Make and request Yea Forumsrt.
Other urls found in this thread:
Requesting Aqua pouting like Mamako and/or vice-versa.
Junko posing in a black bikini. Wanted to see a Desert Punk request being delivered.
Requesting Tsubasa with a short bob haircut with her normal straight cut ends. Either outfit shown here is fine. The sidetail is optional.
Requesting Frolaytia Capistrano dressed as Cammie from Street Fighter doing a high kick
Requesting ugly bastards doing ugly things.
Requesting Starlia Reese from Ragna Crimson sunbathing on a beach in a swimshorts-bikini top combo, her "hands" folded and inert on top of a cooler next to her towel.
Requesting Frenda getting a tentacle lotion massage for the first time
Requesting Frenda getting a kiss planted right on her lips by a cute boy for the first time
Someone draw a cute goat while making sure the head is in shape of a pear - not an orange.
Requesting Mitsuki Bakugo showing to her son her new and cool tattoo.
Requesting Papiko doing an Ultraman pose.
Requesting Yoshikawa Yuuko from Hibike! Euphonium cuddling with a stuffed lamb (as in a plush/stuffed toy, not a real one), in pajamas or lingerie.
Requesting Frenda putting the lotion in the basket.
Requesting cute art of Nia being barefoot. Nothing fetish-y please, just something cute and innocent.
Linking since last thread is dying
I don't know who that is and I don't want to read all of that. Why does spamming matter? Can't I just draw whatever?
Just ignore him and draw what you want
hello mishafag
Requesting Mt Lady relaxing on the beach in a bikini with a bunch of people spreading suntan lotion on her enormous butt either by hand or mops. Bonus if she tells them with a sultry tone to make sure to cover every inch since she wouldn't want to risk a sunburn.
Requesting edit of pic related
Get rid of all the shadows, and draw how would Diavolo look likw with no shadows covering his desing
Requesting a busty Buu saga Chichi wearing a slutty version of Futaba's outfit ( short shorts, high heels, a midriff, big earrings and a cleavage)
claiming but it'll take a hot while
Requesting Mirabell Bell wearing a bulletproof vest that's too small for her chest
Requesting Akeno as a Zekrom themed mecha musume
Requesting Kaiki drinking coffee gazing into a sunset (in whatever clothes you prefer, he wears a suit or Hawaiian shirt)
Requesting Ravel Phoenix nervously trying on a nice but conservative dress in a mirror going 'Is this still too much?'
Requesting Seras Victora laying seductively in a bikini on top of a huge cannon with the words "Bitches love cannons" written on the side.
Requesting a drawing of Fleur as Fooly's slavegirl
>I don't want to read all of that
I see you're murrikan
Requesting Takagi (the girl on the left) wearing Uzaki's (the girl on the right) "Sugoi Dekai" shirt but it says "Sugoi Doyagao" instead.
Ranko wearing something like this
Yes. Draw what you want. Be warned someone will get mad if you draw for the wrong people.
Requesting Tour Guide from the Underworld in some kind of comfy summer outfit.
Requesting any of these girls from Rising of the Shield Hero wearing a sci-fi outfit/plugsuit, inspired by their own outfits: Rishia, Glass, Therese, Sadina, Claire, Kizuna, and Rat.
Requesting Valkyrie Drive's Charlotte wearing a black outfit with a corset, or tank top and bootyshorts. If you wanted not an outfit change, draw her doing a typical ojou-sama laugh or using a pair of baghnakhs or gleefully having sex in the cowgirl position, with a tit being grabbed
Re-Requesting Midari with a nail bat
Requesting lolibaba sleeping like senpai.
requesting this one to be colored and the Japanese changed to English to say "I CAN'T GO FAST IN THIS!"
Requesting 2koma instant loss starting with Akkun defending Tanukichi from Anna's sexual deviancy, second panel Akkun is moaning in horrible pain in the Yamcha death pose
Melty and Filo From Shield Hero on a stage doing a duet in sexy tuxedos, complete with top hats, canes, fishnet stockings, and highheel boots. Have Naofumi enjoying the view from the front row.
Requesting Ren, Homi, and Yua from Miru Tights wearing black close toed high heeled shoes and duct tape sealing their mouths, please. Bonus points if they're hand and ankle cuffed, but that's optional.
Requesting Stocking from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt as a Skullgirl. Basically white hair, red skull shaped eyes, even more gothic than usual, etc.
Requesting Akari Akaza,Yulia "Yusha" Chardiet and Momo Minamoto dressed as the 3 musketeers
Ayase from Guilty Crown like this but in a much more elegant outfit including close toed high heels, please.
Requesting Yuuki Konno sitting up in her hospital with a blood bag hooked to her arm and looking in better health than left images, but not as healthy as right. With the sole exception being her breasts are now D cup with her looking at her hands going "I'm...healthy?"
Then in a second panel she's cupping her new bosom with a stoic yet blushing face.
Optionally with off panel doctors voicing their disbelief at her being cured and how the blood transfusion worked so well
Requesting Goblin Slayer's High Elf Archer experiencing breast envy against Cow Girl, even going as far as groping her from behind under her overalls maybe even having milk come out
requesting color
Who's bottom right? Did they add a new story?
mashiro wearing a bikini
I just drew my first portrait on a computer ever using Illustrator; it's a picture of Superman
Requesting Alex Louis Armstrong flexing his moustache
Is Crunchyroll Hime considered Yea Forums? I'm confused about that. I want to draw her but not sure what outfit she should wear.
Fuck no.
Which show is the loli from?
That certainly is a nail bat.
That's just Queen Nancy after she turned into a Skullgirl. Pretty sure its older stuff.
Imouto sae Ireba Ii.
Requesting fusions of (Musubi, Tsukiumi, Matsu, and Kazehana from Sekirei), (Shion and Chloe from Slime). If you want you could fuse any two or more of them.
Rias and Akeno: Done
Mirajane and Esdeath: Done
Requesting Elizabeth from the anime "Persona 5: The Animation"
>Persona 5
Requesting Haruhi having fun at the Boryeong Mud Festival.
If you want to draw the K-On or Lucky Star girls in the mud, that's fine with me.
Requesting a drawfriend to do their take on if Ann Electel from Rockman.EXE Beast+ (left) used a Full Synchro chip to Cross Fuse with ElecMan.EXE to take on some of his more obvious characteristics while still remaining sexy.
/r/'ing GOOSH GOOSH (
bonus points for vaginal
Requestin Anzu planting her huge ass on Rebecca's face
Shorts or no shorts is up to you
Akira and Yukari doing the pose on the left with those bracelets on as well
Requesting Kuina, as an oppailoli, begrudgingly flashing Zoro.
Front view or back view are both fine
Requesting Kanbaru from the Monogatari Series in a sundress
Requesting this
requesting the hyena way (
it being futa on femboy/male
Requesting Jewerly Bonney taking a massive hyper dump, preferably filling an entire dumpster
Requesting this same drawing(same pose/perspective)
Requesting a sexually charged Yoruichi and/or Kagome costume swap since they share the same VA and we all need more Kagome and Yoruichi in our lives,
Requesting hexafusion
what is your endgame
Requesting Maron stuck in the sand like in the reference with chi-Chi and Krilin looking at her with a pleasant face.
Requesting Nibutani (with a ponytail) and Natsumi Tokugawa/fake Mori Summer fawning over/worshipping Dekomori similar to the bottom two girls in the upper right image, with them all wearing sling bikini outfits.
A few details I'd prefer to see would be if Nibutani and Natsumi's outfits were modeled more after Mori Summer's outfit, and if only Dekomori had thighhighs and a veil.
Also make sure Dekomori doesn't look too loli, more like the bottom image (still petite/young-looking though.)
Requesting Cure Marine sneaking behind Cure Sunshine to lift her top off
Or Cure Marine licking Cure Sunshine's navel.
Anchoring for Colorfriend
Requesting Esdeath from Akame ga Kill dressed as KDA Ahri with ice fox ears and tails
Requesting these boys dressed up as the corresponding touhous. Please include touhous' hair
And requesting anything of Takagi-san wearing her cute chinese dress that she wear in the OP
Cima(bottom) posed like Kobayashi(top).
Requesting a wet Grey Wolf drying herself like a dog
Requesting Kalua crying in a pose similar to the right and emanating a murderous aura, and a skeleton with its mouth open showing its vampire fangs floating behind her in the same pose. If colored heres an idea for the Aura:
Requesting pic related in her swimsuit, while still with her ponytail.
Reference for hair:
Requesting Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger dressed as either Gaige from BL2 or Moze from BL3.
Requesting Midori dual-wielding shark lightsabers
Requesting Esidisi as Kiyoshi Kazuya.
Bored as fuck. Anyone has any pictures of girls in bikini that need coloring?
I do have one, but LWA, if you dont mind
Just show me the line art and if I like I'll coloreds if not I'll ignored it.
>*if I like it I'll color it
This was on my to-do list but I’ve been busy and i like your colors
no but you can do this color request.
Oh, this again.
Well it's actually my request. so I guess I need to color it
It is? Huh, that’s really funny actually. Well I’ll be looking forward to it.
Requesting Umihara Kawase wearing a cow bikini plus cow thighhighs and elbow gloves, you know the set.
Requesting Croix dressed as Mysterio (classic costume or MCU one) please
Requesting Olivia Armstrong taking a dump in an outhouse please.
Requesting Astolfo and female Fujimaru posing together in lingerie similarly to Medb and Scathach, possibly with one of them trying to hide their embarrassment/arousal from the other, or one of them frustrated at the lack of either.
Or you could do something similar to one of the panels from this comic (a continuation of the Medb/Scathach image):
Requesting Sakura Minamoto from Zombieland Saga in that scene from Pinocchio.
Because she's the fourth quintuplet, requesting Yotsuba wearing Sue Richard's "new" outfit.
Requesting a fusion of a little bit of Yoruichi, Youmu, and Scathach. I have a vague idea of the outcome in my head that I tried to explain, but feel free to do it how you think looks good.
Requesting Anchovy from Girls und Panzer introducing Lio from Promare to Pepperoni (top right) and Carpaccio (bottom right) as her little brother. Alternatively, you could draw just the two of them as brother and sister, maybe wearing each others' outfits.
Requesting Tashigi from One Piece looking back at her butt and pouting over how big it is (her jacket and sword can be removed for the sake of the concept)
Requesting a version of the "I got you now sponge bob!" scene in spongebob squarepants but with motoyasu kitamura from "the rising of the shield hero" And him saying "I got you know firo-chan!"
reference for that scene:
Requesting a POV of head petting kaos.
One of her eyes is closed and she's saying abababa.
Or you make her smile with both eyes closed and like the headpetting.
Requesting Selesia Upitiria
I don't know who that girl is (aside from her name) but I wouldn't mind gently fingering her butthole to both our satisfaction. And I am IMMENSELY finicky about what I touch with my bare hands. Part of me feels it's a rotten shame that you can pull your right index finger out of an adorable girl's asshole and, and pull your left index finger out of a not-so-cute girl's asshole, then sniff 'em both, only to find that there's no decipherable difference between the two.
The other part of me is very grateful to God that there are no girls whose shit doesn't stink. Rich or poor, gorgeous or hideous, wholesome personality or rancid bitch— the rains fall upon us all the same.
If you want to drawh re I say go for it. As for outfits, try to think of the kind of clothing you like to see girls or woman wear. Maybe a nice summer outfit for the hot weather.
Requesting Hibiki Sakura at an all you can eat buffet, drooling att he sight of all the delicous food.
what would you like to see with this character?
Requesting Nate and Bear from Yo Kai Watch as robots, ether designed like Robanyan (on the left) or like one the right.
Request frontal view of Lily in a groom smoking, struggling, while trying to carry Yuugiri who is wearing a wedding dress over "the threshold." At the meantime Yuugiri is looking in a combination of amusement and endearment at Lily
Here you my dude
Requesting Nico Nico Knee
Super cute
Anything of Hitomi-chan wearing spats.
Requesting Raphtalia like the Maid of Orleans but with her own home's flag on a standard-spear; references
Also yeah jugs as big as Jeanne's
Incredibly cute!
I'd like to request Ritsuka and Mashu slowdancing to some Bing Crosby
Requesting Walkure looking like KISS with their tongues hanging out and makind the same hand gesture like Gene Simmons. Not necessarily in the same poses. Showing them like they are rocking out would be a huge plus with everything above. Additionally Freyia would need new make up variation. I leave that to the imagination of the maker.
>nothing fetish-y
Who do you think you're fooling, requesting a characters that always wears shoes to not wear shoes and have her bare feet be in shot?
Requesting Reina from "Furyou Taimashi Reina", Menma from "Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day", & Anya from "SpyXFamily" holding hands together. With Menma smiling happily, Anya lifting her arm charging forward, and Reina turning away while looking abit embarrassed, but in a cute way as her face blushes
>buff kissshot
my dick. shame about the goofy face though.
Requesting smol Cirno taking an ice bath
Requesting Daryl Cavendish in this very bunnysuit showcasing her enormous derriere
Requesting Kanna nibbling on the Dragonslayer and Guts looking on with concern and confusion
Requesting Eren Yeager kissing Gabi Braun.
Requesting Medusa Gorgon from Soul Eater dressed up as a tastefully revealing jester/harlequin with a hat like the one the guy in white and the anime looking harlequin has with an angry and confused look over how she ended up in that getup.
On it.
Very cute ababas, does the anime talk a lot about drawing or does the SoL aspect steal 99% of screentime like in K-On?
Not him, but I would say there is a very decent amount of focus on the mangaka aspect of the series, especially towards the end of the anime
I made a sketch so far of her in a sukumizu. Is it fine to share it here?
the heck she doesn't resemble her anime design at all, maybe the LN illustrations if you squint really hard.
Requesting Konomi Suzue crawling through a vent like John McClane
Here it is.
Good to know, might pick it up!
Whoops, forgot her Hidamari Sketches.
Kawaii as fuck kaos there.
Very cute Kos
Anybody wanna draw anything with these girls?
Requesting Rei Ayanami dressed up as Bayonetta fighting Angels
Requesting Nui Harime from Kill la Kill trying to force Madoka to tell her how to become a magical girl, possibly through intimidation or threatening to kill her cat thing (all the while Kyuubey is just enjoying the situation)
He's just a footfag who wants a nia wallpaper/background while still hiding his powerlevel.
Requesting Amanda giving Diana a headlock noogie like the reference
Requesting Alita (from Alita Battle Angel) and Major Mira Killian (from live action Ghost in the Shell) doing the Buzz and Woody meme.
Have Alita in Buzz's position and Major in Woody's position.
Requesting short haired Shinobu(Bakemonogatari) as a porcelain doll like pic related. Draw her being treated as shit by her owner, something like that flash animation about Suiseiseki from Rozen Maiden. You can draw her sitting at a corner, sobbing, with one of her little porcelain arms/legs totally destroyed(her owner did it with a hammer just for fun)
Requesting Kenshiro doing his Hyakuretsu Ken (Hundred Crack Fist towards the viewer) with Kaguya standing behind him. Using the technique Yasogami Kugeki. (with the fists of hers taking up the left and right side of the image). And both eminating the same blue aura. Thank you
Requesting Usagi in a ninja outfit spying on Mamoru outside his window while having a nose bleed.
Requesting someone to give her the memes.
Lots of anime girls get drawn eating burgers... So requesting girls eating something fancy and expensive like caviar or something
Thank you very much!
Requesting Meiko as a burglar.
Requesting Raynare drinking 100 cups of coffee
Requesting Mariko Nakamura like this
got a Cutey Ranma fusion for you, mate
Thank you
That's strange. But cute nonetheless! Good work, user ("ER"?). Nice lines.
Not the OR, by the way.
Requesting Oriana Thomson doing the Tawawa Tapioca coffee challenge
np !
thanks, man! I go by EVR
I appreciate it
>Can't even pronounce the food that she's eating
Very cute but really sad at the same time.
Also thank you very much!
I just want something cute. Something innocent like this. Is that too weird?
Bare feet in this context are a symbol of innocence. I don't see a problem with this.
Requesting Lum with a black eye or as a single mother.
but WHY tho??
Requesting Misaki sitting on a black leather couch making a smug you're-not-taking-my-virginity-today face
Requesting user telling her good things and telling her she's a good girl
Could I get a picture like this with Shamsiel?
And can I get a bunnygirl Shamsiel?
I'd really like to see Shamsiel as a maid, too, and holding a bottle of booze with her breasts
Got my drawing tablet today, when can I start drawing anime tiddies?
Right now
in about, 10 minutes?
Draw dem big
Requesting ponytail Kajou and ponytail Saki awkwardly examining each other
Fuck off, Jacob
Go shill your std-ridden whore somewhere else
Here you go bud. Sorry i couldnt do vice versa, im lazy
That's some damn good coloring
That's a top shelf quality delivery, my guy. No need to apologize, I can always request the reverse some other time and I'm just thankful that you decided to draw my request at all. It's perfect, by the way. Literally cannot envision it looking better than how you've drawn it, especially with your coloring. Thanks again and take it easy.
Requesting Tiel in a similar pose and with a similar expression to the girl on the right.
Whose tiddies to draw big?
But, I mean BIG.
Requesting the MGE Troll girl (left) doing the smug trap smirk (right)
The source pictures are here
Requesting Ms Joke dropping her pants like a circus clown with a disgusted Aizawa watching
Yuri, please.
Aki Nijou
i think ill fix this one out eventually, i did not like the starss being too big and some colors here and there
Mega sugoi
Fucking awesome!
That's really high quality stuff! Didn't expect this!
Requesting anything cute with Mitty from Gall Force
Tried drawing Makoto and Mukuro.
Requesting Sola-ui from Fate/Zero wearing her swimsuit + sunhat.
Pose reference:
Is he okay
Just needs a bandaid and some asprin
cute thanks
>Creatively minded and would love to draw more because I enjoy gravure-type stuff
>Doing lineart alone is such a time vampire that it kills my motivation half the time
How do I make it so that drawing something is fun and not a complete chore where I punch myself in the dick repeatedly if something isn't exactly right?
you're based
Listen to stuff? I sometimes listen to podcasts that make me laugh.
Amazing work.
Well personally I just look at inferior artists and get motivated to surpass them even more
That is certainly a way
Requesting JS Sagiri drawing on herself and wearing papier-mache clothing accessories.
To make herself prettier.
Anything cute-lewd is okay too.
Requesting Tejina as a stage magician mecha musume
High-quality work, nice.
Requesting Haqua (The World God Only Knows), Aqua (Konosuba), Akua (Rosario+Vampire) and Hakua (Shomin Sample) in any of these Aqua's albums.
Just b yourself
Requesting Saya Takagi using her twintails as a TV antenna.
Machi (Demi-chan wants to talk) wearing full armor like a dullahan would
Requesting Garnet as a Dragon Monster Girl
Dragon refs:
>continues for the next 700m
That's pretty lewd. But cute.
>continues for the next 700m
Requesting Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura) wearing a magical girl Knight armor
Pretty good.
Requesting Pony peeking over a wall
Requesting Wiz playing video games or messing up making a potion
Requesting the other GobSla characters done in a similar sci-fi style please
Joe wolfing down a 72oz steak
Requesting fusion of Sadi(e) and Sayuri/Hyacinth.
Juu Juuzawa dressed as a king on a chair/throne and Ame Ochibana dressed like a female knight beside him
I wonder if anyone here has touched the series.
Thank you so much for this request, nicely done. Got a chuckle out of that lewd version
Yumeko Jabami as a succubus
Draw Yoshino
did i mess up too much
Draw Miku as a hostess please
Requesting Louise being sexy
Requesting Wo-class wearing a version of her hat with a "CV-6" or "Big E" written on it while she enjoys an American burger.
Requesting Cerea Alter
Requesting Balsamic Vinegar
feel free to rerequest
Youre welcome my dude. Btw i also did Megumin
>this pout is the last thing you see before the entire surrounding area is engulfed in an explosion
OR here, thanks again (again) for the cute Megumin pout!
I cannot into color for the life of me.
Pretty cute.
Requesting Genjuro Kazanari (Symphogear) and Francis York Morgan (Deadly Premonition) discussing movies, parodying "Half in the Bag" from RedLetterMedia. If you want to include one more character for Rich Evans, it could be Jay (The Critic).
It could also be a "The Nerd Crew" or a "Best of the Worst" parody.
Did I mess up too much
The gang is now complete
On it.
I so worried that the lewd version was going to have her gaining weight or something. Thank you user.
draw lotte boob
what do you mean
There it is.
Forgot a couple details.
Cute I like the colors
>draw lotte boob
Okay, user, here you go. Just a quick and very dirty one though.
Iddy Finnish tiddy or Finnish Ballistics im guessing
Cute, needs freckles
Nicely Done!
Requesting Satsuki drawn with a smile like this
Requesting Serval wearing this.
Requesting Funny Valentine but in part 3 style.
Requesting Sento Isuzu from Amagi Brilliant Park having had a wardrobe malfunction with the top button of her blouse blown open.
Kanie-kun is trying to re-button Sento's blouse, but is struggling because of Sento's large bust. He can't quite get the blouse to close all the way and is basically just squeezing Sento's tits together.
Kanie has a nonchalant expression, oblivious to the fact that Sento is blushing wildly.
Sorry that this request is such a mouthful, but I don't know how to better explain it. Thank you!
Well why not? Here you go
Facking Noice! Blog?
yo wtf
How long did take to draw this?
Requesting this tank commander Elizabeth from the OVA "Persona 5: The Animation"
A Raphtalia and Violet Evergarden fusion, please user.
Sucy but NatSoc
I don't understand this request
Sucy Manbavaran in her true National Socialist form in counter of communist Akko.
of course it's you
that's me alright
I'm inspired, senpai. Now I'll get on work on my request now, thanks.
Good luck drawfriend
Now this is how a Magical Girl show should be
Requesting Fusion
Yuuko cosplaying as Chie from Persona 4!
its an edit fine?
I am experiencing gratitude.
While a colored version would naturally be more preferable, any further work on this is up to you.
gay man requests?
Requesting Kagefusa as a milk delivery girl
if you post a transparent version I'll color it for
Okuma X Oboro
Requesting lewd Nep pole dancing.
oh yes please.
Hime having a bulge in this outfit
Damn, that's amazing.
here you go.
Cute Takagi!
Requesting left side reference but with Elizabeth from the OVA "Persona 5: The Animation"
Draw her wearing the same military uniform please.
don't you have some other board to infest
Me x You
Why are her tits filled with helium
Emergency bump!
Requesting WIP-tan filling the drawthread with helium to keep it from dropping to the bottom of page 10.
I wouldn't be lying if i said I wasn't expecting this, jesus christ
Thanks for the top-tier quality delivery my man, that belongs in the OP for sure. Jokes aside that looks incredible, and gotta say Sakura does look good in armor too. Frills + armor is a winning combo
Dead Thread Redemption
>Page 9: The Revival
Requesting Cirno doing ‘that’
Very cute, drawman! Thank you!
go back to vee
nice one, always pleasant to see some non-digital stuff in these threads
>Not a single Tilly request.
I'm so disappointed.
Nice work
Requesting yandere Latifa pressing her finger deep below Sento's bellybutton and asking if she can borrow "this" for nine months
Requesting Usagi using the subway: Draw her sitting, wearing a surgical mask and with an umbrella puncturing several times with the sharpened tip of the umbrella a newspaper ball lying on the ground. Draw her looking at the viewer.
That's a really cute Yoshino, thank you user, and no you didn't mess up
Sorry, i only had Yoshino here.
Do you like Nene from Hajimete no Gal
Damn, that's one deliciously well-proportioned Gari/Alita!
Really nice work on the faces as well, and quite dynamic textural inking. I like it. (Not OR.)
Blog? (Sadly, I can't decifer your signature. "Roumsv"?)
Requesting Tatsumaki succumbing to a different sort of Black Sperm, if you know what I mean
I swear I've seen this very recently
Yes, I actually like her.
Any wips?
>drawing for lwafag
That's 'him'
Requesting Medusa from Soul Eater drinking iced tea through a snake themed bendy straw. Bonus if said drink is held up by one of her vector arrows or in her cleavage.
Nicely done! not OR, got a twitter?
So what? I love their designs. Sue me.
Have you ever drawn her? And could you?
Jesus christ stop already
What's the request? It better be reall lewd.
thanks! its roumgu, thats also my twitter handle
Have never drawn her but if a good idea is given then I wouldn't mind giving it a shot.
draw kaos
Perfect, thanks a bunch for the Takagi
Try drawing her as one of the KISS members. Choose whichever you like.
Interesting stuff in there! You have a very distinctive style and the way you exaggerate different bodyparts for different characters really adds to their visual characterization. Keep up the good work!
Gyaru form > normal form
What about qipao or maid costumes
Or here. I didn't expect to get something so good for such a simple request. I appreciate it
Requesting a high resolution trace of Kaguya from Kaguya-sama in this panel
What kind of armour? (year, country, etc)
Or pic something from the pic.
And/ or post a picture of the kinds of armour you have in mind.
Thank you dear sir. That is a cute kaos.
Kaos is very cute
Can you draw a version with Lum Invader and Shampoo?
Irish, a suit like Celty's. Also, a scythe if you feel like it
Anime girl armor that still shows titties
gib me 1 thick girl and 1 tight dress
Rihoko Sakurai
any spaghetti-strap dress
I need ref pics, retard
Komoe and spaghetti strap overall business skit
Mitsuki Bakugou wearing this
Does she need to be already thicc
I know you'll come up with a shieldmeme girl so the answer is yes
Fair enough then.
/r/ing girls in gags please.
Draw sunohara ayaka from sunohara-sou wearing this latex suit, whip optional.
>Lum Invader and Shampoo
Which one is going to give the headlock noogie?
Draw sunohara ayaka from sunohara-sou wearing this latex suit, whip optional.
I forgot the character reference
Requesting Pitz as Doctor Strange exploring the multiverse/Yea Forums saying "user, I come to bargain".
Yoshi (retard friend) from Nagatoro wearing a bodycon dress like this
Lum. The Weak Should Fear the Strong.
alright then I'll do it.
Requesting chiya getting bullied and crying.
Not that guy but that's pretty gay.
High quality
okay im done but i rezised the image and it might be wider or large lmao
the yani deleted the or request? what a fag
transparent version if this guy wasnt kidding or anyone who wants to do it
and the og pic that matchs the rezised lineart
Requesting a 4koma comic about the escalating bullying/rivalry between Oboro and Asagi throughout their school years (Kindergarten to High School)
stop wasting image slots retard
but how the fuck am i supposed to post the lineart and the ref since the request was deleted in one post
I do not have a reference for the dress
it's not my fault if you want to deliver to abusefag
Late OR here thank you so much it's perfect!
what was meant by this
I'm known around here as the sameface drawfag
Probably about 7 hours
>>any wips?
Have a Yui
Can you draw Mash Kyrielight
Didn't ask for your opinion, keep it to yourself
he can but he probably won't
Soon as you stop being a fucking loser
requesting drawfags performing a 360º no scope dab on vultures
Goddammit! Draw a kiwi already!
Here you go friend. Sorry if it looks off.
No prob!
Shit I thought you drew Atalanta before i opened the picture. Nice iku
W E W. Link to blog?
Marvelous, pldf. Simply marvelous.
That rules.
nice work PL
Are those sperm swimming towards her egg in that background?
Draw her wearing this
Thanks friends.
Wew good lord, naisu.
I'm going to pass on that one, sorry
No, but I like your idea. I'm going to subtly make it resemble a subliminal image of sperms swimming towards an egg in the finished piece.
>>draw a kiwi already
You're in luck, I have an image with a kiwi (bird) and a kiwi (person)
Very buenooooo
No need to say sorry, she looks lovely in your style. You're spoiling me too much, feels like I owe you something.
Thank you again for such a cute/lewd Iku.
Aw yea muscle birb. You ever draw a animu girl with one of them mouth tattoos?
Requesting good art from a talented artist and not some tumblr scribble bullshit
Requesting you learn to draw
Thank you
I'm glad you like it friend. Thank you again for your cute drawings.
Why do that when I can watch you guys pump out RCDart-tier abominations? It's a good laugh.
Don't forget, even the worst Japanese artist is better than anyone here.
I knew you wouldn't fail me, miss ayaka sure looks extra "caregiving" in the picture you did. Thank you for the piece and have a pleasant day.
What is RCDart
Whatever makes your little willy tingle, you sad little neonate.
requesting her with a tan and a swimsuit made from leaves
Requesting loli haruka sitting on a volleyball. Ass focused stuff in general is also good.
I've just come here to post that op image is incredible. Thanks to whoever delivered.
Requesting Joshuu Higashikata as Gigachad in this pose, picture as reference.
For reference of the meme "Why yes, my girlfriend's name IS Yasuho Hirose, why do you ask?". Feel free to add to the picture by having someone else in the frame who would be asking the question or adding panels if you think you're smart enough to actually turn it into a good joke.
2nd picture for reference. Preference flip it so it'd face toward the post.
but Yea Forumsnons should be wearing skirts and cute hairstyles
Requesting Wiz as Frankenstein's monster, awkwardly toggling her neck bolts.
just posting a small color wip and goodnight
will start this rn
Pretty Kaos
your getting better
I think she might have a bit of a long neck
you're great, very nice.
I want to put it in
good stuff there deadman
don't expect anything too amazing, I'm really not that amazing at color
hey I can appreciate a gesture
wip, it's going to be nsfw
Oh please go all out with it
Not OR but may I suggest haircut bullying? She hates getting her hair cut.
Page 10.
Any WIP or original artwork?
Not on anyone's request here, but does this count?
Sure, this thread's not for deliveries exclusively. And I guess your pic still counts as anime, even though I personally don't like the meme.
Neat. Glad I could contribute.
nice idea
Please tell me their skin color. Particularly the one on the right.
Don't lewd my wife.
D-... Did you seriously waifux2 that?
Well it's in black and white, there's no official colorization yet and if an anime adaptation does happen it won't be for at least a year.
But let's just say Red, Green and Blue. In that order from left to right.
I mean, what species are they for starters?
Keep your shirt on
Good question
>right = blue
Bummer. She struck me as a redskin
Dragon Ball has never been that interested in keeping lore straight and many alien species look alike because they're just designed to be random aliens. Most alien species don't even have names, to this day we don't actually know what Freeza's kind is called.
If I had to guess based on what they most resemble, I think it might be like this:
>Left, Zarbon's species, green skin and dark green hair.
>Middle, Bojack's species, blue skin and orange hair.
>Right, Cocotte's species, purple skin and purple hair.
Really doesn't matter what color she is since we don't actually know.
wip some color, had to do some edits to make it fit better and hair not looking jank
That helps. I knew (or strongly felt) they couldn't be too comfortable making her another Buu since her design already seems so close to Android 21's. I feel like the shade of her skin could be a big tell though.
WIP. I haven't drawn Takagi yet, so I'm still trying to get a feel of her style. Not sure if I'll make it before the thread gets archived.
And yeah, she's kinda flat which I'm not so used to yet.
very cool, although the neck is too dark.
This looks cool as fuck
alright I'll lighten it up a bit,
this dedication man, gj
Requesting a pic of long haired Grea in her room, in front of a mirror and cutting her hair back to her usual short style.
How about Senko trying to catch Pitz for a cajun stew.
>page 8
Are you trying to rush to the bump-limit or why the early bump?
Yes, then I can repost my request.
now this is epic
bruh moment
Or maybe when it is on page 8 you want to bump it before it gets pruned, noodle brain.
This is amusing
Page 8 is two pages before it gets pruned, and the board's not moving fast right now anyway. You might as well have waited another 20 minutes. Really, no need to rush it.
Requesting Revy and Yukio robbing a bank together with Revy saying "You're right. This is thrilling!"
I see people bumping from page 8 all the time, we'll bump it at that page as we damn well please
Stop being dumb
>doing something that is normally done is somehow being dumb
People have been bumping from page 8 for years
If it's not going to be you, it'll be someone else I guess.
Sometimes it isn't
Doesn’t make it not dumb
based and csp-pilled
Lots of good deliveries this thread
Requesting Baja being happy
Do new drawthreads usually get linked?
Threads reach page 8 after about half an hour right now.
Threads also survive about one and a half hours of inactivity at the moment.
Bumping from page 8 wastes posts for nothing and you should be called out for it. We shouldn't bump this thread every 30 minutes (you did after 27) without any necessity.
And now we should stop arguing this shit, because it really appears as if you just want this thread to hit the bump limit as soon as possible.
>Lots of good deliveries this thread
Very true. It's been a really productive thread.
Such as?
You forgot
Looking good
alright, which one should be next OP?
Fuck off.
No deal
which one is that?
buzz/woody parody I guess?
I think they are too floppy for that.
>inb4 av's fuckbuddies pick his delivery anyway
Hey guys, help me with my art block with a cute and simple request
just a character is fine too
Ask in the next drawthread , this ones gonna die
I know, I don't want to eat too many posts in the new thread
Draw this dumb demon falling over because something got stuck on her horns
Bump limit at 500? I'm sure it's fine. The thread seems to be slowing down a little already anyway.
You wouldn’t since its just started but ok
Wrench doing a high kick and showing off her striped panties