I'm hungry for some cake

I'm hungry for some cake

Attached: 1543733503677.jpg (675x1000, 125K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Rum cake

Attached: Sir Francis Drake.jpg (1440x810, 127K)

Attached: drake 2.jpg (1600x1954, 1.51M)

is this considered good design for fate watchers?

Is there something wrong with it?

Attached: drake 9.jpg (1647x3102, 1004K)

imagine kaede gf

Attached: 75010689_p0.jpg (1351x955, 1.2M)

Francis drake was a guy, didn't have a scar, and wore a giant cross

Good thing that isnt really francis drake


Attached: drake 127.png (1100x1100, 1.45M)

then why call it francis drake?

its implied in Extra that Drake is actually Queen Elizabeth who got a scar and traded places since she couldn't go out in public anymore

me too

Attached: GoodEats.jpg (246x300, 12K)

fuck the queen, if you catch my drift

Attached: D54JnkTVUAA0NVQ.jpg (752x1062, 112K)

I don't get it

Attached: drake 103.jpg (595x842, 418K)

At what age do you have to be where are they are no longer cakes and just normal women for you?


What does it mean when a cake does this?

Attached: Cake safeday.png (847x1200, 289K)

Blessed thread

Attached: 505.gif (350x197, 2.78M)

>this is an un-marriageable woman in Japan

Attached: 0020-001[1].jpg (832x1200, 170K)

Attached: drake 162.jpg (764x1080, 136K)

That's even more retarded.

Attached: drake 152.jpg (1056x1512, 177K)

she clearly wants some children so she can ruin your entire life for money

But she's the boss

Attached: 28[1].png (1114x1600, 955K)

Frumpy cakes, you say?

Attached: 1560559570322.jpg (1000x1000, 80K)

Cakes in uniforms make my dick hurt

Attached: DpZ6BtyVAAAembT.jpg (1200x876, 134K)

Attached: 1492936004976.png (1059x1200, 690K)

it's her own fucking fault

I love me some fresh cake.

Attached: 1558612863251.jpg (858x1200, 109K)

That sounds too good to be true

Attached: 1558567984164.jpg (673x960, 88K)

Attached: drake 74.jpg (750x900, 113K)

>get fit
>learn japanese
>go to Japan
>travel country
>go to bars, meet cakes
>bang cakes
>keep traveling

the plan in the universe.

Big, fat, milky cake tits.

Attached: 1563203505516.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

A Miyu is fine too.

Attached: 72337692_p2.png (752x1062, 480K)

>get fit
>learn japanese
>be poor
>cant travel

Titfuck her and aim for the beauty mark

Attached: 1563206680069.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

I want to lick her tit sweat so bad.

Attached: 1563199308595.jpg (1920x1080, 341K)

I wonder what paizuri from a cake is like

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Attached: Mia_Fey_Portrait.png (759x1032, 566K)

Attached: 37.jpg (4511x3003, 1.64M)

this is literally my dream. god, i would sell my soul just to have someone take care of me

Attached: 5418c637123dbd4b9da403cae1a45763.png (1280x1380, 1.3M)

>be typical fag well on the way to wizardhood
>at the 11th hour meet sexy asian cake gf
>make up for all the lost time, have sex all the time and all that stuff.

just a reminder lads, anything can happen.

Attached: 1560956745866.jpg (940x1329, 345K)

Attached: static-assets-upload3699778756747148189.jpg (754x723, 52K)

Must be really depressing for the one on the right to stand next to her.

She's gotten used to it

Attached: 6 (2).jpg (2135x1600, 494K)

Attached: drake 23.jpg (1204x850, 130K)

Why is girls pouring stuff on their tits so hot?


There you go.


>JET program requirements
>Bachelor’s degree
>TEFL certification considered a strong asset
>Interest in Japanese culture (you will be considered a cultural ambassador)

Only because the one on the right can't cut through ten inches of steel with a single swing, have her hair turn a silver, eyes red, and be able to move like an acrobat with those massive titties.

Attached: sasaki_heavy_industries.jpg (800x1014, 203K)

Because you're thirsty

Attached: drake 146.jpg (827x1169, 166K)

Cake feet are the best!

Attached: 1502934311355.jpg (700x991, 132K)

this looks way too complicated for my taste. ill pass

>sir Francis Cake

Attached: Sensei.webm (960x540, 2.36M)

I've tried that and it turns out I'm a loser sperg no matter what hemisphere I'm in. Oh well.

Attached: 1551538239686.png (830x527, 335K)

What if you acheive those goals, but don't land even a single cake?

thats an ista boner if someone did that to me

Attached: shiningboner.gif (400x304, 2.44M)

Okay but where does one meet these
>sexy asian cake gf
And don't say a bar, club, school, or convention because none of that applies to me.

>tfw work for Japanese corporation
>expect to meet a bunch of cakes
>it's just salarymen who smoke all the time
>the only women ever hired are ugly/old hambeasts

Tell us more man. Are the people at least interesting?

Attached: 1556497429308.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

i bet she's weak to anal

Attached: Izumi 7.jpg (1440x1473, 162K)

I'd rather a loli cake myself.

Attached: 1509323762803.jpg (1920x3202, 2.99M)


Just be a little boy around cakes.

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Attached: 1 (1).jpg (1136x1600, 477K)

The Japs are almost all really polite and nice even if the situation is not so great. I'm hoping I'll get sent to Japan to visit but our department never has any reason to go to the headquarters location.


Attached: drake 78.jpg (768x1024, 183K)


>bro just de-age 15 years lol

Heroic cake.

Attached: pixie2.jpg (1250x1743, 398K)

Attached: Mount Lady 2.jpg (840x1186, 650K)

Attached: cakes.jpg (935x504, 133K)

Attached: cakexpiry.jpg (1024x1200, 257K)

Mt Lady is only 24.

But if we both had jobs we could afford a lot.

Attached: cake delusions.jpg (1128x1600, 236K)

But not the time to take care of your children.

Attached: 1538315292790.jpg (1440x810, 148K)

>what is daycare

A terribly inadequate substitute for parenting. If it wasn't for all business and political powers that be doing all they can to squeeze as much labor and productivity out of the populace it would be considered child abuse.

By all research the general psychological profiles and mental issues of children in daycare resemble orphans and victims of abusive neglect more so than children with proper parents.

Man I wanna shove my face into a thick, puffy cake. Delicious cake.

Attached: D_-TfT2UcAEM9fV.jpg (850x1200, 160K)

I was in daycare as a kid and turned out fine

Did you forget where you were posting?

>just like in my Chinese comic books
I hate you

Attached: c13.png (755x1077, 548K)

By all evidence (being on Yea Forums and being invested in the merits of animated older women) you didn't.

But hey maybe 2D daycares are good.

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I fell for the /ss/ meme. What are some good recommendations so that i can get out of it

Why do you need to get out?

Because it's too much

Too much..... or too little?


Attached: D-spgVVUIAERf97.jpg (1352x629, 109K)

>tfw Kyoani is dead
i really wanted a MILF/Cake SOL show from Kyoani

Attached: Sawako.jpg (1225x689, 101K)

The only good character from that shit show

Is deku fucking the fire/ice guy in the bottom of the image?

Can someone explain the giant fetish to me? I'm not hating on it, but I'm curious and just want to understand it.

Attached: D44nqMUU8AMCVH4.jpg (848x1199, 97K)

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This feels like the type of woman I would date.

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Attached: DuTG3e1U0AA4_Zw.jpg (1200x1200, 159K)

Name of artist?

Takizawa-san is made for paizuri

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Attached: 001 (1).png (976x1386, 180K)

Attached: 002.png (976x1386, 187K)

More like hand holding and mating press.

Attached: 5.png (850x1200, 999K)

Attached: 2 (10).jpg (976x1386, 167K)

Attached: 2[1].jpg (1280x1808, 485K)

Cake Mayuri

Attached: Mayuri.png (600x848, 484K)

Based. I not only beat my dick into the ground, but I went to bed feeling love in my kokoro that night.

Damegane really needs their own manga. So many sexy women.

Attached: __original_drawn_by_damegane__a975401cdfec0626674afdfb71f10c92.jpg (1125x1650, 118K)

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Also the author is female

Attached: 56[1].jpg (1280x1808, 176K)

Yeah while hot in 2d this looks disgusting in 3d. What a shame

Mothers should protectt their sons against predatory hunger cakes

Attached: 1562469784356.jpg (1280x720, 235K)


Attached: 1553016552902.jpg (870x1233, 291K)

>Chapter 2
I was not aware of this, be right back.

Please continue supporting the lovely idols in their manga ("Cinderella Girls: After20").

Attached: x21.jpg (960x1364, 282K)

>ywn be a shota hunting busty cake

Attached: 2017851501917467652_214.jpg (790x416, 52K)

>posting reddit frogs
Your kind aren't welcome here.

Dumb frog poster

My dick would enter that in 1 second.

God meme50 can draw some good shit if he isn't busy drawing vomit, scat or traps.

Mammoth tiddies for BSC(big shota cock)

And would probably go limp half of that time.

Attached: DiyKRMmVsAA2U57.jpg (644x910, 130K)

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Attached: DoYCBG5UYAAjy3k.jpg (915x1200, 156K)

It's shit

Attached: DgWNstMVQAE5IpR.jpg (858x1200, 143K)

Paizuri invitation and clothed paizuri does things to me....

She'd be bred so fast she doesn't even know what happend.

Attached: DlbKhYdU8AEyml9.jpg (848x1200, 151K)

Black coffee, more so instant office black coffee, is rotten drek. You need cream or at least milk to salvage it.

Attached: 1537722772725.jpg (700x989, 154K)

cake idols getting bullied for their age

Attached: Irene's Age.webm (1920x1080, 2.1M)

Cake succubus.

Attached: Mommy_succ.png (552x520, 373K)

Attached: 1548692745886.jpg (740x1020, 356K)

Does anyone have some good cake OTP manga?
In return I give pic related.

Attached: Shounen, Chotto Sabotteko_ - Ch.7 - Won't you ride_ - 2.jpg (1125x1600, 1.13M)

Her other outfit is god tier

Attached: C962D030-2453-4DB8-9A68-8EAB9281FA9B.jpg (1604x2287, 633K)

Pirate Baiken

Attached: 1503051675314.jpg (1866x1400, 563K)

Dubs of truth

Attached: IMG_20190721_185705.jpg (1280x1038, 576K)

Too fat.


I want her.