Summer of Fap

>Sounan desu ka

How many shows this season require you to take your pants off to watch them? Is this a record

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back in my day ecchi used to mean something

>Watching sounan desu ka for fap potenial.
Fucking pleb.

Is that Erina?

I'm watching it because it's fun. But the hot girls walking around half naked all the time has unavoidable consequences.

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Eh, I personally only find these kind of situations hot if the people that are stranded end up fucking. Since I doubt this show is going to go down the Yuri route, i'm not that into the sex appeal aspect of the show.

None of them if you're a remotely mature individual.

>Sounan desu ka
Why are you watching shorts?

On average, shorts are better than full-length.

They're comfy and easy to wear.

I'd normally be adverse to them too but this season has some good shorts

>"Why are you watching things that I'm not watching?"
People like things, user.

I really like Liza

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Not on my watch they don't

>I'd work out with her if you know what I mean
>I'd show her proper form for The Press
>I'd let her squeeze my barbell with both hands
>I'd do extra set of hip thrusts with her
>I'd make her drink my thick protein shake

etc etc

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I'm fapping to this cute mommy.

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>hotaru clone with birdshit
>isekai garbage with spineless mc


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The only anime I've fapped to so far this cour is The pool scene in last week's Fruits Basket]/spoiler]

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that denpa service was certainly unexpected. despite being a spaz she's one of the most sensual girls in the show

But I watch this show for the survival lessons

I only fap to isekai wishfullfilment.

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How uncouth

>Why are you watching shorts?
For skirts obviously.

We live in a sad age

Does Outlaw Star actually have tits in it? My friend swears that there are tons of them but I am ep 6 and there has been nothing, I feel like I am being trolled. I looked it up and the show is supposedly rated mature but there hasn't been anything violent or sexual so far.

Wait till the hot springs episode, enjoy