Will JC Staff be able to save their reputation?

Attached: konosuba1.webm (1920x1080, 2.88M)

Isn't the high level production team basically the same as the series? What's the difference in changing studios?

thats a big women

They never were a bad studio


Well they can't fuck it up any harder than they did Revolution-R pls;_;

That is an unusually cute Aqua

Pretty QUALITY for a movie desu.

Already looks like shit

it's signature konosuba look

10/10 would switch to the devil kings side if that big titty evil lady stepped on my face

The animation is technically great while keeping the goofy style. It looks about as good as it can be.

Attached: damegami tantrum.webm (960x540, 2.19M)

Will the jokes finally be different, or will we have to watch the same "KAZUMA KAZUMA!!!" joke repeated ad nauseam

Okay, those tits are too saggy.

Cute retard

Attached: 1559315534099.gif (240x320, 200K)

People really make fun of this? It's beautiful

That's actually a strength, Konosuba wouldn't be nearly as quirky without the low quality look.



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for you

I am excite!

Attached: megu3.webm (1920x1080, 335K)


Needs more vanir

Attached: megu2.webm (1920x1080, 239K)

>JC Staff
What's happened with KyoAni DEEN?

location and budget, it's the same team of animators


The main character is a JC with a Staff

Attached: top right.png (2048x1940, 3.39M)

>tips wizard hat
God why is Megumin so cute and chuuni

Attached: Screenshot_20190721-142312.png (2048x1158, 878K)

Fuck, Aqua is too cute here.

She is euphoric, not because of some phony goddess's blessing, but because she is enlightened by her intelligence.

Attached: secular.png (2988x3179, 2.93M)

>JC Staff

>JC Staff
>no JC in the staff

We can finally be the Slayers ripoff we were always meant to be. Truly we were Konosuba all along

Attached: Slayers Evolution-R - 13.mkv_snapshot_19.50_[2016.06.14_13.49.01].jpg (1280x720, 88K)

It's because of that director who doesn't give a shit about the character designs, isn't it?
Shame, some Konosuba episodes have alright character designs.
It's when he's in charge when it goes to shit.