Chainsaw Man

I have a long time without reading a shonen, but I am curious, what makes this special?

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If you don't get it by the end of chapter one you aren't going to get it at all.

the MC is a legitimate dumb ass, not secretly a genius 100% dummy

as with most edgy shit that kids like, characters die

Having deaths doesn't make things edgy

It's a gag manga masquerading as a battle shonen. It doesn't take itself too seriously, but doesn't edge the line of self-parody like others do.

The play he made in the last chapter was kinda smart

Similar to how Fujimoto's previous work, Fire Punch, basically kept sideswiping various popular plot points and structures in revenge-centric seinen stories, Chainsawman does similar sidewipes with facets found in Battle Shounen.

I enjoy how the main character being stupid is portrayed as kind of pitiable.

VIZ devil where

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Anime when?

For me it's simply cool. I love the designs and the world Fujimoto built. I hope it doesn't scale up horribly over time like most shonens do.

What are you even trying to say?

Fujimoto makes subversive wank but it's really entertaining in its subversion because instead of trying to be pretentious it just becomes consistently stupider without any attempts at pretending it's not fucking stupid.

It's not very good, even by shonen standards. But it has sex and violence so it's sure to be a hit with the Yea Forums mouthbreathers.
A big downgrade from Fire Punch, which is to be expected.

It's funny and fast.

>it has sex


When put in that context, it means it contains sexual scenes, not necessarily penis in vagina.
Also it's not as if I dislike having sexual themes in manga, it's just that it's pretty clumsily done in Chainsaw Man.

It was well liked before anyone died. It's just a funny manga with likeable characters and really goofy but enjoyable action sequences. It's nothing revolutionary, it's just highly enjoyable.

How so?

It's like a sitcom.

How so?

Replace the characters with american down on their luck friends trying to make it big in the city and Chainsaw Man is a sitcom with shonen stuff.

Smartest girl ever.

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Not without glasses

>Denji calls Power "Powy" in the VIZ translation
P-Power endgame confirmed?

Most likely because of her cat Meowy.


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that makes no sense

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The only reason of why they should be together if so they can't bother the decent people.

Wait a minute. Why are her tits back?

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Makima only.

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pads for extra protection

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Of course. Power is the brains of the duo.

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Her tits are bloodsacs. They grow as she generates blood and shrink when she's drained of blood.

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A fucking shit devil

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The weak

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the future rules this time

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What's it like to live next to these two slacker devils?

see you next week. have an ooc Aki

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blurry as of this chapter

You see ooc Aki, I see the crumbling dreams of Himeno.

The future sucks fag.

Is this a reference to the world tree from the end of Fire Punch?

>Smiling Aki

I want ;_;

>future devil
>half of life span
>literary loosing senses
They are doing everything they can to make him quit voluntary aren't they?

Those things won't scare the Aki away, you have to offer him years of life. Now that's scary.

Shock value + weird cast. That's it.

The plot sucks, the art is lazy and the pacing is terrible for a weekly format.

I know he won't back down, but this is like some ironic punishment for refusing to quit.

the joke earlier was that it must like suffering. and since he always suffers it'd make him immortal to ensure he lives with his mistakes and suffers forever.

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I want to see that happening, he won’t care if it’s something else.

Those are the contracts for the other people, it seems to me that the only reason they mentioned how harsh they are it's to make the impact of Mirai being retarded bigger. Aki will probably get away with stupid shit which will still cause annoyance and suffering anyway

Oldschool edgy shonen.

This. Power is the perfect foil for Denji - Mensa level IQ to pair with his sub 50 IQ.

I guess, but asking someone with no future to make a contract with the future devil and mentioned to someone who has 2 years left that in theory he could half it seems like something deliberate to make him quit

So a lot of the devils real bodies seem to be roughly humanoid in shape.

I wonder if the Snake devil and Fox devil's physical forms are humanoid as well rather than the giant spirit forms that are summoned.


which do you like better?


in order: the best>rules>best

This week Fujimoto admits why he only ever talks about food.

Is this by the Jigokuraku author?

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totally radical mirai-kun~

I prefer "Future [the name of the Devil] is the best!" but "The future rules!" ain't half bad at all.

I bet he will be useless as fuck and just freeload at Aki's house

Relation between Male/female MC. It is cute,

No, but the Jigokuraku writer was Fujimoto's assistant on Fire Punch so they have a similar mindset.

'The Future is Best' carries some subtly sinister implications that the other two kind of lose in my opinion.

>main character genuinely feels like a teenager
>MC is also a self-centered dumbass which feels refreshing. the author doesn't try to make him moral
>some good action
>violence without melodrama, there's maybe two or three serious bits in the manga so far and they were well done
>likeable characters

Well that's what drew me in at least

>inb4 Gun Devil was merely fighting full power Pochita when he nuked cities around the world and it was just a collaterial damage
How would Aki react if he will learn that Denji's heart is responsible for his family's death?

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Its just overall fun.
Its not generic, it has its hard hitting emotional moments, its knows how to give just enough info to make you want to know more, the paneling is fantastic, and it is very funny.

>series end with Aki fucking murdering Denji.

I won't even be mad.

Somebody needs to fix the hair in this pic

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I meant the artwork you posted, the style is similar so I assume it's by him.

More Kobeni when?

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It's a formularic shonen but fresh in all aspects.

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In that case I agree, it looks very much like his style.

>replace everything with something else and it becomes another thing


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>It's a formularic shonen

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It's a comfy manga that appeals to oldfags and the likes. Zoomers would just call it edgy shit because they're literal retards.

>demon possessing a corpse
>corpse still needs to shit

I don't get it.

still eating and drinking to maintain the host