female villain

> female villain
> giggles a lot
> is psychotic
> head tilts
> that fucking distinct smile they all fucking have

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Name one (1) female villain who isn't crazy or seductive

Impossible because female villains are inherently seductive.

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>> head tilts
This always pisses me off.
It's just embarrassing...
That along with one raised eyebrow and uneven eye opening.

Pakunoda, Machi and Shizuku from HxH. There's 3

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Satsuki for the first half of KLK

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There you go.

Pakunoda has her titties out, but I guess she counts because her design isn't relevant to her personality or the plot

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Unintentional or intentionally seductive?

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And her mom in the latter part was also great. No Satsuki, but still.

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True, but she is definitely crazy and seductive

>is a loli
>acts like a psychopath
>murders people while laughing
>”oh it’s all okay because she had a sloghtly tragic backstory”

>but she is definitely crazy and seductive
Also true, but she kept her cool for the most part, only to really lash out during the final fight. For example her ordeal and capture of Satsuki was amazing.

>female lifts and regularly hits a punching bag
>is supposed to be tuff
I cant take any anime serious after this its just so fucking stupid. Japs are really beta.

Most of the girls they portray doing this usually aren't even fit. Just slap some misplaced abs and boom there you go.

One of the many reasons why I love HxH.

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She ugly.

Shut up.

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You mean when they take a generic rail thin girl and put Schwarzenegger Abs on her and act like that is at all sensible?
How could you ever have a problem with that?

>rail thin but big tits and abs
how does it go so wrong?

Machi was great but why didn't she fuck Hisoka?

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Don't get me started on how actual fit girls ate made fun of and called gorilla's

Cough Maki cough

Some of the time its probably ignorance given the general lack of a fitness culture in Japan. Generally both men and women prefer their partners to be very slim. An author may not realize what it takes to get those ripped abs.

Or its just fap bait. If you put abs on a standard doujin girl you suddenly can cater to a larger crowd of people with little chance of alienating your original audience. This is big in that Danberu show that came out this year, while I heard that it is decently funny, design-wise my point stands.

Or finally it can be a fear of making your characters ugly. If you want a fit girl in your series but are afraid of it turning off readers you do whatever you can get away with while catering to the trends of the time. This is linked to the preferences of the Japanese public, and mostly shows a lack of artistic integrity on the part of the author.

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theres no reason for some stupid bitch to be lifting in the first place any man that barely lifts could smack her down if he wanted and she can never compare to the average man that lift's. Theres no fucking point unless theres some brain deficiency. I think its just poor upbringing

Wow bud, maybe they should have thought of that!
Maybe guys should realize that a bone-thin nerd could just shoot them no matter how big they are. Or an obese retard could stab them to death.
Why even bother learning MMA or another martial art? I mean what is that going to do against a gun?

Don't be fucking retarded your entire life. Christ.

There's nothing wrong with it.

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There's no reason to do anything.

Also no man wants some gross muscleized bitch unless its some stupid ass fetish (which is rare) .

I don't get Japanese fitness standards either myself. It another one of those 'the nail that sticks out, gets hammered down' situations I think.

>Wow bud
String bean, 1. I don't live in america, so im not getting shot. 2. when I way 200 pounds over someone them stabbing me once isnt going to do anything to me when i have hold of their arm and for them to even get a good shot on me with the knife would be fucking difficult, you fucking string brean.

>This is how scrawny faggots on Yea Forums cope

>I don't live in america
Don't try to garner sympathy on here.

If you are weighing upwards of 300lbs or even more they don't even have to stab you, if they held a slice of cake out and jogged away you'd stroke out from the chase you fat fuck.

I'm supporting exercise at fitness in that comment.

Girls that lift are usually just dykes that were raised very poorly and are proud of their weak muscles they worked so hard to achieve (since they are a bitch), kek.


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t. string bean that can't bench more than 240 and has had sex with one girl his entire life

>when I way 200 pounds over someone
Learn english fat boy

>, if they held a slice of cake out and jogged away you'd stroke out from the chase you
moving the goal post at this point you are talking about someone attacking me with a knife and now change it to them running away? what? get a brain string brean

>picking out a minor typo as an argument
Hello, community college-kun.

and that concludes our tour, try the giftshop!

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*Learn English, fat boy.

Who's making an argument? I'm simply observing that you used the wrong word.

because you have nothing else to say and lack wit.

You know someones brain has taken a shit when they can't come up with anything other than pointing out a typo.
Try harder brainlet.

Do you know what the concept of a joke is?
The point is that you being obese is not something to be proud of you fat, stupid bastard. Being stupid or being fat are big enough problems on their own, being both is pathetic - you are just subhuman.

When you said earlier
>when I have a hold of their arm
was the funniest thing, like anyone has anything to fear from your degraded muscular system. When was the last time you jumped, big guy? Are you gonna sit on them?

Well this thread turned pathetic fast

How many replies are you going to samefag on this one?

she ruined lwa
i fucking hate her

Found the virgin.

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Why are you so angry lmao

not to mention how hard it would be for you to even land your attack against someone much bigger and fitter than you. YOU are dreaming son

They train so they can (sexually) bully other girls.

>not seductive

How could I forget the legendary fighting prowess of the obese? What a mistake I have made!

I don't know why that archetype is so loved. It might be similar to the sexually ambiguous male villain that is also loved in that it is subversive when compared to standard Japanese culture.
Its close to the opposite of the Yamato Nadeshiko.

>her design isn't relevant to her personality or the plot
>years ago deep in the franchise
>try to get fellow weebs into it
>didn't know what tumblr really was
>fat harpy pitches a fit over her outfit and I don't know why
It didn't make sense to me then. Though, I've always liked how characters wear what it is they seemingly like to wear. Like fucking track suits and jeans.

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Do authors think this is intimidating? Because it's always a sign of a shitty villain.

Japs love consuming the same, stale shit forever. It's why the waifu crowd will always buy merch of a new pink haired/blue or green eyed waifu with a moeblob face. Slap on any dere personality and you have an instant win.

>caring what tumblrinas think

I was still a teen and didn't know what a tumblrina was.
I-I thought people still used deviantart.

>not crazy
>not seductive
user, we need to have a talk...

arnold had a 4-pack

Awesome isn't it?

>Villain that isn't crazy
are you retarded

Right? What next? A hero that isn't retarded?

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We had L

>A hero that isn't retarded
Yeah sure if you're not watching shounen.

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>female villain appears
>know she's not meant for waifuing and will be dead by the end
>still instantly get a crush on her

Anyone else have this problem?

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>those eyes
Reminds me of a character from from Gravity Falls which makes your post all the more ironic.

I was surprised they killed her off. Despite how evil she was, she had some very cute scenes.

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>lets him live
>not retarded

>gets forgotten while male villains get killed for less

Shit, I can't think of a recent one that's not a (physical) monster.

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People had died before though (and almost all of them because of her).

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Isekai Cheat Magician will have this season's crazy villain female serial killer.

Why do fem villains always feel the need to humiliate and femdom the hero during their fights?

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Because domination play is seen as somewhat villainous, especially if it's from a woman.

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Goes back to the whole "woman should be empathetic and passive" thing in societies. Bad women are neither, of course.

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Oops, wrong webm.

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Pick related, right?

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2 reasons, first its really fucking hot.

Second, and probably more importantly, is that villains often have to be the opposite of society, especially in conformist places like China or Japan. A running theme in a lot of anime, especially shonen, is that 'systems work'. There may be problems in them but those are due to corrupt individuals, overall, systems are beneficial and should be upheld (this is why so many protagonists are reactive, there normally is nothing to change). This is unlike the west where (intelligent) rebellion is considered a good thing in most cases. This means that villains have to go against the system and standards of society.
In Japan women are supposed to be submissive generally, and because of this Japanese women villains are dominant to show that they are against society. And why Jap male villains are often some shade of homosexual and ostentatious, as both of those are unacceptable as well.

Younger Croix is still seductive. I've lost liters to Ursula and Lotte though, so that just be my thing for meganekko.
Croix needed some chad warlock to sexually bully her and pound her nerdy womb so she'd forget about her gay robots and shit and stop being such a goddamn bitch.

>villainess kidnaps hero
>is going to rape him
>heroine shows up and kills villainess
How do you feel about this trope?

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Never come across this trope myself, but I imagine that if had, I would be diamonds.

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You're allowed to fuck her in the VN though. You don't even need to get kidnapped for it.

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I won

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Good taste, and nicely put.

Only in the bad ends.

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Does Yea Forums like reformed villainesses?

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Hilda in Saint Seiya. She was mind controlled but she just acted cold rather than stereotypically crazy. Tenshi in Angel Beats was robotic but not crazy. I'm sure there are more but I'm too lazy to think of them all.

Couldn't agree more.

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Villainess is the best.

By the way, new Eliza chapter is out. Feels like its been years since the latest chapter, glad the hiatus is over(?) though.


>Villainess wins
literally never happens but god i want it so bad

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>not seductive

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Otome isekai shit