Cuck culture

Tort law in Japan is not comparable to any other country's legal system. It's a completely different beast and an utter nightmare to navigate. The percentage of cases that actually go to litigation is less than 1%, and judgements in those cases near universally get differed back to the insurance process.
Japanese law is specifically structured to prevent tort litigation from proceeding without checking off an absurd amount of boxes to be eligible for filing. The chances of KyoAni getting sued for negligence in this case is close to nil. The only lawsuits that you will see, if you even do, will be against the city for the fire code. And honestly, even that is a stretch for a laundry list of reasons that I don't feel like getting into at 3am.
Now, fuck off.

Because lawyers, instead of humans, run their country.

thank you, I knew he was spewing bullshit but I don't have the law knowledge to refute it

This tragedy brought newfags and crossposters by the shiploads, making it a double tragedy

>>not allowed to move around in cell, you have to sit
>>not allowed to talk to fellow inmates
What's stopping him from just saying "fuck these inane rules"?
What are they going to do, kill him? That's already the plan.

Amerifats are literally brainwashed into trying to make money out of every single event or occurrence that's currently happening, cause they are used to getting away with it and actually getting protected while doing so. Even if a family member gets shot in a mass murder or some shit it's totally fine cause you'll make some sweet bucks out of easy lawsuits. Legitimately worse than a third world shithole.

The guards will probably "discipline" him for breaking rules.

>getting so mad at people who are so pessimistic to the future of his favourite company
>thanking a random user because he couldnt 'defend' his favourite company himself

talk about pathetic and a newfag at the same time

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I bet the guards will work you over if you try that. And any small pleasure like marginally better food gets taken away. Prison have such reward/punish systems refined to an art such that even the biggest brute gets brought under control.

Good riddance good news to hear

>the body bounces like a 70 kilogram object on a nylon rope,
Buta-kun looks like he's 90, easily.

Really couldn't give a shit.

Would all this be avoided if the building structure was better designed with safety in mind? I don't really like the spiral staircase, for one thing

I dont want him to die yet. He has to explain his retardation first

Your building isn't immune to a petrol bomb either.
Sleep tight.

Liability and financial compensation to actual victims is a better system than either tacit societal approval of vendettas, or neglect in favor of (semi or full) state sponsored industries, when niggers and other social dregs aren't fouling up the system with fake claims to victimhood status, or when ungrounded women on juries aren't misapplying where ultimate responsibility lies.

The three people on the ground floor would still have died, but some if not all the remaining 31 might have lived if the building's floorspaces were properly segregated (as in no spiral staircase connecting them all with open air) from an also segregated stairwell and external fire exits for the upper floors existed.

Not after 20 years in prison.

Yes, it was a fire trap:

It's just going to be "hurr durr i'm retarded."

>only allowed 3 books

Attached: 2019-07-20_15-25-12.jpg (233x284, 28K)

Who the fuck wants to become a lawyer anyway?
Nigga you're becoming the ultimate sellout that nobody on Earth except your guilty client can trust.

It’s not much but it something

Being a lawyer must feel like jury duty 24/7

Guards can get creative as fuck and barring his injuries people can live through a lot given the right environment

>There was a spiral staircase inside the building, but it was that a facility called "vertical wall" to prevent smoke rising was installed according to the law.
From NHK Kyoto City Fire Bureau report. Also you can see in old videos of the studio that the spiral staircase did have glass holders installed at the top to prevent airflow.

Lawyers are extremely useful for drawing up contracts and assessing liability.

Only a boring loser. Codified law is a pile of made up, contingent bullshit the study of which tells you nothing of objective reality and nature.

they should put a shock collar on his dick so he gets zapped whenever he tries to fap. he won't last long at all then

maybe with fire doors separating every floor, no spiral staircase, and fire escape it could have prevented more deaths, but 40L of a highly volatile explosive such as gasoline is just too damaging to stop.
Here's a look at the fireball caused by half that amount

>MAGA hat on anime character
Literally the lowest a lifeform could reach

>You should moarn more for the innocent lives that were stolen with no reason from the people who worked for Kyoani, rather than the studio itself.
The studio was made up of those individuals

Then cut it off, fry it up, and feed it too him. "Chow is expensive, gotta save the Yen somehow".

No one's been on your level user so no.

How is this a bad thing?

What's wrong with lawyers? Lawyers can be cool, it's like you've never played Phoenix Wright.

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Don't get me wrong, fuck this guy, but this is basically torture and in my mind that is only justifiable if you need life-saving information out of someone. This is just pointless cruelty which let me remind you does not have a chilling effect on violent crime. By all means take him out back and put a bullet in his brain though.

I had the same exact thoughts going on user. Million ways I could have been able to save them, if I had just somehow magically had known this would have happened. I would genuinely give up my life in a heartbeat to bring them back.

Lawyers write contracts that can only be read by other lawyers, ensuring more people need lawyers.
At the extreme you get something like the defense contractors in the US, where the companies and the government pull from the same pool of subhumans who have craftily ensured they are needed every step of the way to sort out the mess they've created.
If you don't get you, you're gonna get fucked, but you're still playing right into those bastard's hands.

I'll do both.

Not all lawyers represent clients in court.

who are you quoting?

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Where is the laptop to watch anime on?

Is this true? Yamada dodged a bullet there

Even if they defend slimy people time to time not everyone is guilty of crimes. Defending the falsely accused is also important. Else we'll go back to the dangerous world of witch-hunts and lynch mobs.

Why isn’t it enough? Everyone dies eventually so cutting his life short for what he’s done is a slap on the risk compared to what he’s done

Take away your fan, turn up/down the thermostat on the air supply, bugs in your rice. And that's before we get into physical abuse, especially the sort that won't leave marks.

there's no point sacrificing your life now, user
Live your best life for the 34 that can't.

Go back then redditor

>the rope is tied so its noose comes to the side of the neck, making it look as if the condemned is bowing toward witnesses when dropped from the upper floor.

takemoto will be fine

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Holy shit. Cucked right at the end.

Which is actually happening right now. 2019 is a crazy year.


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they are also bound a blindfolded before being hung to prevent flailing.
This is the last thing they see on their walk to being executed before being blindfolded

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I'm not ready for this.

time to accept it brother, he's in a better place

Because it's pointless lizard brain shit. There is zero reason to do this outside of muh revenge, which you don't want I would argue, because unlike this guy people who are not even certain to be guilty are going to be put through the same kind of torture. Honestly I don't even think a state should have the authority to execute someone given just how shit they are at determining guilt.

You know what to do.
Learn Japanese. Get /fit/. Become a firefighter in Japan. Make the city revise its fire codes.

Doesn't even need to be external. Commercial buildings like these in the USA are required to have protected internal stairwells with an accessible exit near the bottom.
Studio 1 had the internal stairwell but lacked fire doors or they were propped open, making them into death traps.

My work building would've kept the petrol bomb contained where it was set off. Fire doors close automatically during a fire via electromagnetic holders (cut power to close door). Pretty cool to watch during a fire drill.

>Why are americans so retarded that they can only think about lawsuits and who's getting sued in a situation like this?

In this case, it would've been a good thing had the KyoAni building owners evaluated their liability and risk in case of fire. USA private buildings can get quite over-engineered for safety if the owners are paranoid about disaster liability (see )

The people on the third floor probably would have mostly made it, the people on the second floor would have had an easier time. First floor would have been just as fucked.

Saving others is best appreciated when you can save yourself at the end. Can't do more good if you die midway.

The just society is one which rehabilitates its non capital crime offenders, and callously disposes of its proven menaces to society. Not as a measure of deterrence, but in accordance to the society preserving its values. You wish for a society which cannot protect itself.

Lawyers who defend people that they know are guilty are scum. Especially if they use their slimy methods to reduce the sentence or even get the case dismissed.

Translation when?

What's been Yea Forums's sad music over the past couple of days?

Harsh punishments can be used to deter potential criminals.

Absolutely disgusting. Nigger loving kike degenerates like those belong on a cross.

It's illegal but let's be fair, no jury in the world will convict you if you're the family member of a victim
I believe YES HE DESERVED TO DIE, AND I HOPE HE BURNS IN HELL is a valid legal defense for revenge killing.

who wants to be a lawyer anyway? They're the biggest type of enablers out there, pretty much on-par to cuckolds

Right? The #metoo and weaponized victimhood has been a total shitshow. Businesses don't want to hire as many women anymore because they're now seen as a liability for these stunts.


Attached: kyoani.jpg (1000x563, 109K)

Lawyers and /pol/ are not welcome here.

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What? Read my post again. Lock the guy up for life in conditions that are humane but spartan is what I'm suggesting. Stop being so dramatic
This has never worked and never will.

Look at it this way: the fact that they could pull a victory means the culprit could've just as easily made the argument if representing themselves. A defense lawyer for the guilty is needed to make the legislators rewrite the laws to catch said loopholes.

I just want them back ;_;

Meant to respond to

Then go on Reddit you can be an underage retard on there.

Couple all this with Japan's supposed 99% conviction rate, it makes you wonder how many falsely accused people got the rope over the centuries.

They are not really dead. Just on life support. i'd expect them to return in like 4 years

>just as easily made the argument if representing themselves
Bullshit. Your average person has absolutely no clue how to represent themselves and would fail at these things without the help of a lawyer and you know it.

what steps they take next, the economy, and the support they recieve will determine whether they get to live or die
if we have an industry crash anytime soon I doubt they'll recover.

No, he's a waste of resources, so he dies.
You don't get to steal the product of others labor and make them support mass murderers.


Dude I'm not Canadian okay, or the Japanese Justice and Rehabilitation system.

It has been over 97 hours
the time for pretending to be sad is over

>This has never worked and never will.
Are you retarded? Society revolves around the fact that laws exist and you don't break them due to the consequences. If the punishment for killing someone was life time in prison where the you have a laptop, internet access, 3 meals a day, a bed, instead of what is it currently do you really think the homicide levels would be the identical?

I'm okay with a little cruelty if they can prove without reasonable doubt that you've committed a heinous crime like murdering 34 people.
It's only human to want revenge.

You are 40 years old. It's time to stop pretending that you should be alive.

People on death row (in the us) cost more money than simply locking them up for life. In japan they keep them around for decades before the execution.

This is heaven for a minimalist. I would not mind.


great, hope that means you'll get the fuck out thread

>It has been over 97 hours
>It's time to pretend the sad is over


No they don't. People on death row in the Federal system cost more, because people like you waste copious amounts of money stalling the judicial oversight, trying to prevent them from being executed.

t. fag going through grief
Are you in the anger stage or at the acceptance stage?

Which makes parts of the law untested for much longer because it wasn't applied to situations as often, thus decreasing the frequency of revisions. You want defense lawyers for the guilty to uncover any loophole they can, so that the law is made more precise.

People who would commit the worst crimes are either psychopaths, crazy, or ideologically possessed which your tough sentences don't do shit against.
>the rest of your strawman ramble
I said a spartan but humane treatment, which doesn't mean Netflix and chill : the prison, obviously.

I wish I could get over things quickly

Attached: asuka.gif (480x270, 122K)

This shit is not even anime at this point.
Who cares about 3DPD when the reason for all of these roots to their own cheapness and disregard for safety. I have no sympathy for greedy companies that cause the death of their employees through negligence

based and grieving at their own pace-pilled
especially since some of you fucks still cry about computers rendering cels obsolete

No, it costs so much money because if you're going to allow the state to kill people you're going to want to be damn sure that person is guilty, which costs time and money.

It's obvious you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Looking at all the mourning pictures, it really seem like most of kyoani fans are female in their 20s 30s which grew up on keion.

The tiny bit of hope I held for rollercoaster tycoon cunny: tits season 2 is finally gone and it hurts.

No, that isn't how appeals work, you dipshit cock-breath.

>Lock the guy up for life in conditions that are humane but spartan is what I'm suggesting
To what purpose? By way of proving your society values dangerous criminals so highly that it expends inordinate sums to maintain their lives for as long as possible, with no gain to itself as compensation but assuaging the fee fees of pacifists and a spiritually deficient segment of your populace who wish to raise above all else the body of man? Be humane to the society of which you are a part, and in which you have investment that it continues after you.

If they can't be taught a lesson or changed what is the point of keeping them alive and wasting taxpayer money on them besides "killing is bad"?

Back to /pol/, hothead.


No spiral staircase and firedoors with a proper concrete only main stairwell would have given everyone on the third and most of the second floor significantly more time, and importantly more air, to get to the roof.

Think of how long it takes you to move up one flight of stairs and fire doors would have let you get at least that much time.

Very substanceless post you ignoramus.
You waste other people's resources preserving the lives of the worst detritus that exist, because in your abject inferiority, you sympathize more with them than the people that they victimize. You probably do have a lot more in common with them than you do a normal human.

I hope the guards beat him regularly.

Netflix is down like 60$ in stock market after their earnings and it's gona go way more down, so they are in no position to buy out shit

Their own fault for not renewing the rights to shit people want to see and instead making their own shit that no-one cares about.

Them cockblocking Takagi S2 with their exclusivity bullshit doesn't help.

They can just borrow more money and buy an animation studio whose talent was gutted. This makes good business sense, even though licensing Japanese animation for dirt is obviously less risky.

I doubt its as widespead an issue in glorious Nippon, but in the US they make enough "mistakes" ('well maybe we didn't get the black guy, but hey, we got a black guy, right?') that people stop believing the system is just enough to deliver a permanent judgement.

Solid post, really proved my opinions wrong with those hot assertions, /pol/tard.

not that many people get Netflix for anime

You should really join this otaku trash that killed 34 people.

For the reason I've stated before, to prevent innocent people from getting executed. And it's not "killing Is bad" its " i don't trust a government with the right to kill people who have already been passified".

That just makes it an even better investment. They should buy Gonzo while they are at it.

“I find it amusing how /pol/ faggots here are so confident in saying "nigger, reddit,retard", when in real life they won't do SHIT.

It's hilarious, because despite the talk, you're TERRIFIED of us. Lmfao. You KNOW this is true, you KNOW you're nothing more than a pathetic, shy autistic KID who LITERALLY CAN'T LOOK PEOPLE IN THE EYES LMFAO, yet of course online you're a "crusader" (I actually cringed just typing that lmfao). You BOW your head when you see me in the street, you fucking SHIT YOURSELF when you see us late at night, and you're SUCH A LITTLE BITCH THAT YOU CROSS THE STREET TO AVOID US. LMFAO.

Again - go ahead and type out a butthurt reply, but deep down you KNOW what I'm saying is true. That's what makes it so hilarious - literally ALL young western european "nationalists" are scared, pathetic COWARDS. Sure, you have your little Steam groups/IRCs and discords where you whine about the shitskins and Kyoani, you bitch on your little boards, but WE CONTROL YOUR STREETS. LMFAO. You are PETRIFIED to leave the house after dark, because of us. LMFAO. Aww, little suburban bitch, did the scary dark man give you a nightmare? Don't worry, just go and play Crusader Kings, you can be a real man there! LMFAO.”

Attached: 武本 康弘 上草履.jpg (1080x1080, 457K)

That too.

Attached: Aged Past Perfection But Somehow Still Perfect.jpg (1276x1297, 797K)

Why couldn't this Shinji have stayed a whiny emo brat as well?

Are you ok? Seems like you've been in the sun for too long.

You killed half a million Iraqis for no reason, pissant. You could execute 20% of your prison population and still not victimize as many people.

Did you leave the quote marks on that pasta? Is this really how we do things now?

the hell is that

Oh hell no.

I don't live in the USA. You can stop embarrassing yourself with baseless assumptions any time now.

If Mina had actually grown up to be that hot, I'd father a whole football game with her. All the players, substitutes, coaches, referees and linesmen.

what am I supposed to be looking at here

What does she look like grown up?

Not buying it. You have no reason to be fixated on the cost of executing inmates in the U.S., which isn't a relevant party to this event at all.

Marginally taller than her school self. Still shorter than her friends.

with the originals all gone it kind of feels like she's dead

It's relevant as people will know what I'm talking about, being largely American. Strange how /pol/ fags don't even realise how crazy they are.

If hexes, I curse Aoba Shinji to have permanent nerve damage preventing him from ever getting more than 30 second catnaps.

My condolences Yea Forums.

No that doesn't make it relevant at all. Not only do you not understand the function of legal appeals you can't even make a coherent justification for why you--purportedly not from the U.S.--feel the need to inject the cost of executing prisoners there into a discussion to buttress your indefensible confiscation of others resources to sustain the existence of mass murderers.

She could certainly stand to be cuter.

Attached: Aged Past Perfection.png (960x1361, 984K)

there was a nightclub fire in like the 80s or 90s where a load of people died not because they couldn't reach an exit, but because the exit itself was literally clogged with people trying to get out. they were stuck in the doors and everyone died courtesy of panic

Nishikata-chan getting 3P from Mina's sons when?

rolling for digits


People are trampled every year during sales. There have probably been numerous events where people were trampled by not following orderly evacuation protocol during a fire where they are even stupider from panic.

Off by 1, damn.

The Heavens themselves conspire to deny justice.

In the just society of the ideal I describe I also account for rehabilitation, which also implies a society determined to do that in fact, rather than just passing people through the system because lol can't punish black folk it's not good politics, though they're far and away the most prevalent per capita criminal element. Were there interest in pursuing a more robust reform of the judicial system, with justice as its aim, there should be a tendency to not have those stray miscarriages of justice that do sometimes occur.

Then again, it would have to be a true want of the black community, who wished to no longer be victimized by recidivist criminals who came into their communities from a broken prison system. But they're too busy adopting the criminal's philosophy of hating on law enforcement and systems of an imperfect justice to want honest reform.

oh shut up

was a KyoAni get at least. was script trash. If I had been half a second slower, justice would have been served.

Crossboarders plus go back to your shithole

You first.

reee no. Yea Forums is comfy

I really wish it wasn't this because it seems disrespectful on some level, but there's no other song right now that gives me the same strength to go on

its ridiculous. black friday always has stories of someone somewhere getting trampled by a mob


Been listening to most of the Jigoku Shoujo soundtracks. These are the kinds of trash who should really be sent to Hell.

See? There's no interest in justice in your philosophy; your whine about inhumanity is just for show.

Yasuharu Takanashi is one of the composers for the Jigoku Shoujo OSTs. You should check out some of his other work.

the state kills people actively and passively in a variety of ways and the only one he cares about determining absolute certainty in is defending murderers
he is a trash baby

They’re losing subscribers and sinking themselves into further debt.

There’s a law that explicitly prohibits foreign companies overtaking Japan’s. The boss of Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi tried that once and got sent to nip pokey.

Sure in an ideal system you (society) can just set the thresholds for 'reformable' and 'eh, just plaster em right there' and live with the consequences, but the amount of human discretion every step of the way makes that a moot point.

Image title says "Takemoto Yasuhiro's indoor slippers"

How do they know they're his?

I just might. The creepy lalalas in the Hell Girl soundtrack are therapeutic.

Nobody cares. I never understood people saying shit like this, how can you feel bad for people you don't even know? What the fuck, why does everyone pretend that it's so horrible and that they're sad. Just a few gooks dying while wage-cucking, they were nobodies to you.

Attached: 1563623080573.png (720x720, 802K)

Netflix is between a rock and a hard place. The rightsholders for a lot of the content people subscribe for want to cut them out.

I don't know. I'm just translating the title of the image. I hope its just someone pulling shit out of his ass.

All they had to do was get Takagi S2 simulcasted worldwide instead of the fucking 'wait until it has all aired' bullshit they're doing.

If you don't care then just hide these threads, go and stay go.

Deemed sufficient to handle accidental fires.
You can't really compare that with arson and other forms of terrorism.
Though they really should've had a proper fire exit.

Any more edge and the Bongs would demand a loicense and bin you.

this is trololololing
i used to respond to some of them, hoping to see screenshots appear in one of the places i monitor, so i could make them suffer. alas, my net is too small.

>but unless people binge this material that was originally designed to air weekly they will lose retention and our viewer retention will decrease
They are fucking muppets who deserve to be a dumping ground for Adam Sandler shit

Elaborate. For what reason do you feel sad? Explain it to me. You would've never met them, you didn't know them, you didn't witness it, you were in no way responsible. What is it that causes you to be irrationaly sad and flustered? I understand paying respects, but a million of these threads of pretending to cry and feel sorry is pure reddit tier. None of you care and you shouldn't, you'll probably blast music and be happy in a few minutes.

The Netflix model has ruined a lot of the social aspects of watching series. I kind of hate it.

even as a troll your ambitions outshine your ability. For your sake I hope you improve

Even in an accidental fire that design was objectively bad without the firedoors around the main stairwell. Smoke from any fire would end up in the stairwell and attack people either trying to go up or come down, which is what they have to do because there's no other exit from floors 2 or 3.

No amount of protection short of shooting the intruder with a crossbow before he got in could have saved the first floor, but proper smoke-stop doors and other forms of level segregation would have given the upper two floors time to save at least some if not all of them.

Not to mention that Takagi is one of the worst series for binging because the Takagi segments are all the same. Even weekly I grew sick of her, really only watching it for Mina.

you know japanese user? your kind is needed here. hope it's a troll.

Like most trash babies, he was probably more interested in virtue signalling for (You)s than anything, not having given the matter he discussed much thought.
If you (society) wishes for closer to the ideal, then it has to pursue the ideal to the extent the human condition allows, and not give up for an inability of humans to live by ideals.

Takagi is much to sweet to be binged. Anyone trying to binge a whole season in one go will go into a diabetic coma.

I agree. For really iconic shows (that "everyone" has seen) it doesn't really matter, but most of those showed aired traditionally years ago, so people are just catching up or revisiting something they already like. For seasonal shows (frequently adaptations of weekly or monthly released manga) 'binging' really puts a dampener on the experience, especially if you're hoping to discuss it with others.

>having empathy over lost lives is reddit instead of a humane thing
You came from some broken family?

It's mostly incomprehensible at least without context (and I'm inclined to pin it on the poster being incoherent rather than my Japanese), but the gist seems to be that he sent a manuscript to kyoani but they rejected it, tore him a new one in the feedback and then ripped off his ideas. It's unclear what exactly the ideas are, but he mentions something about being held back a year in the K-On movie (summary I googled suggests that that was a plot point) and about meteorites (no idea what that's about). In the end of one of the posts, he talks about barging/breaking into kyoani with explosives in the hypothetical (along with "indiscriminate terror")

Fuck. If only someone living nearby had seen that, and sacrificed him before he could carry out the attack.

I don't understand why you bother paying attention to the sociopath.

Until society is sufficiently cohesive and educated that we can decide on an acceptable percentage of innocent people on death row and live with the consequences of that decision, executions should be reserved for only the most heinous crimes, like this mass murder, and not used to threaten people into plea bargains. The overuse of the death penalty makes it less effective (at 'guided divine retribution').

(To clarify, the implication is obviously that this poster was the perp.)

Oh, and another thing that is underlined in red is literally: "Many people say: 'at that point, have to go to the [musho]'". I figure musho (written in katakana) is probably an abbreviation for 刑務所 (keimusho, prison). (Aoba was known to have had a previous stint in prison.) Without context, I'm again unsure what this is about, but under the hypothesis that this poster was indeed him (and this is part of a running conversation with people who he previously told more about his circumstances), the possible interpretations I see are
(1) he had to go to prison shortly after this happened, and so couldn't pursue the matter further (like by suing kyoani)
(2) he submitted his manuscript from out of prison (as part of some sort of rehab programme?) and people were suggesting he should've taken the complaint to the higher-ups in the prison (who ran the programme?)
(3) musho is not keimusho (punishment office) but some other musho that he could've complained to

(1) seems more plausible than (2), because the k-on movie was released in 2011 but iirc he only went to prison in 2012. (However, he might have had a stint in prison before that?). (3) seems unlikely to me but I have no idea about this kind of slang.

What part of, everything they were working on for future projects went up in flames don't you understand?

439: I am writing on this thread because I wanted to write a LN.
Now I am not motivated at all to write. Those idiots just copy them.

82: Agreed. You even copied my note. Is this hacking? Did you probe my brain? I will not forget you guys for stealing my ideas.

Not going to continue further, but seems like just some schizo sperging about his "original" LN being stolen

>19 people who were coworkers and friends were scrambling, panicked and probably saw one another as obstacles in the way in their last moments
This is utterly horrifying to imagine. I can bet most survivors will definitely have guilt from this incident

wouldn't surprise me if they didn't see anything and just flailed around in the dark until falling unconscious from a lack of oxygen

Thank you, user.

Or you could go up to the roof right before the incident, and open the door so they can escape:

just hit him with a car while he's waddling to the gas station


No good. He might get isekaied and wreck some other world, then we'd get the blame, as they reverse isekai some unstoppable monster into our world.