What is this body type called?

What is this body type called?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.12_[2019.07.20_08.03.10].jpg (1280x720, 66K)




I suspect it's got something to do with chromosomes, bless her heart.


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Heh long boye

Words fail.



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Eugenia Cooney

Longcat is looooooong.

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Below average.

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Extra chromosome

The titless tall tube.

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3/10. Would not fuck.

Is this real?

You can clearly tell by at least Shirleys left arm that it's been elongated.


the boccho

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Goblin body


Attached: gidings me.png (955x644, 172K)

No I can't

They made her cute in the anime?

Advanced Noodle

Her skirt actually goes past her knees (when she's standing) and she's wearing a really baggy sweater top.


It amazes me how much the anime ruins stuff that's otherwise funny in the manga just with it's generic art and low FPS shit. Baka's stone-faced expression is part of what makes it so funny IMO.

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I can agree with you. Im glad we got anime but the "art" in manga just strikes with me better.

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She's not absolutely disgusting like in the manga

Manga Baka is cuter than anime Baka desu

Her plain appearance is part of the whole package and makes her better.

Holy shit what an awful adaptation.

Art aside having to pace everything out for a standard length TV episode really hurts things. The blunt presentation and snappy pacing of the manga just works way better for the style of humor. I think the only proper way to adapt it would've been like 5-7 minute online shorts or something 15 minutes like an Adult Swim show where you can just do one or two skits and work on pacing them better than trying to shove a bunch of different ones from various points in the series into one episode.