Mommy Online
Dr. Stone
Vinland Saga
Magical Senpai
Are You Lost
Takagi-san 2
Case Files
Cop Craft
Fire Force
>didn't bother with
everything else
Mommy Online
Dr. Stone
Vinland Saga
Magical Senpai
Are You Lost
Takagi-san 2
Case Files
Cop Craft
Fire Force
>didn't bother with
everything else
Other urls found in this thread:
Is she pregante
>Mommy Online
Stopped reading
>Dr. Stone
>fire force
You exposed yourself Dr. Flop fag
It's another special ability of mothers in that game. In times of danger, the son can re-enter the pouch.
Dead doesn't mean bad, it means dead.
Fire force is the only one I'll end up watching, not really following anything though.
I would only watch mommy online if it had actual incest.
Fire Force is not dead yet.
Vinland Saga
Dr Stone
>dropped like a retarded baby
Japanese teenage prudes: the anime
that stupid firefighter shit
Accept it already, user.
Machikado Mazoku
Cop Craft
Sounan desu ka
>new episode when?
Vinland Saga
Dr. Stone
Holy shit that's pretty disgusting
go on
what is this anime called?
It's right there, user
Wait is this real or an edit?
That show feels like an appeal to Cory Chase fans.
Your taste is shit and you should feel bad.
Cop Craft
Vinland Saga
DanMachi S2
Symphogear XV
Kanata no Astra
Uchi no Musume no Tame naraba
Lord El-Melloi
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo
>Still enjoyable
Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e
Sounan Desu ka
Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka
Isekai Cheat Magician
Dr. Stone
>(Still on trial)
Enen no Shouboutai
Machikado Mazoku
It's real. It's a shielding ability in-game.
You are kidding, aren't you?
>Shielding ability
>Makes her look pregnant
Please tell me she constantly uses this ability
i checked the episode, this is an edit. go to the last five minutes of okaasan online episode 2 and you will see
AOTS contenders:
Machikado Mazoku
Vinland Saga
Good tier:
Fire Force
Dr. Stone
Okay tier:
Cop Craft
Lord El Melloi
Sounan desu ka
Guilty pleasure tier:
Bad, but still watching:
Tejina Senpai
Didn't watch or dropped:
Everything else
so he wasn't joking at all
its real
okaa is fucking shit
same with granbelm
ok, it was a joke
O maidens in your savage season
>Most interesting
Joshikousei no Mudazukai
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
Joshikousei no Mudazukai
Hakata Mentai (gag subs)
Enen no Shouboutai
Cop Craft
Re:Stage Dream Days
Vinland Saga
Takagi-san 2
Sounan desu ka?
Dr. Stone
Hakata Mentai (normal subs)
Machikado Mazoku
Yamishibai 7
Kanata no Astra
Naka no Hito
Kemono-tachi e
Machikado Mazoku and Naka no Hito have the most chance of bumping up a grade for me.
Naka no Hito Genome (Fuck you all, this anime is great and I love all the characters, who cares if I have shit taste?)
Fruits Basket
Sounan desu ka?
Ensemble Stars
Fire Force
>no opinion yet
>Mommy Online
Bro, do you even lift?
Also Magical Senpai is great.
Fire force
Dr stone
Have sex
Sacred beasts
Mommy isekai
Cop craft
The first episode was perfect.
>Three-Episode Rule
>Mommy Online
LN trahs are never AOTS so fuck off to Yea Forums, only CGDCT is allowed
>Dr. Stone
>Vinland Saga
That is beyond shit taste. Your thread was a mistake. Kill yourself dumb otaku, you are an insult to life itself.
>this is an edit
god damn it, i almost picked it up
At least there's one user of taste. It sucks how unpopular that is when the ride is about to start.
guess you'll have to wait for kusoge online to get an anime instead
Do you want me to light myself on fire?
And how often does THIS happen?
Too early to tell.
Cop Craft
Katsute Kami
Lord El-Melloi
Maou Retry (literally garbage)
Wakaki Nobunaga (too homo)
Araburu Kisetsu (checked the manga, nothing happens)
Astra (checked the manga, it's average)
Arifureta (checked the manga, it's slime 2.0)
I already know what Dr. Stone is. Been skimming through the manga for years now. It's whatever... A friend said that he dropped Fire Force after a hundred chapters or so and that it wasn't worth it. After checking it out myself, I agree with him. Haven't bothered with the rest.
Joshikousei no Mudazukai
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru
Same. Oh, what could've been...
It's a shame that the average guy finds
I wonder how many people still believe that they were brought by the stork or "a gift from heaven" or something.
>Mommy Online
Cop Craft (2ep preliminary)
>To drop
Mommy online (2ep preliminary)
shut the fuck up, liberal
Bold of you to assume I'm from burger land.
I've got news for you, the world does not end after California.
How does everyone else have such time and energy to watch every anime?
Have you tried watching anime at work?
Machikado Mazoku
Okaa-san Online
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru
Dr. Stone
Maou Retry
Sounan desu ka?
Cop Craft
Joshikousei no Mudazukai
i dont care if its real or not
Probably overrating most of these, but I'm a recent NEET and bored out of my mind.
Machikado Mazoku
Cop Craft
Sounan desu ka
Magical Senpai
Case Files
Fruits Basket
Vinland Saga
Dr Stone
Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e
Kanata no Astra
Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka
Fire Force
> Bad
Isekai Cheat Magician
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo
>not watching
the rest of this god forsaken season
A thread died for this.
Kill yourself stonecuck
Can someone expalin what Mommy Online is..
Newest isekai shit from a porn artist.
Who even has time to watch all these anime?
I literally only watched Mommy Online, and it's okay i guess, kinda funny, but boring when the mommy isn't on screen and you instead have to watch some of the female side-characters.
Anime is only about 25 min per episode.
Watching just 2 hours a day would lead to watching almost 5 episodes of anime every day.
She's too old for breeding
20 if you skip op and ed
dude gets transported to another world with his mom
mom is strong, the strongest
son treats mom bad
son gets harem along the way thanks to mom
it might be the moms harem
ara ara
Mary Okada is literally saving anime, that's all I have to say
Joshikousei is bretty good too
>tfw my attention span is so goldfish-tier it can take me over 2 hours to watch a single episode
>Mary Okada is literally saving anime, that's all I have to say
Being this tasteless should be bannable.
Yeah, it's shit having to share the board with faggots like you
>Mari Okada
>saving anything
Watching only Symphogear and Cop Craft. Would love to watch Mamako for Kayanon, but that show makes my brain rot away. I will just trust someone to make a compilation of Kayanon's lewdest moments later.
Sounan Desu Ka
>To watch
Cop Craft
Fire Force
Dr. Stone
Danmachi has actually been decent, This family battle has been way better than the dungeon shit they did in S1.
So the son mc is a typical trash pussy go gets everything thanks to the hardship of others?
>It's a "Lelouch has shit taste" post
Every. Single. Time.
He doesn't seem to be that much of a pussy but people hate him because he is a teenager in "I hate my parents" phase, and the parent in question here is an unrealistic, too pure and too perfect 35-40y old woman who looks like a 20y old supermodel (with 1 INT)
How dare you.
Astra no Kanata
Re: Stage! Dream Days
Aruburu/O Maidens
Tejina Senpai
Dr. Stone
Uchi no Musume
Vinland Saga
Mommy Isekai
Isekai Cheat Magician
Maou-Sama, Retry!
Machikado Mazoku
Katsute/Sacred beasts
Nakanohito Genome
Cop Craft
Fire Force
oh mama...
>dropped araburu
ultimate shit taste
>Mommy Online
Dumb mommyfag
>not dropping a boring series about uninteresting characters getting flustered about a word
>calling anyone else's taste shit
ma nigga
>Yea Forumsermin infested thread who watch 2 anime a season still up
It's too lewd for my pure maiden heart.
Was Mommy Online animated by the same studio as Steins;Gate?
The character animation style seems similar somehow
I grew out of watching garbage seasons filled with adaptations of awful series and so can you.
Man, Mommy Online is a new low. I'm legitimately disgusted.
I think it may be time to take a break on seasonals.
>a new low
It's not even as bad as SAO.
I think he's referring to how disgusting mother-son incest is.
Okay, but whats the actual title?
Sorry I'm working on my backlog with good series instead of watching garbage
Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks? (Japanese: 通常攻撃が全体攻撃で二回攻撃のお母さんは好きですか? Hepburn: Tsūjou Kōgeki ga Zentai Kōgeki de ni Kai Kōgeki no Okā-san wa Suki Desuka?) or Okaa-san Online or Mommy Online
>2 anime a season
That's being generous. They watch like 2 shows a year.
>watching anime
You're insane. SAO is is the Randy Newman of anime. Totally straight down the middle, crowd pleasing mediocrity.
SAO is an 8/10 show. Only Redditors hate on SAO
>Almost everything is listed as decent
In any given season there are usually at max 4 or so shows that are worth watching, when someone likes ALL the crap that's airing that's a surefire sign that their taste is shit and totally discerning, kind of like a fatass who loves McDonalds and high quality steak equally.
Maybe it's your right to feel that way, but there's no way in hell I'm taking your recommendations seriously.
SAO is literally a .hack fanfic the author wrote in high school.
>Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?
Are these authors trying to outdo one another on who can come up with the silliest, longest title?
Machikado Mazoku (directed by the guy who did Cromartie High and Digi Charat)
>Everything else
Everything else
She's in her late 30s
This. Today OP was a faggot.
I've started watching some anime at 2x speed
You nerds should all watch Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? so you can get strong and healthy
I just watch it for the plot
Just skip the parts where they shove generic anime tropes (whores) in your face lmao.
>literally speedwatching
I'm tempted, but only for the sake of jacking off to sweaty anime girls in tight clothes.
>I'm just being ironic
Would have been AOTS
Me, Saturdays and Sundays.
You might consider moving out
No, I mostly read manga. Anime ends up being disappointing 99% of the time because manga simply doesn't translate well into anime.
Light novel adaptions can be okay, sometimes.
>ara ara
say no more
How would being a liberal make you American? Are you actually just retarded.
>Mommy Online
hands fucking down
holy shit i have never been hard watching an anime before but this one actually did it. cant wait for all the fap material to come out
>Dr. Stone
Nah. I was expecting more but so far its boring as fuck.
>Vinland Saga
>Cop Craft
>Kanata no Astra
>To the Sacred Beasts
Decent/Stupid Fun/Guilty Pleasure
>Sounan Desu Ka
>Do You Love Your Mother
>If It's for My Daughter
>Aruburu Kisetsu
>Joushikousei no Mudazukai
>Hentai Demo Suki
>Isekai Cheat Magician
You have problems man. I mean, I'm glad you found something you like, but you should probably seek therapy.
and Tales of
Proto Kiriya was literally a Tales of Character
>Good anime
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san S2 (humor is always on point)
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo you (great character writing, love it)
Cop Craft (seems good so far, could be great as it progresses)
>OK anime
DanMachi S2 (kinda trashy)
Bem (I am opimistic so far...I would not like to see it go episodic or have monster-of-the-week filler episodes, as Magmel did last season before I dropped it)
Kanata no Astra (just a good old fashioned science fiction space drama mystery survival story)
Vinland Saga (I didn't read the manga, but seems good so far)
Kimetsu no Yaiba (if I fast forward past the scenes with the orange screamer, it's still watchable, I just hope that faggot gets written out of the story soon ffs)
>Medicine for my soul
Re Stage Dream Days (I don't usually watch idol anime, but what else is there to heal me this season? they played airsoft this week, it was wonderful)
>Good junk food
Dr. Stone (too edgy, but the premise is decent)
Tejina-sempai (cute, but the humor gets repetitive very quickly)
Maou-sama, Retry (everything about the production and writing is basic, but it ends up being a good self-insert isekai)
Dumbell Nan Kilo Moteru (love this one)
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (there is absolutely nothing special about the writing, but I want to see more of the naked vampire)
Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de 2-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki desu ka (I can see how some people would like the mom as waifu material, but her controlling nature hits way to close to home for me)
>Bad junk food
Uchi no Musume no Tame naraba... (daughter fantasy, fun but unoriginal)
Isekai Cheat Magician (pls no more isekai like this)
Accelerator (one of the few anime that I feel like I've outgrown)
Machikado Mazoku (boring as hell)
Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka (trash)
Joshikousei no Mudazukai (unfunny humor-based anime)
Sounan Desu ka (bleh)
Enen no Shouboutai (this anime unironically separates the manchildren from everyone else)
How does liking pregnant women make me a liberal exactly?
What the hell is your problem even? Can't find a girl to knock up so you're jelly or something?
God I love Okaa-san Online
>Ensemble Stars
Gave my 5 cents today and watched 3 eps.
It's a fucking shit and the characters are horrible. Are they supposed to be idols?
Why do people like boys whose voice sound like their balls are being squeezed?
w-w-what are they doing?
That is a golden idea for a manga, just saying
They're playing a game about mommys bonding with their sons
The following lists did not even mention S2 of Takagi-san:
Hang your heads in shame.
this user is lying it's actually a party respawn system
s-sorry I didn't watch S1 yet but I plan to
Mamako is really annoying. She tries to insert herself into her son's life as a girlfriend, despite her son being at an age where he needs to intermingle with girls of his own age. My mother was exactly the same and now that I'm grown up, I realize how much I missed out on during my adolescence due to always hanging out with my mom and having her control every aspect of my life for me. I managed to leave the state for college so I sort of had an opportunity to grow into my own personality, but it was too late for me to get a proper high school experience. Women like that are wrong for not giving their sons space to be themselves. I finally understand the people who thought OreImo was creepy because they had siblings of the opposite sex.
Vinland Saga
Cop craft
Fire Force
Takagi-San 2
Toaru Kagaku no Akuserarēta
If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord
>Haven’t watched
Everything else
dropped season 1 because it got repetitive.
Actually I forgot about Tejina-Senpai, I’d put that in Good
Vinland Saga
>High potential but for now very good
Dr. Stone
Fire Force
Tejina Senpai
>Irredeemable garbage
Okaasan online
How autistic do you have to be, that it's necessary to watch an anime series where a teenage boy fondles his naked mother's slimy tits and checks out her sexy ass body, in order to realize how creepy brother-sister incest is?
Okaa-san is literal garbage-tier, like a great many others (I'm looking at you KissXSis). They use fanservice to try and make incest into a desirable ideal when everyone knows it's rancid. The only reason shit like this gets a pass is because retarded readers/viewers self-insert as the MC but in their heads they don't see the character playing opposite as being related to them. They just see a hot character and call it good enough, that's how you spot shallow, normalfag, crossboarder scum on Yea Forums.
How can you "forget about" an anime you are watching? Just consult your Summer 19 folder.
If you don't have a sister the idea of having a female roughly your age always around and a solid excuse to interact with her (even physically!) sounds pretty damn hot.
If you don't have a sister and are a loser like most anons there is a solid chance you've never hugged a girl, period.
Incest is a massive fetish. It's as common as footfaggotry if porn statistics are anything to go by.
>Watching Symphogear after G
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Trips of truth!
Somebody please post the SAOChads screencap!
Dr. Stone
Vinland Saga
DanMachi 2
Enen no Shouboutai
Kanata no Astra
Lord El-Melloi II
Arefureta (fuck you Digibro, it's alright)
Kawaikereba Hentai
Takagi-san 2
Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e
Isekai Cheat Magician
Eh, with that squeeky high voice that the motherly child "Mamako" has, she doesn't even feel like a mother. It's really just a weirder older girlfriend that babies the boring protagonist around.
>fuck you Digibro, it's alright
You have to go back.
>pls normalize my degeneracy
"Common" means diddly on the internet where items of interest propagate exponentially and often inorganically.
>Three-Episode Rule
>lists anime with 2 episodes
Of the ones I've seen so far
Vinland Saga
Sounan desu ka?
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo
Dr. Stone
Tejina Senpai
Conte all Starlight
Ensemble Stars
>To check
Everything else
I guess you misinterpreted my post or maybe I wasn't clear? I didn't say anything is "creepy." I said that I understand other people saying that because of how I relate to this anime. A controlling mother inserting herself into her adolescent son's life is WRONG, as in morally wrong and doing a tremendous disservice to a child who is basically her captive at that age.
The mother's job is to take a baby boy and turn it into a functional, well-rounded 18 year old young man who can go out into the world, support himself and have his own life free of his parents because he wants to be a parent himself. So when the mother inserts herself into her son's life at age 14 as the main person that her son will be going out to dinner with in the evenings, as well as anything he does on the weekends, what she's doing is depriving him of precious few opportunities for him to socialize with young people of his own age outside of school.
At least that's what happened to me and a few features of the characters from this anime remind me of my childhood, which I resent. What I'm saying is that when somebody says they are overcome with negative emotions from OreImo, I can understand that, whatever they call it, since I feel really uncomfortable watching this anime for personal reasons.
Don't get me wrong, I can totally see how she's great waifu material at any age. It's just the character set up, and the fact that what she's doing to her son is wrong, which bothers me.
Let me guess, Jews manufacturing statistics to encourage people without an incest fetish to acquire and incest fetish and stop the glorious aryan race from reproducing.
Third episode was shit
>My mother was exactly the same and now that I'm grown up
Thank you for validating that there are actual mothers in real life that act like this. I can now consider my disbelief suspended.
It has to be Jews? What's stopping degenerates of other ethnic backgrounds from doing it? It's inherently immoral across the planet.
>directed by the guy who did Cromartie High and Digi Charat
No wonder it's so good.
Because Jews own the porn sites making the statistics, dum-dum. Besides, I don't get your point. People are clearly consuming that shit in large numbers. That makes it organic, unless you are saying that random pajeets are working to artificially inflate view statistics of brother-sister porn to nerfarious ends.
Depends on who you ask. If you ask a white person, yeah it's the Jews. If you ask blacks, it's WYPIPO, if you ask asians, it's probably fucking china, if you ask china, it's the west, if you ask jews, it's nazis.
Just people in-general with an agenda to spread tolerance for degeneracy.
>Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (there is absolutely nothing special about the writing, but I want to see more of the naked vampire)
It's strange. I should've dropped this blatant edgy power fantasy by now. But it's a fascinating (if cringeworthy) look into what I thought was badass as a teenager. Now I can't put it down.
If you ask me, it's gotta be me.
Preggo mom edit makes her look like the chick from the porn game Tentacles Thrive.
Tejina Senpai
Case Files
Vinland Saga
DanMachi 2
Kanata no Astra
Machikado Mazoku
Mommy Online
Toaru Accel
Dr. Stone
Are You Lost
Takagi-san 2
Cop Craft
Cheat Magician
Fire Force
Conte Starlight
How much of a faggot are you
>Mommy Online
Fucking retard. That thing is fucking shit.
>Dr. Stone
Holy fuck I bet you are like 13.