Already forgotten

>already forgotten
What went wrong?

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Epic edgelord thread guise.

It was a time flop.

Everyone realized that they don't really release much, and there's still a an ongoing season of broadcasts to talk about

You expecting us to cry over this for months?


Forcedly forgotten.

huh what?


and a dishonest fire

Has the anime industry ever suffered a travesty comparable to this in the past?

No, Kyoani was literally the worst thing that ever happened to the industry. Thank God it's gone.

Yuri on ice
that gay archer one

If they weren't still riding the fujo train before they went out it would have been a lot sadder.

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Whatever you say, delusionist

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Yuri on Ice isn't kyoani

Fucking dumbass

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Not forgotten, but what is there to say at the moment that wouldn't just be rehashing what's already been said? There's not likely to be much news for a few days, as they are apparently having to do DNA testing to identify some of the bodies. IIRC, they've said it will be a week or more before we have a list of confirmed victims.

So far, Takemoto’s father gave some sad comments and we should prepare for the worst and wish for the best.
Ono’s grandpa still heartbroken.
Engineer nips made a small scale replica of the building and set it on fire, was depressing and the “just 40Lfag” was BTFO.

That webm was really something

This is the CGI version

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Do you have a link to the footage of the replica burning?

Ye u r

Thank God Kyoanus is done shitting out shit animu.

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No I’m not

You are, bitch boi

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I’m also hotter than you

I am emotionally exhausted.
If events for me turned out differently I could have been involved longer.

Yeah cuz u stink and are decomposing and thus creating heat