The other thread is going to hit bump limit soon so I'll dump here
Bokuben 120 Viz
Other urls found in this thread:
>Western-style wedding dresses
I'm disappointed
delicious ikeda ASS
Mafuyu a best
Fumino and Rizu a second best
Uruka a shit
And that's it, Fumino's cat next week
I love Rizu
>says as he draws a flustered Mafuyu
I love her too.
Will Reiji's antics somehow salvage next week from being a total borefest?
Find out in just five days.
Uruka is already embracing western culture for her future in Australia.
He was drawing Mafuyu.
Holy shit
Eh, I just hope this thread doesn't become shitposty. Maybe a slow thread, doesn't even need to hit Bump limit.
A unique, non generic looking Mafuyu.
Go 22i, give us the end most of your fanbase wants!
>draws for a fan
We know what you really want, Tsutsui.
She's eating so I think it's Fumino after all
Will Uruka get black'd?
Nope, that's sensei's flustered face.
Cute newlyweds
My heart
She's gonna get koala'd.
What happened to the drop bears?
What if the whole Australia thing is just a red herring? How would you react?
BD volume 2 will include Fumino's character song
That fag would implode. Or vanish. Like KusOfag.
You mean
Rizu talking about someone else being unable to read other people's feelings
fucking kek, the most important 'person' for her this year or rather her whole high school was the pool, Tsutsui is now rubbing it in doesn't he?
Her character developed
gal cleaning: bokuben edition
how would she show off her tan lines in a kimono.
wedding dress + tan lines stil doesn't work
Which character is going to get introduced now and subsequently raped?
>after our exams...
get ready for Uruka's character arc ending with her saying goodbye to Nariyuki with a confession she doesn't want an answer for
Nothing wrong with that
Ikeda's twin sister with purple hair
Next chapter is Fumino. So...
All things considered, I think it would be a fitting end. Move on with her life and beal with her feelings for Nariyuki.
Nino a best. Ichika a shit.
oh no the poor cat
As long as Reiji is safe, I'll be happy.
At this point in the manga fully agree. She had so many chances to do anything with her crush on him and done nothing it's really time to move on.
Yes, that's the joke user
>with a confession she doesn't want an answer for
fucking kek
A red herring to what?
I'm not even an Urukafag but she is fucking cute there.
Yotsuba and Uruka will win. They are the best girls for their respective MCs. And the girls that took them out of despair and inspired them
As if he could do it.
cute married couple
>best anything
>Yotsuba and Uruka will win
>best girls
>the girls that took them out of despair
>and inspired them
so creative
>Thinking it would be anything but a Rizu end
Yotsuba and Mafuyu*
>thinking Rizu is a character
Just stating the facts. No need for you to seethe
Uruka a best
Take those pants of, it's licking time.
Sensei will win. Marked my words.
Her eyebrows look so weird here.
What are you implying?
It's literally the truth tho.
>Believe me bro. If you don't believe me then you are seething.
Uruka chan!
Fumino isn't going to win
Cute chapter.
Who will?
Words marked in the event Sensei loses.
I think you should stop replying. You're only giving him the attention he wants.
don't put foomshit next to Itsuki
And you neither Itsuki chan.
student council president
It's a secret
I'm gonna sit on (You)
t. Uruka/Ichikafag
Ichika a shit. Miku should never have forgiven that snake.
You don't know sisterly love.
I might break you, let's not do that.
Fumino and Rizu are failed heroines. Even Uruka is preferable to them.
If you actually think Itsuki will win, you're delusional
>even Uruka is preferable to them.
You fucking pleb. Learn to respect her.
Maybe it is because you are eating too much.
Go back to shitposting in other thread. We don't need you here.
we all know that fumino gonna win in the end and sensei losing in the end is good fuel for another hall of loser screencaps like the other WSJ loser heroines
Uruka is basically a joke heroine. Fumino and Rizu at least have some development on the serious side of things, and they don't have a neon sign that says "Loser" over their heads either.
I think Fumino is most likely but still not certain. Rizu and even Mafuyu each have a chance to win if Tsutsui decides to swing it towards one of them.
Ikeda will kill the competition and win in the end
Sasuga speedreader-kun
>Green hair.
Disgusting but also surprised by the lack of joker edits
Better than literary system win です
Glory to Ikeda ass.
Sport>teacher>scientific system>upperclassman>literary system
There's a precedent with Baka to Test. Minami had stacked development and flag events over Pink, but unfortunately the author remembered Pink was the first girl and was on the first cover in the last volume.
Miharu, Sawako or Kawase are going to win.
How can anyone hate this angel
>What is gay people?
I guess you can if you're stupid
She looks like a bug there.
Her eyes are way too large.
She's brown.
Nope, just your brain being way too small.
Boring character. Almost Iroha-tier fanbase.
>sensei was inspired by MC's dad whom she admired
When is EL HERMANO going to show up
Uruka is forced into a loser role by the story but is fine with Nariyuki otherwise. Rizu is the real joke, nobody takes her seriously and she got nothing in her arc. Fumino is worse, she got five chapters focusing on her and still manages to lose popularity. As main heroines they barely feel like it.
>damage control
Literal shittaste
No, her eyes are too big, look at this one
she looks better.
>mad at the truth
go back
r-rent free
Came from the shitposting thread only to be greeted with even more shitposting. The majority of these threads are only okay when discussing sensei, it seems. Other fanbases are more preoccupied with making sure that people see their insignificant side heroines as the closest to sensei, even when there's a mile's gap between sensei and the next heroine
Regardless of opinions and conjectures, objectively speaking they have some serious development. That alone allows them to be placed at a higher position on the main heroine totem pole. Uruka's role and character to date iis mostly comic relief. A character such as that is hardly better main heroine material.
Also soon
>The majority of these threads are only okay when discussing sensei
It's cause she's the only one who has a story arc worth discussing
When's her suicide arc gonna start?
Uruka has her serious moments and is generally fine when not shooting herself in the foot. At the very least she doesn't get compared to a small animal and headpatted by the MC. No way is it possible to take Rizu seriously as a heroine after her arc. It's about as romantic as Asumi's arc maybe even less so.
These two mangas are the same shit anyway.
How can you love her?
Tell us user.
Showing Tan lines with your wedding dress.
Fuck that's disgusting.
It's erotic
Not in a wedding dress.
Uruka is so adorable. She's so cute in this scene too, as always.
Ichika a best. Nino a shit.
>not Miku
For shame!
Just add a mesh white top over the non-tan lines part she'll look glowing
>Tsutsui-san we need another heroine so it's a harem
>okay uh shit uh I'll make this new girl brown but focus on her tan lines
>yes, quickly, before the execs get on us
>got it. Brown, swimmer, athletic, tan lines. That enough tags? I'll send in the manuscript, the baby's crying again
>okay tsutsui-san. Wait a minute, their pool is indoors right? How will she get a tan?
>can't hear you over the baby, sorry!
Tsutsui really wasnt thinking when he made the characters, did he? Aside from sensei at least.
Should i pick this up?
Who's best girl?
Who's winning so far?
Of course you have shit taste.
trash bait
>Should i pick this up?
>Who's best girl?
>Who's winning so far?
>Who's best girl?
>Who's winning so far?
It's crystal clear user.
Not really.
Nobody but Fumino end is expected anyways.
>A chapter without Sensei
This is why Japan will go extinct
>Should i pick this up?
>Who's best girl?
>Who's winning so far?
Nobody's really "winning". Sensei has the most teasing and development but Fumino is main girl so she'll probably win no matter what
>Should i pick this up?
>Who's best girl?
>Who's winning so far?
Viz Uruka is also a mistake
Her mouth is too big 99% of the time and then here it's baby sized. Tsutsui just doesn't care.
what's your favorite bokuben-related image?
>>Who's winning so far?
Thread is over.
Everybody go to sleep.
Other than that, probably some of the .5 chapters.
>Uruka chapter
>barely anyone discusses Uruka
the absolute state of this threads
Uruka is too pure for these shitty threads.
Maybe if there was anything to talk about we would but this chapter is pretty much just fanservice
Oh no you'll trigger the autist who replies to people saying filler with his tirade about muh episodic manga