>The Kyoani fire was only the beginning; I feel sorry that it has come to this, but I must fix my mistake, and even if every animator in Japan needs to die a fiery death for that to happen, my resolve will not waver.
What the FUCK did he mean by this
Miyazaki speaks
Someone has to stop this madman
He plans to save anime again
In other news, the arsonist has been named as one Samu Haido. His relationships are pending investigation to determine if he had help in planning his attack on the anime studio.
You can't stop it.
Did you forget the part where he was celebrating by saying "the fire rises" and then "just wait for it, Madhouse, you're a 'big' target. But fear isn't for now. That'll come later."
Burning the studio with no survivors.
was getting caught part of his plan?
They expected one of them in the wreckage
I have a bottle of champagne with Miyazaki's name on it.
Hayao Miyazaki met with the families of the KyoAni victims. After a brief interview in which he expressed his condolences and hope for closure, he reportedly burst out laughing and made flame noises and mimicked two gas cans pouring.
He then picked up the child of a deceased victim and whispered into her ear "あなたのお父さんは死んだ、雌犬"(Your dad's dead, bitch), and proceeded to put on a pair of sunglasses and unleash a barrage of martial arts attack on the small child.
She was rushed to the Kyoto hospital where she was pronounced dead due to extreme trauma. When asked later about the incident, Miyazaki became visibly sexually aroused and repeated the same attack on the reporter.
I heard Miyazaki was stopped trying to enter the hospital where the survivors are kept, murmuring something about "finishing the job".
Is this true?
yes, he also helped Hitler exterminate the panda bears
He also has Daiz on a payroll to help him further destroy anime
Yes, he also said in the same interview:
>I will begin a new age out of the ashes of the old. The death screams of the perverted otaku I burn will echo to the heavens and be remembered for all eternity as the overture of the new era, of my era. One without the anime mistake to sap the soul of the Japanese people. Don't call it a tragedy, this is the future you all chose.
NHK is still pressing him for clarification
What is Yea Forums's beef with Miyazaki? Is this just a contrarian thing?
It's not really beef. He's an old grouchy curmudgeon. At least some of us still love him. He's like that Grandpa you have that won't shut up about in his day everything was better.
Miyazaki is just manchild worse than Anno, he deserve all our hate for being popular with normie.
Are you a tourist?
He's basically japan's boomer equivalent
Well, he's prone to... interesting opinions that would be rightly trashed if he wasn't him, but are there mostly because people think he can say basically anything and will listen.
Like that time he pissed on Marnie just because the other girl was blonde and japanese. Which is honestly something you shouldn't do with your studio (at the time) next director promise. Really was a douchebag then.
Or the one about tolkienist fantasy being anti-asian (which funnily enough isn't totally wrong but still is pretty much a case of old man yelling at cloud).
>all in all it started with that bullshit about anime not taking inspiration from real life anymore. Which is... partially true, clearly, but he never saw the beam in his own eye.
>But fear isn't for now. That'll come later.
What kind of translation have you been reading?
He clearly said "Now is not the time for fear. That comes later."
Miyazaki hates anime so we're joking that he orchestrated the incident
>Miyazaki hates anime
Does he now? He produced some of the most popular titles ever. Even non-anime watchers know who Miyazaki is.
how did the meme that miyazaki hates anime start?
Not him but what Miyazaki produces is not normal anime that airs on late night tv. Miyazaki hates the type of anime Yea Forums watches
You should've done this in the sticky.
He's just so based I can't even stand it.
He made some decent films but even with that under his name he's still undeservingly arrogant and elitist against most of the industry. And not just against the moeshit like the memes would have you believe it.
He's one naked video away from full blown lolcow status. His hubris is just too strong.
People will defend this.
>he's still undeservingly arrogant and elitist
Imagine being the man who created Totoro and Spirited Away. You'd be smug af every day of your life.
They're good but not THAT good.
He's a delusional cunt.
user, I believe you mistake hubris for values. Not everyone is some mindless puppet controlled by a creature lurking in the shadows. Some people actually have a set of beliefs, values, and a moral compass that guides them to do the things they do.
I'm fine with Miyazaki expressing his beliefs and fighting for them. He came to the table with some accomplishments of his own, which is more than can be said for most people who drop their opinions needlessly.
Oh sure, he didn't do everything himself, but he did build the studio that would become one of the greatest. He's also a marvelous writer and astounding director.
Don't know why you'd undersell him of any of it just because you think lowly of his personal opinions.
What the fuck did I just read?
They are that good. His works are the best animation to come from japan so far. You may not like it, but that's a widely accepted fact.
Miyazaki's stuff is just family friendly, hence the worldwide popularity. Makoto Shinkai is more important and will overshadow Miyazaki in the future.
How can one man be so based?
I understand but I disagree. He's mostly just being a salty faggot over his style not becoming the dominant one. He wanted to become the person to define the direction of the industry but that's not what the people wanted, and he became bitter over it.
Nothing is that good.
It mostly is. His criticism that anime characters are made now based on other anime characters, instead of actual humans, is completely correct and average people cannot help but feel alienated by it. Imagine if you spent your whole life making something you wanted the whole world to enjoy, and a group of nerds made it so weird and fetishized that ordinary people didn't give it the time of day. I'd be pissed too.
His critics here will say 'Good, keep the normies out REEEE' but they only say this because they're too fucking autistic to fit in, and don't like their rocks being turned over.
Nah I even like Miyazaki but I'll take Kon over him any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Miyazaki's work is him trying to warn and inspire youth into seizing life.
Shinkai's work is him pandering and wallowing in isolation and otaku fantasy escapism (ironically more fantasy than miyazaki's) instead of offering a worthwhile solution or inspiration.
Miyazaki was blessed with Disney money. He has no right to be so dismissive of new technology just because of his autistic philosophical beliefs, and even if he did he should be lashing out to bring cel animation back and not to take down actual innovators.
>Someone has to help this madman