Dr. Stone

So does anyone actually develop a personality, or are they forever one dimensional?

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Dr Stone started off shitty and the three other characters that aren't Senku basically get put on a boat and told to fuck off by the author/editor

The next arc is when he gets to the village and the series is way, way better from that point onwards.

once we reach the village there is more character. but it's less about the individual and more about how theey work together. also pic related is the best

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Yes Chrome does and Taiju gets demoted to minor character status

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You're missing the point. This isn't a cast, it's a pantheon. It's a myth of the origin of the modern world. These are the gods that brought us forth from the stone, gave us the tools of science, and trained us to live as civilized men.


>Tarzan hates modern civilisation and anyone trying to revive it
>takes Chrome captive rather than outright kill him
I never understood why he didn't just punch his guts out. Aside from plot armor of course

Everyone has plenty of personality.

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>one dimensional
Watched too many youtube anime reviews or why are you blindly throwing around such a term.

Everyone's personality is based off a single or couple character traits per person, so far.
The delinquent is the only one I've felt has ideals and potential. I'm an anime only so far anyways, so I don't know where it's going.

He's not one dimensional.

Tsukasa doesn't actually want to kill anyone, if he doesn't feel like he has to.

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Yuzuriha has been lewded, sorry Taiju

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You'll need to wait, till Senkuu arrives at the village it's pretty much worldbuilding. You'll get a epilogue of prologue on how Senkuu survived the first 6 months by himself first tho. So by ep 8 the village should start


Senku's character hasn't progressed much, but he does get fleshed out a lot once he reaches the village. The side characters are the ones that get the most progression in this series.

Because he is not a bad guy, he just have shitty ideals. Next episode will show clearly what I mean.

At least you didn't lewd Suika

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Gorilla lewded too

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You can't improve perfection.

Most lewds are of Suika, I didn't save any cause Suika is pure in my heart

He is perfect, but his perfection shines ever brighter with new chapters

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>work together
They don't "work". Everything is convenient to them.

So does this series ever get good writing or is it just retarded throughout?

>Dr. Flop

>they don't fuck up every time
>they keep trying till it works
Woah, sounds like Edison or some shit

>They don't "work"
Yeah other than all the grueling manual labour no one works at all

>Dr. Flop
>develop a personality
I have bad news for you