Danberu Nan Kilo Moteru?

>The MC is voiced by a seiyuu who literally has zero anime roles before (her only previous roles were web videos or commercials)
What did Dogakobo mean by this?

Attached: danberu op.webm (640x360, 2.26M)

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all newbies start somewhere. and some of them happen to luck into leading roles. watch more anime, summerfag.

>that beach running animation
What is this, on fucking 10s or something?

Dogakobo is god tier. They fucking get it. No other studio is as based; only Shaft comes close.

Hmm yes I too only watch things I have already watched before because I know it's going to be good, as I've already seen it

>some of them happen to luck into leading roles
And is it me or a lot of them never got another main role? Like the girl who played Bocchi, or the girl who played Momo Minamoto. At least Fairouz has a role next year, but the same can't be said for a lot of seiyuu with similar circumstances.

See also love lab, yuru yuri.

>Love Lab
What are you talking about? All of the main cast of that show had main roles before that series.

It's been one season since Bocchi aired, user.

A lot of moeshit anime especially use newbie seiyuu because they cost less