Post anime that should've had only 1 season

Post anime that should've had only 1 season.

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yep, season 1 is so boring compared to season 2

It's just that S2 was so different from S1, that's all.
Shame we probably won't see the conclusion animated.


does it matter? the conclusion is bad and unsatisfactory.

unironically this. I've seen everything and the only ones worth watching are bake and kizu. it just gets boring and the girls get worse the more you watch.

>it's a Houki episode

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Jojo no kimyō na bōken~ UwU

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How is it bad and unsatisfactory?

Darker than black

>Dosen't even know how it ends
>It's bad because I say so
This guy

>Dosen't even know how it ends
Maybe he read the manga.

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This. S1 was good. S2 was bad and S3 was atrocious

This decade means everything from 2010 till 2019 you dumb fucking retards.

>Maybe he read the manga.
The manga isn't even finished yet, genius.
Nor is the current arc.

It ended nearly 7 years ago, user.

Oh, sorry. Traced it back to the wrong post. Carry on then.

It's okay, I forgive you.

FUCK OFF One Punch Man season 2 is just fine
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blame the manga then