So how are the nips discussing the GoFundMe on their boards...

So how are the nips discussing the GoFundMe on their boards? We don't have official word from the company or the government yet about whether or not they can or will accept it. In the western world, it's a completely natural reaction to raise money for a tragedy, regardless of the nature. But I can see how Japanese would see it as insulting or pointless.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What would give you that idea
Do you not remember the earthquake?

>But I can see how Japanese would see it as insulting or pointless.
So many groups in Japan such as Animate have been raising money for the victims.

Yes but that was a large scale natural disaster, and this is more of a human disaster.

It's often rude to tip in Japan for example. Customs are different.

Yea Forums should never attempt to discuss anything that arent korean cartoons

Let's just hope that it's the end of the line for KioAni. A terrible studio is finally going down and this is GREAT news for any legitimate anime fan.

>over two dozen funerals, not to mention the employees who survived and will have hospital bills and require physical therapy for their wounds

They literally have cash donation jars for KyoAni on the counters of convenience stores. It's a natural reaction there as well.

We are united in our grief and our desire to help.

Preach it, fellow Hunterchad. Moeshitters BTFO

Attached: gon.jpg (1280x632, 80K)

I'd really rather it had gone out of business in a less destructive way.

Also even if you're a total piece of shit and don;t mind that a bunch of people died, they are going to go down as legends because of the sympathy this will get.

Careful on that edge

>implying the death of innocent people will somehow improve the industry.
Are you unironically retarded? Or you are just underage?

>Hunter avatarfag
Explains a lot

Fuck you.


>falling for the bait
It's not a hunterfag. It's likely khk false flagging to try and force conflict been Kyoani and X, as he usually does. He's been on a rampage lately.

I can see how especially this display of solidarity and love worldwide makes some unloved waste of space like you envious and angry.

>But I can see how Japanese would see it as insulting or pointless
This is not true, have you been on Japanese social media?

Attached: 1562033107635.png (1024x862, 1.15M)

Who is that?

>donation jar would immediately be stolen by niggers in America

>taking the bait seriously
You're both.

Attached: tg.jpg (569x569, 125K)

>how dare you take something seriously?

The question is will it go to Kyoani and not be embezzled by anyone in between.

Payment process will already take a cut from the transaction. ~2-3% + 30 cents for every transaction. So larger the donation, more efficient the pool.

It would be incredibly obvious to everyone if it were embezzled by anyone

I don't know user how did that Haiti thing ended up?

Then Vic Nignogna pockets it and spends it on sex tourism in Southeast Asia on girls under the age of 18.

I don't think the Clinton foudnation is doing this go fund me.

Kyoani didn't get anything? They ask questions. The families didn't get anything? They ask questions. You add the money together and 50% is missing? You ask questions
How are they supposed to get away with this?

Hatians didn't really have any avenues to argue or complain when they didn't get the money.

So he's a YouTube prankster?

Haitians are widely regarded as being even more lowly than weebs and that's tough to achieve.

>giving relief in the form of aid, donations and worldwide sympathy = a tip
You are this dumb right now.

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Unfortunately all they have to do is scrap together a Kemono Friends-tier production for it to become the best selling anime of all time. Nothing boosts sales like people jumping at the chance to signal. I can already see the threads on Yea Forums of people showing off their imported copies.

Attached: Tonari no Seki-kun - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.14_[2018.02.28_23.02.29].jpg (1920x1080, 94K)

Shonenchads rise up

They made post about how that money should be going to the oppressed Muslim minorities in Tokyo.

Nothing arbitrary about that standard shitpost

>Glad to see mods arbitrarily deleting posts they don't like.
It is fucking trolling you low life, it's also spam. And the quality of posts are important to this community. It's good to see them enforcing it for once.

It is not any less banal or empty than the sympathy they're given as a matter-of-course. It's just because you disagree with it that it constitutes a shitpost in your eyes, not the quality of the post itself.

>quality of posts is extremely important to this community

Attached: 1548489831545.jpg (511x509, 36K)

Fuck, this thread is getting scraaaaaaped.
Good. Dab on them harder based mods.

Theres banal, theres empty, and then there's shit. The sympathy posts are banal and empty. His post was shit.

Fuck KyotoAni and moeshit in general

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Based oldfag dropping truth on a nu-Yea Forums that's starting to look more like facebook after the lastest school shooting

No you fucking faggot. No. It's been said plenty of times already about the great things kyoani do, i'm not going to repeat them and if you really don't know then you should be lurking not posting. If you're glad that one of the most capable studios has been destroyed and that people who make anime were burned to death then you don't fucking belong here.

I'm a bit skeptical about GoFundMe and this fundraiser. I mean I don't think Sentai would be pants on head retarded enough to pocket the money, but these kind of things make me wary. Is there any better options to donate?

I just want to know where the money goes specifically before I donate.

why the big adobe donation?

Unless you’re donating like 200+ dollars what’s the problem anyway? Poorfags baka

You mean, YOU take the money and pay for your lawyers fees, fucking snakes.

>This is not true, have you been on Japanese social media?
Twitter is an American website.

I wonder what they can do with that money. I'm not sure if it's enough to hire freelancers and buy equipment until they can train new people.
One question: don't they have any sorta backup for their material?

to be fair, the crematories might have their work cut out. and the bodies have yet to be identified given the cellular damage

>One question: don't they have any sorta backup for their material?
For most of it no, sadly. That was the place that kept back ups and history. I can't believe one bastard destroyed all of it.

There have been reports that they work with a CG company based in Tokyo who may have backups of the VEG movie that was in post production.

AnimationDo should be animating Free, so I don't see why that should be destroyed. Anything new, that was in early or pre production though, and probably the old masters, gone.

thieving gypos


i donated 5$ when does the thing end ?? i might want to donate 5 more

>I don't know SHIT about Japan and human people in general but I still try to speak about it because I'm way too dumb
Seriously, I understand why some of you subhuman weebs are unfit for society.

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Reminder that you can just buy digital wallpapers and stuff from KyoAni online store if you want to give them money directly

Showing common human decency isn't "turning into Facebook". You wanna be edgy? Ok. But being edgy won't draw any sympathy, it's not cool or even fun, it doesn't make for quality posting, and people will just treat you like the retard you are.

It wouldn't be bad if it was funny, even if insensitive, like I did actually laugh at some jokes in the sticky. But being edgy for the sake of edgy is boring as fuck. It's just shit and what a lot of newfags don't seem to get. Like back in the day, photoshopping Hulk Hogan smashing the twin towers makes light of 9/11 in a funny way.

Is that a bait?

>I understand why some of you subhuman weebs are unfit for society
And what are you doing here then? just for fun and giggles? kek

This is the problem with today's Yea Forums. The witty edgy people are all gone, leaving us with the neckbeards who are trying to fit in with each other.

Probably not because they aren't full of /pol/acks who think the joos did everything.

Yeah. In the initial thread about the death of the director of Free, one person joked about how the guy was "Free now" and people had a chuckle about it, even if it was a bit bitter to swallow. 'This' was a bit of funny witty edge without going full "HURR KYOANI DEAD BASED SHOUNENCHADS" retardation like you see often here nowadays.

Some people here being socially inept has no bearing on my presence here. It's a non-sequitur, try to learn the rules of logical arguments and common human behavior.
I know we're on Yea Forums but fuck, try to make an effort.

Adobe? They might have KyoAni or their post production company as customers.
By the way, how can you sort the donations by amount, I can only see the most recent.

Both the Free! and the VEG movie are confirmed to be in post production elsewhere and not affected by the fire. Still not clear if they indeed will be released on schedule as KyoAni now has to sort out their next steps, but it seems perfectly possible to keep the original schedule with these projects.

I imagine that the industry might come together to help them, and I assume quite a few animators wouldn't be put off by the idea of working for KyoAni anyway. But most of the animators are freelancers and a lot of helping out and was going on in the industry anyway, so I'm hopeful to see some efforts to support KyoAni in such a way until they get back on their feet.

Why would Vic do that and what does he have to do with Sentai Filmworks?
If anything it'd be Monica Rial pocketing it for her legal defense.

Stop baiting you skank, i bet you were proud when moe got hit you retarded shit

Name one thing the juice didn't do

The attack was mossad trying to make kyo reliant on Jewish funding to create propaganda pieces. The GoFundMe stopped anime from becoming gay nigger mode

Stop you from being aborted.

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Take your meds

Read the news. The attacker was outted as an Israeli national. Why does no one think that's strange

Click the recent donations and select highest

for the millionth time, that's not the money to "rebuild" the studio, it is going straght to the victims and their families

>In the western world, it's a completely natural reaction to raise money for a tragedy, regardless of the nature
*In America

I wonder, did Adobe make a statement? Seems weird to donate 50,000 and not say anything.

You're a special kind of stupid.

Fuck off weebs.

Attached: Capture.png (1587x243, 18K)

This is a weeb site

Not really, the existence of the other boards disproves your claim.

>created to talk about anime
>based on a Japanese site
>run by a japanese

Normalfag butthurt he is posting on a weeb site.

even as bait it is in poor tatse


I think you have things mixed up they see tipping as offensive because they should always be doing there best so getting tip for doing their best is insulting/pointless. But donations are different because it is meant for people who need help which is completely different than tipping culture.

Frankly speaking tipping culture is stupid and just enables owners to underpay employee's and mask the true price of goods. Some stores in NA even go with the forced tip tax for all people without including it in their menu price it is retarded.

can't read this shit

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how would it be obvious
you will never see the money or where it's going

they're japanese
they're not going to make a fuss about some donation money they didnt get


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Wasn't that when the Japanese kept on repeating that they didn't need the money?

Because the people on the other end would notice it's fucking missing

There's the option of buying digital artwork on KyoAni's website. But as some anons have pointed out, that money goes directly to the company, so it will probably be used to keep the company from going belly up, not directly to help the victims. Still a good cause, but not where the money is needed most right now.

>mfw that won't be enough to pay a fraction of what they're gonna owe the employees from lawsuits, let alone help them recover from the material and talent losses
Into the ashtray KyoAnus goes.

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It's actually low-key stylish. I mean, what could they say that hasn't been said a hundred times now and would most probably sound meaningless anyway? Rather just donate, if they are interested to let people know, the donation conveys that much more effectively IMO.

Together forever, /spee/.

Attached: 1340046169091.jpg (900x994, 80K)

Japs don't sue for everything like Americans do.

Ah, I was accessing it through Firefox Portable, in another browser it can be sorted. Thanks.

>tfw back in the day of old Yea Forums this would have stayed up just fine
>tfw in nu-Yea Forums no only are the new fags infesting this board getting legitimately offended but a fucking leddit Jannie is offended as well and deletes the post

They really want to turn this place into a reddit hugbox where every mean comments gets deleted and the poster banned, and events such as this shows how numerous they are. Truly disappointing.

why doesnt he donate the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from ads and Yea Forums passes himself?

Attached: gookfaggot.png (697x26, 4K)

maybe he already did his part, how do you know he didn't?

The question is what will Kyoani do with the money

Considering how money hungry he is, I doubt it.

Learn your place, this site was built by anime.

>Highest donation changed the name from Janice Peters to Adobe Inc.


Attached: Adobe fucking based.png (392x649, 34K)

>Gookmoot giving away his precious shekels.

Heh, made laugh.

With the new info about how they stole his work, would you say the attack was at least partially justified? I can't bring myself to support violence, but I understand where he was coming from. It's just a bad situation and there wasn't much he could have done.


I'm willing to donate the moment they announce the money will actually be accepted by KyoAni. Not giving my money to burgerfucks so they can get even fatter.

I want to donate to KyoAni, but the problem is that I don't completely trust Sentai's gofundme, I don't want to buy fucking jpegs for 241 yen because that's fucking ridiculous and I don't want to support that business practice (I'd rather have my money show up where no overpriced digital goods were involved), and the official merch store doesn't ship to EU. Is there like a retailer or something that I can buy KyoAni's physical merchandise from such that at least some of the money actually goes to KyoAni?

>With the new info about how they stole his work

Your whole post tells me you don't want to donate

I don't think you understand what a donation is. You don't expect anything in return.

KOREAN, not Israeli. They're the Jews of Asia, those Koreans.

I want to donate.

I would be fine with not getting anything in return, but I absolutely do not want to get digital goods in return.

>"KyoAni were very glad to hear so many people came together to support them. However, they did not want to accept the donations. We will honor that wish. Instead of refunding the donations, we have decided to use this chance to support issues important to us and the future of the animation industry in general. We will split the money between various charities helping young female and PoC/indigenous animators achieve their dreams and make it I the industry, creating the animation movies of tomorrow. We believe that the most marginalized have the most interesting stories to tell, so we hope you're all happy with this decision. "

Chinks are the Jews of Asia, Koreans are the cartel. Most of the drug dealers in Asia are Koreans.

There's literally 0 risk to donating on gofundme. Either the money gets there or it gets returned to you. It's a completely public transaction, your name appears in the list when you donate.

No one understands where's he's coming from, otherwise he wouldn't have done this in the first place and consulted those people instead.

Who would notice. You think the victims are somehow tracking these funds and will ensure it goes to them?
Get smart, retards.

No credit card, sry live in a cash country

Fuck off, there is no "new info", he's still in a coma and there's 0 evidence to support any accusation of ripping off an insane 40 year old NEET ex-con's novel.

In the age of outrage you really think this would stand? People would burn Sentai to the ground immediately. Sentai is not getting nothing out of doing this, by the way. It is in their best interests to see this action to one of its two logical conclusions. They are getting a lot of good press from this.

Pretty sure if Sentai changes the terms of the donations midway, gofundme will immediately close the project and refund all that money. Is it not in the site's TOS that redirection violates their policy?

>hospital bills
I won't tell you how I know you are an ameritard.

Cope harder, brainlet faggot. You're giving your money to someone who has no obligations to do shit. You really think this is gonna end well? You think they're not gonna fuck it up? Have you been on the internet for like a week or what?

Still 0 (zero) indication from Kyoanus execs that the money isn't just going to be embezzled or put back into the studio while the families get zilch.

But they're opinion on that topic is just as retarded

Oh okay so 1.8 million dollars or a portion of it just poofs into thin air. Like do you think the president of Sentai is going to bring the money in the Okoden to peoples' houses except he took a few 10k bills from each? Everybody is watching Sentai, this shit is done publicly nowadays. That's the fucking point of gofundme. Or you can continue making up controversy to feel better about being a poorfag/useless human being.

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Nip here
I think most fans are appreciative of the support from around the world, but at the same time, there are concerns about how the money will go to Kyoto Animation.
Japan has pretty strict regulations when it comes to making donations to companies due to strict tax laws and regulations. I personally don't know how this applies when its coming from an international source, but I know that's one of the hurdles that are keeping other people in Japan from starting their own crowdfunding projects.

They had the same reaction of us. Some people were skeptical while others were overcome with emotion and donated right away.

Fuck it, I donated a small amount. I'm still looking for a merch retailer though.

Why not buy shit ton of merch to support the company and donation for the victims ?

You are so gullible, it's almost funny if it wasn't so sad. They will find a way to fuck this up and the money will go to some bullshit charities, but not before some people in charge got paid. The families won't see a single yen.

hi sgt mcmutt

I would presume that there's work being done on setting up some kind of non-profit fund that can accept the money and distribute it to victims and their families.

And I mean, obviously it hasn't stopped everyone in Japan if Animate is taking donations as well.

Attached: aD1WjWx_460s.jpg (351x329, 17K)

Because buying merch doesn't help the affected families one bit.

brainlets who fell for the GFM are the same brainlets who have CR/funi subs
>b-b-b-but muh official way of supporting the industry!
Once again these fags pretend to have never heard of merchandise or BDs which directly supports them. Sure it's taxed, but at least you know they're going to receive it one way or another. This whole GFM was vague from the start and yet people still fell for it.

buying merch probably wouldn't be the best thing since they probably don't have the manpower to do all the packing/shipping.
However, you can support them by buying their downloadable contents from their website (

I bet KyoAni won't even accept it lol, they'll probably feel too proud to accept help from foreigners.

That's why you use donation for the families.

Animate is the only "official" donating platform in Japan right now.
I assume they've done all the necessary paperwork for it too.

Why would you ever do this? The company will likely shut down. Where do you think the rest of the assets left in the company go? They just magically get paid out to the families of the victims for some reason?

they probably won't accept any funds for rebuilding their studio - I'd imagine funding will go to victims, their families and funeral costs, and potentially a construction of a memorial site

Half the staff in that building died. There is no pride left. Stop spouting this retarded garbage.

>japanese twitter
how far on the spectrum are you

Don't buy into the meme. There's no refuting that there's no scam going on but the best thing about it is that they actually care where the money goes to. So if went to a fucking wrong cause then they'll be entertaining refunds.

it was in the news and Japanese are making guides on how to donate to it from Japan
there are several japanese users in the donators list
some may trust it more than Animate donations because Animate didn't explain anything and just put boxes so there's no legit way to know how much money is being collected, you are a fool if you think they would blindly trust them because "muh honor"

How much fucking money did he give? That was like $10,000

he obviously hasnt, thats why he's asking

>Nip here
I fucking hate you white people. You're on the same level of trannies wanting to be called a certain pronoun, you're not fucking Japanese.

Anyone else waiting for their next paycheck?

I'm donating at least $100. Fuck it. I don't need it.

>Anyone else waiting for their next paycheck?
Y-yeah of course.

I don't want to sound mean but if you have to wait for your paycheck to donate 100, you need it, and you should not feel guilty not donating.

Their insurance would pay for any physical damage in any case.

Yeah, it's rude to tip because you're implying that they're not being paid a livable wage you retard.

Just donate whatever you can mate. It's not really bad if you can't or if you even donate $5. The thought is what matters.

>would you say the attack was at least partially justified

In 1754 BC, the early humans in ancient Mesopotamia, developed what is now known as "Code of Hammurabi"

In the "Code of Hammurabi", one of the things spelled out was the law of retaliation, meaning more generally that punishments should not be excessively cruel or lax.

How does it feel to be less mentally developed than some mudskins who lived 4000 years ago?

How do you know that this isn't some sort of Jewish psyop on Sentai's part to launder an asston of tax-exempted shekels from gullible weebs that believe everything they read on the internet?

Attached: 1563463312622.png (1000x591, 407K)

you definitely should keep it, like the other user said, if you can't even blow 100 bucks. sounds like you're the one in need of a gofundme

Clearly this isn't going to end well.

Because the payment processor is the only one who is between KyoAni and the money, right?
Fucking retard larping as an expert.

This. I don't have a lot of money but I'm going to donate what I can.

Dumbass. That's the only relevant aspect. Its possible aliens will come and take all of kyoani's money. But we don't know that. Thus its useless to include that.

>File:Burned dead body in RABIA Massacre.jpg
Reported. Stop posting that shit already.

The saddest thing about this image is that even if it isn't from this case, there almost certainly were people there who ended up looking more or less like that.

Stop phone posting you shit poster.

I literally never used my phone to post, ever. Router was reset once and suddenly nothing worked anymore.

fuck off with that shit

Thanks for showing linking this. Looking at the Hibike! Euphonium ones

Lmao look at this mutt

>Imagine having to pay hundreds of thousands to Shekelburg, land of the free

Once again proving that the mutt meme exists for a reason.

Is s/he dead?

Japan has free healthcare, but you're right on the funerals part. Those don't come cheap. Most of the survivors are also going to be unable to work due to their injuries. There's also a studio (Or monument I guess) to build and various other costs to cover. It's not like people can just fly over to Japan to help or that they would even have anything they could help with. This sends money to people who need it at a time of tragedy.

Or you know, we could do nothing at all and pretend that us saying our hearts go out to the victims actually helps anything. That seems to be what the people who get offended that people are sending money want.

Those are covered by insurances.

>See people talking in threads how 2 million is a shitload of money and how they're easily going to rebuild the studio with it.
>Work in underwriting in the construction industry.
>Know that 2 million isn't even going to cover half the costs to construct a building like the one that burned down.

Not dead confirmed. Also confirmed is that they were not allowed to speak about the incident until told to.

That's a nice post. Makes sense that they were asked to stay silent.

What's アメブロ?

2 million won't even be enough to cover reparations for the victims and their families.

Blog site.

I haven't donated yet because I didn't know if this was legit
What's there to ensure the money will go to the intended recipients? I remember the Red Cross used funds raised for 3/11 earthquake-tsunami to evacuate Americans in Japan instead of helping the actual victims

Oh I thought she was commenting on something relevant.

It's been made very public and Kyoani itself has acknowledge the existence of it and is discussing internally how best to use the money. The business that set up the gofundme also relies on business with the anime industry and if they take the money and run it would be business suicide for them as they'd probably end up blacklisted by the entire industry, which is not worth it for a couple million when their contracts with Japan are probably worth a lot more.

Father worked for a giant company and one of his major tasks was researching charities to figure out which ones were good. He spent about two decades investigating pretty much everything, the finances and the physical action undertaken. Everything from medical research, to foreign aid, etc.

He never talked about it but what he did say was don't donate a fucking cent to any 'charity' if you can help it. Find a way to pay the victims directly yourself. They're all fucking scams. A lot of people taking GIANT CUTS of the cake somewhere in the background. Every single one.

I mean, I would consider the attack to still be pretty relevant.

The best thing I think would be to start setting aside money to buy their next releases more aggressively from now on. I think it would be cool if they setup a Patreon like Trigger did as well, to make it easier to support them.

my dad works at nintendo

What the hell is she saying then? All I can understand is that she swore to update some blog.

I guess I'll wait a little longer to donate a hundred bucks
Hopefully it funds a decent funeral for one of the poor souls. What a horrible way to go exists to do precisely that sort of research

telling the truth man

cool will look into this thanks, but you know, numbers on a piece of paper is not telling you what is actually happening.

>Ameblo has been updated
You didn't think to click the link to her updated blog, eh?

>Adobe Inc.: $50,000

Attached: 1510595917428.png (730x605, 512K)


>off by one
but yeah I agree with the other anons, it looks legit, and besides no matter how much money it is taking it and running would be suicide, not only other businesses but the community backlash alone would ruin them. thanks to social media only companies with a near bottomless wealth could pull a stunt like that and survive the bad PR

You can buy a bunch of jpeg images from the kyoani online store. I would not recommend buying any physical products from it because it looks like those orders will be canceled.

GiveWell's research is top-notch. Obviously, don't believe a random user just because I said so, but my advice to people who know me is to follow their advice.

Duh, it would help if I new anything about Twitter. Thanks, I'll check it out.

If that’s what they donated I’m surprised Adobe is actually doing something nice for once.

How will the few that survived cope with the survivors guilt?

You need to go out and interact with other humans a bit more

>charge $30/month for glorified paint program
They'll literally make 1,000 times that in a month.

So when will they make an anime about this incident?

Actually, it's more like 5,000x, but their subscription services account for only a small fraction of their gross revenue.

They're gonna make it bros
We're all gonna make it

Attached: comment on YT.jpg (1076x569, 90K)

Might almost cover 50% of the product licenses used on the burned computers

Kyoani director plans to demolish the place and build a park to commemorate the incident.

Are you referring to the GoFundMe thing? I'd think that is for the survivors and the deceased's families, not the company.

Based otaku
Makes me feel a little better for only donating $15

Doesn't change the fact that I despise them. It's a marketing ploy - they know it's artists who buy into their services so dropping $50k on a bunch of artists now will see a return on that "act of goodwill" later. It's good PR. Same thing with that youtuber fuckhead.

If it were solely an act of compassion, it'd be donated anonymously. Instead, it's a display.

I'm not kidding, I would go and work for KyoAni for as long as humanly possible if I had any skill that was remotely useful to them. The only thing I know anything about is sound design and they don't need that, they need talented animators and directors. My art is awful and I don't see why a Japanese company that has just taken the biggest hit any animation studio in Japan has ever taken would bother trying to educate some dumb weeb westerner. I plan on donating as soon as possible but I want to do more. I don't care if I sound like a loser or whatever, I love their work and I want to give back as much as possible. This is not virtue signaling or any other bullshit like that, I just don't want to see them die like this.

Which was Janice Peters til yesterday. Something's fishy.

Literally one second on google user.

Attached: Capture.jpg (720x394, 29K)

It's for the families. A company shouldn't easily just accept donations, especially a for-profit one.

Aya Hirano has released a statement on her blog

>A company shouldn't easily just accept donations, especially a for-profit one.
Why not? They would make more profit that way.

Instead of spending energy talking down their contribution, can we figure out other companies who would be willing to fork out cash as a gesture. Maybe Apple?

Going to be bold here and say that the human beings receiving the money will give zero fucks about Adobe's policies.

Attached: 1409444312919.jpg (415x415, 28K)

Whatever man, money is money

I didn't even know she had a blog

The guy that put the idea into this fat neet of KyoAni plagiarizing him and raking in ¥¥ with his hard work was a jew

>I didn't even know she had a blog
me neither until now

>If it were solely an act of compassion, it'd be donated anonymously. Instead, it's a display.

They don't need acts of compassion. They are drowning on those already. I am glad companies can justify forking out cash in exchange for some display.

Apple just tweeted about it. How about we ask them to donate as well? Does anyone know how to contact them?

>the worst mass murder in the country since the bombs drop
Donations are fucking welcome, fuck you.

All studios have sent their condolences. Donation jars are literally in every 7/11 around my area. Sunrise is vowing to help whatever way they can. Flying Witch author has dedicated his sales proceeds for the 8th volume to help Kyoani. Animate has raised money for kyoani.

I wonder if Tim Cook (who tweeted about it from his personal account) has even watched a single show/movie from them

saved. Gotta love the normalfags exposing themselves with their version. Definition of irony right there

Did they actually say this
I doubt it when they set up that Yahoo search donation thing

I doubt Tim Cook's account is managed by Tim Cook FWIW.

As long as I know specifically why the hell someone is donating me such a large sum of money be it recognition or prestige, I may accept it.
But if the person or company is dubious enough, I will raise questions.

We should call them normiefags

It's less "will anything be embezzled" and more "how much of it will be embezzled".

How bad is Sentai though? I guess if they steal money, but then use it to buy more shows, that's still supporting the industry sorta?

Those shows could be isekaishit though.

>sound design
Apply for JC Staff as soon as you can; spare them botching any more series with that retarded sound pack they've started using please

Work harder, make more money, buy more of their stuff.

Do you think he was one of the ones who died thanks to suffocation or one of the ones that died thanks to burning alive in agony?

Attached: 66808428_3345957415430214_4661457314929180672_n.jpg (225x349, 27K)

I really hope everyone there died of suffocation
Being burned alive is probably one of the worst ways to go down and no one in KyoAni deserved it

If you don't feel comfortable donating, kyoani sell art on their site. Money goes directly to them and the staff don't have to do anything as it's all digital.

It's not all digital so make sure you pick something that is.

>im Philip Defranco famous youtuber and anime lover i watch alot of anime and manga kyoto animation is my favorite studio and food wars is my favorite anime they made, like and subscribe

what is the point of this question?

I wonder how many joint projects with Kyoani will come from this. Despite being competitors no one wishes this for their worst enemy. Anime will be interesting for the next decade.

That money goes to KyoAni the company though, not the victims.

I'll másturbate to your answer.

to be edgy and stir up shit - what else?

It isn't a large sum of money in corporate life, in fact it has a discretionary limit feel to it. A tasteful gesture. You don't donate anonymously for blatantly obvious reasons you'd understand if you had a proper job.

With this money we can rebuild KyoAni.
We have the technology.
We have the capabilities to make the world's first bionic anime studio.

Good, the company needs money too. It's nice that there's ways to both support the company and the victims, isn't it?

Not him. I did both. Just in case something difficulties arises from the gofundme. I think KyoAni as a company will extend their hands to the employees as much as they can. So I can bet that the money I paid on that merch, a good portion of that will somehow make it to the staff.

I haven't been able to keep track of all the threads, so sorry by asking, but what does say KyoAni's statement?

The japanese support the gofundme
they've been posting it all over twitter
haruhisky is literally one of the top donors

Shouldn't your nervous system get utterly fucked at some point in the burning process? I feel like dying of suffocation is pretty bad too, or maybe the carbon monoxide knocks you out before you feel anything?

Just says "We're sad, we won't release any further information please refer to the local police department for any additional information, also we hired a lawyer, please talk to them if your family was affected by this disaster"

I speak Japanese. All the nips are saying KyoAni deserved it for stealing that guy's novel.

has kyoani officially endorsed the gofundme yet?

No but some JP news outlets have talked about it acknowledging its existence

Based Japs

I guess they can't really say anything else. Thanks.

>Steps we took to improve: As of December 2018, this remains a problem. We believe the cause has been a failure to build and devote staff capacity to publishing as we increased capacity dedicated to conducting intervention and charity investigations. We now are planning to build a larger team, with a focus on building capacity to create reports of publishable quality. We expect this capacity will allow us to publish our backlog of material and maintain our transparency standards going forward. However, we expect that developing this capacity will take some time, and that this issue will remain until we do so.

Looks like they gave up on researching charities

Last update was 2016

I thought I had cried enough about this on Friday. I cried tears of despair and anguish. I chipped in to help just now, saw that this thing's raised almost $2 million, and I've got a lump in my throat all over again.

There's so much more good in the world than there is evil. There is hope.

>mutt uses 'for example'
>it's an unrelated example
Every time.

Attached: Joseph-Stalin-e1393974431298.jpg (240x309, 23K)


How does it feel to be a second world country?

BASED as fuck.

Ah yes, the Great Firewall of Japan.

You guys are retarded if you think Sentai stealing the money for themselves isn't career suicide.

Just buy digital images from their online store then. That goes directly to Kyoani and doesn't cost them anything.

Mad Libs has gotten a lot more popular since 2016.

Brainlet here, where is it on their site? Can't find it

Who are "they"? If you mean the IP holders like Kadokawa and Aniplex, I will agree. But these companies also sell streaming licenses to the likes of Crunchyroll. It literally doesn't matter whether you buy BRs or subscribe to CR. Money will still end up at the same place.

If they lived in the land of the mutated and mutilated 2 million dollars wouldn't cover even half of their bills anyway lmao

Kyoto Animation has way too much shit to deal with right now. The reason buying their digital art is suggested as a way to donate to them is because it's instant, they get the full amount you spend as profit, and no human intervention is required to get the art to you. Buying physical items from them not only requires a chunk of profit to go to the other companies like manufacturers involved, but someone has to get it, pack it, write your gaijin piggu name and address out, and ship it. Please understand that they might be low on resources or fucks to give less than a week after a hideous and meaningless crime crippled the studio and left dozens of their coworkers and friends dead or disfigured for life, including one who had to have both legs amputated.

Sounds kinda obsessive.
If you like houses you'll be upset when construction workers die, and if you like cars you'll be sad someone set fire to a Lada factory.
I don't mind if you feel that way, but I do not. The human tragedy is entirely unrelated to their occupation.
Would it have been better people in some other industry died? Nope, it's just your subjective standpoint on the matter.
Just because I like anime doesn't mean I have to be outraged specifically because of that.
I feel no different had the lunatic torched a school or government building or anything else.

While I'm not skeptical, I want to see the fallout on all involving parties if Sentai tried any funny business with that large amount of money

Read the post again, retard.


I'm not worried about Sentai, but I'm also not convinced that Kyoani will use the money ethically.

You have too much faith in people. Money tends to corrupt people.

So should I download Adobe products again now that they seem to be trying to do good contrary to what everyone has told me?

>Janice Peters is CSR manager for Adobe

Cringe at this cunt filming himself donating, but I guess やらない善よりやる偽善 is valid.

>We are proud to offer the first and only donor protection guarantee in the industry: the GoFundMe Guarantee. Every day, thousands of people get the help they need from generous donors. Our team of Trust & Safety specialists work night and day to make sure that funds get to the intended recipient, every time. In the rare case that something isn’t right, we will refund your donation. If funds aren’t delivered to the right person, we will donate the missing amount.

Fuck off back to /pol/

Without KyoAni he'd just be another artist.

i dont think its rude to tip in japan but rather its rude not to tip in some western countries. stupid custom that somehow survived thru time. why would you [...].

No one tips in Japan, so people just find it bizarre and give you the money back.

You have to pay every month and they will charge you double when you cancel the subscription. Just get everything from cgpeers when registration opens

What exactly is the goal? Is this money for the victims or for the company?


>fat NEET 30/40-something bitching about his novel idea getting stolen
>partially justified in lighting a building on fire with the verbal intent to kill people
Nah boy, that nigga’s getting hanged & he’s going to Hell.
I bet it was a trashy isekai romance novel too.

no one tips, ever. but rarely "keep the change" does happen and is the closest thing.

He didn't write anything. He was a anime hating gaymer.

Could’ve sworn witnesses said he bitched about a novel idea getting stolen. If that ain’t the case, then there ain’t a single shred of justification that can come out of this dude, and the courts will hurry along to hang his ass soon as he wakes up.

The guy is clearly crazy, whatever stupid reason it ends up being is going to be complete bullshit anyway.

It's pretty common for schizos to think that someone read their mind or is stalking them because of a coincidence.

I don't think retailers would be particularly low on resources right now. Obviously a part of the profit goes to other companies, but that's fine because I'd be paying for the merchandise.

is this the retarded "virtue signalling" idea again?
i never understood this in the slightest. what you retards don't understand is that it's actually you that are obsessed with virtue and its purity. see
>If it were solely an act of compassion

in truth the motives don't matter, a virtue is a virtue regardless of it.

>Therefore when you do merciful deeds, don’t sound a trumpet before yourself, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may get glory from men. Most certainly I tell you, they have received their reward.

spot the burger.

iirc it's actually rude in Japanese culture because it's their job. their concept of hospitality is different from the west

>be animator
>work on your dream job
>suddenly some sociopath burns your studio down
>you manage to survive but a good chunk of your colleagues died horrifying deaths and the burns have incapacitated your hands
>can't even draw anymore
How do you even live life after this

No they don't retard. You have to pay.

It's free for poverty level people like animators.

Nice try Zainichi, but you aren't welcomed here.

Kyoani animators were well paid and not starving retard.

No it isn't. Anything that is outside the scope of a normal visit like skin grafts cost money. Gay weeb. You thought cuz you took a Japanese language class in college you were a pro? Abbayo faggot

>well paid
Relative to other studios, but it's still minimum wage.

What good does it do us to speculate? Also, there has still been no official confirmation of death, so as unlikely as it is please don't spread it aroun until there is.

Anime/manga industry is a big customer of adobe.

Based ojisans.

The weird part is I distinctly remember "normalfag" holding the same "new" connotation replacing newfag in 09.

Has she redeemed herself? Is Yea Forums ready to forgive her?

>in a civilised country


It's not an NPO retard.

Some of you really are poor as shit huh? I guarantee both Sentai and KyoAni have seen way more than 2 million USD.

The biggest fuck you to the arsonist is not a slow and tortuous death, although that can be done.
The biggest fuck you is when Kyoani gets back on their feet, dusts themselves off and makes the best bloody anime the industry has ever seen with the memories carried with them.
That's the outcome I want to see.

Why not both.

i was also a proponent of rebuilding the twin towers rather than turning it into a shameful monument that will forever serve to let the terrorists know how deeply they wounded us..

Sentai's CEO probably makes a big chunk of that per year. Not worthy to risk prisontime fir that amount.

>rather than turning it into a shameful monument that will forever serve to let the terrorists know how deeply they wounded us..
How retarded can you be

not an argument
rebuilding it would have sent a message

You must donate that money to Korean victims of Japanese war crimes such as comfort women or forced labors, rather than supporters of Abe, a descendant of the Japanese war criminal. Anime is Japanese propaganda to justify their sin.

You must not support the war criminal state or its people. It is completely evil and immoral.

The monument is to remind us of what we lost.
I'm fully in support of them building a park on the ground of the old studio with a monument to the dead.

Whatever schlomo. It's an eyesore, it should have been rebuilt as a middle finger to the terrorists that we will not be fucking broken.

Maybe. I don't disagree with you. I just don't see what they plan to do as shameful.


[citation needed]

Half the names on the donation list are Asian.

and most of them are chinks

Do people here still actually think the GFM was started by a literally who nobody? They're the second generation of a US anime company, the remains of ADV imploding, so not only are they not nobodies, they also have a lot of industry contacts over there.
The guy was literally already on a plane flying to Tokyo when shithead torched the place, and he was interviewed on NHK the next day.

Attached: 190719104029.jpg (853x480, 39K)

We literally built a bigger tower you fucking ape.

I'm sure we built a lot of buildings since 9/11, but declaring one of those that was surely already contracted before the disaster as That New Shit is an empty gesture compared to building one in the same spot.

To be fair "normalfag" has been shortened to normie for years. The problem is that "normie" has been co-opted by actual normalfags so people have fallen back on using the full phrase in an attempt to weed out normalfags since they won't touch it due to the "fag" suffix (and possibly not knowing where "normie" originated from as shorthand)

Insincere charity > sincere apathy
The thing is anyone can call anything virtue signaling as they see fit for their own agenda. People were supporting Yamakan telling Shinkai to shut up when he tweeted his condolences towards the fire because they thought it was virtue signaling. I get where people are coming from when they get angry from it and I do think that the concept exists to a certain extent, but really, even me posting my condolences on a public space like Yea Forums can be viewed as virtue signaling

Mentally ill people lashing out under the delusions of theft or plagiarism have happened before. See the Domino's Noid incident and the murder of Dimebag Darrell

"normalfag" just sounds more clumsy to me, I think I like the idea of and will start using normiefag to piss off both the normoids and the "I'm an older oldfag than you" snobs.

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I will join this cause because normiefag is a funny word


They have done literally nothing to prevent you from using a crack if you don't want to pay. Customers that give them the real money are the companies and others who make money with the software and also get support from Adobe. I'd say the "software as a service" model is actually good for most of their customers who use the software for _serious business_

>Patients in Japan must pay 30% of medical costs. If there is a need to pay a much higher costs, they do get reimbursed up to 80-90%.

You reek of entitlement, you effeminate Eurobitch. Just say you're not going to donate and let that be the end of it.

Well, as it turns out, I am in fact entitled to spending my own money in whatever way I want. Specifically, I want to use it to support KyoAni making great TV shows, and I don't want to use it to support KyoAni selling overpriced digital goods. If they're not offering an option to do the former without also doing the latter, they're missing out.

Often it's legally and financially more difficult for companies to accept straight donations than it is to sell something, even if it's in name only.

>has to wait for paycheck to donate

yeah, you probably shouldn't

>Donating money to a company that most likely made bank on insurance

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It's going to the victims.

The "victims"

Yes, victims.

That was a problem with -- what's-his-face (moon? mool? something like that) -- when he had to ask for donations to prop up Yea Forums back in the day.

You don't know that. The only thing you've achieved so far is supporting Sentai.

Ledford is already on record saying it will, so if it doesn't, I'll be getting my sweet yurobucks back.

So long as this goes straight to the victims instead of the company thats fine i think?

I think some to the company would be fine if they are going to build a park with it. They’ll have fire insurance for the rest.


>hospital bill
>land of the free

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>hundred percent
Sure, they do it FOR FREE.

They're well paid compared to other studios who pay their animators just a couple hundred a month, but they still make about as much as a guy flipping burgers at mcdonalds or selling grease at kfc.

He'd be a natural janny.

Difference being that they don't have to pay stuff like medical insurances and other shit americans are forced to handle themselves.

Thirding normiefag, -fag should be added as a suffix describing any group of people anyway.

Honestly both terms are pretty stupid.

Sendai is based in the H. We know how bad tragedies are so I’m positive they’ll actually get the donations to their intended target.

Attached: Here you dropped this.jpg (686x386, 35K)

>being this american


Pretty sure that's not possible, and if GoFundMe would allow that, they'd be in a ton of legal trouble and also finished for good. Same goes for Sentai.
I understand the skepticism, but the worst case scenario is all-around refund.

I'm pretty sure they work something out, like setting up some sort of trust fund for the victims and families or the like. It doesn't have to go to the company.

Based masked hero.

Why people will donate 2 million dollars to a moe studio but not to make the death note manga/anime sequel? Hell any of the greatest anime would deserve this money more than this shitty studio, monster, hajiime no ippo, jojo, anything

I like K-On! better than any of those

Good taste.

>greatest anime
>lists from shit to above average anime
At least mix it with something actually good.

Well, better than nothing, I guess.

Stop replying to the obvious troll you dumb asses.

Death note ended with a closure you fucking retard, unless you didn't watch any of the shows at all and you're trying hard to fit in.

Fucking seanigger. Kill yourself.

>being this american

Attached: 10529664_10204464579514724_907846790_n.jpg (480x466, 25K)

Then you're retarded, literally retarded, you prefer cutesy shit that only appeals to manchildren as opposed to intelectual battles between titans, deep questions of morality and superb storylines

There are no news right now, probably there won't be for a few more days. It doesn't matter

>"normie" has been co-opted
It wasn't co-opted, it was coined by them.

Name whatever the fuck you want, even city hunter would be better

>Death note ended with a closure you fucking retard
It doesnt need to be a sequel to that scenario you mongrel, light clearly was supposed to win (or L was supposed to end the series in half the time)

>Name whatever the fuck you want
Anything kyoani, even KnK, is better than everything you listed.

>preferring mouth-breathing popcorn entertainment for attention deficit retards who can't watch anything else besides flickering lights on-screen and poor fight choreography

Reminder to know your place or get banned

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No it hasn't. Again, "normalfag" has been shortened to "normies" for years

Spoken like a true redditor.

You should have stayed at home.

Very much agreed. I too shall use it.

I think they will accept it


You're not fooling anybody user, kek


The Association of Japanese Animations has opened up an account for donations towards Kyoani. My Japanese is terrible but it seems like the account will be open to everyone, not just their group.

Absolutely American.

4chins is long dead, I've come to accept that we are reddit lite now.
It's obvious that he was just voicing his opinion, but god forbid we weren't a politically correct, compassionate echo chamber.

daily reminder underaged discordfags from Yea Forums are flooding Yea Forums with anti kyoani posts

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I like to imagine those who are able to get in and work at KyoAni are the most positive people in the world and therefore are able to cope with almost anything.

>tfw you wanna laugh at this brainlet for being an American but you are also American so you can't say shit
Someone please save us from ourselves

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Death Note have 2 light novels, 2 oneshots and another one in making. How much do you need?

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>hospital bills

Mutts in full force today I see