
I can't believe Dale is going to absolutely wreck this one day.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] UchiMusume - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.48_[2019.07.21_17.10.21].jpg (1280x720, 100K)

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I'd rather him wrecking here right now desu

>*sound of Merry hitting his pipe*
The only correct way to raise a daughter.

>If Its for my daughter I'd even defeat a demon lord
>a demon lord
>Proceeds to kill all of them except two

The guy deserves the sex he gets.

He does look like a man in love.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] UchiMusume - 02 [720p]_00:07:57_01.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

He should be getting twice as much.

He got flatina on the sideline

>gruff old man with a soft spot for kids character
Always warms my heart.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] UchiMusume - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.50_[2019.07.21_18.06.28].jpg (1280x720, 78K)


Attached: 665003303001_5774343029001_5774330741001-vs.jpg (1920x1080, 165K)


Attached: [Erai-raws] Uchi no Musume no Tame naraba - 01 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_11.11_[2019.0 (1920x1080, 3.05M)

Yeah, one day.

Attached: 1321154384311.jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

I'd rather be wrecking her right now myself.

Where's the new chapter? I thought it was monthly

UchiMusume? More like UNCHIMusume, amirite?

She'll die!

I don't get it

Are they joking here?

He was always right

This has been the only show in years to make me smile like a retard

It's been the same for me

I want Dale to weck me

tl note: unchi means poop.

Why did Dale kill that woman in cold blood this episode?

Barakamon did the same for me too

I want to protect this creature.

Because she wasn't Latina

Old hags don't deserve to live.

Why am I appalled by the idea of Dale and Latina yet this mangadex.org/title/28892/maou-sama-to-kekkonshitai is fine?

She was a servant of one of the evil demon lords.

Only Dale can

Are they gonna get to daughterwifing in the anime? She kind of confesses at the end of Vol. 3, will they get that far with 12eps?

Not Latina

Awww user hates his mommy.

They are wise old men, so they saw he was trapped by Latina.

Does anyone have the small chart of father-daughter manga/ln/wn?

I'd imagine they might get that far. Anything beyond that is just fucking rushing. I hope we get a season 2 but let's be honest we wont.

it is always raise your wife is there any raise your husband



Attached: If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord - c001 (v01) - p000 [Cover] [dig] [S (1263x1800, 365K)

glossed over in manga/anime, but in the source material he's a complete murderhobo

dropped the WN immediately once i heard that it was going down the usagi drop route.

Thanks for letting us know bro. Keep us updated.

kill yourself normalfaggot

This was written by a woman

women like older men

You have a thing for older women.


Not a loli.

Do you think. Dale wants to fuck her now. Or do you think he wants to fuck her now but can't since she is a child. Do you think Dale will wait till she matures and then fuck her? Does Dale want to fuck her?

>Do you think. Dale wants to fuck her now. Or do you think he wants to fuck her now but can't since she is a child.
No and no.
> Do you think Dale will wait till she matures and then fuck her?
He waits until she's 16 and they're engaged, don't worry it time skips from 7-10-16-18

>They know
Nice foreshadowing.