ITT: canon non-virgins

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I don't remember this happening.

Because it didn't.

They were the only good thing about that shitty series

Why is grown Shinji fucking his mother?

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What manga is this?

It's called Google it yourself faggot. The name is literally in the second result

Can't, i'm a public place

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Thought that was Asuka for a second.

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save the image you clutz

It's too long of a wait for the next one to become non-virgin. I wish we got to see some blood evidence too.

Love this one

remember the Bronx gangbang?

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Reverse search ain't showing shit. Fuck this manga, I believe it's hentai tho.

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Fatties deserve to suffer.

You aren't looking correctly, and it's not.

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Imagine being a slave and having to pretend that you actually enjoy being fucked by some pathetic loser like this.

She wasn't expected to pretend to like it. Comparing it to later times, it doesn't take her many nights before she actually enjoys it though.

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She’s a maybe...

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Gross. Why are Wan Piss characters so ugly?

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Isekai meikyuu or something like that.

I did not expect the tone of that manga to be horror based off that one page.

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That so far from the truth. Take it back.

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With her little brother

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How did they have a kid?

These two

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Agreed, but that fatass in particular actually got a wife and procreated. Better than he deserved.

Whose ass did their baby come out from?

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One of these two things is not like the other, can you guess which one?

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I see

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Do they count?

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Why does no cute girl offer her virginity to cheer me up when I'm depressed?

The odds of them having not fucked IRL as well as in game are basically zero. They're engaged for fucks sake (and this isn't 1950's US).

>can’t even kiss his wife
>son is yamcha in every way
>nobody knows when goten was born

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Next edition, possibly me


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Not even counting the future daughter thing, she loses her v-card by season 2.

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He was with her for like 6 years after L died

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and her loli mother

Im more surprised that they actually fucked and didn't bitch out.


Is this from parasite?

Haruka and Sora Kasugano aren't virgins anymore

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My favorite couple

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:Re was a dumpster fire after Kaneki regained his memories but this was great

Look at the filename.

WTF are you talking about, Revy is pure and clean as freshly fallen snow.

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Wasn’t light asexual?

I think author said that they wont actually have irl sex until they're fully married

What chapter do they fuck? Looked up this chapter and all they did was fuck up some monsters.

Poor Araragi, does he know?

Objectively the worst part of his character

Just imagine all the femdom between her and Lelouch after they live happily ever after as immortals. She probably rode his cock to temporary death several times.

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She fucked a lot of men before meeting lelouch

Oh I'm sure she did, that's my point. Imaging hundreds of years of experience and one poor inexperienced Lelouche. She must have dominated him so thoroughly.

Do you thin they fucked after he ascended onto the throne or after he got Suzaku'd?

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where is the mandatory gutsxdonovan post?

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This guy's body looks so scary.

>no one posted her yet

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Even with all the non-virgins in this, there are still too many virgins.

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kek that was so badly done

new translations, when?

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I'm fairly certain he never said any such thing.

There will probably be at least two new non-virgins before we get translations.

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jusr read the ln and wn. It's shit though

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Me again

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Reverse image search has been broken for years. I don't know what the fuck they did to it but it can't recognize shit anymore.
"Line art." What a joke.

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Why use google? saucenao works

use yandex and don't expect others to spoonfeed you

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Try not searching the thumbnail?

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She knew Ben Franklin. Lord only knows what she's done.

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Isn't worth to read through chapters upon chapters of shitty isekai cliches only for a couple of echi pages.

Yes, titties are always better with context



>Fuck IMAGINE sized childhood friend
>Become smug for eternity

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Ben Franklin slept around so much he could star as the fat old man role in any H-anime.

What a whore

She fucked Shinji too right?

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That's super lame. There are visual novel protagonists who are younger than Kirito and have fucked about 4 or 5 different girls depending on which route they pick, and yet Kirito abstains from doing so with his sweetheart who literally would bend over for him to get fucked if he just asked.

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she fucking wishes

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aw shit is that the straight forward couple mango?

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Based and red pilled.

Cringe and blue pilled.

Most of these post just shit on the fan bases.

Just read jobless growth cheat, similar plot but the mc is less of a faggot that is terrified of his own fucking shadow.

Well, I would assume so seeing as he was the one putting his penis into her vagina , you know, to walk her home gently.


He turned Kaoru into a milf and I think Tomoe was also not even a virgin prior to fucking Kenshin if I remember right.

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neat, I thought they'd never score except in the one-shot pilot

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the knee-jerk reaction after episode 17 was legendary

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Her figuring out Kenshin is getting weaker by how long he can last in bed was pretty funny.

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And then he discovered there was no hymen because it had been broken in by Kaiki?

>the two have sex
>then they sit up
>then they dramatically stare into eachother's eyes complete with sparkly shifting background and do their confessions of love
it was kind of sudden but it turned a dramatic payoff into a fucking comedy goldmine

He was, but he was forced to have sex to keep Misa and his other underling pacified.

she's a doggirl subhuman, so it's fine

where are you getting these raws?

The best part of the show and only reason for me to care about it. Mitsuru and Kokoro just look so good together

Not really

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Thanks to this thread, my "Don't Read/Watch List" tripled in size


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They can go super saiyan

Imagine fucking Kannas wet cunny

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that's such bullshit, like there's such a huge difference between VR and IRL sex. if he actually said that it was for PR.


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based and hinatapilled

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Which episode?

fucking hate retconning

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Not really. Kirito's already proposed to her, there's no way in hell they haven't had sex already.

most Yea Forumsnons' waifus

>furry shit


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When? in his dreams?

Kek,also a proud pro-life mother afte based mcs charade.

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The cash in spin offs aren't canon and I don't care what anyone else says.

Is this from the new series?

Must be Bigeta's then.

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Proof losing your virginity doesn't make you a better character.

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Actually retarded.

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Reason for dropping the series at episode 4

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You know they had sex before the spin-offs, right?

> Tfw you realize Eugeo is forever doomed to be paired with his rapist

He didn't die for this shit.

she was raped by wolves

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>Thanks to this thread, my "Don't Read/Watch List" tripled in size
What's wrong with having sex tho

lol that's so bullshit. How is it not having sex when it's at that level of realism? Literally the only difference is her physical hymen might still be present.

Fucking nips.

They just kiss in the epilogue which was a cheap cash in in the first place that should have been a single chapter at the end of sun coin part 2.

Why'd you post the same pic twice?

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Because she is old and overweight.

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>t. Pablo, Javier, Juan and Fine

At least the Hymen of her heart is intact

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Nice fanfiction

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>but this was great
Yeah, but this point was Ishida rushing towards the end and the manga really ramped up into a dumpster fire.

The entire gang probably ran a train on her.

She payed the toll.

Too soon.

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I loved how that manga completely backstabbed all the sjw cucks with her rape fetish.

She unironically tried


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It's not like Araragi was a virgin either.


These two.

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Yeah he got raped by Kanbaru a couple of episodes earlier

This had such a shitty ending.

Have to question what her parents were thinking, taking their kid to a warzone

She's pregnant with Myuri before the actual spinoff though.

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Sounds like he has a good deal desu

fake,unless your talking about Shinji's ass

And by Kiss Shot. Man fuck Araragi, the manwhore

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im disappointed you forgot Yea Forums

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this anime was fucking crazy with every character crazily fucking

Are you retarded?


Me :^)

She's a SLUT.

>dragon dick

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user you are so naive. Wolfs banged her.

Parasyte was a fun show.
>Tfw no Toilet-gf

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Delusional eh nigger

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she's pure

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kill yourself erehis

who did it?

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wrong pic retard

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