What will Bejita learn on Yardrat?
Dragon Ball Super
Enter CHADren.
Based fellow Jirenscholers
Anything other than another ki spam I hope. Vegeta is so one dimensional compared to goku and despite keeping close parity it always seems like Vegeta is far behind goku.
Goku can teleport, do evil containment wave, telepathy, and other kinds of arcane shit. What can Vegeta do? He can't even manipulate his galick gun to chase his opponents
I'm Norwegian so sadly my English isn't the best when it comes to spelling.
Extremely based HUMBLErenbro.
BASED humble ESLrenbro owning up to his mistakes, unlike a certain other group of predominantly latin american and arab characterfags.
Bros, I...I just found this online. What...what does this mean...?
Can this thread get any more based?
"But what IS a scholar???" the simple-minded as-yet-unenlightened souls that populate these threads ask, their eyes widening to the size of half-dollars in their lack of understanding. Fear not, poor souls, I shall inform you. We Jirenscholars are known for our benevolence.
What is a scholar? The first reply that must be given is: He is a scholar whose whole inward intellectual and moral being has been symmetrically unfolded, disciplined and strengthened under the influence of truth. The different mental activities will always be exercised rightly when the proper equilibrium is preserved. No one faculty should be drawn out to the neglect of others. The whole inner man should be unfolded harmoniously.
HumbleREN bro
Further, to be a scholar involves more than mere learning. He may know much about very many things and yet know little or nothing right. Knowledge without system or order is of no more service than useless lumber. A genuine scholar possesses something more: he penetrates and understands the principle and laws of the particular department of human knowledge with which he professes acquaintance. He imbibes the life of Science. To know only one thing as it ought to be known constitutes a man more of a scholar than to know many things simply by rote. The man of one idea may be an object of ridicule, yet if his one idea is apprehended in its proper life and power, he is of far more account than if he had collected a number of notions, all jumbled together in his mind confusedly. The knowledge of a scholar becomes a part of himself; and does not hang around his soul like a broad-cloth coat about his shoulders. Yielding himself to the plastic power of truth, as such, his mind is transfused and moulded by its energy and spirit.
> You're country
> You're favorite character
Argentina (I'm white pic related)
Gohan nino
>Shitrenfag going absolutely batshit fucking insane and samefagging harder than I've ever seen
What happened last thread
> Pic related
Spic* related
His mind broke.
>7 individual IPs of Jirenbros
> Seething Doglyfag is broken
It's over. We won.
Oh ho ho ho ho I bet you thought that was clever didn't you? You fucking faggot retard. Kill yourself.
>what is phoneposting and dynamic IP addresses
Keep spouting bullshit, you fat, ugly, virgin cocksucker.
You sound upset, may I suggest coping?
Technically speaking, would Gogeta/Vegito be considered Goku & Vegeta's sons?
>what is phoneposting and dynamic IP addresses
The absolute state of coping. It takes several minutes to change your IP address even if you have a dynamic IP. Even up to 20 min in fact.
Keep whimpering, dog.
>For me, it's Jiren. He is focused, and embodies Samurai spirit, much like me.
>What happened last thread
Thanks for proving you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Stop trying to damage control you overweight NEET.
Rent free
>y-y-you don't know what you're talking about
>zero arguments or refutations
That's what I thought. Don't let me catch you shitting up my threads with your samefagging nonsense again, you hear me, boy?
>>zero arguments or refutations
>explains how why it's not possible to samefag as fast as you claim with a dynamic IP
>responds with literally "you don't know what you're talking about"
>accuses me of having zero arguments
Jirenbros, I think he finally broke for good...
What did I just say, kid? You better shut the FUCK up.
>lonely, paranoid Schizoly can't comprehend the power of legion Jirenbros' friendship
>the white spots are his pupils
>samefagging from his PC and phone
This is pathetic.
Based, thank you.
You got me... I concede
I think Jirenscholars ARE actually scholars, I didn't understand a fucking word of this
Good pup.
>seven posters out of the dozens who post in these generals
>everyone else hates them and wants them to quit spamming our threads
Even as a Jirenchad, I can't help it to feel humbled at the towering intellects of my fellow Jirenscientists. Will I ever reach such abstract levels of intelligence, even under the guidance of the Gray Church?
>This is the only being in the multiverse that Jiren fears
Say something nice about him.
He has a beautiful conical head.
checks out
Vegeta will learn some lame barrier that protect him from the SUCC but is otherwise useless for combat
>incomprehensible ESL babble
> I mean Broly, sorry
>poo-in-the-loo shit-bather casting aspersions on anyone else
>>responds with literally "you don't know what you're talking about"
What a coincidence. That's exactly what the anti-Jiren tacos mean by saying "argument from ignorance". Too bad that's not even remotely what it means. Sad.
Fucking kek
rent free
France (Alsace)
>literally no one mentioned Jiren
Are you okay, Indiashitter? Actually I don't give a shit if you're okay or not. Fix my computer.
Thank you humble jiren follower
I used jiren because he's my favorite character. and rent free because of your ignorance about my country being so high, that it borders on autism.
May god show you a brighter path to deal with those problems :)
>incomprehensible ESL babble
>No, it's Jiren.
>In this moment, I am Euphoric, not because a gay ayy with a Batman backstory in a Chinese cartoon helped me reach intellectual enlightenment. For srs.
>Stop laughing.
>Keklyfag is schizophrenic
>Jirenlard is a poo-in-loo
>manga further confirmed that SS GODly was impossible to defeat by the likes of notSSBKKx20 Goku and notSSBE Vegeta combined
And to think I actually believed that Goku and Vegeta held back their full power before the fusion dance...I'm sorry CHADlybros, it won't happen again...full power GODly was probably reaching Zenos level and only a Zalama tier foe could take him on...
You will cope, and you will cope now.
>incomprehensible ESL babble
What horrible things will we learn about our other posters, I wonder?
Schizo sameSHITrenfag still at it? KEK
>no arguments
Dogposter is an Argentinian spic who works in a dog pound and literally spends his day condescending to dogs while they cower in their cages
Based Chad !!!
>manga also confirms that Broly is unable to scrape Goku and Vegeta
I don't know what that is, so I hope you'll forgive my ignorance. Please do let me know which part of a simple english sentence you couldn't understand
>poo in loo
Ah! you got me. I suppose even Jiren fags need to throw in the towel. You got me good
>humble aryan Norwegians
We learn a lot of great things as well.
I lost again what the fuck?
>more proof he can't comprehend English
Remember how good the last thread was for the first half? It's precisely why this thread is so shit.
And you're the most powerful Brolybro here...
It's alright, fellow DBchad.
Instant Shit Thread: Just Add Jirentards.
Why is he so relevant and popular?
It's to be expected, Jirenbro.
Hunterphilosophers have that effect on Dragon's Balls Virgins, don't feel too bad about it.
Vegeta can make the main villain of the arc look strong by losing to them. That's an incredible power.
>good movie
>good animation
>popular beforehand
>solid supporting cast
>no boring multiverse bullshit or asspull forms
Pick your poison.
Finally, our time has come, bros
At this point it is clear that Vegeta will be the main protagonist and will defeat Moro
Do you guys actually like Moro?
>From a white country
Why am i not suprised
Toyo likes Bejita, doesn't he? Perhaps he'll actually give Veggie a win.
Wait, Goku can do telepathy?
Cope, fucking dog, cope.
No, YOU fucking cope, maggot.
He is based. I like how he's pretty much pure evil, but at the same time is kind of matter-of-fact about things, polite, doesn't gloat excessively or sperg out, and seems to be a benevolent boss to his followers.
In other words he's a pragmatic and down-to-earth chap who just happens to like eating planets
He's a solid villain with an interesting design and unique moveset, and I'm enjoying the space exploration angle of this arc.
It's also nice to have a truly evil villain back. I liked manga-Jiren and Broly, but they weren't evil.
No no no... YOU FUCKING cope, worm.
Negative. YOU cope, you fucking incel.
How to job properly
>you are using dynamic IPs even though you dont know how to use dynamic IPs
>seems to be a benevolent boss to his followers.
Imagine actually believing this.