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Why is the sticky gone? I want a list of names already

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Sorry. There is no coming back. The damage has been done. KyoAni may take a long time to ever return. I don't care how long, if ever.

Support them. Give what you can.

I want to wish them back..

So they can make a third season where you and Yuta are 30 years old and haven't gotten to second base?

You have to let them go user. I know it hurts.

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Wish granted. New employees will come and the building's repairs will begin soon.

No! I just want them to be okay..
Them and their families

Stay on your home board child.

I hope you never go through what they do cunt

fuck kyoto animation. also fuck chu2 and fuck rikka

Imagine not having online backups in two thousand and fucking nineteen.

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Just watched the movie ("Take On Me") a week ago and the scene where Yuuta imagined them being older and having their first child was pretty funny. I'd watch that.

Are you a fucking retard or something?

No, but the Kyoani CEO definitely is.

This threads are just a fucking cringefest and overall pointless.

Go back to whatever shitpen you came from you fucking nigger

get off my board

>hurr durr look at me, I'm a tough boy.
You guys are honestly cringe, I bet the majority posters in this thread are underage teens. Hope you faggots tie the noose already and neck yourself.

cringe but unironically

>No u
Literal children. Just go to reddit, your gay blogposting will be more welcomed there I believe.

Get the fuck off my board you normalfag cunt
You probably came here in the 2010s

Always sad to see how actual valuable members of society, loved by so many, had to die while completely worthless and irrelevant trolls that will never amount to anything are allowed to keep wasting space on this planet.

>being this upset
my fucking sides

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so much irony in this post especially as you post on Yea Forums because you got assblasted on a forum. Gain some self awareness

Literal children projecting. Can't even see the irony in their own posts.

Has the anime industry ever suffered a travesty in its past comparable to this one?

That one's going into my cringe compilation.

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>building’s repairs
Not gonna happen. They’re going to build a monument and at best have to relocate


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Darling in the FranXX

Whoa bro...don't hack me I was just funning around

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Planetary Devastation!

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Lame faggot